f \ . . \ 8 Cbe Conservative * ployed to furnish support and susteu- mice to the unemployed. The problem is a serious one. We have 10,000,000 or 12,000,000 of unskilled colored laborers south of Mason and Dixon's line , and wo find the governor of a great Northern state threatening to stand at its borders with Gatling guns and 8hoot down those laborers if they attempt to enter to compete with its white laborers , and this in the face of the constitutional provision that "the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the separate states. " Are we likely to aid in solving this problem by bring ing into our national life 10,000,000 or 12,000,000 of unskilled Malny laborers ? We have shut the doors against the Chinese. Are they any worse than the Malay ? Shall wo introduce in this na tion more cheap labor ? For labor is cheap where the cost of living is cheap , and the Malay needs but a little rice within his body and a little cotton cloth outside , and a very little rice and a very little cloth is sufficient. I do not won der at the action of the Federation of Labor in protesting against a new com petition of cheap labor as well as an in crease of the army , with its consequent increase of burden and taxation on the employed laborer. There is a frequent expression of the thought that 'this proposed expansion will fill the mind of the nation with new problems and new questions , and there fore , turn its attention away from the problems and troubles which now em barrass us. I concede it , and if turning attention away from these interior prob lems would solve them it were well , but I am sure it will not bring solution. Giving liquor to a man may for the time being cause him to forget his trou bles , but it does not end them , and when the period of intoxication is over the troubles reappear , and generally with added force. Wo cannot-escape these difficult problems of our internal life by looking out ou the distant world. They are here and must be met and solved by patient , faithful , earnest attention. We cannot get away from them. We must overcome them. We may post pone , but we only add to the diffi culties thereby. But there is money in it. And after all this is really the most potent factor in the proposed reaching out after the islands of the Orient. The wealth of Ormus and of Tnd is today as in the days of Milton the expectation and the dream of many. Possession of the Ori ent , with its accumulated wealth ol centuries , dazzles the imagination nut confuses the judgment. The haze oi mystery hangs over that vast domain. Wealth untold is believed to bo there ready to bo appropriated by any domi nant power. All the nations and tribes come within Lord Salisbury's definition of dying nations , and must soon be di vided between and appropriated by the iviug and growing nations. China is icld out as a dying nation , filled with inexhaustible wealth , and why should not we share in its appropriation ? What a picture this is ! The eagle of liberty standing like a buzzard to grow fat over an expected corpse. When a Washiug- : ou doctor of divinity the other day in conversation with the Chinese minister , in reference to the possession taken by Germany of part of her territory , said that it seemed to him that Russia and England were likely to follow the same example and appropriate some Chinese territory , the sarcastic reply was , "Yes , that is the way Christian nations do. " This matter of wealth has two sides to it. The poet says : 1 111 fan > s tlio land to hastening ills n prey Whore wealth accumulates and men decay. " [ t is not true that a mere increase of wealth foreshadows ruin and decay. It is not the possession of riches but the way in which they are accumulated that makes the menace. We have exported from this country in the last year $1,200,000,000 worth of our products. They were the fruit of our toil of hand and brain , and the increased wealth which flows into the land as a reward for such toil carries with it no menace , but the wealth which comes without an equivalent in toil of hand or brain is the wealth which threatens. Who is in jured by money ? Not the one that ears it day by day , dollar by dollar , and saves until he accumulates a fortune , but he who by the chance discovery of a mine , or an accidental speculation in stocks , finds himself changed from pov erty to sudden wealth ; and that which is true of the individual is true of the nation. Whatever it accumulates by honest toil is not a curse. Whatever it obtains without giving value may be fruitful of injury. Exchanging bright colored but cheap calicoes for furs and jewels may rapidly pile up wealth , but such wealth is more apt to curse than to bless. The idea of the nation going into the midst of races and people where things of value have been heaped up during the centuries , and are possessed by those ignorant of their value , and appropriat ing those things , either by force or in exchange for cheap trinkets and gew gaws , is one filled with danger. The Cajsars saw the spears of their victorious legions flash in the sunlight of every known laud , and in their triumphant return they brought with him the ac cumulated wealth of all the nations they had subdued. The splendor of imperial Rome outshone the world , but the wealth thus obtained without value given undermined the empire and the glory of Rome is simply a memory. Napoleon beheld the shining star of des tiny ; and then ? Does human nature change through the centuries ? We stand today facing the temptation which comes from the possibility of rapidly accumulated wealth. What right have we to anticipate that the same result will not follow if wo pursue the same course of taking what wo have not fully earned ? Again , this reaching out to the Orient s an implied repudiation of the Monroe doctrine , and exposes to additional per ils and complications and possible wars with European nations. The scope of that doctrine I have already indicated. We have shouted ourselves hoarse in its Braise and declared our willingness to fight in vindication of its principles if necessary. It declares that we oppose any inter ference by European nations with states on this continent , any appropriation : iere of additional territory by those nations ; in other words , we practically said that the powers of the Eastern Hemisphere must keep off the Western ; that in this continent the problem of government of and by and for the people ple was being worked out , and that any attempt by European nations to take territory and thus introduce or perpetu ate European ideas of government here must be resisted. And this declaration , it must be borne in mind , was not sim ply in reference to the states of this Union , but to all the states and nations on this continent. When we thus for mally'and positively assert that the Eastern nations must keep hands off from this continent , there is an implied promise that we will keep our hands off from the other. It would be absurd to suppose that either this country or other nations understood that declaration to mean you must not come on to this con tinent and take any possessions , but we may come onto your continent and do as we please. The independence of one was a guarantee of the independence of the other. Now , entering the Orient to pos sess it is a repudiation of that doctrine , for the moment we enter there and ap propriate territory , that moment it ceases to become us to insist that Euro pean nations shall keep off from this continent. We cannot either rightfully or successfully pose as a supreme dicta tor of the world. If we ask other na tions to respect the separation of this continent , we must also respect the sep aration of that. Indeed , the forcible taking possession by us of islands in the West Indies or portions of South America , while not inconsistent with the Monroe doctrine , seems a good deal like a slur upon it. When we insist that the problem of government by the people must have free course on this continent it seems hardly consistent to say that no European nation shall in fringe upon that proposition , but we may. Not only will the fact of a departure from the principles of the Monroe doc trine provoke challenge on the part of European nations , but the possession of outlying territories will add to our com plications with such nations. It is a matter of common knowledge that Enr-