4E ; 2 Conservative. A PLEA FOK THK TKOTKCTIOX OF OUK lllltUS. [ By Prof. Lawrence Bruncr , University of Ne braska ] . The fact tlmt insect depredations arc increasing in extent each succeeding year makes it plain to us that something must bo clone to prevent it , and that quickly. Wo have found to our sorrow , that although we are continually mak ing increased efforts to destroy these pests , our efforts avail but little , and the destruction of our crops goes on. What , then , is to be done ? How can we be released from this ever increasing strug gle for existence ? The answer is plain. Heed the ad vice of the naturalist who has made a stud } ' of the life-histories of the various other living creatures in the world about us. Do not condemn what he says with out at least examining into it a little. In his desire for bird protection the naturalist is not prompted by sentiment alone far from it ! Although from the sentimental standpoint solely the friend of birds would have sufficient grounds for making such a request. But if we can not take up the subject of bird protection from , the humane standpoint , if we have no chord of sym pathy or sense of honor remaining , are wo willing to adopt business principles in our dealings with the birds ? It is needless here for mo to state that the insect life about us is numerous and varied. We all know this to be too true. Nearly , if not quitn , nine-tenths of all animal forms belong hero , while the individuals of many kinds are incal culable. We know also that their powers of reproduction are simply won derful , being limited only by the amount of food available , etc. Now the disproportionate number of birds , on the other hand , with their "universal distribution , the remarkable locomotive power which enables them readily to escape unfavorable conditions , and their higher rate of life , requiring for their maintenance an amount of food rela tively enormous , " give to them , a signif icance which few seem ever to have realized. Briefly told , the economic relation of birds to man lies in the services which they render in checking the undue in crease of insects , the devouring of small rodents , in destroying the seeds of nox ious weeds , and by acting as scavengers on land and water. Those who have studied the subject carefully have estimated that a loss of nearly $400,000,000 is sustained annually by the cultivators of the soil from insect ravages in the United States and Canada. This does not in clude the damage done to ornamental shrubbery , shade and forest trees , nor to the grasses growing on our prairies. ' 'But if insects are the natural enemies of vegetation , birds are the natural ene mies of insects. " "In the air swallows and swifts are coursing rapidly to and fro , over in pur suit of the insects which constitute their sole food. When they retire , the nighthawks - hawks and will take whip-poor-wills up the chase , catching moths and other nocturnal insects which would escape day-flying birds. Fly-catchers lie in wait , darting from ambush at passing prey , and with a suggestive click of the bill returning to their post. The warblers , light , active creatures , flutter about the terminal foliage , and with al most the skill of a humming-bird , pick insects from , the leaf or blossom. The The vireos patiently explore the under sides of leaves and odd nooks and cor ners to see that no skulker escapes. The woodpeckers , nuthatches , and creepers attend to the trunks and limbs , examin ing carefully each inch of bark for in sects' eggs and larvae , or excavating for the ants and borers they hear within. On the ground the hunt is continued by the thrushes , sparrows , and other birds that feed upon the innumerable forms of terrestrial insects. Few places in which insects exist are neglected ; even some species which pass their earlier stages or entire lives in the water are preyed upon by aquatic birds. " * In nearly every cose where the food habits of our birds have been carefully studied , do we find that the good done far exceeds the possible harm that might bo inflicted by our birds. Allowing twenty-five insects per day as an aver age diet for each individual bird , and estimating that we have about one and one-half birds to the acre , or in round numbers 75,000,000 birds in Nebraska , there would be required 1,875,000,000 insects for each day's rations. Again , estimating the number of in sects required to fill a bushel at 120,000 , it would take 15,025 bushels of insects to feed our birds for a single day , 937,500 bushels for CO days or 2,848,750 bushels for 150 days. These estimates are very low when wo take into consideration the numbers of insects that various of our birds have been known to destroy in a single day. For example the stomachs achs of four chickadees contained 1,028 eggs of cankerworms. Four others con tained about COO eggs and 105 mature females of the same insect. The stomach ach of a single quail contained 101 potato tate beetles ; and that of another up wards of 500 chinch-bugs. A yellow- billed cuckoo shot at six o'clock in the morning contained forty-three tent caterpillars. A robin had eaten 175 larvae of Kibio , which feed on the roots of grasses , etc. , etc. Birds , like all other animals , feed upon that food which is most readily obtained , hence the insectivorous Muds "Chapman in "Bird Life. " destroy those insects which are most numerous the injurious species. Estimating that there is a single grass hopper , katydid , or cricket to each squarn yard of surface , it would require at least C50,000 bushels of these insects to cover the state. Not taking into account any of the myriads of other insect forms nor the rapid rate of repro duction which is going on among them , these alone would bo nearly one-third enough insect food for our birds during the year. This being true it is plain that at least twice as many birds could find the proper insect food in our state each year. A perusal of the various works that have been written on the economic re lations of birds to man will support the statement that , if we were deprived of the services of birds , the earth would soon become uninhabitable. In addition to the actual good that birds do as recorded above in the de struction of noxious insects , many of them are engaged for at least one-half of thn year in hunting out and devour ing the seeds of various weeds and other , to us , useless plants. Such is the mission of the various sparrows , snow birds , finches , and long-spurs which often occupy our fields in flocks of thousands during the winter mouths. If , after ascertaining such truths as the above regarding birds , wo continue to slaughter them , it is not dxio to thoughtlessness on our part. Wo do it wilfully and maliciously. The school boy may thoughtlessly rob a bird's nester or kill a bird or two It is the duty of teacher and parent alike to teach him better , to show him how wrong it is to destroy life uselessly. It is especially their duty to prevent the destruction of birds. If each schoolboy in the state of Nebraska were to rob a nest of say five bird's eggs , what would be the result ? Yet the making of bird-egg collections is getting to be such a "fad" that , al most every boy enters into it more or less zealously at some time or another. Some single collectors in a single season take 500 or more eggs. This should be stopped. We can study birds and their nests without destroying either. A live bird is more interesting than a dead one. An egg left in a nest where it will in duo time become a live creature is of more interest than an empty egg-shell. We , as citizens of the United States , pride ourselves on being highly civil ized and humane. We are in some di rections , in others not. We also claim to bo intensely practical and business like in everything. Are wo ? If thou art worn and hard besot With Borrows , that thou would'at forget ; If thou would'at read a lesson , that will keep Thy heart from fainting and thy soul from sleep , Go to the woods and hills ! No team Dim the Bweofc look that Nature wears. Longfellow.