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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1899)
Conservative. "Cbc Ouerlatia Cimitcd ONLY MEALS DINING SERVED CAR ALA ROUTE. CARTE. Carries The Government .Fast Mail FROM THE EAST TO THE PACIFIC COAST. San Francisco. Portland. 6O hours to San Francisco. Olllpj 58 hours to Portland. FROM MISSOURI RIVER. No other line ma/ces as QuioJc Time. Runs Every Day in the Year. SUPERBLY EQUIPPED. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS. For Rates , Tickets , Sleeping Car Reservations and full information , call on your nearest Union Pacific Agent or address El. 1 _ . L.O1VI A.X , Qen'l Pass. & Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. N. 8. Harding. , T. .T. Hochstotler. Oldest Insurance Agency In the State. Established 1857. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , Fire Insurance. 711 Central Ave. Nebraska City , Neb. Jc. . CAWLEY BROS. o. c. PRACTICAL PLUMBERS. Steam and Hot Water Fitters. 607 Central Ave. , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. See Us Before Going Elsewhere. The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which THE CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe ; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record , alone of all American newspapers outside New York city , now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe. ROBINSON'S GENEALOGICAL BUREAU. The prevailing sentiment of the present times pertaining to Genealogy , is a happy augury of revival of dormant patriotism and appreciation of the sacrifices and services of our ancestors in the Revolu tionary and siiccceding wars. The condition of membership with the numerous patriotic societies requires more research and time than most per sons possess. To all such , and others , desirous of forming a Family Tree , the services of a Genealogist becomes at once not only convenient but indispen sable. To this end the undersigned , a son of a Revolutionary officer , and mem ber of California Society Sous of Ameri can Revolution , having had much experience , and access to a great variety of Biographical and Genealogical litera ture , oli'ers his services as Genealogist. If persons having records , relics , and information upon these subjects will consult me , it will be appreciated and promptly acknowledged. Correspon dence solicited. Terms reasonable. Very respectfully , JOHN R. ROBIN5ON , Room 195 , Crocker Bld'g. SAN FRANCISCO. Agent for "Spjurr OF 7G. " "The Perfect" Sprayer. "Will spray the orchard as well as the potato patch. Is the Best , the Most Effective , the Lightest , the Simplest , the Cheapest Machine on the Market. Uses the least poison 1 Uses the least water ! Never injures the plants ! Ono pint equal to ten gallons I "Works equally well with dry powder. No Farmer , Gardener , Florist , Fruit Grower , or Poultrrinnn can afford to bo without this machine for one hundred times its cost. For expelling and destroying potato bugs , cabbage , currant , tomato , tobacco and cotton worms , plum curculios , codling moth and canker worms , raspberry , strawberry , pear and rose slugs , striped llea beetle , cucumber and melon beetle , cattle , horse , hog and hen lice , clothes moth , dog fleas. It will also pre vent mildew on grapes , plums , apples , peaches , cherries , berries , cotton , and all kinds of fruit and vegetables , when the proper remedies are applied with this machine. The saving of material with this machine over any other will quickly pay for It many times. A pound of poison in the pocket , a bucket of water in the hand , and a Perfect Sprayer , the farmer can go out ami kill the bugs on a whole Held of potatoes or other crops in one-tenth the time consumed in the old way. For prices and further information address ( mentioning TUB CONSERVATIVE ) ENDS S. HARNDEN , Mich. URPEE'S Seeds Grow and are always the Best that Grow ! as proved by thousands of trials at our famous FORDHOOK IAKMS , the laigest trial grounds in America. America.URPEE'S Farm Annual FREE to all A handsome new book of 176 pages , tells the plain truth about Seeds , im hiding rate Novelties which cannot he ha 1 i-hewheic. Beautiful colored plates nod hundreds of illus trations from nature. Gives practical informa tion of ical value to nil who would raise the choicest Ve etahles and innstheantifnl Flowers. Write a postal card TO-DAY I W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. , Philadelphia