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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1899)
TZbc Conservative * 13 Minnesota , Senator McGowan has in troduced a bill to forbid pooling by rail roads. In Missouri bills have been in troduced to punish ride stealers ; to pun ish by $100 line the removing of waste or packing from journal boxes ; to pun ish by imprisonment in the penitentiary neglect to cancel or properly turn in a ticket , and making it a forgery to make false entries on the books of a corpora tion. N. Y. Railway News. JAV-O A PERFECT DRINK JAV-O is a benefit to all who drink it. It takes the place of Coffee. Cocoa , Chocolate or Tea , and contains all that the human system demands for health and strength. JAV-O is made from Malted Grains Wheat , Barley , Rye , etc. It increases the weight and in vigorates the entire system. It is of the greatest benefit to children and people of weak stomachs. JAV-O has nearly the same taste as Coffee , and most people , after a trial , prefer it to all other bever ages. JAV-O is worth a trial , convince yourselves of its merit and health-giving qualities. iScts. for one-pound package , 25 cts. for two-pound package. Take no substitute. IT LEADS THEM ALL. JAV-O CEREAL COFFEE CO. , BUFFALO , N.Y. QFMT FDFF UNITARIAN LITERATURE. AP- OLIl I ri\LL ply to Box 3 , Milton , Mass- Four Steps w arc all that stand between you . and successful rose growing. , j First you write for the New Guide / to Rose Culture which is sent free. ' It fully describes , accurately pic tures and plainly directs you how to I grow the famous D. d. C. Roses and a thousand other beautiful flowers. Shows you how to take the next 1 step to get mail on their ' , own roots ready to grow and bloom k in pot or garden. Take the first step to-day. A sample of our floral magazine ; ' 'Success ivIUi Flowers. " also scut if requested. THE : DINGEE & , CONARD Co. Wcit Urove , Fa. JOY MORTON & CO. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ARQO STARCH SAL , SODA SALT CEREALS , SODA ASH General Office , Pier INo. 1 , Chicago. Shipping Docks and Soda Factory SnltWorks : O. B. & Q. SLIP I. C. PIER 1 , CHICAGO. WYANDOTTE , MICHIGAN , BELT BY. , C. B. I. & P. SO. CHICAGO. HUTCHINSON , KANSAS. Starch Factory and Cereal Mills , Nebraska City , Neb. H ANDSOnE DESIGN. SPLENDID FINISH OF MATERIAL IS A-i though the price is somewhat less than is charged for work of this grade. Our work has all the up-to-date attachments. Open-head , brass-bushed springs , dust proof self- oiling axles , Bradley shaft shackles , etc. Ask your dealer to show you one of the MONARCH Vehicles. It will speak for itself. Beautiful " Purple and Gold" Cata. logue and name of dealer nearest to you handling our work furnished upon . f-Nf-v .Wholesale application. * - vrManufacturers. . - OHIO. Che Biltmorc forcstrp ScbooL. CONDUCTED BY c. A. SCHENCK : , PH. D. Forester to the Blltmore Estoto. Tlie regular course occupying twelve consecutive months can be entered nt any time of the year and consists of : 1. Practical instruction in the forest , where actual work ( cutting , planting , road making etc. ) is going on. 2. Cfxoretical instruction treating the entire subject of for estry : ( Sylviculture ; Forest Uti lization ; Forest M a n a g oment ; Forest Finance ; Forest Protection ; Forest Politics ; Forest History ; ) Short sketch relative to Fish and Game keeping. 3. Practical Forest Researches. . . . Board to bo secured by the student to suit his own taste , either at one of the numerous hotels or boarding houses at Asheville ( $8.00 to $15.00 per week ) , or at the home of a general foreman of the Biltmore Estate ( $5.00 per week. ) Certns of admission : $200.00 for the entire - tire course of instruction. ftpplications to bo addressed to C. A. SCHENCK , * * > , V- ' * - V BILTMORE , N. C. ' . s * '