m Cbe Conservative * 7 orate mankind ? The Veiled Prophet of Khorassnu undertook that. Bui wo can't govern Asiatics consistently with those principles of liberty that are em bodied as a bill of rights in the first ten amendments to the constitution. Con gress can establish a religion , extend the anti-polygamy act to the aichipelago , or grant an indulgence to Mussulmans and lot them follow the example of Maho met ; it can enact bills of attainder and ex-post-facto laws , mid deprive men of life , liberty , and property without due process of law. The islands will be governed as a crown colony , and the president will bo king of the Philippines. Ho\v long then , will it bo before that immortal ode "Alexander's Feast" will cense to bo simply an imaginary picture of a scene in a long-buried past ? But those who rely on the authority of Mr. Wobbter have failed to heed his prophecy of woo in a speech ngainst expansion and imperialism delivered shortly before the one quoted. He said : "Arbitrary governments may have territories and distant possessions , be cause arbitrary governments mny rule them by different laws and different systems. Russia may rule in the Ukraine and the provinces of the Cau casus mid Knmtchatka by different codes , ordinances , or ukases. "We can do no such thing. They must be of us , jxtrt of us , or else strangers. " The italics are Webster's. The fact that the advocates of annexation claim this gigantic , extra-constitutional power proves that it is their purpose to exer cise it. Jxo. S. MOSUY. . THE CIIAXGKI ) FRONT OF TJIK AVOKLl ) . A good friend of ours and one of the best fellows in the country put an arti cle forth under this heading , and made it the text , whereon the comment of the occasion was the propriety of our absorb ing Hawaii. Since which ho has been continuing the process over East and West Indies and , for aught wo know , the world in general. The "front" has evidently changed in the interest of our enlargement. This is rather an inspiring , if it be not afiomewhat bewildering , thought ; that our old world , whom wo supposed a little fixed in her ways , should at this late date renew her visage , like a wrinkled belle , and appeax * on the stage of being in the fresh role of youth. We like to think of the possibility , for it makes the re sources of existence more capacious , and the future more interesting ; while in stances can bo produced from history , ancient and recent , which seem to bear out the idea. Only wo think it worth while to figure out as well as wo can exactly what the nature of any such change maybe ; and if it refer itself rather to a phase in the general organized habits of mankind than to some geographical graphical or national accident , wo will have learned the more in grasping the character of that change. So far as the practical relations of dif ferent countries are concerned , perhaps the most important factor in their re cent history is the enormous increase of intercourse among them. Means and facilities of transportation havn im mensely multiplied , and commerce with them ; by the same token , commerce more and more readily finds its most profitable channels , and the whole theory of international economics alters of its own accord to suit. The old com mercial barriers grow so absurd that people instinctively quit arguing the matter. The idea of raising revenue by high tariff is simply exploded ; that of any availing protection by it is rapidly going the same wny. Comm rco makes the world one in material intercourse , as our states become one under the con stitution , and at once abolished all such barriers between themselves. It makes less and less difference who oc cupies the toil , among progressive na tions ; the commodities are more and more the same. Now if the world is changing front it would seem to be along such lines as these that wo are to trace the change. Not who shall own but how the trade shall run. "The garment is his that wears it , the world is his that enjoys it. " The writer of this "changed front" has been heard to declare that he did not care to the extent of the briefest expletive whether it were ourselves or England who had Hawaii so the requis ite ends were secured. Putting the act of mere proprietary possession for that of utilization scorns as if the prospector should bag every piece of mineral as he comes to it instead of grasping the whole iu his survey to work as he may find occasion. Some things , like bees , maybe bo ever so productive , but not most com fortable to hold in the hand. * * * The subject of UKSTOKATION. J * ° f of cultivating for ests , is one that has not received much attention in Indiana. In a number of other states its importance is better understood and action has been taken toward increasing the forest area. Nebraska being originally a treeless country , no argument was required to convince land owners of the need of planting trees , mid they have willingly co-operated with the authorities in the work , with the result that thousands of acres of young timber now diversify that state. In Eastern states , notably Now York , the efforts of forestry organ izations have taken the form of protect ing the forest lands yet remaining rather than in planting now trees. Indiana was heavily timbered in its early history and the work of clearing the land for agricultural purposes was great. It was in later years , when the lumber markets opened , that the cutting of the trees became reckless , as is the case in all now countries. Land which would have been bettor loft covered was then de nuded of trees and the consequence was shown in the drying up of streams and the loss of protection to cultivated fields , to say nothing of a lessoning of property values and of general picturesqueness of scenery. There is but one way of remedying the recklessness and lack of foresight of the earlier settlers , and that is by taking care of the forests that now exist and in planting more trees. There has boon little agitation of the matter , and for that reason there is no popular sentiment concerning it , but not a few people have taken thought of it , and the result is a bill before the legislature whose purpose is the encouragement of tree-growing. As an inducement to land owners it offers to all who select any part of their land , not exceeding one-eighth of the total area of the tract , as a permanent forest reservation , a practical exemption of tax upon that acreage. To bo exact , such reservation is designed to bo appraised at $1 per acre. Provisioii is made for a certain number of trees to the acre , for a re planting when any are removed , and for a county record of such reservations. The measure is a step in the right direc tion. It may not become a law because the public is not yet awake to the de sirability of sucli laws , but the time will come when tlieir wisdom is recognized , and if this bill does nothing more it will call attention to the matter and thus serve an educational purpose. Indian apolis Journal. For old people , CLIMATE AND those who can afford SCKNKKY. ford it and who wish to enjoy their declining years in a climate of softness and sunshine , Califor nia certainly possesses great attractions. The temperature around Coronndo and San Diego approximates about 70 ° the year around. The climate during the summer with the sea breezes varies but little from that of the winter. People in Nebraska , Kansas and other western states wishing sea air can reach the Pacific in about the same time as they can the Atlantic and will find just as many attractions and not as much of a crowd. It is only a question of time before the summer travel to the seaside resorts of the Pacific coast will bo fully as great as the winter travel. Few of our people in the Mississippi river valley appreciate how thoroughly cool and comfortable the California resorts are in summer and how many things of historical and other interest are to bo found there. The , Del Monte hotel at Monterey and the Hotel del Coronado at Coronado Beach are probably without superiors auywhoro in the world.