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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1899)
6 t3bc Conservative * sens. " "Wlmt is right and just and hu- nmno is what the same President Wil liam McKinley dcolnrctl to bo his pur pose ; namely : not to commit nets of criminal degression , not to slaughter them by thousands , not to subject them to government by force , not to try to make them vassals , and not to try to put upon them any form of government without the consent of the governed or to attempt to tnx them without repre sentation on their own part. Thn president says , "That treaty now commits the free and enfranchised Filip inos to the guiding hand nnd the liberal izing influences , the generous sympath ies , the uplifting education , not of the American masters , but of their Ameri can emancipators. " Having divested himself of all authority , let him with draw the orders which now stand to the oppression of these people , and then let congress forbid their oppression by armed forces. Let them withdraw our forces as we withdrew them from Mexico ice under similar conditions. Let these people have the same opportunity thnt we gave to the Mexicans after having conquered them , to establish a stable government , in which after several ef forts the Mexicans have been so com pletely successful. Let congress give , ns the president suggests , to the people of the Philippine islands pence and order , afford them every opportunity to prosecute their law ful pursuits , encourage them in thrift and industry , making them feel nnd know that wo are friends. Let con gress do that , and if possible remedy the evil of criminal aggression nnd do nwny with the method of making friends by slaughtering them in thousands , shelling nnd burning their villages without giv ing the women nnd children nn oppor tunity to escape. Truly the American people , acting through its congress , may be trusted nnd thnt trust will not by congress bo betrnyed. What stands in the way of enabling the people of these islands through their chosen lenders of proved ability nnd patriotism to work out their own snlvn tion in pence and without oppression ? The pretense that they maybe subjected to spoliation by other nations. Which nation stands rendy to assume the cost nnd danger of this undertaking ? Not one. It is for the interest of this coun try , of Great Britain , of Franco , of Ger many , of Russia nnd of Japan thnt these islnnds shall not bo made the base foi offensive measures of war in any direc tions. None want them. None wish that any other nation shall possess them. All are prepared to support them in their effort to govern themselves. Give them that right ; neutralize them. Let them rnnke bnrgnins with every nntion foi coaling stations , cable landings and for protection within their waters from ng- gression. What stands in the way' Are not all the conditions propitious Are not European nations trying to ind out a way to spare themselves from he further pursuit of war ? Are not all eeking to extend their commence ? Why should there not bo one group of sinmis iu the whole wide world neutral- zed as Belgium is. as Switzerland is , as he Congo Free State is , as the Suez Canal is ports free to all , no hostile shot to be fired from land and no fleets o fight within the waters ? To those to whom such a conception coins visionary , all efforts to maintain icace are visionary. They are governed > y the survival of the brute element , vhich would even burden this nation vith militarism , with great standing armies , with navies for offensive and lot for defensive purposes , nnd nil the evils of the hell of wnr. Where there is a will there is n way , and that will will be convoyed to the ncmbers of our congress from the ranks of the laborers , the farmers , the mer chants , the manufacturers , and from all alike who find in themselves any lower that makes for righteousness nnd who nro governed by the precepts of common sense. In the few hours of a busy morning in which I have had time to review the speech of apology and excuse made last light by the president , I have probably 'ailed. With more time I might have made the case more clear and the con demnation of criminal aggression more absolute. 1 A KING OF TIIK PHILIPPINES. [ Now York Evening Post ] . The speeches of Senators Platt ( of Connecticut ) and Foraker unwittingly reveal the abyss into which they ask the country to plunge with them. They no doubt reflect the sentiments of all who wish to launch on an unknown sea of adventure. When objection is made to incorporating Asiatics into our body politic because our national constitution was made for European races , nnd pnr- ticulnrly the Anglo-Snxon , nnd is not lit for the government of peoples who have no traditions of freedom and are steeped in despotism , their answer is that con gress has absolute plenary power over territories , nnd is subject to no consti tutional restrictions in governing them in other words , that a government of a territory is entirely outside the con stitution. The only practicable way by which congress can exorcise such powei is by transferring it to the president. It is true , they say , that , in an organic act , congress usually extends the consti tution and laws of the United States over a territory , but that the constitu tion does not proprio viyorc extend it self there , as it does over a state. Con sequently , if , after adopting the consti tution for a territory , congress shoulc pass an act in conflict with it , to tha extent it repeals the constitution. These declarations should bo taken as notice that if the Philippines are an lexed , they will bo governed without regard to constitutional limitations. The advocates of this policy do not seem o be conscious , in making this avowal , hat they furnish an overwhelming argument ngninst holding Asintic pos- essions , where , from necessity , con gress must invest the president with n rinity of power executive , legislntive , nnd judicial which is the very essence of despotism. It menus the creation of a great Oriental monarchy nnd nn nt- empt to establish at Washington the empire of the Caliphs of Bagdad. It islet lot much comfort to be told that our jresident will bo another Haroun Al- laschid. Mr. Platt quotes from a speech of Mr. Webster's the following an gunge as to the power of congress over the territories : "It may establish my such government nnd any such a\vs in the territories as in its discre- ion it may seem fit. It is subject , of course , to the rules of justice and pro- n'iety , but it is under no constitutional restraints. " He also cites with approval , as does Mr. Foraker , the acts of con gress that made the president absolute dictator in the territories of Florida and Louisiana , and a late decision of the Jnited States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (86 ( Fed. Reporter , 45(5) ( ) , the syllabus of which reads : "Congress has full legislative power over the territories , unrestricted by the .imitations of the constitution. " The court was unanimous , and the opinion is supported by references to supreme court decisions tending in the snme direction. Bo it so ; then let us beware of entrusting congress with this colossal power to bo delegnted to the president , except in the case of absolute necessity. If there were a rocky island in the Pncific beyond our jurisdiction that was a Gibraltar which commanded the entrance to the Golden Gate , no one would question the propriety of our acquiring and holding the same in self- defence. No such renson can bo alleged for our holding the Philippines , but just the reverse. They would be a weak point in war which we would have to defend. The force detached to defend them could bo of no use anywhere else. The occasions for using despotic power should bo reduced to a minimum ; familiarity with it abroad may gradually sap and undermine all the safeguards of freedom at home. In such a school the Prajtorian bands wore trained. A government of the Philippines must be a despotism or no government at all. Asiatics are not fit for anything else. Mr. Foraker says wo will hold them only temporarily until these people are fit for self-government. But all people are fit for self-government in their own way. Asiatics and Africans are as con tented with their forms of government as wo are ; they never will bo with ours. But why confine our philanthropy to the Philippines ? Why not embrace all Asia in this benevolent scheme to regen- * " i ) ! \tr I