v7'v * Conservative. to distrust the purpose of the American people by the executive officer at the head of the nation. In his manifesto , or by whatever name a document may bo called which wns without authority of law , Riving instructions to our troops to take pos session of these islands , not as against Spain but as against the inhabitants themselves , even before their session had been accepted by the senate , is the cause of this distrust which rightly led the inhabitants under their chosen lead ers to take measures for holding the American troops within the narrow lines around the city of Manila , as they had previously held the Spanish troops which oppressed them. They hold them there today , and having bravely met them in the open field when attacked with maxim guns and repeating rifles , oven though in part armed only with bows and arrows , they have retired a few miles into the jungle , where our troops cannot follow them. We are told by advices received today that "a more difficult problem than that with which the governor of the Philip pines is confronted at the present mo ment it would be difficult to imagine , for unless the natives recede from their position the situation in a nutshell amounts to this : The Americans must either fight and subdue the rebels or withdraw from the archipelago. " Now , what does that Jight mean ? It means this : In the effort to prevent the establishment of a stable Philippine gov ernment by the consent of the governed our troops must enter upon a campaign in more unhealthy places than were met in the French campaign for the conquest of Madagascar , where there was little erne no resistance to their march from the sea to the capital of the island. They lauded from the army and navy 12,800 men , of whom 2,000 were acclimated colonials. Yet in a campaign of ten months 4,200 of that number died while nearly all the rest were disabled. One regiment leaving the ships with full ranks lost GO per cent of this number by death , and not one single man reached the objective point of the march. Why this useless sacrifice ? Why this immolation of our young men to disease and death ? Why this slaughter of men who have already established a govern ment ? But President McKiuley asks : "If in the j'ears of the future they are established in government under law and liberty , who will regret our perils and sacrifices ? " I loply all will regret the perils and sac rifices incurred when according to all the evidence before us the man who was aidec by us to return to the Philippine islands in order to lead his people and to estab lish a government under law and liberty has already established it upon a consti tution unequalled in its terms , supported by state papers , of which the declara tion of Aguinaldo , printed in The Trans- ' * ; cript of the 16th , might have rightly represented the claims of the rebels of N"ow England when they protested against the unlawful acts of George III. These Filipinos , who are termed rebels , are resisting the same wrongs that the rebels of Now England resisted at Lex ington and Bunker Hill. Who brought on the collision with these forces ? Their loader says in his protest that it was the president of the United States. Read his solemn words in resistance to the proclamation of President McKiu ley through General Otis instructing him to assume the government of the Philippine islands throughout the whole area : "I solemnly protest , in the name of God , the root and fountain of all justice and of all right , and who has given to me the power to direct my dear brothers in the difficult work of regeneration , against this intrusion of the govern ment of the United States in the sovereignty eignty of these islands. Equally I pro test in the name of all the Philippine people against this intrusion , because when they gave me their vote of confi dence , electing me , through unworthy , as president of the nation when they did this they imposed on me the duty to sustain to death their liberty and in dependence. " President William McKinley says the Philippines have become entrusted to our hands and to that great trust we are committed. "Congress can declare war , but a higher power decrees its bounds and fixes its relations and respon sibilities. The president can direct the movements of soldiers on the field , and the fleets upon the sea , but ho cannot foresee the close of such movements or prescribe their limits. " Not foresee ? Why not ? Not prescribe the limit ? Why not ? Was it not in the power oi the commauder-iu-chiof of the forces ol the United States to refrain from inciting resistance , by not assuming powers which had not been conferred upon him to forbid slaughtering thousands bul poorly armed with bows and arrows in part and mowing them down with re peating rifles and maxim guns ? Was il necessary to establish peace and ordei and respect for property among the Fil ipinos , to shell and burn their villages without giving women and children the opportunity to escape ? Is it true thai the head of a great nation and the commander-in-chief of its forces ' 'can not anticipate or avoid the ( such ) consequences quences , but he must meet them ? " As well might Herod have said that ho could not avoid danger to the Roman rule without slaughtering the innocents Perhaps that was his excuse. The president says that the second al ternative was that these islands should "bo loft to the anarchy and chaos of no protectorate at all. " Then why did wo take Aguinaldo back to the islands , en abling him to become the chosen leader and then desert him. after ho had estab- ished a protectorate over the lives and liberty and property of his fellow coun trymen ? The president asks , could wo "havo loft them without government and without power to protect life or property ? " Surely not , whoever pro posed such a dastardly act ? They had established a government ; they had power to protect life and property. They have proved it at Iloilo and throughout the great part of their do main , and they had attempted "to per form international obligations essential to an independent state" by submitting to the executive of this country and to the military officers in command at Manila the forms of a constitution , their protest and their declared intention to maintain peace and order by their own consent in documents unequalled , in the judgment of those who are entitled to judge , in the history of such transac tions. In this singular address , the head of the nation after having taken the most aggressive action without authority of congress , now throws upon congress the whole responsibility. He himself de clares that , "Every present obligation has been met and fulfilled in the expul sion of Spanish sovereignty from their islands. " But ho further declares , "We are doing our duty by them with the consent of our own consciences and with 'the approval of civilization. " Is that true ? Is there a man in this com munity who can claim , to possess a con science who has not been shocked by the slaughter of thousands of men ar rayed in defense of the same rights of self-government for which our ancestors arrayed themselves against the despotic rule of George III ? The president says , "While the war that destroyed it ( that is , the Spanish rule ) was in progress wo could not ask their views. " The war had ended , and yet we did not ask their views. He fur ther declares , "Nor can we now ask their consent ? " The consent of whom , the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands ? What is the alternative if wo may not now ask their consent ? The alternative is the policy of criminal aggression in which we are now engaged in forcing a government upon them without the con sent of the governed at the point of the bayonet and under the withering slaughter of the maxim guns. The president says , "It is not a good time for the liberator to submit import ant questions concerning liberty and government to the liberated while they are engaged in shooting down their rescuers. " Rescuers forsooth 1 Are we rescuers when we are forbidding thorn to establish liberty and self-government and when wo are liberating them by death in slaughter of thousands under the name of rescuers ? The president says that ho is sure that it is the purpose of this people "to do what in good morals is right and just and humane for these peoples -in distant *