The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 02, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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    "A. ' *
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Conservative * 11
cents of "expansion" are ns careless
of the dictionary ns of the constitution.
The Philippines do not mean expansion.
It does not expand the lire of freedom
to pour the water of tyranny upon
it. A man is not expanded by filling
his pockets with apples nor by putting
a bushel basket over his head. Expan
sion is enlargement in kind. If the
Spanish colonies applied for admission
to this republic as states and wo ac
cepted them , that would be expansion.
What is proposed to do with them is no
more like expansion than the present
administration is like Lincoln's. But a
straight use of words is not to bo ex
pected from those who have to excuse
California should either exempt Stan
ford University from taxation , or clap
n fine of ten dollars or ten days on nil
persons guilty of the misdemeanor of
teaching school. If education is n fin
able offense , let us "get" all the male
The Eastern newspapers will bo
pleased to learn that the January rains
drowned over one hundred thousand
people in California. They were nil of
one family , the surname being Croaker.
It is n very poor person , indeed , this
year of grace , who cannot persuade
himself that Providence desires him to
do just what he wishes to do.
Is there any logical connection be
tween the Napoleonic face and the First
Empire ?
Rather than bear longer his present
weather , the Easterner who thinks of
visiting Heaven sometime later might as
well get his ticket punched for a stop
over in California now , so as to be get
ting acclimated to the suburbs.
There are just two men in the United
States who are satisfied with the secre
tary of war. One is the one who "fills"
the place ; the other , the one who filled
it with him.
If the president would like to get rid
of Algcr , possibly John Sherman could
suggest n way. From The Laud of Sun
shine ( February ) , Los Angeles.
It is interesting
VALUED POLICY t note tmt , fiimul.
LEGISLATION. . . . . .
taueously with the
decision of the United States supreme
court affirming the constitutionality of
the Missouri valued policy law , in the
case of Dag - vs. Orient Insurance coin
pany there have appeared in the different
state legislatures about a dozen valuec
policy bills. "Wo believe these events
are largely , if not wholly , coincident and
that the bills would have been intro
duced notwithstanding the decision
"While the argument presented in this
case was a strong one , the insurance fra
teruity at largo was not unprepared for
the outcome , realizing , from past experience
ienco , that where state legislation ngains
corporations is concerned , the equitie
of the situation have had very little to
H * > * r IT
lo with influencing the decisions of the
court. The position'of the supreme tri
bunal of the land appears to be that the
tate has the right to do with corpora-
ions just about as it pleases , regardless
of rights , equities , justice or equality.
State legislation upon valued policies be
gan in 1874 , Wisconsin passing the first
nil. In 1879 Ohio and Texas adopted
neasures of this kind. Since that date ,
fifteen states and territories have passed
valued policy laws , the larger portion of
hem since 1892. In many states legis-
ationof this character has been defeated ,
) ut the constant tendency has been to-
vard an increase. No valued policy
aw has , wo believe , ever been repealed.
Unquestionably a number of state legis-
atures will adopt this law at present
sessions. While the supreme court de
cision may not have influenced the in-
; reduction of bills , it will undoubtedly
) o used to strengthen the hands of their
advocates. Our opinion is that so long
as the states retain supervision over
nter-state insurance transactions , the
fire insurance companies will be com-
> elled to accept the valued policy as a
condition of the business in the future ,
and adjust their premium rates in accord
ance with the experience met with there
under. Good public policy never de
manded the enactment of a law of this
and , but so long as the insuring public
is willing to accept the increased cost
imposed by such a law , we believe there
is little for the companies to do except
; o take the situation exactly as it is , and
conduct their business in conformity
with the new conditions. Some day we
shall have national regulation , and this ,
with other bad features of state control ,
may disappear. National regulation is
not , indeed , a panacea for all ills , but it
will be a great improvement over the
present system. Boston Standard.
UATKS. fixing compensa
tion for services
seems to have assumed a new phase in
Kansas. The barber polo and its stripes
have attracted the law-making lunatics
of that starving , shrieking state and
hence the following from Topeka on the
thirteenth of February , 1899 , in the tel
egrams to Kansas City journals :
"Barbers had their day in court today.
The bill which 'regulates' the barbers'
profession came up in both the house
and the senate this afternoon. When
time for adjournment was reached at
G o'clock neither branch had finished
consideration of the bill and it will bo
resumed tomorrow.
"Much opposition to the bill as it
stands was manifested , although the
passage of some sort of a barbers' bill is
altogether likely. The present bill re
quires every toiiForial 'artist' to pass an
examination and receive diploma before
being eligible to practise his profession.
A state barbers' board is created which
shall have charge of everything pertain
ing to barbers and barber shops. The
board is estimated to cost $8OQO per
year , which is to bo raised by taxing the
licensed barbers $2 per year. Cleaner
shops and more care in sanitary methods
are also contemplated under the law.
"When the bill came up in the senate
this afternoon Senator Titus offered an
amendment creating a maximum rate
which barbers may charge in Kansas
hereafter and the amendment was
adopted. The schedule is : Shave , 15
cents ; hair cutting , 25 cents ; shampoo ,
15 cents ; dyeing hair , § 1 ; dyeing whis
kers , 50 cents ; dyeing moustache , 25
cents. There are twenty-seven sections
to the bill and the senate got as far as
section 18 before adjourning.
Poking Fun ut It.
"In the house there was a tendency to
make light of the barber bill. Mr. Har
ris of Lyons submitted the two follow
ing sections as an amendment , which
was lost :
" 'Section 27. It shall be unlawful
for any citizen of Kansas to shave him
self , or cut his own hair , or trim his
own beard , without first obtaining the
consent of the state barbers' board.
" 'Sec. 28. This act shall also apply
to persons who cut horses' hair and shear
sheep. '
"Mr. Scott of Elk moved that the bill
be killed , but after a heated debate this
motion was lost , only 16 votes being cast
for it. Mr. Dawes and Mr. Beuefiel
argued that , whether the bill was just
or unjust , the barbers of Kansas were
entitled to more courteous treatment.
Some members suggested the passage of
the bill would drive out the 'cheap shop'
where shaves are given for 5 cents and
hair is cut for 15 cents. This brought
Mr. Grattan of McPhersou to his feet.
" 'Any man , ' declared Grattau , 'who
will get a 5-cent shave does not deserve
any face ; and any man who gets a lu
cent haircut does not care whether
labor is paid or not. Such a man deserves -
serves to be bald-headed.1
"Adjournment was taken while the
bill was yet pending. "
A man died leaving a largo estate and
many sorrowful relations who claimed
it. Some years after , when all but ono
had judgment given against them , that
one was awarded the estate , which ho
asked his attorney to have appraised.
"There is nothing to appraise , " said
the attorney , pocketing his last fee.
"Then , " said the successful claimant ,
"what good has all this litigation doiio
me ? "
"You have been a good client to mo , "
the attorney replied , gathering up his
books and papers , "but I must say you
betray a surprising ignorance of the pur
pose of litigation. " Ambrose Bierco.
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