ki i , 14 Conservative. "OK Ooerlana Cimitccr ONLY MEALS DINING SERVED CAR ALA ROUTE. CARTE. Carries The Government .Fast Mail FROM THE EAST TO THE PACIFIC COAST. San Francisco. Portland. 6O hours to San Francisco. Onlpj 58 hours to Portland. FROM MISSOURI RIVER. o other line makes as Quiclc Time. Runs Every Day in the Year. SUPERBLY EQUIPPED. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS. For Rates , Tickets , Sleeping Car Reservations and full Information , call on your nearest Union Pacific Agent or address E5L - L.OIVI A.X , Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nob. BUMORE COOPBR , ( Established 18SO. ) LIVE STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS , KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS. KANSAS CITY , MO. CAPITAL , $ i:2SOOO.OO. : Furnish money to responsible farmers for feeding cattle in Missouri river ter ritory. Also offer investors a limited line of secured cattle feeders' paper , with the firm's indorsement , at current rates of interest. JOV MORTOIN Sfc CO. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ARQO STARCH SAL , SODA SALT CEREALS SODA ASH General Office , Pier INo. 1 , Chicago Shipping Docks and Soda Factory C. B. & 6. SLIP I. C. PIER 1 , CHICAGO. BELT BY. , C. R. I. & P. SO. CHICAGO. Saltworks : WYANDOTTE , MICHIGAN , HUTCHINSON , KANSAS Starch Factory ana Cereal Mills , Nebraska City , Neb. HANDSOHE DESIGN. SPLENDID FINISH. * * . . . . . < - . . . . . . - * .i . - > i i.i i i. QUALITY OF MATERIAL IS A-i though the price is somewhat less than is charged for work of this grade. Our work has all the up-to-date attachments. Open-head , brass-bushed springs , dust proof self- oiling axles , Bradley shaft shackles , etc. Ask your dealer to show you one of the MONARCH Vehicles. It will speak for itself. Beautiful "Purple and Gold" Cata. logue and name of dealer nearest to you handling our work furnished upon application , MCW-AJEtOH VEHICLE CO. , COLUMBUS , - OHIO. N. S. Harding. J. , T. Hochstetlor. Oldest Insurance Agency in the State. Established 1857. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , Fire Insurance. 711 Central Avc. Nebraska City , Neb. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUB UNITED STATES M3R THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA. In the matter of .Tolni E. / "p'N ; . . . , Riiiirfinif . > In Uankrupt < ! j J Voluntary Pyon. On this 21st day of February A. D. , In , on filing and reading the petition of thenhovu named bankrupt lor his discharge herein it ia ORDERED , That the ( itli day of March A. D. , 18',1'J ' , bo and the sainu is hereby fixed as the date on or before which all creditor.s of , and all other persons interested in said estate and in the matter of the discharge 111 bankruptcy of the said bankrupt , shall , if they desire to oppose the same , Hie in my said oHice at Room Ii. No. 813 Central avenue , Nebraska Citv , Nebraska , in said district , their appearance , in writinir , in opposition to the granting ot said discharge ; and also within ten days thereafter , file in my said olllco specifications of the grounds ot said opposition. Witness my hand hereto at my olllco in Nebraska City , Nebraska , the day and date herein first above written. FitANK P. IllKLANI ) , Referee in Bankruptcy. "The Perfect" Sprayer. Will spray the orchard as well as the potato patch. Is the Best , the Most Effective , the Lightest , the Simplest , the Cheapest Machine on the Market. Uses the least poison 1 Uses the least water 1 Never injures the plants 1 One pint equal to ten gallons 1 Works equally well with dry powder. No Farmer , Gardener , Florist , Fruit Grower , or Poultryman can afford to be without this machine for one hundred times its cost. For expelling and destroying potato bugs , cabbage , currant , tomato , tobacco and cotton worms , plum curculios , codling moth and canker worms , raspberry , strawberry , pear and rose slugs , striped flea beetle , cucumber and melon beetle , cattle , horse , hog and hen lice , clothes moth , dog fleas. It will also pre vent mildew on grapes , plums , apples , peaches , cherries , berries , cotton , and all kinds of fruit and vegetables , when the proper remedies aru applied with this machine. The saving of material with this machine over any other will quickly pay for It many times. A pound of poison in the pocket , a bucket of water in the hand , and a Perfect Sprayer , the farmer can go out and kill the bugs on a whole field of potatoes or other crops in one-tenth the time consumed in the old way. For prices and further information address ( mentioning THE CONSERVATIVE ) ENOS S. HARNDEN , Marshall , Mich. URPEE'S Seeds Grow and arc al\\a > s the Best that Grow ! as proved by thousands of trials at our famous FORDHOOK FARMS , the largest trial grounds in America. America.URPEE'S Farm Annual for 1899 mailed FREE to all A handsome new book of 176 pages , tells the plain truth about Sculs , italiiding laic Novelties which cannot be 1m I else\\ieie. ] Beautiful colored plates and hnndieds of illus trations fioni nature. Oivis practical informa tion of real value to all \ \ linonld raise the choicest Vegetables and most beautiful Flowers. Write a postal card TO-DAY I W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. . Philadelphia