The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 23, 1899, Image 1

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Ox Conservative.
. . , . , , , . .
One dollar and a half per year , in advance ,
postpaid , to any part of the United States or
Canada. Remittances made payable to The
Morton Printing Company.
Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska
City , Neb.
Advertising Rates made known upon appli
Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City ,
Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 20th , 1898.
The Atchison
AS TO Mil. _ . , . . ,
KIPLING.Globe , whose ideas
are always worth
consideriug , has gotten a headache from
"The White Man's Burden , " and ,
while suggesting that it might be more
rational to ask the variegated man to
assume part of the burdens the white
man already has , asks who would go tea
a poet for practical advice anyhow ?
Young Mr. Kipling is certainly a poet ,
but he is something more as well. He
has written a vast number of very com
fortable stories , dealing with his race
wherever it is found , including one on
America which no living American can
match ; and he is doing a lot of thinking
on problems concerning that race , in
which it is worth the while of any mem
ber thereof to try to follow him ; while
his devilish ingenuity in making his
cogitations rhyme and otherwise break
joints in verse , stamps him as a genius ,
and marking the present deity , con
founds and appalls the ordinary ob
Mr. Kipling is one of a new school
he may once have been the whole school
himself , but that is hardly so any more
who consider that the earth and its
fulness are , from present indications ,
the predestined heritage of the people
called Anglo-Saxon for convenience ,
though the title is unjust. They ob
serve the activity of that people in every
quarter of the globe , and they conclude
that a natural law is at work , compel
ling it to stir and push continually ,
which it can no more evade than a grain
of corn in the earth can escape the ne
cessity of growing. Growth may be a
grievous burden , but something in the
nature of corn obliges it to appropriate to
itself all the sunshine and moisture it can
get , and grow whether or no. What
that something is , is immaterial ; that
question brings us face to face with
the mystery of God , and as the
American poet Whitman says : "With
the mystery of God I dare not dally. "
It is a condition and not a theory
that confronts us ; something in
the sap and fiber of us compels us to
move on continually , each generation a
little further than its fathers went ; and
this necessity of geographical advance ,
coupled with another requirement that
our instinct makes on us , of dealing
justly with the other races of men that
this movement brings us in contact
with , constitutes the White Man's Bur
The people who
TIIK UTAH CASE. , , , * L , , .
don't want Mr.
Roberts of Utah to go to Washington
and corrupt our nice little congressmen's
good manners with his evil communica
tions , ought , if they are wise , to enlist
Mrs. Roberts' efforts in their cause.
Mrs. Roberts would prove a powerful
auxiliary , if approached in the proper
way ; not that she would be likely to
think Washington in danger from her
husband , but lest her husband should
be iii danger from Washington , and be
cause she has three times as much at
stake as most wives. Husbands are
liable to get gay at the national capital ,
and Mrs. Roberts may save herself
many a triple heartache if she will keep
her helpmate where she can keep her
six eyes on him , and bring her whole
battery of feet down betimes if he gives
signs of escaping from under her mul
tiple thumb.
Among other
THE CHRISTIAN " _ , , J ? , , .
"Fantastic Fab
les" by Ambrose
Bierce , published this year by G. P.
Putnam's Sons.THE CONSERVATIVE finds
the following , which is commended for
republication in some partisan journals
of Nebraska :
A rattlesnake came homo to his
brood and said : "My children , gather
about and receive your father's last
blessing , and see how a Christian dies. "
"What ails you father ? " asked the
small snakes.
"I have been bitten by the editor of a
partisan journal , " was the reply , accom
panied by the ominous death-rattle.
The American
people need a re
vival of faith in the pleasure and effi
cacy of honesty and fair-dealing. THK
CONSERVATIVE cannot observe Quayism
in Pennsylvania , the number and en
thusiasm of its disciples and likewise
the results of its proselytes in other
states , without a few reflections upon the
need of a conscience for politics.
Quay and his methods represent the
lack of a conscience. For many years
Pennsylvania has been infected with the
most loathsome partyism a partyisin
which has reeked with rottenness from
Harrisburg to Washington , and every
body has known it , while nobody has
persistently and successfully fought it.
The sad fact that the people them
selves are paralyzed as to their percep
tion of right and wrong emphasizes it
self in the Keystone commonwealth by
permitting and even extenuating that
statesmanship which , years ago , an
nounced that its slogan was "silence
and division. " The public treasury has
been looted , the taxpayers have been
robbed , high positions of trust and
honor have been openly defiled. Pub
lic office has become a synonym for
jobbery , peculation and embezzlement.
And indictments for malfeasance and
maladministration have become so fa
miliar to the voters that even members
of the legislature regard them as certi
fications of fitness for membership of the
senate of the United States. The spec
tacle of more than one hundred of the
chosen representatives of the counties
of a great state boldly voting for Quay
day after day shows how thoroughly the
virus of corruption lias permeated the
mass of the people.
There could be no corrupt men elected
to office by an uncorrupt , a pure , intel
ligent and patriotic constituency. Dis
honest politicians are the product of
dishonest partisans.
The morals of civics in some parts of
the United States are like the temper
ature of the first ten days of this month
below zero.
The public schools , the private schools ,
the colleges and universities of this re
public should be-
TeuchingH. . , ,
gin to teach the
need of a communal conscience the ne
cessity of a general knowledge of the
fact that only an honest , intelligent and
conscientious people are capable of self-
government. The philosophical , wise
and far-into-the-future seeing Benja
min Franklin , during the last hours of