Ox Conservative VOL. i. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 16 , 1899. NO. 32. PUHMSIIEU AVEEKI/V. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOU. A JOUUNAIj DEVOTED TO THE IHPCU88ION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 5,506 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSEHVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29th , 1898. GOVERNMENT CORN PROPAGANDA. The Fremont Tribune says : "Mr. Morton cannot well deny that money expended by the government for this good work may not be profitably in vested. "When he was secretary of ag riculture he sent John Mattes , jr. abroad for that purpose. " It is true that John Mattes , jr.a regu larly educated and certificated brewer , who speaks good German and writes ex cellent English , was sent to Germany in accordance with a law and an appropria tion made to provide for such a commer cial agent. It is also true that Mr. Mattes was in structed that it mattered but little who furnished the bread for Germany if we could furnish the beer. Bread is eaten cold by the Teutons and not hot as by many Americans. And cold combread is eaten by nobody who can get cold rye or wheat bread. The Germans there fore did not accept corn bread and its promoters with any degree of favor whatever. But Mr. John Mattes , jr. was instructed to cause to be made some good lager beer from corn grits and to submit it to German chemists for analy sis and report. Mr. Mattes did therefore brew in Germany some beer from Indian maize. It was drunk and approved. And as Germany makes forty millions of barrels of beer every year and it could use one bushel of corn to each barrel and as the chemists reported the beer whole some , nutritious and not at all detri mental , it seemed as though we were about to achieve a new market for In dian corn in beer-making rather than bread-making. But a law was soon passed and came immediately into vigor declaring it a penal offence to make beer in the German empire out of anything else than hops and barley. After that Mr. Mattes reported against the propriety and efficiency of govern mental expenditures for obtaining a corn-market or a market for corn pro ducts either solid or liquid in Germany , sent in his resignation , which was ac cepted , and came home. The reports of Mr. Mattes were terse , truthful , businesslike and patriotic. They should bo published. Meantime when we make IQWB shutting out , by pro tective duties , foreign products , are we not at the same time shutting in Ameri can products which might go out in ex change for them ? Is not the trade of the world goods for goods and products for products ? "What propriety is there in putting Tip a high wall of protection and then pay ing agents to scale the wall and climb down on the other side to peddle corn or any other product ? TRANSFERS UNDER THE TORRENS LAW. If you happen to be the owner of one small lot in Chicago you know something of the bother and expense of securing a transfer of title under a cumbrous sys tem which has been a dead weight upon the community for years. This system depends for its justification upon custom and precedent and has for its advocates several classes of people who are its immediate beneficiaries. It must be be cause it has been and because these same people want it to be. That is a fair sum mary of the arguments by which it may be sustained. They are the old argu ments which are always brought for ward when any attempt is made to re form legal abuses that are fortified by age and eminent respectability. Opposed to them are reason , common sense and justice , and for the bad system which they are defending a most de sirable substitute has been found which puts it within the power of every land owner in the city to become a practical reformer in his own interest and in the interest of the community at large. This is due to the beginning of operations under the Torrens law. It is calculated that thirty days will suffice for bringing property within the Torreus land system , and the ordinary fees amount to $24. This is less than the cost of bringing down titles in many cases , and there is very little red tape about the business. The method of pro cedure is to procure a blank form of ap plication at the office of the registrar of titles at the courthouse , to fill it out prop erly and to present it signed and sworn to in any court of competent jurisdic tion. The court will refer it to an ex aminer of titles , and if the examination proves satisfactory a decree will be en tered ordering a certificate of title , which will bo issxied by the registrar. In all simple cases where there are no contests it will not be necessary to employ a law yer at any stage in the proceedings. Abstracts must be furnished up to the time of the great fire of 1871 , but the continuation will bo made by the regis trar without extra cost and all abstracts will be returned immediately after the title is registered. The fees are distributed as follows : Clerk of court on filing application , $5 ; registrar for examination of title , $15 ; publication notice , $2 ; registrar on issue of certificate of title , $2. Each appli cant for first registration is also required to contribute to the indemnity fund one- tenth of 1 per cent of the value of his property , or $1 on each $1,000 , and if there be parties defendant upon whom summons is to be served there will be a sheriff's fee of $1 for each person so served. . Once property is placed under the sys tem future transfers may be made with a minimum of time , trouble and expense. A circular from the registrar's office says : "Upon an ordinary sale or mort gage of registered lands , the entire transaction can be closed in an hour or two without the need of any abstract of title or the aid of a lawyer , and the cost will be but $8 , thereby saving attorney's fees for examination [ of $15 to $50 and cost of continuing abstract of $5 to $25. " This indicates the tremendous gain that would be made for the public if the sys tem were in general operation. Chicago Times-Herald. This is what comes of letting women into politics. The female members of the Colorado legislature do not smoke , and they have secured the adoption of a rule requiring the other members to do their smoking somewhere else. The Churchman tells of a manufac turer of cocoa who opens each day's oper ation of his works with a brief service of prayer.