T3be Conservative. ore required to shade- the trunk dnriiig the hottest part of the day , to prevent blistering the bark and permanent in jury to the tree. In early spring of 1891 , and every winter since , the circumferences of 88 white pine trees were measured to as certain the annual growth. The trees were of ages from 20 to 50 years ; the average ago was 86. Tack nails wore driven into the trunks about five feet from the ground to ensure measuring at the same place each year. The measure ments show that the average gain in circumference of the 88 trees was as follows : 1891 1892 18915 1894 1895 189(5 ( 1897 .68 .91 1.25 1.19 1.08 1.11 1.17 inch , inch. inch. inch. inch. inch. inch. Per centago of gain , taking 1891 as 100. 100 185 184 170 152 168 172 Probably the gain over 1891 should be reduced 20 per cent because the annual growth of white pine trees varies much with the seasons , and from an examin ation of many of the trees , and trees on other woodlands , it appears that the upward growth of white pine was above the average of the last twelve years in 1890 , 1894 , 1896 and 1897 , and was be low the average in 1891 and 1895. The average growth of the88 trees in seven years was 7 % inches in circum ference or 2 inches in diameter. The largest circumference growths of single trees in the seven years were 11.25 , 11.5 , 11.25 , 9.5 and 9.25 inches , of respective ages in 1891 of 80 , 42 , 80 , 26 and 83 years. All these five trees are standing in places where the slope of the surface of the ground was favorable for carrying surface drainage to the roots , and are but little shaded by other trees. The smallest circumference growths made in seven years by single trees were 8 , 8 , 3.75 , 4.25 , and 4.5 inches , of respective ages in 1891 of 35 , 85 , 49 , 85 , 85 years. These five trees are all btanding on slopes tending to carry surface water away from the roots , and are more shaded than the five trees showing the greatest growth. The rapid increase in grouch after the first year may be mostly due to the removal of the oak trees , giving more air and more light and warmth from the sun , and leaving less foliage to consume the moisture of the ground. As the work could not bo done in the best way by contract , it was paid for by the hour. The cutting , drawing to gether the scattering wood and cording it , cost what the wood sold for , namely , $2 to $2.25 per cord'on the lot. The cost of removing stumps in new roads and mowing the bushes every year until lulled has been $50. Cost of trimming to December , 1897 , has been $40. Sprouts have been broken off from as much as half the lot , which , with the imbs from the oaks , and the trimmings of the pine , have been burned and the ashes scattered around , at a cost of $100. As the different kinds of work have sometimes boon carried on together , the cost of each is only approximately correct. The average age of the 88 white pine trees in 1891 was 86 years. The average gain in seven years in area of horizontal section five feet from the ground was 88.7 per cent. The greatest gain in any tree in any area of section was tree No. 21 , 82 years old , 109 square inches , or 55 per cent , a full top tree at the foot of a southerly slope. The least gain in any tree in area of section was tree No. 6 , 35 years old , 20 square inches , or 18 per cent , situated on a ridge on a northerly slope. The largest per cent of growth in any tree in seven years was 85 per cent. The smallest per cent of growth in any tree in seven years was 18 per cent. It seems reasonable to assume that the increase in height and in length of limbs would add enough to the increase found in sectional area to make the in crease in wood growth in seven years 50 per cent , or half as much as had grown in the first 86 years. Assuming that the growth of these 88 trees was not above the average growth of all the pine trees on the lot , for every 100 cords of standing wood in 1891 there are now 150 cords , an an nual gain of about 7 per cent. Trees 10 to 25 years old appear to have made an average gain in woody growth of more than 100 per cent in seven years. The amount of timber in trees varies as the square of the diameter of the trunk and the length of the log. For example , a tree two feet in diameter has four times as much timber as a tree one foot in diameter of the same length of cut. A tree three feet in di ameter has nine times as much timber as a tree one foot in diameter of the same length ; but the tree three feet in diameter , I assume , would cut twice the length of log , and therefore produce eighteen times as much timber as the tree one foot in diameter. The larger and older the tree up to its maturity , the larger is the proportion of heart wood , and also of clear stock , if the tree has been properly trimmed when young , and therein is its value as mer chandise largely increased. The old oak growth on the lot is mostly gone. The tract is transformed into a beautiful pine grove with an undergrowth of young pines giving promise of a forest of great value in years to come. I will be pleased to show the grounds to all persons interested in the growth of white pine. GKINNKLL'S INDIAN TALKS. An Indian agent has absolute control of affairs on his reservation , subject only to the approval of of un the department of Indian the i n t e r ior at Washington , which two or three times a year may send out an inspector to look after him , says George Bird Grinnell in the February Atlantic. His position is one of great responsibility , for he has to administer a business representing each year from $50,000 to $200,000. His power on the reservation is more nearly absolute than anything that we in this country know of. He has not the auth ority to order out his Indians to instant execution , but in practice this is the only power that he does not possess. Over property , liberty , and the actions of overy-day life he has absolute authority. No Indian can receive food , no Indian can obtain a tool , no Indian can live in his home , unless the agent is willing. He holds in the hollow of his hand the welfare of the tribe and of each one of its individuals. The man who bears these responsibili ties and is clothed with these powers over his fellow men should be of high character and good abilities , such an one as would be chosen for the manager of a considerable business. He should feel the responsibility of his position , and not bo satisfied merely to get along as easily as possible and to draw his salary regularly. The good agent really stands in the relation of a parent toward his Indians , and as a father instructs , pun ishes and rewards his children , bo the agent should firmly but kindly govern the people who are under him. They recognize this relation , and often speak of the agent as their father. In the ord inary pursuits of life a man qualified by training and temperament for such a position would receive a good salary ; he ought to receive it here , at least thrice the pittance that is now paid to Indian agents. Such a man ought to be re tained in office so long as he would re main , and should not be turned out with the coming in of each new admin istration. It is not many years ago when I was present at a reservation in the Indian Territory , when a Indians commsson w a s Arc Cheated. . . . negotiating w 1 1 h the Indians to induce them to take their lands in severally , and to sell the sur plus. The commissioners made no secret of the fact that the administration had ux-ged them to carry through the sale , because at the next election they wished to go before the people with the statement that they had thrown open to settlement by the public a certain num-