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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1899)
' ' 7 i Conservative. try near to their settlements and within striking distance of the Pawnees these two nations being the most res : less and troublesome on this frontier as it will bo near to the Pottawattamies and Sioux and as it will most probably bo the starting point from the Missouri river for the Oregon emigrants , I think it will bo a permanent one ; and I am clearly of the opinion that it should bo garrisoned by at least two companies of dragoons and two of infantry , and I now ask for the approval of the general-in-chiof to this recommendation. The secretary of war , in 1838 , as understood by us , was in favor of having upwards of a regi ment at this point. Should a regiment of mounted riflemen be authorized by law , I would propose that four compan ies of it be established there. There must necessarily bo a large re serve around the post in the Indian country , and one on the opposite side of the Missouri river within the state , whence most of the building timber is to be procured. There are no settlements there at present , though no doubt there would soon be some groceries if per mitted , and I have therefore to ask for an approval of the reserve in the state as recommended by Captain Boone and myself "marked by dotted lines on the map , " sent to the acting-quartermaster- goiieral with our report of April 25 , 1888 , which must now be in the quartermas ter-general's office , but of which I have no copy. Cannot an officer of the quartermaster department be ordered at oiico to report here , that ho may make his requisition for the "necessary materials , tools , &c. , " accompany the troops to Table creek and superintendent the erection of the build ings there ? I shall be prepared to remove the headquarters of my regiment to Fort Leavenworth on the receipt of your reply to this communication. I cannot refrain from stating in this place , that in my opinion justice to the state of Missouri and its exposed fron tier , with so many thousand Indians near to it , will not admit of a diminu tion of the military force now at Fort Leaveuworth , viz : four companies of dragoons and one of infantry ; now at Fort Scott which now consists of one company of dragoons and one of infan try. They ought to bo increased at least one company of infantry at each post. Very respectfully , Your obedient servant , S. W. KEARNEY , Colonel First dragoons. Brigadier-General R. Jones , Adjutant-General U. S. army , Washington , D. C. 7. Headquarters First Eegt. Dragoons. ST. Louis , Mo. , March 17 , 1846. Sir : In my communication to you of yesterday , I stated that a reserve would ) o required in the state of Missouri , di rectly opposite to the now post , to bo es- ablished near the mouth of Table creek , vhenco most of the building tim ber must bo procured , and that there vere no settlements there at present. I have now to make a correction of this , as I have just learned that there are > omo squatters there , dealing in liquor vith the Indians , and that all the tim bered land in the state , near that point is ilaimed by squatters and whiskey lealers. A reserve nevertheless is ne cessary there on account of the timber equired for building purposes and to control a ferry. Very respectfully , Your obedient servant , S. W. KEARNEY , Colouel First dragoons. Brigadier-General R. Jones , Adjutant-General U. S. army , Washington , D. C. 8. Dear General : For the information of the I would state geueral-in-chief un officially that I have just started Lieu- enant Smith with thirty dragoons of Captain Moore's company , talcing wenty public horses , for Table creek , the remainder of the horses of that com- mny I keep hero till they have stables where they can secure them , for as the dragoons will have so much work to per- 'orm in building their quarters the horses would necessarily be a great incuui- Drance. I am hourly looking for a steamboat wringing from St. Louis flooring , stores , &c. , for the now post , and , on her arri val , will embark the infantry companies and the remainder of Captain Moore's company , going in her myself , and tak ing Major Wharton ( at his request ) to put him in command of the new post. I expect on my arrival there to lay out the place for the buildings , and set all hands to work , and then return hero by the last of the mouth ; and as Table creek is not more than 120 miles from hero , I shall expect to go there two or three times during the summer , talcing each time a company of dragoons from here , who will assist in the work for the few weeks they may be on a visit there. Our mails are very irregular ; we have nothing from Washington later than the 22d ultimo. Yours , S. W. KEARNEY , May 12 , 1840. Fort Leavonworth. Brigadier-General Jones. 0. Headquarters Detachment U.S. Army , ) Steamer "Amaranth" on the > Missouri river , May 16 , 1846. ) Sir : Having embarked with two companies , one of dragoons and the other of infantry , to establish the newly designed post near the junction of Table creek and this river , I write to ask that I may bo furnished with a sufficient number of blank post returns for the current year. I shall also need a supply of enlistments , ro-onlistnieuts ( blanks ) of accounts current , recruiting accounts and of returns of the rogimoutal recruit- ug service for the sanio period. As I am at present advised the nearest post- office to the proposed post is either Vluusiker's ferry , or High Bridge creek , Atchison county , Missouri. I avail myself of the present occasion ; o ask what shall be the name of the low post ? Fort Nebraska or Fort Ma- comb had been suggested to my niiud , the latter after the late General Ma- conib , seeing that the names of many general officers had become those of several of our military posts. Respect fully , Your obedient servant , O. WHARTON , Major First dragoons , Commanding. Brigadier-General R. Jones , Adjutant-General , Washington , D. C. NOTE By Adjutant-General Jones As it is probable that the prosecution of this now work will be postponed no attention need be paid to this letter im mediately. 10. ' Headquarters First Regt. Dragoons , FT. LEAVENWORTH , May 28 , 1846. Sir : I have to report , that in com pliance with Special Orders No. 17 of March 5 , 1846 , I ( in company with Brigadier-General Brooke ) on the. 15th instant , left here with Company C , First dragoons and Company A , First infantry , to establish a new military post on the right bank of the Missouri river and at the mouth of Table creek. On our arrival at that point the ground for the buildings was laid off ; the plan of them decided upon ; all necessary ar rangements made , and orders given. I then left Major Whartou in command there and returned to this post , where I arrived on the afternoon of the 26th , and a few hours after received by Lieu tenant Turner yours to mo of the 18th and 14th with their enclosures ( relating to an expedition to Santa Fe ) which he had obtained from the postoffice in St. Louis. To enable me to take as many of my own regiment on this expedition as cir cumstances will admit of , I immediately sent orders for Captain Moore at Table crook and Captain Eustis at Fort Scott , to march to this post , with from forty to forty-five men of their companies , leaving the balance of them , including all their mechanics , to continue on the works at which they are now employed. ' With the three companies now here , and the parts of the two which are coming , I am in hopes of getting about 280 ef ficient dragoons for the field besides leaving a small , though sufficient , num ber to take charge of this post for the present. The dragoons will be ready to