The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 02, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Che Conservative.
( THE CONSERVATIVE 1ms liunted up nnd ar
ranged nil records relating to the first occu
pancy of thu Nebraska City situ by civilized
man , which records are herewith submitted. )
Schedule of documents from thu records of
the war department , relating to the military
occupation of Table Creek on the Missouri
river , the site of Nebraska City , Otoc County ,
; . Act of congress July 2 , 18. % , providing
for the opening of a military roiid from about
the junction of the Des Moines and Mississippi
river to the Red river , and the construction of
military posts at suitable points along such
' . Report of the commissioners , xindcr
above act , dated April 25 , i8tt3 , in which they
state they have selected a site for the advance
post , near the mouth of Table creek , on the
Missouri river nnd describe the site and its sur
. ( . / . H. War department orders , March 0 ,
is 16 , directing the establishment of a military
post at Table creek , on the Missouri river , and
assigning Colonel S. W. Kearney , First dra
goons , to the duty of constructing it.
6. 7. S. Letters from Colonel Kearney con
cerning the detnils of his work under foregoing
orders , nnd announcing Mny 12 , iS-16 , that ho
had started the first detachment for Tnble
fl. Letter from Major Wharton , First dra
goons , the commander of the proposed post at
Table creek , dated on route May ifl , iS4f > , in
quiring what is to be the nanio of the new post ,
and note of Adjutant-General Jones to the
effect that the work will probably bo sus
10. Letter from Colonel Kearney , May 28 ,
i846 , that he had just returned from Table
creek on the Missouri , where ho had laid off
the ground for the new post , and left Major
Wharton to prosecute the work with his
11. 11 . Letter from Major Wharton , dated
"Camp Kearney , near the junction of Table
creek nnd the Missouri , " reporting that his
command has been reduced.
/ : ' . l.l. ! , ' > . Letters from Brigndier-Genernl
Brooke , June i , i846 , recommending that the
work at the now post be suspended.
1G. War department letter Juno 22 , i84G , di
recting suspension for the present of the now
work at Table creek.
17. Letter from Major Wharton reporting
his arrival at Fort Lcavenworth , July lit , i846 ,
with 5 ! $ men from Table creek.
IS. Letter from Captain Prince , First infan
try , August C , 1858 , in which ho states that
after Major Wharton left , ho remained at
Tnble creek , and had erected a blockhouse ,
when ho was ordered to abandon the place and
turn over the property to a suitable person.
/ . ' / . Roster of the troops which formed the
first garrison of Camp Kearney , May 21 to July
IK , 1840.
> 0. Act of congress , Mny 10,1840 , to establish
military posts on the route to Oregon.
21. War department instructions for estab
lishing two stations under foregoing law , the
first near Grand Island in the Platte river , and
ordering a battalion of Missouri Mounted Vol
unteers to be raised and sent to that point.
sL > . Letter from commanding officer , Fort
Leavenworth , August 3 , 1847 , recommending
that the battalion for Grand Island bo directed
to winter at Table creek where there is a block
house and lumber.
23. War department letter August 20,1847 ,
directing that the Oregon battalion halt and
winter at Table creek , but proceed as early as
possible in the spring of 1848 to execute the
orders before given.
i'/ . War department letter October 1U , 1847 ,
recalling the orders for the Oregon battalion to
winter at Table creek unless they have
started in the belief that there are no conven
iences at that point.
St. SO. 27. Letters from commanding officer ,
Fort Leavenworth , October 27,1847 , that troops
have been at Table creek for some weeks , and
are comfortably sheltered for the winter ; some
sixty good substantial log cabins having been
25. Letters trom Licut.-Colonel Powell dated
Fort Kearney , Mo. Tor. , January 21 , 1848.
29. Roster of the Missouri Mounted Volun
teer battalion which formed the second garri
son of Fort Kearney.
TO. 31. Correspondence regarding the break
ing up of the camp at Table creek and the
movement of the garrison forward to Grand
Island on the Plat to in the spring of 1848.
Hi. War department orders naming the new
post at Grand Island Fort Kearney.
53. Letter from "old Fort Kearney" Decem
ber lit , 1834 , regarding the old block-house.
. ' ? / . an. SO. Correspondence 1855-58 from the
U. S. quartermaster at Nebraska City relating
to the old military post of 1840.
It does not appear from the records that any
part of the troops from Table creek took part
in what is known as "Doniphan's expedition. "
One of the detachments withdrawn from that
point May . ' 50,1840 ( see enclosure 11) ) was part
of a troop of the First dragoons that accom
panied what was known as the "army of the
west , " under command of Colonel Kearney ,
and of which Colonel Doniphan's regiment
( First Missouri Mounted volunteers ) formed a
part , from Fort Leavenworth to Santa Fo
( June 20 to August 18,1840. ) On September 25 ,
General Kearney , with the First dragoons , loft
Santa Fe for California , leaving Colonel Doni-
plian in command of the forces in New Mexico.
In November , 1840 , Colonel Doniphan with his
regiment of Missouri volunteers moved via El
Paso through the heart of the enemy's country
against Chihuahua , thence to Buena Vista
where ho joined General Wool. This is what
is known as the "Doniphan expedition. "
Chap. CCI/VTL An act to provide for
the better protection of the western
Bo it enacted by the senate and house
of representatives of the United States
of America in congress assembled , that
the president be , and he is hereby auth
orized to cause to be surveyed and
opened , a military road , from some point
upon the right bank of the Mississippi
river , between the month of the St.
Peter's and the mouth of the Des Moines
river , upon such route as may appear
best calculated to effect the purposes of
this act , to Red river.
Sec. 2. And bo it further enacted ,
That the said road shall pass west of the
state of Missouri and of the territory of
Arkansas on condition that the assent of
the Indian tribes who have not hereto
fore given their assent , through whose
territory said road is to pass , shall be
first obtained ; and if such assent cannot
bo obtained , then east of the western
boundaries of said state and territory ;
and shall be so constructed as to enable
troops to move along the same with
proper facility. And the following
mode of construction shall be adopted ,
subject to such alterations and additions
as the president may , from , time to time ,
direct to be made. The timber shall be
cut down to a reasonable width , and the
wet and marshy places shall bo cause
wayed or otherwise rendered passable ,
cheap bridges shall be erected over the
smaller streams ; not having good fords
across them ; and , where it may be
found necessary , the road may be thrown
up in the centre.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted ,
That the military posts shall bo con
structed at such places along said road
as in the opinion of the president , may
be most proper for the protection of the
frontier ; and for the preservation of the
necessary communication.
Sec. 4. And betit further enacted ,
That the troops of the United States
shall bo employed in performing the
labor herein required whenever , in the
opinion of the president , the same can
be done with a just regard to their
other duties ; and the other labor ren
dered necessary shall be procured in
such manner as the president may di
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted ,
That the sum of one hundred thousand
dollars shall be , and the same is hereby ,
appropriated , to be applied towards the
accomplishment of the objects specified
by this act.
Approved , July 2 , 1886.
FOUT LEAVENWORTH , April 25,1886.
Sirs : The undersigned , commission
ers under the act of July 2 , 1886 , have
the honor to report for the information
of the secretary of war , that having ex
amined the country near the Missouri
river , for the purpose of selecting a site ,
for the advance military post , they have
agreed upon an eminence near the
mouth of Table creek.
Immediately above the mouth of the
creek , commences a very gradual and
beautiful ascent , which in about 450
yards , reaches to an open level sufficient
for any buildings , besides what may be
necessary for the drill of any number of
infantry or dragoons ; a large quantity
of firewood adjoining and within a mile
or two ; a great abundance of fine
building timber on the opposite side of
the Missouri river and , on the pub
lic unsurveyed lands in the state ; the
best place for a ferry to be found on the
Missouri river. Stone in the bluffs , 100
yards below the mouth of the creek ;
fine prairies around , to make corn and
hay upon ; a beautiful fertile bottom for
gardens ; from "tho site , " is a delightful
view of the Missouri river for several
miles below , and an extensive one of the
country in the rear ; there are no low
lands near it and the place must be
Having stated the advantages of ( the
site selected , the undersigned have now
to state what appears to them , the < inly
objection to it , but which under all the
circumstances , they do not consider "rery
important , viz : that it is by land auout
five , and by water about six miled be-