i 14 t bc Conservative. accurate test ; for investment may in- clndo "injudicious contracts , poor engi neering , unusually high cost of material , rascality on the part of those engaged in the construction or management of the property , " and may bo far in excess of the actual value of the property. Act ual value of property is a good test , but this is not always easy to determine. At another time THE CONSERVATIVE will quote further from the valuable and instructive pamphlet of Mr. Dixon. THE HOOK WONDEUPUL. The palm of victory should by all means bo given to Mr. Charles Dudley Warner. His latest achievement in book production is truly the grandest work of the century. The ' 'Library of the World's Best Literature , " as it is happily called , might also well bo termed the crowning of the world's best efforts in the making of books. It is an embodi ment of modern taste , judgment and scholarship applied to the creation of a treasure for both practical use and supreme literary enjoyment. To describe this magnificent "Library" in a brief notice is simply impossible. The great magazines of our time have vied with each other in attempting it , and have returned to the subject again and again , yet still leave much unsaid both of prais o and description. Lot us try to imagine in one vast work the his tory and analysis of all great books and literatures , the lives of all distinguished writers , orators and thinkers , the critical review and interpretation of the master spirits of the past by the most competent living judges and specialists , and finally a complete library of the choicest literary creations that have been given to the world in all lands and times. The mind is simply amazed at the scope and magnitude of such a unique work. And yet it was not made for scholars alouo. It is thoroughly useful and practical to all who cau read. It is educational in the highest degree. It is helpful to the inexperienced. It is enjoyable to the most cultured and re fined. It is inexhaustibly entertaining oven to the more idler. It rejoices and satisfies every mood and tense of thought , "from grave to gay , from lively to severe , " so far as this may be done by the poetry , prose , history , essays , biogra phy , oratory , science , romance , humor , wit and wisdom of all ages and nations. The mechanical features of the work are in harmony with its noble plan. Over a thousand portraits of authors embellish its pages. It is besides a very marvel of typographic beauty. The introductory edition of the "Library" is now obtainable through the Warner Library Club at special prices and terms , so as to place some missionary sets in each locality. Wo strongly advise all who desire to secure this treasure to send name and address on a postal card for particulars to WARNER LIBRARY CLUB , Western Headquarters , 512-518 Paxtou Blk. Omaha , Nob. The cold weather of the last few weeks causes some very good people to wish for homes in the sunny South and there will be the usual amount of de partures from this to that region during the year 1899. Attention is called to an advertisement of lands for sale in Geor gia which may be found in another column of THE CONSERVATIVE. The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which THE CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe ; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record , alone of all American newspapers outside New York city , now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe. Georgia Lands For Sale NEAR BAWBRIDGE , GA. 7COO acres of land at reasonable prices. $7 and $10 to $12 an acre. These lands are splendidly located and well adapted to agriculture and horticulture. ' North ern colonists are much desired and special inducements for their settlement are offered. Fine brick clay in abund ance ; magnificent primitive forests of yellow pine abound. Lime rock for building purposes is abundant. Phos phate beds are found in the vicinity. For further particulars , address addressCO. CO. , Bainforiclge , Oa. "The Perfect" Sprayer. Will spray the orchard as well as the potato patch. Is the Best , the Most Effective , the Lightest , the Simplest , the Cheapest Machine on the Market. Uses the least poison I Uses the least water I Never injures the plants 1 One pint equal to ton gallons ! Works equally well with dry powder. No Farmer , GardenerJFlorist , Fruit Grower , or Poultryman can afford to bq without this machine for one hundred times its cost. For expelling and destroying potato bugs , cabbage , currant , tomato , tobacco and cotton worms , plum curculios , codling moth and canker worms , raspberry , strawberry , pear and rose slugs , striped flea beetle , cucumber and melon beetle , cattle , horse , hog and hen lice , clothes moth , dog fleas. It will also pre vent mildew on grapes , plums , apples , peaches , cherries , berries , cotton , and all kinds of fruit and vegetables , when the proper remedies are applied with this machine. The saving of material with this machine over any other will quickly pay for It many times. A pound of poison in the pocket , a bucket of water in the hand , and a Perfect Sprayer , the farmer can go out and kill the bugs on a whole field of potatoes or other crops in one-tenth the time consumed in the old way. For prices and further information address ( mentioning THE CONSERVATIVE ) ENDS S. HARNDEN , Marshall , Mich. B- URPEE'S Seeds Grow and are always the Best that Grow ! as proved by thousands of trials at our famous FORDHOOK FAKMS , the largest trial grounds in America. America.URPEE'S Farm Annual for 1899 mailed FREE to all A handsome new book of 176 pages , tells the plain truth about Seeds , including rare Novelties which cannot be bail elhehere. . Beautiful colored plates and hundreds of illus trations from nature. Gives practicnl informa tion of real value to all \\lio would raise the choicest Vegetables and most beautiful Flowers. Write a postal card TO-DAY I W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. , Philadelphia