The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, January 26, 1899, Page 13, Image 13
- * * . . < Cbe Conservative BILL AN' ME. Yisterday 1 took a Jorny ter the scenes I uster know , An' frum where 1 fullered fortune nigh on forty years ago , Jest ter see if time hod changed 'em in its pass- in' on ther way , Kot changed me an' my fortune every year an" every clay. Near ther skule house on the common whar I learned to read an' write I see'd or feller standin' like things wuzont goin' right , An' ez I kom up closter ho turned an' I c'd see 'Twas my dear ol' chum an' playmate no one else 'cept Bill Magee. "Bill , " I sez , "don't yer know me ? " An' he stud an' slink his hod , "No , " He finily answered , an' thet was all he sed. For a long , long time he c'dn't seem ter get me llggered out , Then it kom all of a suddint , an' ho started 'ithashout ! "Be yer that ol' compnnin thet I uster know ? An' say ! Did yer ever go to skulo right here ? An' air yer Bob McKay ? " I admitted then thet I waz Bob , his pard of 'fifty-three , An'fora minit I gazed ot Bill , an'Bill gazed back et me. Then we gobbled up each other in or long an' strong embrace , An * ther tears they kom a streamin" from my eyes an' down my face Till I c'dn't see ther landscape that I uster know so well , When I felt ol' Bill's emoshun az his bosom'd heave an' swell. Wo stud an' kep' a blubberin' like a kuplo ov ol' maids , While tlief tear drops on ther grass shone like dimunds on their blades , An' when we'd done a blubberin' wo set be neath ther tree Thet .years ago when wo wuz kids lied shel tered Bill an' me. Strange ther tales we both imparted ez wo set there on ther ground ; We resited all ther happenin's in ther Ian' for miles eround. Bill'd tell me ov hiz trabies an' ov corse I tol" him mine , An' then wo both agreed 'twas best we'd struck this life's decline. Thar was beauty in ther landscape thet nn- turo'd painted bright , An' ther balmy breeze ov summer seemed ter harmonize jist right. For a good long time wo set there till it seemed thet I c'd see A gen ther things thet happened tcr my ol' chum Bill an' me. We went eround ther village for ter see ther sights ov old. But I c'dn't find ther places until arter I wuz told ; Laws ! ther things in that ol' village wuz changed in every way , An' wuz altogether diffrunt from ther things there in my day. Still ther visit sorter filled 'ith or thrill ov pure delight , An' ther picture kums and lingers kind o' pleasantly tornight. It will live until ther Reaper comes an' sots this old soul free , An' in ther bright hearafter thet's laid up for Bill an' mo. L. A. EWINO. Columbus , Nob. INDIAN TEIUUTOKY COUUT HUSINESS. The business transacted by the United States courts for the Northern district of the Indian Territory is the largest in the United States , and more convicts are sent to prison from this district than from any other two federal courts in the United States , the two judges , Hon. William M. Springer and Hon. John K. Thomas , holding court almost all the timo. The district has but one marshal , Hon. Leo H. Bennett , and one United States attorney , Hon. P. L. Sopor. It costs about $ oOO,000 a year to maintain these courts , sessions of which are hold at Miami , Vinita , Tahlequah , Wagoner , and Muscogee. During the year 1898 the number of prisoners handled at the Muscogee jail was 1,101. Correspond ence St. Louis Globe-Democrat. I.OOSH IN A LIlillAIlY. Almost every lover of reading will re member the sensation of wishing he had the run of a library all to himself. Even with the wisest of us , however , it is likely that under such circumstances should .waste much precious time in reading trash. For every thousand books in a library it is probable that not over fifty , perhaps not over twenty , are worthy to be read. And even talcing these twenty , and considering the vast accmmilations of books , it is certain that no one person could read them in a lifetime. From this standpoint there never was a more precious work than Charles Dudley Warner's "Library of the World's Best Literature , " now being published in thirty elegant volumes. This embraces the best in prose and poetry of the most famous authors in every language , dead as well as living , during all the centuries of literary ac tivity and progress. Even Mr. Warner , with his splendid attainments , could not be expected to know where all these treasures were , but ho was as sisted by a largo staff of eminent living writers , native and foreign , each of whom took charge of the field or the particular great author with whom ho was most familiar. In this way it may bo said that the libraries of the world were ransacked to find the best authors ; the authors were surveyed to choose their best books , and finally the books were studied to got the best and most entertaining passages. Surely this was getting at the cream of the world's literature , so that the possessor of these thirty volumes may bo said to have to himself the freedom of the world's libraries as well as safe guidance to their treasxires. In addition to these selections these volumes have other features of supreme interest and value. There is a critical and biographical es say on each author quoted furnished by some distinguished living writer. These sketches are alone worth the cost of the entire work. This constitutes the work a genuine and complete liter ary history , for not only are authors discussed , but all famous books , poems , dramas , and phases of literature , sacred and profane ; at the same time a living interest is imparted to all by adapting choice and treatment to the popular rather than scholastic. The volumes are adorned with over one thousand portraits traits , illustrations , full-page and vig nette , and there is an excellent biogra phical dictionary of the lesser authors who are not quoted by selection. Wo can hardly conceive of a work that is at once so valuable and so truly enter taining , it being adapted to an hour's recreation no less than to the study of some great theme that has occupied the foremost intellects of the world. We would suggest that those inter ested should send a card for full partic ulars to the Warner Library Club , Paxton - ton block , Omaha , as we understand special inducements are now being of fered. The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which THE CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe ; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record , alone of all American newspapers outside New York city , now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe.