"Che Conservative. tlrivGii from the field of Americau ex changes. "Where two kinds of money are put into concurrent circulation and one is superior to the other by virtue of the greater value of the bullion of which it is minted the superior will always betaken taken out of the channels of commerce either by misers or foreigners because of its under-valuatiou and retired from cir culation. This is the operation of the so-called Gresham law. It is inexorable and always operative under such mon etary conditions. It is founded xipon human selfishness. This same selfish ness prompts every person drawing money exit of his pocket to pay for a purchase , to always rid himself of that piece of money , whether of paper or metal , which seems the least valuable or least attractive. The government of the United States , combined with all the governments of the earth , legislating in one parliament , could not rehabilitate silver as a current money of exchange for international use. There is no law-making power this side of heaven which can make two things equal in value which the human race does not equally desire and demand. It must constantly bo borne in mind that all values depend upon demand. It must be remembered also that there is no demand for things not desired. As desire and consequent demand for any exchangeable thing diminish the value of that thing declines , and when demand ceases , dies out , for that ex changeable thing , it is utterly without value worthless. THK HOME'S 1IEQUEST TO THK STATE. Millionaires and multi-millionaires are as mortal as paupers. But frequently in the United States the bequests , from those departed dollar-herders , to chari table institutions , and to schools , col leges and public libraries , aggregate millions of dollars in a single month. These examples of post-mortem gen erosity , on the part of the rich , elicit favorable comment , secure eulogies for the repose of their souls , gratify the pride of their surviving relatives and stimulate the wealth-accumulating ef forts of others. But the humblest homo in the republic can always make a more valuable bequest to the state than any which can be counted in more dollars. Every American home , where a care ful and discreet father and a conscien tious and educated mother are rearing men and women for the political and social activities of the coming genera tion can bequeath , will bequeath to the republic , intellectual , moral and po litical strength which is more valuable , exalted , precious and essential than fine gold , among a people who propose to properly govern themselves. All the money that has ever been coined since mints began certifying , by govern ment authority , the fineness and weight of the various denominations of metallic money could not save from destruction a corrupt and wicked government if transferred to it by will or otherwise. Leaving upon dying nothing but money to one's country indicates that a life has gone out which was not of the best and highest type. Dullards , dunces , misers and scoundrels leave dollars , in the mil lions , together with only an unpleasant reminder that such as they have lived , and a sense of satisfaction that they have gone , and that they have ceased to blemish a beautiful world. But the relatively poor man , who , dying , leaves sous and daughters of ed ucation , highchar- THEPOOUMAN. acter , temperance and industry to do well their part in ennobling human life and in teaching the duties of citizenship , while exalting by example the value of self-reliance and self-denial , bequeaths inestimable benefits upon the state and all of its in terests and institutions. He leaves an immortal legacy. His bequest is im perishable. His benefaction is bound less as the universe itself. Paltry dollars lars left to one's own decendants even frequently lure them into evil and un happy methods which end in degrada tion , despair and death. But good physical , intellectual and moral develop ment transmitted with habits of tem perance , truthfulness , industry , self- reliance , self-control and courage , to one's own descendants , is an ever lasting delight for them and an ever widening and constantly in creasing blessing to the state. The homes which develop and transmit good men and women to each succeeding generation in this country do more than all the mere money-getters , misers and adventurers can do , even if they bestow all of their accumulations upon the gov ernment itself. Some years since a wealthy man died in New York , and his acquaintances , after variously estimating the deced ent's fortune at one , two , three , and even five millions of dollars , re ferred to the noted wit , Win. R. Travis , and said : "How nmch do you think Mr. left ? " And the quick answer came : "He left every cent he had ! " How insignificant are bequeathed millions when compared to the bequests from pure and good homes of men and women of strength , courage , industry , temperance , frugality and downright honesty and truthfulness ! WHO TOOK DOWN THK AMERICAN FLAG ? In 18M Texas cut herself loose from Mexico with the sword. But the United States did not annex Texas un til 1845 and after that expansion , war between the United States and Mexico was evolved from a disagreement and dispute about a boundary line and a relatively small strip of territory. During the American-Mexican con flict the battles of Monterey , Polo Alto , Cerro Gordo , Buena Vista and Ohapul- topec were the most famous. But in 1848 , after the capture of the City of Mexico and the raising of the American flag over "the halls of the Montezumas" peace was concluded and declared. If , however , the present jingo dogmas had then prevailed , "the halls of the Monto- zumas" aforesaid would have re mained ours , for wo could never have hauled down the flag therefrom , nor surrendered anything in the way of property , real or personal , over which that glorious emblem had once in triumph waved. Nothing could have been done then but to annex Mexico and ex pand our domains so as to have taken in "the halls of the Montezumas" afore said. "Who hauled down that flag in Mexico ? Was it lowered by order of Major- General Winfield Scott ? Did rough- and-ready Zachary Taylor take it down ? And can the expansionists , annexationists - ists and jobbing jingoists of this day and generation do less than demand a revisal of the history of the war with Mexico , and provide , in that revised version , for the utter , absolute and everlasting con demnation of those generals who com manded and permitted and abetted the hauling down of the American flag from "the halls of the Montezumas" afore named ? What rational ( if there be such ) advo cate of the annexation of the Philippines can commend the historical fact , or en dorse the patriotism which evolved it , that after whipping Mexico the govern ment of the United States did not annex Mexico in 1848 ? What miscreants took down the flag then ? Who trailed honor and "Old Glory" in the mire and muck of non- expansion then ? AN OL.1) OllCHAltl ) . Aii orchard of seventy-five trees , which have been bearing for more than sixty years , on the farm of Henry Davidson , near Whitesville , Ind. , has for the last five years yielded a better quality of fruit and more of it than it did a score of years ago. THE CONSERVATIVE is certain that the Whitesville orchard was top grafted and not minus tap roots. Full-rooted seed lings , top-worked , make long-lived or chards in Indiana and will prolong the lives of orchards in Nebraska as well. Next week's THE TOKKENS LAW. CONSERVATIVE will contain another article of the series on the above subject , which is unavoidably deferred from this issue , owing to press of other matter. It deals with some of the de fects of the present system under which ownership of land is secured , as well as with the hardships which our laws lay upon owners of real estate. The Tor- reus system is a matter which every person who is interested in any piece of land should look into.