The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, December 29, 1898, Page 14, Image 14
n Conservative. . . .Office of. . . G. R. CLOVER , 302 KARBACH BL'K , OMAHA , NEB. United States Land Attorney. Ex-Register U. S. Land Office. Will Assist Local Attor neys. "The Real Estate Man , " Always has Bargains in Ranches , Farms and City Property. OMAHA , NEU. , Dec. 28 , 1898. To the Public : I have resided in Nebraska for twenty years , and during this time have been actively engaged in the laud business , as individual , and as Register of the U. S. Land Office , and feel that my acquaint ance with the various parts of the state enables me to give valuable assistance to those who want to purchase or sell Nebraska forms , ranches or Omaha city property. Call on or write , stating fully what you have for sale or what you want to buy and the same shall have prompt at tention. Many persons are not familar with the Government Laud Laws. Every man over the age of 21 , every married man under 21 , every unmarried woman over the age of 21 , every widow , even if she has made proof on her hus band's homestead ; soldiers' widows and minor orphan children of deceased sol diers and those who are heads of families by the adoption of a minor child , are all entitled to a homestead of 1GO acres of government land. Widows of deceased soldiers and the minor orphan children of deceased sol diers are not required to reside upon the land. There are thousands of acres of good government land in Nebraska. Timber culture claimants living outside of the state or land district wherein the land lies , can make their proof where they reside. I have had 17 years' exper ience in the Government land practice , as individual and as Register U. S. Land Office , and am prepared to assist those who are in litigation over their rights or those wanting counsel or advice. Respectfully , C. R. GLOVER. HIGHLY DEVELOPED FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. My highly developed , home FRUIT FARM , located in extreme southeast Nebraska , immediately on west bank Missouri river , where crops of all kinds have never failed. No better fruit laud and environments anywhere ; pays a handsome profit. Declining years and inability to give personal attention only reason for selling. Detailed description , price , etc. , address , ROBT. W. FURNAS , Brownville , Nebraska. MAGNIFICENT TRAIN SERVICE . . VIA . . THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD , Two Trains Dally to Denver and Colorado Points. Two Trains Dally to Utah and California. One Train Dally to Portland , Ore. OK Colorado Special. To Denver and Colorado PointH. Loaves Omaha t 1 m SB everyday at llwp , jj _ Arrives Denver next day 2:55 : p. in. Cbc Colorado fast laih ) To Denver and Colorado Points. Leaves Omaha every day at Arrives Denver next day 7:35 : a. in. Overland Oinitcd , To California in Two Nights. Leaves Omaha C > 5O everyday at 3 A. M. Arrives Ogden next day . . . 1 MO p. m. " Salt Lake City next day. . .8:10 : p. m. " San Francisco third day. . .8:45 : p.m. Double Drawing Room Pullman Palace Sleepers , Buffet Smoking and Library Cars , Pull man Tourist Sleupers , Free Reclining Chair Cars , Dining Cars , Meals a la carte. For Rates. Tickets , Sleeping Car Reservations and full information , call on your near est Union Pacific Agent or address , | jr LOIV1 AX Qen'l. Pass. & Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nub. THE SECRETARY SOMETHING NEW IN PLOWS Plowing and Subsoiling In one Operation. Save the Rainfall for your land , ! i stead of allowing it to run to waste. A perfect Disc turning Plow , stirring the furrow bottom at from two to eight inches below the plow ; breaking up the glazed furrow bottom ; admitting the free absorption of rainfall. "Better than any irrigating device. " Send for descriptive circular. DBBRB & CO. , Moline , Illinois. ELJV1ORE & COOPER , ( Established I8SO. ) LIVE STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS , KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS. KANSAS CITY , MO. CAPITAL $13SOOO.OO. Furnish money to responsible farmers for feeding cattle in Missouri river ter ritory. Also offer investors a limited line of secured cattle feeders' paper , with the firm's indorsement , at current rates of interest. JOY MORTON < Sfc CO. MANUPACTintUliS AND DKALEItS IN ARCJO STARCH SAL , SODA SALT CEREALS SODA ASH General Office , Pier INo. 1 , Chicago. Shipping Docks and Soda Factory C. B. & 6. SLIP I. C. PIER 1 , CHICAGO. BBL.T RY. , C. R. I. & P. SO. CHICAGO. CDc California fast mail. Quick tlmo to San Francisco. Leaves Omaha / | m 3S every day at * Hr pt Arrives Ogdcn morning second day .2:00 : a. in. " Salt Lake morn'g sec'd day. 80 : ! a. m. " San Francisco morn 8rd day. 0 :45 : a. m. CD * Portland fast mail. Quick Time to Portland only 2 days. Leaves Omaha m 35 every clay at T p > j { _ Arrives Ogden morning second day 2:00 : a. in. " Salt Lake morn'g sec'd day 8JJO : a. in. " Butte second day . 1:45 : p. in. " Portland morning third day 7:20 : a. in. Saltworks : WYANDOTTB , MICHIGAN , HUTCHINSON , KANSAS. Starch Factory and Cereal Mills , Nebraska City , Neb.