The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, December 29, 1898, Page 11, Image 11
: .sf . B 'Cbe Conservative. li the steam engine and the rise of 'the present industrial system , which I have called the "machina-facture. " This last stop has produced and is still producing a series of social changes which give rise to the social antagonisms of today , and which passing into the sphere of politics become questions of political issue. The evolution of the industrial sys tem was the force which socialized the clans and tribes into nations , and is the force today which is socializing the na tions together with the ethical and re ligious ideals which are in corresponding process of evolution. But it is the purpose of this paper to trace only in outline the beginnings and development of the industrial system which is rapidly enveloping the world and is socializing all mankind. And the particular object in this is to show how the origin and organization of an industrial system formed a new basis and purpose for political combination. As the appearance of infancy in the ani mal world was ground for the genesis of the family , so man's economic wants and his inventing the means to supply those wants were the ground for greater political combinations than the clan and the rise of another great institution the political state. By the organization and development of an industrial system based on the right of private property and contract , the food supply was first enormously in creased. It could bo indefinitely in creased by peaceful industry. This fact alone tended to do away with fighting. But that which was of the most pro found and far-reaching significance was the fact of the free exchange of the pro ducts of labor arising out of the division of labor. When one man found that by reason of some local advantage and superior personal skill he could produce more oJ a certain economic good than some other man who in turn by reason of his loca' advantage and personal skill could pro duce a different economic good and each could produce beyond his own wants , and each wanted what the other had , then the two men found out the advantage OJ free exchange of the products of their labor. When , in this matter of the exchange of the products of labor or services men found that one man's interest was not opposed to another man's interest thci exchange was substituted for robbery Men did not at first recognize this fact. They have not yet learned it There is a largo class of men yet who persist in interpreting the conditions o our present industrial life in accordant with the traditions of primitive life when one man's success did rneai another man's starvation. Our tariffs miscalled protective ar survivals of the barbarous mode o hinldng which fitted the ages before ndustrial civilization began. The pacific implications of free ox- hango between persons and places with- n the same political organization are ully recognized in all civilized states , jut not yet between all civilized nations. Nevertheless it is true that the begin- lings of agriculture and commerce narked the beginning of the greatest ocial revolution in the career of man- dnd. The conditions for the maintenance of ho physicnl life were changed from that of the animal world and that of primi- ivo man. Two animals wolves confront one another. A fierce fight ensues. The stronger wins the carcass which the veaker had found and captured. That s primitive man. Two human beings civilized men confront each other. Sach has wants , not merely physical wants , but them , and hundreds of ligher spiritual wants developed by civ- lizatiou. Through division of labor each has what the other wants. They exchange on an equitable basis. Tliat is civilized man. The interests of industry are antagonistic to war. The beginnings of an industrial system founded upon property and contract are ; he beginnings of human interests that .ire tending constantly to the elimina tion of warfare. In the rise of industrial civilization are found the causes which tend to the elimination of warfare and the consequent quent development of the idea of the n < t- tiini. tiini.Looked Looked at from the standpoint of the political state , progress in the formation of states has boon made by the coalesc ing of small groups or tribes into larger and larger political aggregates. This process has not gone on regu larly and uninterruptedly and its ten dency has been apparent only to the seer and the poet. The process of union and coalescence has been brought about by the needs and under the impulse of industrial civilization. The chief ob stacle to union has been universal hos tility and warfare inherited from prime val times. The history of mankind has been made up of fighting ; much but not all of it useless. During the historic period the wars ol Europe have been contests between the industrial and the predatory types of society , or , contests incident upon the imperfect organization of largo politico groups. In the interest of the family and of the industrial society great political ag gregates have been formed in three ways. First , by conquest without in corporation. A single powerful tribe conquered and annexed its neighbo but did not admit the conquered peopl to a share in its government. The con quering tribe used the conquered trib to increase its military strength , robbet ho producers of wealth of the fruits of heir labor and tlmfl , virtually enslaved hem. This is the onjgitiil typo of union. Nothing pacific about in ( JA ' ( The second mode of union wojithat , of onquest with incorporation. Thereon ; ' quering tribe annexed its neighbor and , /A , > s radually admitted some of the people C / I- o a share in the government. Thus arose the Roman Empire ; the argest , most stable and the most pacific ocial aggregate the world had seen. It succeeded in breaking up the clan sys- em in the best part of Europe. Its jrcat contribution to civilization and to he development of the idea of the na- ion was its development of the concep- ion of rights and duties coextensive with humanity , or the idea of law as miversal. The third mode of union of different social groups is by the device of repre- entation , by which political power is retained in all parts of the community while its exercise is delegated to a cen tral body. This mode permits a vohintury union ind is therefore pacific in its nature. The other two modes are involuntary. Partly for this reason and partly be cause of the military pressure to which ; he frontier was constantly exposed the Roman government became a despotism .vhich . gradually took on many vices of ; ho oriental type. This political weak ness resulted in the overrunning of Eur ope by people of lower civilization or ganized in clans and tribes. Then was retrogression toward primi tive ages. But the retrogression was temporary and partial. The third method of forming great political aggregates mentioned is feder ation. Fighting was essential under the two lower methods fighting for con quest in the beginning and then fighting the rebellions that followed. Under the method of federation there is no conquest , but a voluntary union of small political groups into a great poli tical group. Each smaller political group preserves its local independence intact while forming at the same time a part of an indissoluble whole from which is no secession. The first two methods are involuntary : brought about by force and held by force. The last is a voluntary union and is therefore pacific. It is self-constituted , and hence is free. But the conditions for this federation are high intelligence and high ethical development. In early times such union was impos sible. It is impossible now with savage and half civilized groups. Federation was first attempted by the Greeks. The plan failed for want of the device of representation. In later times it has been put into successfnl operation on a small scale by the Swiss and on a larger scale by our English ancestors. , The coalescence of shires into the Kingdom of England effected by means of a representative assembly and at the