i"F ? " * # * .v ssp.\ , T 4 V , , < - .w. . Che . VOL. i. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 15 , 1898. NO. 23. PUHMRHKI ) WKKKI.Y. OFFICER : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. .T. STERLING MORTON , BniTOit. A aOUUNAr , DKVOTKl ) TO THE DISCUSSION "OK 1'OMTKUr , , KCONOMIG AN1 > SOOIOr.OQlOAIi * " - ' CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 5,350 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ouo dollar and a half par year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances nnvdo payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSKKVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postoillce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class mutter , July 29th , 181)8. ) GET OUT. oi-s , merchants , bankers , manufacturers and other la borers in Nebraska who have absolute , abiding and fighting faith in the gold standerd as a basis for American busi ness should today withdraw from Nebraska , how many farms , how many mercantile houses , how many banks , how many manufactories would be left running in the state ? On the other hand , if all the merchants , bankers and manufacturers in Nebraska who believe in and advocate the free coinage of silver at sixteen to one should withdraw their capital and quit Ne braska what concerns would stop run- niug ? Is it not perfectly within bounds to say that at least seventy-five per cent of the active capital in the state of Ne braska belongs to and is managed by the citizens who are for a gold dollar stan dard and against the free coinage oi silver ? There is a vasl NOT A STOCK- amount of twaddle HOIVUKll. evolved every year in American newspapers and by orators of the spell-binding brand about the inate and inalienable right of suffrage. Every year it is declared with more 01 less vehemence , that every citizen has the right to vote on any and all ques tions of government in his immediate precinct or ward. Every year we are surfeited with flabbergastio eulogiums upon the priceless right of voting. This doctrine of universal and unlimited suf frage has been preached BO persistently -u ; hat many citizens think that by their votes the rights of railroad owners , bank properties and in fact of all corporate capital should bo determined. But in spite of all the exhortations in favor of balloting upon all things and in all places by all the -people , railroad , tele graph , telephone , " buUding'aiidl6ari"com- panies , banks and insurance companies have insisted that in the election of their boards of directors only stockholders should vote. Now those corporations have been or ganized for gainful purposes , for making money. And they obviously conclude that to submit their affairs to the vote and management of a lot of fellows who have paid in no money and have no financial interest in them would result in ruin. Government is a corporation but it is organized not for making money. Its functions are to GOVERNMENT IS „ , A CORPORATION. erfcy aud religious liberty. The service rendered by government to the citizen is only that care and defence of his property , his liberty aud his life. And for that service this corporation , called govern ment , demands compensation in the form of taxes. Every man should pay some tax for this tremendous and vital ser vice that the state renders him. Ho should pay a head tax if he has no prop erty to pay upon. And any man who does not pay some tax should bo declared not a stockholder in the corporation called government. Thus he should bo tribntiou for its maintenance. The so-called poor man gets more oul of government that is essential to his own and his fanvi- TIIE SO-CALLED lyg hftppiness fchan POOR MAN. thQ so.cftllcl rich man can possibly get. The latter maybe bo deprived of liberty , of property , and oven of life and his family not suffer for money or that which it will buy. Bui the man without personal and rea estate must have liberty in which to earn bread for his household and his life is essential to the daily food of the family. These the state protects. Foi that protection ho should pay a head tax Each December the la v should pro vide that , every adult male in the com monwealth shall pay at the office of the county treasurer a poll-tax of atileast two dollars. For that payment he should get a receipt , a stockholder's cer ificate , and at the ensuing elections of the next year ho should exhibit to the officers of the election that certificate and upon it bo permitted to vote. None but those who have contributed at least that much should bo allowed to vote for directors in the corporation called gov- -t V-a > ' 5r v1 ft M > j-T < T " ' "v > * v eriuueut. f " i This will not bo popular preaching among politicians. But at bottom and in truth it is the advocacy of justice. Why should persons who put not one penny into the public purse but who are nevertheless protected in all their civil rights by the laws which are en forced by the agents of the state , who are paid out of that public purse which is filled by the people be permitted to vote , to direct , to determine , possibly , the policies of a state , a county , a city , or a republic ? Only stockholders can rightfully vote. Only stockholders who have paid up their assessments in any corporation should be permitted to cast ballots. Too many fond parents are constantly striving to secure something of value in fortune or reputation for the sake of their children , instead of exercising a vigilant solicitude and discipline to de termine what those children shall be mentally rtnd morally. The father and mother who wish to found success and honorable usefulness in their offspring can best accomplish that end by select ing the practical knowledge and the standard of right and wrong , which those cliildron shall acquire and adopt , with conscientious and deliberate judg- _ . . . „ * Vr Y-j ' ' - ' " * " > lfl. ! ment. . i . „ , ; What shall my son be mentally and morally ? Not , what shall my son have in this world ? Because in Ohio , Pennsylvania , Illi nois , Now York , Nebraska , Kansas , aud other states there is a mild type of small pox prevailing THE CONSERVATIVE pub lishes this week interesting , instructive and useful information concerning vac cination and smallpox and its symptoms and treatment. Parents should read this knowledge carefully and act discreetly so as to pre vent any possible epidemic of the disease in any part of the United States. Health officers must bo vigilant and im perative. The people must obey them. Severe penalties await thCcs who dis obey and those penalties will be en forced. , JMT lIL..wtO * , j- * * * * f- Jj Hilfeitfla u.