The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, December 08, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Cbe Conservative.
Recently TIIE CONSERVATIVE was hon
ored by being remembered at the rooms
of the American Press association which
caused THE CONSERVATIVE to receive
from the postoffico the following evi
dence of the continued existence and
vigor of those patriotic philanthropists ,
Jones of Arkansas ; Stone of Missouri ;
Altgeld of Illinois ; Senator William Vin
cent Allen of the Universe ; and Henry
M. Teller , of the Silver Moon and Cole
Two Columns of Plates
Supplied Without Charge
JE.rprcss Prepaid.
The "Ways and Means committee ap
pointed by Chairman Jones of the
Democratic National committee has
issued an
in behalf of this movement "to Fi
nance the Campaign of the People by
the People Themselves. " This ad
dress is signed by
Chairman Democratic National Com.
Ex-Governor of Missouri.
Ex-Governor of Illinois.
Senator from Nebraska.
Senator from Colorado.
General Manager "W. H. Harvey , of the
"Ways and Means committee , desires the
publication of this address ( proof of which
is enclosed ) in every paper friendly to the
cause of Bimetallism and it has therefore
been attractively set in double column
measure , two full columns , and put into
American Press association plates and will
be supplied by the committee , on applica
tion to the American Press association , to
any publisher in the United States who will
publish it ,
Without Charge , Express Prepaid.
Here is an opportunity for editors who
believe in silver restoration to do practical
work by thus co-operating with the "Ways
and Means committee in what they believe
to bo one of the most important movements
ever connected with the battle for bimetal
lism. If you desire to use these plates send
your order to us.
Who could decline to grab and em
brace to breathlessuess such on opulent
opportunity to give wide circulation to
the great designs and profound utter
ances of that gigantic syndicate of
brains and "trust" in statesmanship ?
Certainly THE CONSERVATIVE , as an
advocate of the gold standard , could not
decline the luxury of circulating the
sixteen-to-ouoness of the
- - distinguished
economists named. Therefore this issue
contains the hereunto appended effort of
these five dynamos of populism , free
silverism and antagonism to the federal
judiciary. From time to time comment
may be made upon this "ways and
'means committee" and its methods.
All Money is Payable to Treasurer of the Committee Only.
For the purpose of promoting the cause of Bimetallism and of carryIng -
Ing on the necessary work to overthrow the un-American and corrupt
gold standard domination of this country , and. In consideration of the *
fact that others are making similar subscriptions for this purpose. I
hereby agree to pay to THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE , com
posed of Senator James K. Jones , of Arkansas ; ex-Governor Wm. J.
Stone , of Missouri ; ex-Governor John P. Altgeld , of Illinois ; Senator
Wm. V. Allen , of Nebraska , and Senator Henry M. Teller , of Colorado ,
and their successors , the following sums , to wit : One dollar for the pres
ent month , and one dollar for the first day of each succeeding month , to
and Including the first day of October. A. D. 1800 ; in all pay
ments of one dollar each. This money to constitute a special fund , to
be paid out only on the approval and order of said committee.
e' . , . < . . ( Signature )
Name of paper this
was cut out of.
Cut out. fill up blanks and mall to W. H. Harvey , General Manager ,
1044 Unity Building. Chicago. 111. On receipt of the subscription , direc-
tlons will be sent you how to remit.
To the Friends of Our Cause Through the action of the Democratic Nation
al Committee , the undersigned have been appointed a Committee on Ways and
Means to begin work , now. for the campaign of 1900 , and desire to Issue the fol
lowing address upon the work we have undertaken :
Money to meet expenses is as ne : e sary In securing Justice for the people In
the trials of great political Issues before the jury of the whole people , as It la
necessary in the case of a litigant securing a fair and impartial hearing before
a court and Jury. In the latter instance a suitor without money is unable to
employ counsel of ability , take needed depositions , and make other legitimate
preparations requiring the expenditure of money ; and when thus situated , If
opposed by a wealthy adversary , he frequently falls in securing : Justice by
being unable to fairly and fully present his case to the court and Jury. .
And while this is true of the Individual In a court of Justice , on a much
larger scale It is true of a great body of people contending for the cause of
truth and liberty. Money must be raised to pay the necessary expenses , or
our cause will meet with an adverse verdict in 1900.
The forces opposing us have four active national committees , to whom
money Is supplied by those profiting by national legislation and the corrupt ad
ministration of affairs. One of these committees is the so-called National
Democratic Gold Standard Committee , at the head of which Is Mr. George F.
Peabody , a New York banker. Another Is the Indianapolis Committee , the
outgrowth of the Indianapolis gold standard commercial convention , at th
head of which Is H. H. Hanna. who Is insidiously working through commercial
bodies , seeking to frighten them into compliance with the behests of the money
power. The third Is the bankers' organization at 62 William street. New
York , that IB supplying free of ezpenpe to all willing newspapers misleading
arguments In favor of the gold standard ; and the fourth Is the National Re
publican Committee , of which Mark Hanna Is chairman , and to whom the
trusts , monopolies and other combinations are furnishing the money'for cor
rupting the minds of the people and debauching the nation.
If we are. combat the ovll Influences at work the. neo s8ary monty -must