The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, December 01, 1898, Image 1

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Ono dollar and a half per year , in advance ,
postpaid , to any part of the United States or
Canada. Remittances made payable to The
Morton Printing Company.
Address , THE CoNSEKVATivc , Nebraska
City , Neb.
Advertising Rates made known upon appli
Entered at the postoiflco at Nebraska City ,
Nob. , as Second Class matter , July 29th , 1898.
Smce Jones
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HARVEY.Teller , Allen & Co.
made an assign
ment of the conglomerate effects of the
sixteeu-to-oue democrats , silver repub
licans and populists there has been a vis
ible decline in the assets. Creditors who
were ready a few weeks ago to liquidate
their claims against the concern by ac
cepting its nominations for county , state
and national offices are now in doubt as
to the value of such nominations.
More discouraging , however , than the
election returns are the limited contri
butions which Receiver Harvey is get
ting from the former friends and sup
porters of that trinity of errors. Even
the fusion newspapers which have here
tofore loudly proclaimed the nutritive
and restorative properties of bologna-
sausage politics as the , best nourishment
for liberty and an oppressed and down
trodden people are less and less enthus
iastic in their advocacy of the unlimited
coinage of silver at 16 to 1 and the abolition
ition of the writ of injunction.
Some of the principal periodicals of
this triune heresy are almost ready to desert -
sort because rations and hospital conven
iences are so limited oven iu Colorado ,
Nebraska and other Western states.
crats and other
citizens of Nebraska who believe in hon
est money must not forget the causes of
the defeat of the majority of the fusion
and confusion candidates for the legis
lature which elects a successor to Hon.
William Vincent Allen in the senate of
the United States. A potential cause of
this solacing and satisfying result was
.r = = "
Hon. George Fred Williams of Boston ,
Massachusetts. This distinguished prop
agator of populism in general , and of
the sixteen-to-one-free-silver-coinage-in-
unlimited-loads in particular , made ma
jestic oratory at Lincoln , Omaha , and
other towns. In every speech Mr. Wil
liams , with tears in his eyes and a
lachrymose voice , sobbingly portrayed
the poverty and hunger of unemployed
Labor throughout New England and
particularly in Boston.
The squalid , ragged and unfed of
worldess thousands were so numerous
in the estimates given out by Orator
Williams that they represented ninety
per cent of the entire cod-fish eating
population of the New England coast
and one hundred per cent of the pork-
aud-beans eaters of Boston.
Thus Williams left nobody to bo a
plutocracy nobody to bo a money-
power anywhere on the Puritan soil.
This made everybody in Nebraska rich ,
by comparison.
Mr. Williams therefore is entitled to
thanks for having materially aided in
allaying discontent among Nebraskans
by telling them how infinitely more dis
tressed than any of them are the down
trodden poor in and about the propin
quity of Boston. Mr. Williams will do
gold standard men a great favor if he
will canvass the state once more for
free silver , in unlimited quantities at
the ratio of 10 to 1. And if Mr. George
Fred Williams of Boston will enter into
a contract to speak for free silver in Ne
braska until overycouutry town shall have
heard him Tins CONSERVATIVE is certain
thnt the advocates of the gold standard
will be glad to settle upon him a fine ,
princely annuity for life. No other
orator can make the unlimited coinage
of silver at 16 to 1 appear so laughably
ludricrous by talking in its favor. Mr.
Williams is peerless iu presenting the
monetary views of the populists so as to
make them roariugly ridiculous. Mr.
Williams has the thanks of Nebraska
for his great help as an intellectual oc
ulist ho opened eyes to the absurdities
of the fusionists , illusionists , confusion-
ists and delusionists wherever ho spoke.
Thanks to Williams !
The stock of the C. H. V. & T. rail
road advanced 60 per cent between No
vember 6 and 15. That is , whereas on
the first date it was worth 2 } cents on
the dollar , on the latter it was worth 4
cents. This is the road that was
wrecked by young Ives some years ago.
IIANKIXG. government of
United States is
divorced from the business of banking
the bettor for agriculture , manufacture
and commerce. The money fallacies
which have been so numerous and so r
dangerously popular during the last six
years are largely the result of an at
tempt by the government to do a gen
eral banking business. The greenbacks
which ought to have been redeemed and
cancelled have been a constant source of
distrust and derangement in the finan
ces of the country because of their com
pulsory re-issue under the provision of
the law which John Sherman insisted
upon , and which Thomas Francis Bay
ard vehemently and patriotically antag
onized. To keep a reserve fund of gold
in the treasury amounting to a constant
minimum of one hundred millions has
been a very expensive undertaking and
a prime cause of disastrous panic. The
three hundred and forty-six millions of
greenbacks which were not taken up by
the issuance of United States bonds have
cost the taxpayers of the country at
least thirteen millions of dollars more
than would the interest upon them iu
bonds. The existence of these green
backs makes it always possible to create
a panic. A run upon the gold reserve is
a panic. As long as greenbacks are cir
culated and the gold reserve for their 1
redemption exists there is constant dan
ger of panics.
Contrary to the crude views of many
well-intentioned citizens who attempt
to teach finance to the multitude , the
greenback is not a dollar. No green
back , from a one-dollar bill up to the d-
nomination of ten thousand dollars , ever
professed to be a dollar. Each and every
one is only the promise to pay the dollar.
And when , in the darkest hours of the Ci
vil War , it seemed doubtful as to the abil
ity of the United States to over redeem
the promise , greenback currency was at
a discount of forty cents on the dollar.
Just as the note of an individual may
or may not be par because of his sup
posed ability to liquidate , so the notes of
a government , issued to circulate as
money , fluctuate in purchasing power.
The confederate states had a govern
ment de facto. It issued a paper cur
rency. It promised to pay dollars. But
it failed and the promises were dishon
The same confederate government ,
however , issued silver half dollars from
its mints. And they are today worth
,1. .