The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, November 17, 1898, Page 14, Image 14
The Conservative , WE DO NOT MAKE A CHEAP FENCE , but we inako the best we can and SEL.U IT CHEAP. PAGE FENCE is peculiar , does not sag nor hag nor lag between the posts ; will not injure Htock ; nor stock will not injure it. Two men can put up a mile a day after the posts are set , and if need be , stretch it all at one pull. You snvo boarding a lot of men a couple of weeks and this is no small item which must be added to the cost of all hand made fences. It doesn't matter where you live , we have an agent near you who will stretch the fence at our expense' . PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO. , No. 6 Michigan St. Adrian , Mich. ENGRAVED STATIONERY. Wo nro prepared to furnish promptly all lauds of .Copper Plate Engraving and Embossing. . . . Bngraved VISITING CARDS , WEDDING ANNOUNCE MENTS AND FANCY STATIONERY. Write or Call on us for anything in this Line. Prices as low as any Respon sible House. . . .MORTOIN PRIINTIINQ COMPAINV. . . NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. MAGNIFICENT TRAIN SERVICE . . VIA . . THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD , T\vo Trains Daily to Denver arid Colorado Points. Two Trains Dally to Utali and California. One Train Dally to Portland , Ore. Che Colorado Special To Denver nml Colorado Points. Leaves Oiniilm "f fl 5S ever y day at ll p/ Arrives Denver next day 2:55 : p. jn. Cl > e Colorado Fast DaiL ) To Denver and Colorado Points. Leaves Oninha .A . 35 every day at 'T" p Sn Arrives Denver next day 7B5 : a. ni. CIC ) OiKrlaiid Otnited. To California in Two Nights. Leaves Oinnlm CJe SO every day nt C5 3f Arrives Oudon next day . . 1 : 10 p. in. " Suit Lake City next day . :10 : p. m. " San Francisco third day 8:45 : p. in. Cbe California Fast mail. Quick time to San Francisco. Leaves Omaha / \ 9 35 every day nt T pi j Arrives Ogden morning second day 2:00 : a. in. " Salt Lake niorn'g sec'd day. BUJO a. in. " San Francisco morn ! ) rd day 9:15 : n. in. Cbe Portland Fast mail. Quick Time to Portland only 2 days. Leaves Omaha /4 36 m every day atHrop ; j Arrives Ogdcn morning second day 2:00 : a. in. " Salt Lake morn'g sec'd day. i:30 ) : a. in. " Butte second day 1:45 : p.m. " Portland morning third day.7:20 : a. in. Double Drawing Room Pullman Palace Sleepers , Buffet Smoking and Library Cars , Pull man Tourist Sleepers , Free Reclining Chair Cars , Dining Cars , Meals a Ja carte. For Rates. Tickets , Sleeping Car Reservations and full information , call on your near est Union Pacific Agent or address , D w LOIVI A.X Qon'l. Pass. & Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. THB SECRETARV SOMETHING NEW IN PLOWS Plowing and Subsoiling in one Operation. Save the Rainfall for your land , in stead of allowing it to run to waste. A perfect Disc turning Plow , stirring the furrow bottom at from tvo to eight inches below the plow ; breaking up the glazed furrow bottom ; admitting the free absorption of rainfall. "Bettor than anj ; irrigating device. " Send for descriptive circular. DBBRB & CO. , IVloline , Illinois. ELMORE & COOPER , ( E tnblisliecl 188O. ) LIVE STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS , KANSAS CITV STOCK YARDS. KANSAS CITY , MO. OAPITAU $ i:25OOO.OO. : Furnish money to responsible farmers for feeding cattle in Ittissotiri river ter ritory. Also offer investors a limited line of secured cattle feeders' paper , with the firm's indorsement , at current rates of interest. JOY MORTON < Sz GO. MANUPACTUHEH8 AND DEALERS TN ARCJO STARCH SAL , SODA SALT CEREALS SODA ASH General Office , Rier No. 1 , Chicago Shipping Docks nml Soda Factory C. B. & O. SLIP I. C. PIER 1 , CHICAGO. BEiVT RY. , C. R. I. & P. SO. CHICAGO. Saltworks : WYANDOTTE , MICHIGAN , HUTOHINSON , KANSAS. Starch Factory and Cereal Mills , Nebraska City , Neb ,