The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, November 10, 1898, Page 13, Image 13
Conservative 13 prosperity on which , as a nation , wo have entered. The Intent power and force inherent in the flold naturally trib- xitary to Now Orleans , as well as the in tense energy and activity of the people inhabiting it , alike make for startling achievements. To properly develop the trade of this country wo must seek the long-neglected foreign markets of the South and the Orient. To control this trade will re quire a largo merchant marine. The re cent territorial acquisitions , the contem plated Nicaragua canal , and the largo appropriations made by the last con gress , for a larger and more efficient navy should stimulate ship-building in the United States. The policy of our statesmen on this subject must be a broad and liberal one. Our national government must aid in the upbuilding of our marine. Subsi dies to steamships are analogous to land grants to railroads. One is now of as much national importance as was the other in its time. The same liberality which , within a generation , gave us the largest railway mileage in the world , will bear yet richer fruits , when intelli gently applied to commerce with for eign nations. The products which our railroads carry to the seaboard for export should bo transported in our own vessels. At the present time vessels with foreign flags streaming from their peaks fill our harbors. Of the total foreign trade con ducted in 1897 only 9 per cent in value was carried in vessels flying the Stars and Stripes. "When it is remembered this trade amounted this year to over $1,800,000,000 worth of goods it will be seen how great is our yearly loss. Since our decline as a maritime power thous ands of millions of dollars in freight money have been paid to European shipowners. Had our merchant marine kept pace with our internal growth this nation would hold the commercial su premacy of the world today. Our ships , as constructed today , are not outclassed by those of any other nation , nor do they cost more to build. When , iu. 1882 , wo commenced to build a navy the English press scoffed at the idea of our producing either hull or engine. In a short time we produced two of the largest and fastest cruisers in the world , the Columbia and Minneap olis. Europe was astounded ; England was amazed ; our ships aroused her jeal ousy ; she produced the Powerful and the Terrible to outclass them. The whole world today acknowledges our supremacy in building and handling ships of war. Russia , since the out break of the Cuban war , has placed orders for several warships to be built in Philadelphia. The record of the St. Louis and St. Paul as fast Atlantic liners , challenge the admiration of all shipbuilders. See the record of our internal re sources which will provide the means to profitably employ such a mercantile marine. The value of our staple crops , other produce and live stock , for 1897-98 , reached the enormous figures of $5,110- 000,000 , being an increase of $809,000,000 over that of two years previous. The total gain to agriculture for a period of a little more than two years was $1,000- 000,000. The farm indebtedness paid off during the past two years is estimated at $100- 000,000. The value of the last two wheat crops of themselves was $861,000,000. This was a gain of $401,000,000 over the two previous crops. For the past year we sold to foreigners $871,000,000 of agricultural products. In the same time we sold in the markets of the world more than we purchased therefrom by upwards of $600,000,000. Our strides in manufactures have been 110 less. From a total of $102,000,000 exported in 1880 , wo have risen to $280- 000,000 in 1897 , an increase of $187,000- 000 , or over 188 per cent. Our net imports of gold the past year were over $100,000,000. From the re sumption of specie payments up to July , 1898 , the United States imported $50- 000,000 more gold than it exported. When to this is added the products of American mines , which amount to from thirty to fifty millions yearly , the query may be pertinent "Is the United States a creditor nation ? " With such achieve ments , with such resources and wealth , what is to be our destiny ? In his tribute to America in 1878 , while contrasting the commercial future of England with that of the United States , Mr. Gladstone said : "It is she alone who , at a coining time , : an and probably will wrest from us that commercial primacy. Wo have no title ; I have no inclination to murmur at the prospect. If she acquire it , she will make the acquisition by th.e right of the strongest , but in this instance the strongest means the best. She will probably become what we are now , the head servant in the household of the world , the employer of all employed because her service will be the most and ablest. " STUYVESANT FISH. In view of the BISMARCK ON . . . . , , ill-judged craze COLONIES. for the annexation of the Philippines , etc. , the following Busch's "Bis- quotation from Moritz - niarck , " vol i. , p. 414 , may not be out of place. Speaking of the proposed cession of Pondicherry as part of the war in demnity from France to Germany in 1871 , Bismarksaid : "I do not want any colonies at all. Their only use is to provide sinecures. That is all England at present gets out of her colonies , and Spain too. And as for us Germans , colonies would be ex actly like the silks and sables of the Polish nobleman who hod no shirt to wear under them. " The Ladies A QUEER STORY. . , TT T Homo Journal tells an anecdote of a gentleman who has be come famous as an evangelist. Ho was playing cards with his wife in their room at a hotel , when in came a mes senger boy with a telegram. "Won't you sit down and have a game of auth ors with us , my boy ? " says the evange list ; and when the youth had declined and withdrawn , and his wife asked him what ho meant by making such a crack , ho explained that if he had not done so all the morning papers would have told that ho had been found playing cards. Now the question is , is this a moral story ? And if so , what is the moral ? Our true mission OUR TRUE . as a nation is one MISSION. of peace. Our missionary efforts are best , and will prove , in the future as in the past , most effective , by our demonstration to the peoples elsewhere of a wise , peaceful , and beneficent administration of a great , free government , based upon the free choice of its people , without the exercise of external force as expressed in the burden of a great standing army and a great navy. Ex-Congressman Stewart ( rep. ) of Vermont. If war for any purpose was not always a calamity to men and nations , the swift and energetic and almost magical preparation for it which the most pow erful and the most enlightened country on the globe is making would be simply magnificent. The Nebraska City CONSERVATIVE , in spite of early predictions , would seem at lost to be launched upon a success ful career. The admirable papers of Mr. J. Sterling Morton on financial and economic matters are still perhaps its most prominent feature , and are widely read , especially among those who appreciate close reasoning and strong , clear-cut logic , and who are fully alive to Mr. Morton's exceptional familiarity with all branches of his favorite subjects. As was probably foreseen , however , to restrict the scope of a paper closely to these abstruse themes did not tend to swell the sub scription list. So the more frivolous work of lighter hands became gradually to bo apparent , and THE CONSERVATIVE , although one would not characterize it as more interesting , became interesting to a wider and more diverse number of readers. In this connection it will doubtless interest those who knew Mr. A. T. Richardson , a brother of Mr. F. M. Richardson of The Excelsior during his residence here several years ago , to learn that the descriptive article on the In w. . dian Congress at the exposition , which first appeared in THE CONSERVATIVE and was at once copied into The Bee and then into the American Review of Reviews , is his work. Omaha Excelsior.