' * " ' .1-i' .A. * ' ' N - . . . . - . . * . . / . - . - 'Cbe Conservative. THE CONFLICT. The day's before mo ; wondrous gift ! A miraclu of light , n well Of possibility , u height Surmounted ; or n foil Descent that readies down to hell. What victory the setting sun May at its close this day behold 1 What mighty battles fought and won Against those cunning foes of old , That lurk as shades in love's stronghold ! A giant conflict , mightier far Than Homer sang in seige of Troy ; Wherein man's baser passions war For that which time doth scon destroy A woman's smile , a beauty coy. Aye , far more subtle are the foes That smite this city of my life ; Those walls of consciousness that grow With strength and beauty with the strife , Or fall. Today the battle's rife. Up , craven , up ! nor fear the foe , Nor sigh for ease , nor wealth , nor name ; Thou canst but work while it is day. Slaves strive for pleasure , fools for fame ; A spirit ruled thy highest aim. Arise my soul , a Joshua Stands , as of old , upon the heights , Where darkling hosts of evil are , That threaten to o'erwhelm the right ; No shadow dwells in truth's pure light. More than all gifts thy love provides. I thank thee , Father , for this day , Thy day and mine. Whate'cr betides. This blest at-one-mont cannot stay Till time and sense shall flee for aye , Lost in the light of perfect day. Emma Shumnn. February , 1808. One of the ablest nnd most vigorous papers coining to our table is THE Cox- SKKVATiVE , published at Nebraska City. Neb. , and edited by J. Sterling Morton , the accomplished secretary of agricul ture under the second Cleveland admin istration. THE CONSERVATIVE , which is printed in magazine form and presents nu inviting appearance , bristles in each issue with ably written articles on the silver issue. Mr. Morton , it is well known , is a gold democrat ; and with admirable force and clearness ho gives the reasons for the faith that is in him. "William J. Bryan , of our sister state of Nebraska , is a bright young man ; but it is n conservative statement to say that he could profitably go to school for a long while yet on the money question to J. Sterling Morton. Mr. Morton , in arguing against flat money : "Fiat finance is just about as nourishing to trade as flat food would bo to bodily strength nnd health. If legislation has the power to create value by n mere be- it-euacted , it can by the same necrom ancy create nutriment. The enchnntry which can make forty cents worth of silver bullion equal to a hundred cents' worth of gold bullion , can mnke a forty pound sack of flour equal in furnishing nutrition to n sack which holds a hun dred pounds of flour. Topeka Demo crat. MAGNIFICENT TRAIN SERVICE . . VIA . . THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Two Trains Dcilly to Denver * and Colorado Points. Two Ti-nlns Daily to Utali and California. One Train Dally to Portland , Ore. Che Colorado Special. To Denver and Colorado Points. Leaves Omaha "t\m 55 everyday at ll pi 'jj | Arrives Denver next day 2:55 : p. m. Cbe Colorado fast IDaiK To Denver and Colorado Points. Leaves Omaha j35 every day at T * p7jf. Arrives Denver next day 7:83 : n. in. CIK Overland Cimited. To California in Two Nights. Leaves Omaha 4 . SO every day at 5 A7 3VL Arrives Ogdcn next day 1 : JO p. m. " Salt Lake City next day. . . 3:10 : p. m. " San Francisco third day . . . 8:45 : p.m. CDe California fast i aiL I Quick time to San Francisco. Leaves Omaha . / ! 35 every day at r p73T Arrives Ogden morning second day. .2:00 : a. m. " Salt Lake morn'g sec'd day. .8iO : ! a. m. " San Francisco morn 8rd day 0-lf : > n. m. Cbc Portland Fast l aiL Quick Time to Portland only 2 days. Leaves Omaha jm 35 every day -T".p7"iJ Arrives Ogden morning second day. .2:00 : a. m. " Salt Lake ' ' . . . . morn'g sec'd day. .8JO : ! a. m. " Butte second day lJ5p. : m. " Portland morning third dny.7 : ! 30 a. m. Double Drawing Room Pullman Palace Sleepers , Buffet Smoking and Library Cars , Pull man Tourist Sleepers , Free Reclining Chair Cars , Dining Cars , Meals a la carte. For Rates. Tickets , Sleeping Car Reservations and full information , call on your near est Union Pacific Agent or address , ? * p L.OIVI A X Gon'l. Pass. & Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. THE SECRETARY SOMETHING NEW IN PLOWS Plowing and Subsoiling in one Operation. Save the Rainfall for your land , in stead of allowing it to run to waste. A perfect Disc turning Plow , stirring the furrow bottom at from t\vo to eight inches below the plow ; breaking up the gla/ed furrow bottom ; admitting the free absorption of rainfall. "Better than any irrigating device. " Send for descriptive circular. DBBRB cSfc CO. , Moline , Illinois. ELMO RE & COOPER , I88O. ) LIVE STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS , KAISSAS CITV STOCK YARDS. KANSAS CITV , MO. CAPITAL. $ O5OOO.OO. Furnish money to responsible fanners for feeding cattle in Missouri river ter ritory. Also offer investors a limited line of secured cattle feeders' paper , with the firm's indorsement , at current rates of interest. JOY MORTON Sfc CO. MANITKACTU1IKII8 AND UKALKIIS TN ARdO STARCH SAL , SODA CEREALS SALT SODA ASH General Office , Pier INo. 1 , Chicago. Shipping Docks and Soda Factory C. B. & 6. SLIP I. C. PIER 1 , CHICAGO. BEuT BY. , 0. R. I. & P. SO. CHICAGO. Saltworks : WYANDOTTE , MICHIGAN , HUTCHINSON , KANSAS. Starch Factory and Cereal Mills , Nebraska City , Neb ,