The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 27, 1898, Page 14, Image 14
14 the Conservative * England With the Hcuvy Hand. England lias inflicted far greater land disasters on her redoubtable neighbor , Franco , than all tbo military monarch ies of Europe put together. English armies for 120 years ravaged Prance , while England has not seen the fires of a French camp since the battle of Hast ings. English troops have twice taken the French capital , an English king was crowned at Paris , n French king rode captive through London , a French emperor died in English captivity end his remains were surrendered "by Eng lish generosity. Twice the English horse marched from Calais to the Pyr enees , once from the Pyrenees to Ca- K..S ; the monuments of Napoleon in the French capital at this moment owe their preservation from German revenge to an English general. All the great disasters and days of mourning for Franco since the battle of Hastings Tcuchebray.Oressy , Poitiers , Agiucourt , Veruouil , Crovant , Blen heim , Ondenarde , Ramillies , Malpla- quot , Mindeu , Dettiugeu , Quebec , Egypt , Talavora , Salamanca , Vittoria , the Pyrenees , Orthes , Waterloo were pained by English generals , and won , for the most part , by English soldiers. Even at Foutenoy , the greatest victory of which France can boast since Hastings , every regiment in the French army was on their own admission routed by the terrible English column , and victory was snatched from its grasp solely from want of support on the part of the Dutch and Austrians. Alison's "Life of Marl borough. " The Gloved Paslm. Mustapba Pasha Fehmi , prime minis ter of Egypt , decorated by Queen Vic toria with the grand cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George , is known throughout Egypt as the gloved pasha , owing to the fact that no one has over seen his left hand bared since the day two and twenty years ago when , as one of the chamberlains of the late Khedive Ismail , ho helped his colleague , Sahmi Pasha , to strangle the Egyptian minister v , - . % , > . at ter of finance at the close of a supper party given by the wicked old khedive on board his steam yacht , lying at anchor in the Nile at Cairo , just off the palace of Gezereh. Fortunes From Bananas. Immense fortunes have been made out of the banana business. Revenues do not accrue alone from the sale of the fruit , for the leaves are used for pack ing ; the juice , being strong in tannin , makes an indelible ink and shoo black ing ; the wax found on the underside of the leaves is a valuable article of com merce ; mauilla hemp is made from the stems , and of this hemp are made mats , plaited work and lace handkerchiefs of the finest texture. Moreover , the banana is ground into banana flour. The fruit to bo sold for dessert is ripened by the dry warmth of flaring gas jots in the storage places in which it is kept , and immense care has to bo taken to prevent softening or overriponing. The island of Jamaica yields great crops of this useful and money making fruit. The open season for dnckB has just opgnu How about political canards ? MAGNIFICENT TRAIN SERVICE . . VIA . . THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Two Trains Dally to Denver and Colorado Points. Two Trains Dally to Utali and California. One Train Daily to Portland , Ore. Che Colorado Special. To Denver and Colorado Points. Leaves Omaha < -g , SS everyday at ll.p/j Arrives Denver next day 2:55 : p. in. ClK Colorado Fast l aih To Denver and Colorado Points. Leaves Omaha s4 m 35 every day at " ' pT'M. Arrives Denver next day 7iJ5 : a. in. Che Overland Limited. To California in Two Nights. Leaves Omaha f fm. SO every day at 3 A. M. Arrives Option next day . . 1 : ! ( ) p. in. " Salt Lake City next day ! ) :10 : p. in. " San Francisco third day .8 Mo p. in. Double Drawing Room Pullman Palace Sleepers , Buffet Smoking and Library Cars , Pull man Tourist Sleepers , Free Reclining Chair Cars , Dining Cars , Meals a la carte. For Rates , Tickets , Sleeping Car Reservations and full information , call on your near est Union Pacific Agent or address , ti. I < ( V ivi iwvy Gen'l. Pass. & Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. THE SECRETARY SOMETHING NEW IN PLOWS Plowing and Subsolllng In one Operation. Save the Rainfall for your land , in stead of allowing it to run to waste. A perfect Disc turning Plow , stirring the furrow bottom at from two to eight inches below the plow ; breaking up thi glazed furrow bottom ; admitting the free absorption of rainfall. "Better than any irrigating device. " Send for descriptive circular. DBBRB Sr CO. , Moliiie , Illinois * . Shipping Docks and Soda Factory C. B. & O. SLIP-I. C. PIEU 1 , CHICAGO. BEL.T . RY. , C. R. I. & P. SO. CHICAGO. Che California Fast roall. Quick time to San Francisco. Leaves Omaha j/t + 3S every day at * T pt j Arrives Ogden morning second day. .2:00 : a. m. " Salt Lake moi-n'g sec'd day. .UH ! ) a. m. " San Francisco morn JJrrt day 0:45 : a. m. Che Portland Fast mail. Quick Time to Portland only 2 days. Leaves Omaha .Am 35 every day at r p7"SL Arrives Ogdcn morning second day 2:00 : a. m. " Salt Lake morn'g sec'd day. ,8liO : a. in. " Butte second day 1:45 : p.m. " Portland morning third day 7:20 a. in. ELMORE & COOPER , ( Established I88O. ) LIVE STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS , KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS. KANSAS CITY , MO. $ O5OOO.OO. Furnish money to responsible farmers for feeding cattle in Missouri river ter ritory. Also offer investors a limited line of secured cattle feeders' paper , with the firm's indorsement , at current rates of interest. JOY MORTOIN < Sfc CO. MANUFACTUJtKHS AND liAlKIB : IN AROO STARCH A I T < SAl- SODA CEREALS /\.JL < 1 SODA ASH General Office , Pier INo. 1 , CHica o. Saltworks : WYANDOTTE , MICHIGAN , HUTCHINSON , KANSAS. Starch Factory and Cereal Mills , Nebraska City , Neb. f , , * . " . ' < ' '