; -l 2 Conservative * clmngo the waters of the Plntto into whiskey and its sands into pulverized sugar by u statute. For legislation can create beer , sugar and whiskey out of water and sand , just as easily as it can create value in silver or paper. But gold standard advocates arc per fectly willing to have the United States mint gratuitously coin dollars in silver without limitation , and dollars in gold in the same way ; provided no legal- tender quality is bestowed by law upon either. Gold needs no legal-tender quality. Silver , all of its friends admit , will not circulate except the legal-tender quality be given it. And TIIE CONSERVATIVE goes further and does not hesitate to de clare its faith that if gold bo demone tized by withdrawal of the legal-tender quality from all coins made of gold and at the same time silver coins are permit ted to retain that quality , the purchas ing power of gold will remain unim paired while that of silver will bo unin- creased except in paying one's debts. Such legislation would make plain the fact that it is the universal human desire for gold which makes the constant de mand for gold and that demand makes the value of gold. Things not desired are not demanded. Things for which there is no demand have no value. Poynter is for a monetary circulation made out of free silver dollars of 412) < > grains which he proposes to force by legal-tender acts upon all the people of the United States who have labor , com modities or farm products for sale ! ! He would have the farmer take for the results of his year's toil dollars of stead ily lessening purchasing power ! ! Such dollars would buy only the worth of their bullion weight anywhere outside of the United States. The populists and Mr. Poynter and Senator Allen hold to the financial faith of the fiatists. They declare that government can create values out of vacuity and manufacture money out of irredeemable paper. They believe that the shadow of a broiled beefsteak is as succulent and nu tritious as the substantial steak itself. They agree with Calamity Woller of Iowa , and other authorities upon vagar ies , visions and vacuums , that the decree .and stamp of the government can make a bit of leather or a scrap of paper worth a dollar , have it pass by force of a legal- tender act for a dollaraud perform per manently all the functions of desired and demanded gold money. Holding such views , how long will it be before Allen , Poynter , Billgreene and Bill deck will agitate in favor of fattening hogs and cattle by a mere "be- it-enacted ; " how long before , by law , bread tickets , meal tickets and milk tickets shall subsist and sustain man kind ? How long before those active benefactors - factors will provide eternal salvation and safe seats in a silver-paved paradise where silver crowns and silver harps for ever sound the melodies of an everlast ing populism for all the poor , plain and oppressed ? How long before thirty minutes will be declared an hour , thirty seconds a minute , and a day twelve haul's , in the interests of "the toiling millions" for whom Senator Allen and Poynter are now acting as guardians and conserva tors ? Before the civil war a fire-eating con gressman from Alabama declared , one lay , that he had left his hotel because Thad Stevens , Owen Lofojoy , Joshua R. Giddings and Charles Sunnier fre quently dined at the same table with liim and constantly talked of the aboli tion of slavery and of negro eman cipation. The Southerner said he could not stand their nauseating twaddle aboxit equality of races and that he had therefore changed to Browns' . But said a listener "Seward and John P. Hole live there and don't they also talk abolition and equality , political and social for the Negro ? " "Yes , they talk it too , bnt tltoxr other il < lfonh believed U ! ! " The advocates of sixteen to one and other financial lunacies are likewise di vided into two classes ; the BilldeckBill- greene , Poynter breed who believe and the Allen class who without believing talk. " Poynter cannot , probably , make , with his declarations and avowals as quick time and as fine a record in a poli tical race as have been proclamed for Star Pointer ! t0 I'KIOIAXKNT rniCKS FOU n e 111 purchasing KAiruoAJ > power in the nion- SKKVICK.S. ey of our country stable freight and passenger rates upon the railroads of the United States are essential to the prosperity of the people. From n speech made in Chicago on Wednesday evening , October 5th , by Mr. Paul Morton , vice president of the Atchisou , Topeka and Santa Fe railroad , TIIE CONSERVATIVE with peculiar satis faction , reproduces the following sensi ble suggestions : "If the railways of the United States were owned by the government the rates of transportation would without doubt bo as inflexible as the price of postage stamps. No fair-minded man should want anything else now , and the mer chants , manufacturers and railroad offi cials should all cooperate with this end in view. In my opinion , legalized pool ing will come as near causing stability in rates as anything yet proposed. It will permit railway companies to make proper contracts with each other to maintain rates. It will tend to prevent discriminations between individuals and localities and would be in the interest of both the transportation companies and the public. "When the statute laws have been so amended that the railroads may undoi the natural law of self-preservation be permitted to pool for the purpose of es tablishing stable rates , and not until then in my judgment , will wo approxi mate unfluctuating equity to our cus tomers. " Further along in the same speech Mr. Morton mentions the illegitimate trailic in passenger transportation thus : "It is the exception to rind a man cn- ; aged in the ticket-scalping business with proper ideas of morality or citizen ship. Nearly every ticket-scalping office contains contraband tickets tickets that have expired and can only be used by plugging or erasions or by forgery. The pommercial savagery of ticket scalping is an abomination. Every traffic mana ger , every well-informed railroad man , is solicitous for a law that will prevent barbarity in transportation. National [ aw is invoked to prevent the continu ance of this menace to legitimate pas senger traffic. Common honesty and a decent regard for the rights of the trav eling public demand the enactment of a [ aw to prevent ticket scalping. " Having known Mr. Morton as a truth- belling boy for some years THE CONSER VATIVE places great confidence in the ut terances which he now makes ns a man. HAYWAKI ) . , dice is blindly as saulting the personal character of Judge M. L. Hayward , the republican candidate for governor of Nebraska. But popu lism and Poynter can gain nothing by vilification. The best citi/ens of Ne braska City and Otoe county , however radically they may have differed from Judge Hayward , all admit that his pri vate life has been upright and honorable and that as a judge he discharged his duties with ability and fidelity. As saults upon strong and wholesome char acter wound only those who commit them. Men of mental and moral stam ina can not be overthrown by the mere breath of scandalous braggarts. After carefully examining the plat forms of the democracy of New York , New Jersey and Connecticut for the purpose of finding where the declarations of adherence and fidelity to the Chicago platform are concealed , some of the estrayed and bewildered former demo crats of Nebraska must wonder "where they are at. " With only one candidate on au entire state ticket and he running a second time for the attorney general ship , the thousands of former democrats now trailing along as captives in the rear of Poynter and Allen and Bill greene and Billdeck must feel so meek that , by comparison , Moses is a proud and arrogant character. And particular attention , on the part of those former democrats , to the recent election in Georgia , where the populists wore defeated , crushed out of existence , and pulverized by Georgia's democracy , will only make recusant democrats in Nebraska better prepared to quit feeding upon husks and to return like the prod igal sou to a bettor life and more whole some principles among the household gods set up by Jefferson , Benton and Jackson.