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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1898)
Che Conservative. THE HENSHAW EUROPEAN HOTEL. Late McTegue. Oyster and Grill R.oom. Ladies' Dining Room Entrance , 308 South Fifteenth St. T. J. O'BRIEN , Prop. , 1509 Farnam St. 'Phone 1216. OMAMA , NEBRASKA. ENGRAVED STATIONERY. We are prepared to furnish promptly all kinds of . . .Copper Plate Engraving and Embossing. . . . Engraved. VISITING CARDS , WEDDING ANNOUNCE MENTS AND FANCY STATIONERY. Write or Call on us for anything in this Line. Prices as low as any Respon sible House. . . .MORTOIN PRIINTIINQ COM RAINY. . . NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. LARGEST AND OLDEST FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 1849 Chartered by the State of Massachusetts. INCORPORATED 1849. CHARTER PERPETUAL , . SPRINGFIELD Fire and Marine Insurance Co. , OR SPRINGFIELD , MASS. Annual Statement , January 1st , 1898. Oash Capital , 1,5OOOOO Dollars. ASSETS. Cash on hand , in Bunks and Cash Items $ 18Ua7a.97 Cash in hands of Agents and in course of Transmission 917,262.82 Rents and Accrued Interests 52,241.06 Real Estate Unincuinbered 128,000.00 Loans on Bond and Mortgage ( first lien ) 727,770.00 Loans on Collateral Secxtrity 88,275.00 Bank Stocks , Market Value 601,665.00 Railroad Stocks , Market Value 1,686,040.00 Railroad Bonds , Market Value 429,000.00 Water Conipairy Bonds , Market Value ! 181,000.00 United States Bonds , Market Value 106,750.00 Swift and Company Bonds , Market Value 50,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS $4,507,276.85 LIABILITIES , CAPITAL STOCK $1,500,000.00 Reserve for Re-insurance 1,447,827.05 Reserve for all unsettled Claims 209,049.85 NET SURPLUS : 1,350,899.95 A. W. DAMON , President. CHAS. E. GALACAR , Vice Pres't. H. M. GATES , Treat. SANFORD J. HALL , Sec'y. W. J. MACKAY , Asst. Sec'y. WESTERN DEPARTMENT , CHICAGO , ILLINOIS. A. J. HARDING , Manager. A. F. DEAN , Asst. Manager. W. A. BLODGETT , 2d Asst. Manager. Agencies in all the Prominent Localities Throughout the United States. WESTERN COLD STORAGE CO. , LARGEST COLD STORAGE AND FREEZING HOUSE IN THE WORLD. J3o a General Cold Storage and Freezing business and make liberal advances on Eggs , Butter , Cheese and Poultry stored , at a low rate of interest. CAPACITY CARS. , 4,000 . Warehouses : A. B. C. D. E. and F. Warehouses : J. M. , R. K. & W. North State and Michigan Streets , North , Side. Illinois Central Railroad Pier No. 2 , South Side. DIRECT CONNECTIONS WITH AL.L , RAIL , AND WATER LJNES. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MAIN OFFICES : 39 NORTH STATE STREET. CHICAGO.