The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 13, 1898, Image 1
Cbc VOL. i. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , Tt fksDAY , OCTOBER 13 , 1898 NO. 14. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , Eurrou. A JOUHNAI , DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postoilico at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29th , 1808. Children cry and THK MONEY , . . . . , J , POIVEK. shiver with fear at the stories told by old aunts and other ancient relatives , concerning non-existent hobgoblins , witches and ghosts. And so infants in finance , tyros in economics and fatheaded - headed urchins in monetary studies are aroused and alarmed into he-hysterics by voluble orators who depict the des perate and dastardly designs of the money power on "the plain people. " The Money Power desires to cripple everybody who owes the Money Power HO that the Money Power can never i cover its dues ! ! The Money Power deliberately plans and causes panics so that the Money Power may see people , off whom money has been and may be made , con verted into paupers who can" furnish money to nobody ! The Money Power lies awake nights to devise ways of making blue ruin for the country , because the Money Power can always thrive so stalwartly where agriculture , commerce and manufac ture are cold and decayed in death. The Money Power wants no prosper ity anywhere because the Money Power knows that disaster , failure and bank ruptcy always make the slave of the Money Power more uneful and profit able ! The Money Power will soon , however , be driven out of the country if popu lism prevails. Capital with all its wicked intentions of building mills , sugar factories , ele vators , starch factories and other indus trial establishments in Nebraska will be deliberately driven out of the state by the election of men who damn the Money Power , denounce capital and arouse popular discontent. Money has no power when it is lioarded and inert. Money confers no benefit upon its owner until it leaves him. How then can oven foolish people bo scared into political paroxysms by the portraitures of the Money Power which Senator Allen and other artists flam boyantly depict ? about as nour ishing to trade as fiat food would be to bodily strength and health. If legislation has the power to create value by a mere be-it-enacted it can by the same necromancy create nutriment. The enchantry which can make forty cents' worth of silver bullion equal to a hundred cents' worth of gold bullion can make a forty -pound sack of flour equal in furnishing nutrition to a sack which holds a hundred pounds of flour. If an irredeemable dollar is just as good as one redeemable in gold an ir redeemable order for a meal of victuals is just as good as a meal and equally as nourishing. If a dollar which contains only forty cents' worth of silver bullion is worth just as much as it would bo if it con tained a hundred cents' worth of that bullion why is not forty per cent of a gallon of skimmed milk equal to a gal lon of Jersey cream ? If an enacted ratio between the coins determines the relative value of the bullion the coins contain , instead of the commercial value of the bullion deter mining the value of the coins , then why cannot legislation prescribe a ratio be tween corn bread and wheat bread ? Corn bread is not as much in demand as wheat bread. Corn is cheaper than wheat. But why not by law institute bi-cerealism "without to - regard any other nation ? " Why not create a desire - sire and demand for corn bread by an enacted legal ratio ? Why not make it legal to offer guests sixteen ounces of corn bread in lieu of every ounce of wheat bread demanded ? If metallic money must be regulated by ratios why not foods ? And if value in money may be all fiat and the money good why may not fat tening food bo likewise all fiat ? No man who raves against capital and endeavors to array the so-called poor against the so-called rich is fit to bo elected to any legislature. October 8 , 1898 , ix TIIF IIAMJS , , , . , OF A UKCEIVKlt.fch ° Allowing letter - tor reached the author of Coin's Financial School and found him ready with cheerful alacrity to accept from the assignees the position of receiver for an exploded corporation of silver mine and bullion owners. "Mr. W. H. Harvey , Chicago , El. Dear Sir : The undersigned committee on ways and means , to further the cause of bimetallism and the overthrow of cor rupt republican domination of this country , tenders you the position of general manager of its work. You will observe that the committee represents not only the democratic party , but the allied forces that are working with it for the protection of the Republic and free institutions , and it is in a spirit of harmony and true patriotism that we desire your assistance. "JAMES K. JONES. "WILLIAM J. STONE. "JOHN P. ALTQELD. "WILLIAM V. ALLEN. "HENUY M. TELLEU. " Mr. Harvey has notified the commit tee of his acceptance of the position , and has opened an office in the Unity building , Chicago. The Joues-Stone-Teller-Allen-Altgeld epistle is too modest , as anyone may ob serve , when it assumes to represent "not only the democratic party , but the allied forces that are working witli it for the protection of the Republic. " The authors of that letter are giant guardians of the plain people. Each signer of that purely patriotic epistle can point with pride to great benefits which his statesmanship has bestowed upon plain people ! And it must wound their affectionate and delicate sensibilities to place cor porate bimetallism in the hands of a receiver. But their sorrow is softened , no doubt , by the fact that Coin Harvey is the receiver and that if all the asses he has converted to his financial views can be used as assets , lie will make' the best possible showing for the falla cies which have failed. There is a man " . trying to become governor of Nebraska who really be lieves that government can evolve value from nothingness by the mere magic of a "be-it-onacted. " This Mr. Poynter , who was not long ago a distinguished prohibitionist , may have experienced pangs for fear that a bibulous legislature might make rainwater into beer or