14 The Conservative. 1493 Columbus left Cadiz on his huuond voyage with 17 vessels and 1,500 men. 1500-Phillp I of Spain died. 1513 Balboa discovered the Pacific ocean and took pos session in the name of Spain. IKJO-Thu Mai ouis of Spinola , famous Spanish commander - . . er , died. MAOiiONALii. 1775 Ethan Allen was captured by the British. 1704 Mrs. Felicia Dorothea Humans , author of many gems in English poetry , was born in Liverpool ; died 1835. 18-10 Marshal Macdonald , a general under Na poleon and by him created Duke of Tarcn- turn , died at Courcolles , France ; born 1705. 1857 British troops , under Generals Outram and Havelock , relieved Lucknow and saved the garrison by lighting their way into the Briti-ih residency. 1870-Sicge of Paris begun. IbWi Professor Sir George Murray Humphrey , author of noted medical works , died in London ; born 1820. September 30. 1750 Admiral Loid Collingwood born at Now east lo-upon-Ty ne. 1820 Daniel Boone , pioneer hunter , founder and defender of Kentucky , died in Mis souri ; born in Pennsylvania 1735. 1842 Richard Colloy , Marquis Wclltvdoy , statesman and oldest brother of the Duke of Wellington , died. 1873 Mrs. Clara Mundt ( Louisa Muhllmch ) , celebrated historical novelist of Germany , died ; born 1811. 1874 Right Rev. Henry Washington Lee , D. D. , LL. D. , died. 1804 Launt Thompson , noted American sculp tor , died at Middletoxvn , N. Y. ; born I&j3. 1895 Hon. E. W. Bull , a prominent agricultur ist , originator of the Concord grupo , diet1 in Concord , Mass. ; born 1807. September 7 < 1100-Battlo of Tenchebrai ; de feat and capture of Robert , duke of Normandy , eldest son of William the Con queror. 1001 Louia XHI of Franco born ; died 1043. 17S2 Samuel Adams , patriot , born in Boston ; died there 1803. 1783-Don August in Iturbide , Mexican emperor , born near Mordia ; executed 1824.AUM. . 1800 Raphael Semmes , Confederate admiral , commander of the cruiser Alabama , bom in Charles City , Md. ; died in Mobile 1877. 1825 The Stockton and Darlington , first rail road in the world , formally opened lor passenger trufliu ; the cara were drawn by horses. 1830-Genorul William Babcock Hazcn , Union holdler , born in West Hartfoul , Vt. ; died 1887. 1870 General Braxton Bragg , noted in the Mexican war and aa a Confederate army commander , died in Philadelphia ; born in North Carolina 1817. 1895 Professor Louis Pollens of Dartmouth , noted scholar in French and German , died at Hanover ; born 1838. 1897 Hon. George M. Robeson , secretary of the navy under Grant , died at Trenton ; born 1831. September 28. 490 B. C. Battle of Marathon ; remarkable victory of 10.000 Greeks over moro than ten times as many Persians. 855 The Emperor Lothairc died. 1742 Jean Baptiste Mussillon , celebrated French preacher , died. 1805 General William Moultrio , noted South Carolina patriot and Revolutionary soldier , died in Charleston ; born in England 17U7. 1859 Dr. Karl Rittcr , a distinguished geog rapher , died at Berlin. 1870 Strassburg surrendered to the Germans , the French losing at every point. 1880 General Samuel D. Sturgis , a veteran of the Mexican war and distinguished Federal leader in the west , died at St. Paul ; born at Shippensburg , Pa. , 1822. 1892 General John Pope , U. S. A. , retired ; died at Sandusky , O. ; born 1821) ) . Pope was a successful general in the southwest and the hero of the capture of Inland No. 10 in the Mississippi. Ills Virginia campaign of 18(12 ( was most disastrous. MAGNIFICENT TRAIN SERVICE . . VIA . . THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Two Tr iii4 Dully to Denver tuid Colorndo Two Trtilns Dtiily to Utuli tincl Ciilifomlti. One Truln Dully to Port I mid , Ore. Che Colorado Special. To Denver anil Colorado Points. Loaves Omaha 1 GG every day at 11 m pTjf. Arrives Denver nuxt day 2:55 : p. in. ClK Colorado Fast DaiL ) To Denver and Colorado Points. Leaves Onialiad. . 35 every day at T pi jj Arrives Denver next day 7W : ! a. in. ClK Overland CimitecL To California in Two Nights. Leaves Omaha < , SO every day at 3 "AT Ml Arrivi'sOgdon next day . . . 1:40 : p. in. Salt Lake City next day 11:10 : p. in. " San Francisco third day . . .8:45 : p. in. CDc California fast i ail. Quick tiino to San Francisco. Leaves Omaha sm * * 5 every day at * Hr pjf7 Arrives Ogden morning second day 2:00 : a. in. " Salt Lake morn'K see'd day 11:110 : a. in. " San Francisco mornllrd day ( J:45a. : in. Che Portland fast lail. Quick Timu to Portland only 2 days. Leaves Omaha \ m 3S every day at " < T" P. M. Arrives Ogden morning second day 2U : < ) a. in. " Salt Lake morn'g scc'd day ! ltta. : ! ) m. " Butte second day . . . . 1:45 : p.m. " Portland morning third day 7'M : a. m. Double Drawing Room Pullman Palace Sleepers , Buffet Smoking and Library Cars , Pull man Tourist Sleepers , Free Reclining Chair Cars , Dining Cars , Meals a la carte. For Rates , Tickets , Sleeping Car Reservations and full information , call on your near est Union Pacific Agent or address , py * LO1VI.A.X Gun'l. Pass. < te Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. THE SECRETARV SOMETHING NEW IN PLOWS Plowing and Subsoiling in one Operation. A perfect Disc turning Plow , stirring the furrow bottom at from two to eight nches below the plow ; breaking up tins -.rla/.ed furrow bottom ; admitting the t'reo absorption of rainfall. "Better f , than any irrigating device. " Send for descriptive circular. DEBRB & CO. , JVlolino , Illinois. EUMORE & COOPER , ( Established 188O. ) LIVE STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS , KAIXSAS CITV STOCK YARDS. KANSAS CITY , MO. CAPITAL * $125OOO.OO. Furnish money to responsible farmers for feeding cattle in Missouri river ter ritory. Also otter investors a limited line of secured cattle feeders' paper , with the firm's indorsement , at current rates of interest. JOV MORTON Sfc CO. MANirt'ACTUKEHS AND DEALERS IN ARCJO STARCH SAL , SODA SALT CIEREAUS SODA ASH General Office , Pier INo. 1 , Shipping Docks and Soda Factory U. B. As O. SLIP I. C. PIEK 1 , CHICAGO. MELT R.Y. , C. U. I. & P. SO. CHICAGO. SaltWorlw : WYANDOTTH , MICHIGAN , HUTC1I1NSON , KANSAB. Starch Factory and Cereal Mills , Nebraska City , Neb.