* < . < NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER i , 1898. rUHMSHED WEEKT/T. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION OF FOIilTIOAIi , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 20th , 1803. ' THE CONSERVATIVE. , , , 'V.e thousand sub scribers and constantly increasing pat ronage THE'CONSERVATIVE has no hesi tation in declaring unevasively and with out any reservation whatever that the American republic , if it is to be perpet uated , must be a government of the in telligent by the intelligent for the intel ligent. THE CONSERVATIVE solicits the sup port of good citizens everywhere in the United States who concur in this senti ment. BARBARISM AND In a state of bar- CAPITAL. : bar is in savages never created capital. It was impos sible that they should. Savages prac tise no self-control , and only a sort of bestial self-reliance. Commerce is the commencement and advancement of civilization. Until a people begin to trade , and use an intermediary com modity , as money , for the facilitation of exchanges , they are barbarians. From gainful trade capital is accumu lated. Capital is as essential as air and breath to labor. It pays the effort and the muscle which constitute it ; it com pensates the intelligence which directs it. Capital is to labor as steam , water and electricity to engines. Moveless machinery without a propelling power is inert and inutile. Muscle unemployed labor without capital to hire it is equally useless. Edward Everett PROPHECY ANI > FULFILMENT. Hale > m the At' 1 an tic Monthly , December , 1808 , on the rebel leaders : "I know too , that their punishment , as they vegetate through what is left of life to them in wretched Boulognes and Leicester squares , where they are des- bined to upbraid each other until they die , will have all the agony of Nolan's , with the added pang that everyone who sees them will see them to despise and to execrate them. " All the newspapers , in August , 1898 , on the ex-confederate General Wheeler : "General Wheeler is the idol of the United States army. " " The moral of this , as one thinks it over , seems to be that the thirteen ori ginal colonies are no longer the United States. ANOTHER Mr. W. Whit- PROPHECY. man , in a Wash ington paper , about 1868 : "Race of Veterans race of Victors ! Race of the soil ready for conflict race of the conquering march ) ( No more credulity's race , abiding-tempered race. ) Race henceforth owning no law but the law of itself. Race of passion and the storm. " BEVELNot distant from POWER BEVEL- OPED BY THE CONSERVA- CAPITAL. TIVE office and along the beautiful bluffs upon which prosperous and contented towns and cities thrive , the sullen and tawny tide of the Missouri river has for centuries poured towards the Gulf. It always represented power , force , undeveloped utility. But in recent years capital came in and planted water works sys tems for many places , among them Ne braska City. And now each day mil lions of gallons are distributed to our starch works , packing houses , cereal mills , and other manufactories. Each day Missouri river water , converted into steam , is chained and ironed to labor in 'the conversion of raw products to food supplies. Each day the en slaved currents of the big river hand over to commerce commodities to go into all the markets of the globe. To day the developed and disciplined mo tive powers of the Missouri river , under the management and guidance of capi tal , make possible remunerative employ ment to many hundreds of industrious , efficient and self-reliant men and women along its banks who are hopefully found ing or joyously completing and embel lishing their own homes. Capital carries civilization and Chris tianity to the uttermost parts of the earth. Capital is as essential to civiliz ation and Christianity as are light and air and water to animal life and growth. But without self-reliance , combined with self-control and self-denial , the world could never have acquired that capital ; without which civilization and Christianity are impossible. Talleyrand said : THE SCIENCE OF "The art of GOVERNMENT. put ting the right men in the right places is the first science of government ; but that of finding places for the discontented is the most cult. " The absorption of the savagery of the Philippines , and the assimilation of the semi-barbarism of the Sandwich Islands by the United States , will make the study of the Science of Government the duty of every thoughtful American. How can this representative form of government , dependent upon the intel ligence and morality of the governed for its existence and perpetuation , be maintained for the ignorant and bestial millions of the Pacific Islands ? Branding a man CRIME is NON- PARTISAN , populist , demo crat or republican does not change his moral nature. The political organization in any state which attains a position of such domination that a nomination to office means an election will always most attract and best serve those men who seek office for a livelihood. Where the majority is so large that any nominee can be elected the quality of nominees declines in ability and in tegrity ; and rascals soon achieve places where they plunder the public. Any party which attains a very large majority in any state is unfortun ate because that party is sure to soon find rattcals at its head ; and mediocrity and knavishness directing its affairs towards certain and merited defeat. All history verifies the statement that crime is non-partisan. The majority in each party in the United States is un doubtedly inclined to honesty and fair play. Some leaders in each party , how ever , have been convicted of rottenness in office. But that does not make all members of all parties in the United States corrupt. There is no politics in larceny. The art of presistency is the very finest of fine arts because it alone can develop artists. Nature may produce a fool but a pop ulist is always his own making , for his money theory is that something can be made out of nothing.