Conservative. offer to intelligent agriculture satisfac tions nnd emoluments innumerable. But , as "familiarity breeds contempt , " there are hundreds and thousands of pretty good men , and women too , who asperse , decry and depreciate the capa bilities and productive resources of this empire of arable land. The fact that forty successive years of cropping these lands exhibit fewer fail ures than on any other lands in the United States which have been consec utively tilled for the same period of time is not remembered. The fact that these lands by their gen erous returns , have lifted up tens of thousands of human beings from the depths of poverty to the fairest heights of domestic comfort and opulence is ignored. The great Northwest is unappreciated by many of its own people. It is under valued. It is because they have traveled too little. If TIIE CONSERVATIVE could take all the discontented deiii/eus of Kansas , Iowa , Nebraska , the Dakotas , and Mis souri in a big balloon and sail them over all the other states and let them see farms and fanning there , and homes and homelifo there , it would return the excursionists in a most contented frame of mind. And each and every one would glorify the prairie states. STOCK YAHUS The populist POPULISTS. party in Nebraska proposes that the United States govern ment shall acquire and operate all the railroads , while the state government shall secure and operate the stock yards at South Omaha. Further , these same patriotic populists declare for governmental issue of full flat paper , or part fiat silver currency , in such abundance that all who desire more money may have more money whether they have anything to exchange for money or not. Then with money as free as air , rail roads carrying freight and passengers for nothing , and the hog , horse and cattle hotels at the South Omaha stock yards gratuitously open to all equine , bovine and porcine guests Nebraska will begin to realize the felicities of a truly paternal government. But the full fruition of populism will not be witnessed and admired until the state shall have bought and run the hotels for human beings in every town , cross-roads and city of Nebraska ! Why should the rates for human beings at the Paxton , Millard and other first-class stopping places bo left for determination to the avarice of proprietors ? Why should populists insist upon fixing rates at hotels for cattle , horses , sheep and hogs in South Omaha , and omit to regulate and fix rates for the hotels for human beings at Omaha and in other towns and cities of this commonwealth ? Is the * 1 human of less consequence , in populistic eyes , than the steer , the sheep , the horse and the hog ? SHIPS A3I > WKAPONS OF TIIE NAVY. 11V LIKUT. CHA8. STBI1MAN ItllM.KY , U.8.N. CLASSIFICATION OF SHIPS. Ships of the navy are divided into four classes called rates according to their displacement in tons. First Rate includes all vessels of 5,000 tons and over. Second Rate includes all vessels of 8,000 and up to 5,000 tons. Third Rate includes all vessels of 1,000 and up to 8,000 tons. Fourth Rate includes all vessels below 1,000 tons. Displacement is the weight in tons of water which the vessel displaces. BATTLESHIPS. A battleship is a seagoing vessel designed to withstand aiiy weather that might be encountered 011 the ocean , with sufficient cool capa city and speed for ordinary cruising , and in addition the sides , turrets and barbettes are protected by heavy armor. A battleship necessarily is of great weight and consequently sets deep in the water. Therefore a battleship can not be expected to make the same speed as a light cruiser , nor maneuver as readily. Battleships are specially de signed to withstand hard knocks , and are supposed to be able to stand up teen on enemy and fight to the finish. The following are the nine seagoing firstclass coast-line battleships of the navy the last five in process of con struction : 1. Indiana. 5. Alabama. 2. Iowa. G. Illinois. 8. Massachusetts. 7. Kearsarge. 4. Oregon. 8. Kentucky. 9. Wisconsin. The displacement of these vessels , with two-thirds of their ammunition and stores on board , is from 10,288 tons , in the case of the Massachusetts , Indi ana , and Oregon , to 11 , 525 tons , in the case of the Alabama , Illinois , Kearsarge , Kentucky and Wisconsin. The dis placement of the Iowa is 11,840 tons. The gross tonnage of these ships varies from 5,290 tons to 6,831 tons , and the net tonnage from 4,828 to 5,508 tons. The cool capacity varies in the different vessels from 1,200 to 1,800 tons , and the speed , when runuiug full power , is about 16 knots ( sea miles ) per hour. The knot , or sea mile , measures 6,086 feet. The battleships of this first class cost , exclusive of armament and equip ment , from $2,250,000 to $8,180,000 , and to man one of them requires about forty officers and some 500 men , All of the battleships of the first class have been built , or are building , by private firms under contract. Of battleships of a second class ( so called because of n different type than the nine coast-lino battleships ) , the navy has but one , the Texas , which was built by the government in the navy yard at Norfolk , Va. The displacement of this vessel is 6,815 tons , gross tonnage 4,050 tons and net tonnage 8,179 tons. The coal capacity is 850 tons and her speed at full power nearly 18 knots. The Texas cost the government , exclusive of armament and equipment , $2,500,000 , and requires thirty officers and 860 men to man her. On account of the various mishaps which befell the Texas during her early life , she has been christened by the navy "the Hoodoo. " The ill-fated Maine was another bat tleship of this class built by the govern ment at the New York navy yard , at a co&t also of $2,500,000. About half of the guns of a battleship are of large caliber , from 4-iuch to 18- inch , and the remainder are small cali ber rapid-fires and machine guns. The battleships of the first class carry , all told , from 41 to 54 guns. The Texas , of the second class , carries 20 guns , two of which are 12-inch and six are 6-iuch. Each of the other battleships includes in its main battery four 18-inch guns , except the Iowa , which carries four 12- inch guns. The metal thrown in one round of fire from the guns of the Mas sachusetts weighs 6,924 ll > s. , and from the other first class battleships the weight thrown is about the same. ARMORED CRUISERS. The Brooklyn and New York ore armored cruisers , that is , they are of a construction de signed to maintain a high speed , about 22 knots , and to have a sufficient coal ca pacity for cruising , and at the same time their sides , turrets and barbettes are protected by light armor. The displace ment of the Brooklyn is 9,215 tons and that of the New York is 8,200 tons. Their gross tonnage is 6,097 and 5,901 respectively. These vessels , not being so heavy , are readily maneuvered. The steel armor on the sides of the Brooklyn and New York is 8 inches and 4 inches in thickness respectively , while on the battleships it is from 10 to 18 inches. The turrets of the two armored cruisers are protected by 5 } inches of steel , while the turrets of the battleships have from 9 to 17 inches. The barbettes of the New York , however , are pro tected by 10 inches of steel and those of the Brooklyn by 4 and 8 inches. The hull and macliinery of the Brooklyn cost $2,986,000 and that of the Now York $2,985,000. The main batteiy of the Brooklyn consists of eight 8-inch breech-loading rifles and twelve 5-inch - rapid-fire guns , and that of the New York consists of six 8-inch breech-loading rifles and twelve 4-inch rapid-fire guns. The secondary battery of the Brooklyn is composed of 22 guns of smaller calibers , including 4 Colt automatic guns , and 2 field guns , and the secondary battery of the New York is composed of 16 guns , including 4 Gatlings and 2 field guns. DYNAMITER , RAM The dynamite AND DISPATCH gunboat Vesuvius BOAT. is as yet an exper iment , and is a typo of vessel that is only to bo found in the United States