/ . . Jt C.v'V 12 The Conservative. Cuban Reconstruction. Ono thing is becoming clear every dny. The conditions of lifo and social order in Ouba are chaotic and need to bo guided with a firm hand. It is vain to disguise from ourselves that our al lies in the late war do not fairly represent - sent the intelligence , the industry , the trained skill in doing things and the wealth of Cuban society. For the sake of the Cubans of every class , and the insurgents have as great a stnko in the solution as tboir Into opponents and the neutrals , wo owe it to ourselves and the world to see that all the elements which make for a healthy recoustitutiou of affairs in the hitherto distracted is land shall have full play. No ouo who has observed the bias of events can question for a moment that this can bo accomplished in aught but one way. The United States must for the present exercise a thoroughgoing protectorate over judicial and political methods. To do otherwise would be to unleash horrors rors not less woeful than those which we have banished. It is natural that the better class of insurgents should suffer vexation at not being invested with the expected degree of power as builders of a new order of things. But a little reflection should teach men of this stamp that it is the part of wisdom to join hands with all those vho frank ly accept the new regime and forget the past as soon as possible. If Cuba is to bo regenerated , it will be , too , in great measure by American money and enterprise. No thinking Cuban can blink the fact that this movement will bo slow till the American has absolute confidence in the social order. The bill introduced into the British parliament providing for loans to colonies nies under certain specified conditions is in accordance with the general policy of the country in binding its dependen cies by the most genuine helpfulness. But it is difficult to see what practical end can be served. The same conditions which the proposed bill specifies are so confirmatory of the solvency of the bor rowers that they would justify the easy sale of colonial bonds. If Great Britain wishes to help its colonies in this way , it would be a more easy and direct way to indorse the bonds , thus giving them still greater security. The same purpose would bo effected in a way probably more acceptable to colonial pride. It looks as if this measure was an entering wedge for the revival of the great Chamberlain scheme , of which there was so much discussion a year or two since. General Lord Wolsoloy is an enthu siastic Americomauiao To Iliram Max im , about to set sail for America to preach the new Anglo-Saxon alliance , ho wrote : "I think your proposed 'cam paign' would bo worth to us far more than a dozen Wei-Hoi-Wois or Sudans and to the United States far more than Ouba , Manila and the whole kingdom of Ferdinand and Isabella thrown in. " "Tho moral amelioration of man con stitutes the chief mission of woman , "r says M. Comto , the philosopher. True. And the pursuit has always been so tautaliziugly elusive and bewitching that it has remained a labor of love with her from the first. The real importance of an individual can only bo judged by the effect his death makes. Yet great men survive the active period of their greatness , and the effect is purely sentimental and critical. Dead Bismarck and Gladstone ! The world is not moved a whit except in curious contemplation. "Imperial Caesar dead and turned to clay" be comes only good for Hamlet's moraliz ing over an open grave. The death of the biggest man , after all , makes a very small ripple in the ocean of life. The retired officers of the United States army , constituting a largo body of able and in many cases physically competent men , have not been encour aged in giving their services to the gov ernment in our recent needs. Hundreds of military offices have been filled by civilian appointments and the trained soldiers debarred. In the naval service this rigid exclusion has not been en forced. It is not easy to grasp the phi losophy of the distinction. The persistent snubbing which the new Prince Bismarck and his family have given the kaiser from the funeral to the present time should be whole some discipline for the imperial young man. It is not often that ho experiences such a shower bath. It is to be assumed that ho forgets all thought of leze maj esty as his anguished fancy dwells on a certain literary dynamite magazine in London. There is no country in the world where such immense benefactions are given to institutions of learning , col leges and universities in especial , as are given in America. In England or Ger many such a thing would instantly ex cite universal comment. Here it passep without a ripple. The most enviable persons are not such as have the largest possessions. They are the happy spirits able to get the most out of the things they have who never suffer dyspepsia for lack of digestion at the banquet of life. There are two significant "trade" terms , introduced of late years , which show vividly the modern tendency in doing and seeing things. The theatrical man always refers to a stage perform ance , whether tragedy or farce , as a "show ; " the newspaper man designates every article of news or information as a "story. " Scuhor Mendonca , the new Brazilian minister to Portugal , on his presenta tion to the king indulged in an un usually flowery outbreak over the glo ries of the Portuguese race. "When at the end of the century about to begin , the Portuguese language will bo spoken by 100,000,000 of men"said ho. If other races increase in proportion , there will be standing room only. The Snowqualmie falls in Washing ton bid fair to rival the marvelous re sources of Niagara as a fountain of elec tric energy to be distributed for pur poses of lighting and motor force. It is estimated that 100,000 horsepower will be easily made available when the plant is completed. There is a hackneyed apothegm which says , "Strike while the iron is hot. " The man who finally clutches fortune by the hair is he who does not wait for the iron to be hot. Ho makes it hot by hammering on it. A first decision of Commissioner Scott under the new war tax law decided that the rent payer must pay a tax stamp to bo put on the landlord's receipt. This has been revoked since , and no stamp is necessary now. It is difficult to see how the most super-serviceable official zeal could have come to the first opinion. It would at once discriminate between rich and poor. The rich man generally pays by check , which in itself acts as a receipt. The most powerful personages in name and seeming are those who rarely have their own way. Monarchs are often helpless slaves of policy , of bureau cracy , of tradition. The Russian czar , for example , is an ardent lover of Eng land and English ideas , yet circum stances make him pose as their for midable foe. According to the veracious New York Herald , the newest Parisian fad among women is the hypodermic injection of perfumes that thin skins may reek with sweet odors. As the habit must surely be a swift road to the coffin it naigh1 save the expense of sweet smellt ) floral tributes. An Emperor's Attic. The winter palace of the czar sur passes any other palace in Europe. It is on the bunks of the Neva and owes its existence to the Empress Catherine II , that most extraordinary woman , ex traordinary in ability and in vice , the surprise of all her contemporaries and the wonder of all who have studied hi r character. The building is four stories high , of a light brown color and highly ornamental in architecture. It is a wilderness of halls , stairways and apartments. The Nicholas hall and the St. George's hall will never be forgot ten by those who have seen them. One of the most interesting rooms is that whore Nicholas I died. It is in the