The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, August 25, 1898, Image 1

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    Cbc Conservative
One dollar and a half per year , in advance ,
postpaid , to any part of the United States or
Canada. Remittances made payable to The
Morton Printing Company.
Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska
City , Neb.
Advertising Rates made known upon appli
Entered at the postoflice at Nebraska City ,
Neb. , as Second Class master , July 20th , 1898.
COALING STATIONS , advocate the
absorption of the barbarism of the Phil
ippines with the sugar and leprosy of
the Sandwch Islands , on the coaling-
station basis , are certainly special
pleaders and sophists.
All ports in time of peace are coaling
stations , the world over. No port is a
coaling station for the United States in
time of war because it owns the islander
or country where the port is , unless , that
port is fortified and successfully de
fended against all the enemies of the
United States.
Spain had coaling stations at Santiago
and Manilla. What was their military
value to Spain ? Let her destroyed
fleets answer.
When Spain was defending coaling
stations Spain had neither soldiers , nor
seamen nor ships with which to attack
the commerce and ports of the United
Coaling stations in war enfeeble those
who attempt to hold and defend them.
CHEAPER MONEY. Senator Allen's
resolution to conduct the war without
borrowing any money , had it passed ,
would have depreciated the currency.
It would have added so much to the
paper issues , and the promises-to-pay-
dollars of the United States government
that they would have fallen below par.
There would have been a depreciation
just as there was in the Civil War. The
soldier would have been paid in cheaper
money. Each dollar would liavo pur
chased less goods for him. And al ]
supplies for the armies would have cost
more and the expenses of the war
obviously would have been very much
increased. The soldier then would have
jeen and the farmer and every other
.aborer , with hand and head , now would
1)0 compensated in cheaper money.
The populist leaders and party and
platform proclaim unblushiugly their
desire and demand for cheaper money.
They ask that farmers and all others
who have products or services to sell
be paid in dollars of less value than the
gold dollar. They protest against a
standard which might give any more
than sixteen ounces of silver coin in lieu
of one ounce of gold coin.
They object to receiving more silver
bullion in a coined dollar than they
now receive. They declare that any
ratio giving more than sixteen to one
say twenty-five to one , as ex-Governor
Boies of Iowa suggests would absolutely
ruin the wage-earners and all others
engaged in gainful occupations. And a
ratio of thirty-two to one which would
about represent the relation of silver
bullion to gold bullion would destroy
business everywhere ; sixteen ounces of
silver are a stimulant and thirty-two
ounces an opiate. Sixteen make wealth ;
thirty-two , poverty.
EQUAL RIGHTS "TllO Public" is
TO INTELLIGENT au interesting and
CITIZENS. aud allo ) advocate
of the single-tax theory. It is published
in Chicago and entertainingly and in
structively edited by Louis F.Post. The
issue of that periodical on August 20 ,
remarks :
"J. Sterling Morton , Mr. Cleveland's
secretary of agriculture , used to be a
thorough-going democrat of the Jeffersonian -
sonian kind ; but if he is to be judged by
the prospectus of his new newspaper ,
THE CONSERVATIVE , published at Ne
braska City , Neb. , he has sadly fallen
from grace. In that prospectus it is an
nounced , for instance , that THE CON
SERVATIVE will at all times and under
all circumstances 'stand up for equal
rights to all the intelligent citizenship
of the republic. ' What does Mr. Morton
propose as to unintelligent citizens ?
Have they no rights which the intelli
gent are bound to respect ? In what
school of democracy , we should like to
know , did Mr. Morton learn that equal
ity of rights depends upon intelligence ,
more than upon property or birth or any
other consideration except manhood ? "
Intelligent and not ignorant citizens
must govern this republic if it is to bo
perpetuated. And the rights of the
unintelligent shoiild be defined and
defended by those who are intelligent.
The unintelligent have rights as to
liberty , property and the pursuit of
happiness. But they have no right to
attempt to direct affairs or to prescribe
and enact laws. Any man who can not
read , who is ignorant , with free schools
all around him , should bo denied the
right to vote at any election.
Citizenship in this country is too often
interpreted as all privileges and no duties.
Everybody is blowing about liis rights
and nobody talking about his obligations.
The everlasting twaddle about equal
rights for men who are mentally , mor
ally and socially unequal is only nau
seating demagogy. The declarations of
stump speakers as to the inalienable
right to vote are delusions only uttered
by dunces and approved by the ignorant.
In corporations for gainful business
stockholders only are permitted to vote
for the directory. In corporations , like
states , counties and cities organized to
protect property , life and liberty , only
taxpayers should be permitted to vote.
They only are stockholders and when
ever the unintelligent secure au organ
ized majority of such stockholders
"equal rights for intelligent Americans"
will vanish. Then anarchy , which is a
sequence of uniutelligeuce , will shroud
the country in turmoil , bloodshed and
REMEM1JER AND American citi
REASON. zens who love
their country and desire to perpetuate
its government , conserve its free insti
tutions and pass them down to posterity
as a legacy of liberty and law are now
at the close of the war with Spain re
calling the lines of Eudyard Kipling :
If drunk with sight of power , wo loose
Wild tongues that have not theo in awe
Sucli boasting as the Gentiles use
Or lesser breeds without the Law
Lord God of Hosts , bo with us yet ,
Lest wo forgot lest wo forget 1
The entire poem should be sung in
good American assemblages , including
churches , every day in the week.
Populists eulogize poverty as the
badge of merit and a guarantee of hon
esty. And in their platforms aud pro-
nunciamentoes populists denounce capi
tal. But a wise man said : "Poverty
takes away so many means of doing
good , and produces so much inability to
resist evil , both natural and moral , that
it is by all virtuous means to bo
avoided. "
If you would make fortune your
friend ; when people say money is to beget
got hero , and money is to be got there ,
take no notice ; mind your own business ;
stay where you are ; and secure all you
can get , without stirring.