The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, August 11, 1898, Page 12, Image 12
12 "Che Conservative. Tlie Volunteers. This title docs not allude to our gal- Innt follows who Imve given America fresh cause to be proud of her heroic children , but to the Volunteers who wage daily and nightly war against "tho world , the flesh and the dovil. " It is said that Ballingtou Booth , their leader , proposes to abolish all difference ill garb which distinguishes them from other American citizens and put them on the basis of ordinary missionary toil ers. The boom of the drum , the squeal of the life and the other fantastic usages which they have in common with the Salvation Army workers are to bo dis continued. With the abolition of the picturesque elements of method and ap pearance one fears that something of the effectiveness of the organization will also go. Mr. Booth , it may be ) his desire to diverge as far as in from the ways of the organization made by his father and to assimilate his re ligious machinery to American notions overlooks an important consideration. The special value of the Salvation Army - my and of the Volunteers who seceded from it is found in its appeal to the lower classes. In this field the reforma tory and religious work done has been immense. It is a field which peculiarly needs this radoof missionary influence. Anything which can attract attention and heighten the force of appeal has a peculiar fitness. Grotesque as the whole thing may bo from the standpoint of good taste and oven of the higher reli gious intelligence , the fantastical fea tures of these nondescript apostles are well adapted to the end in view. Shorn of them , they would sink to the common- place. Mr. Ballingtou Booth risks a great mistake if ho plucks the plumes and changes the methods of his march ing and singing bands. It was that great man and profound student of human nature , St. Paul , who desired to bo all things to all meii that ho might win souls. Nobility For Sale. The commercial spirit is the greal characteristic of the age. To buy and sell in the host market seems to bo the spirit of the intellectual and social mar ket as well as that ruling the mart oi material products. Many of the phases of this merchandizing are necessary , many are repulsive , and some are ludi crous. Some again are both repulsive and ludicrous. To the latter category belongs the revelation of social rotten ness in London made by the speculatoi and promoter , Ernest Hooley , in his ex am iuati on before the bankruptcy court. This typical but-iuess bufczard was not many months ago reputed to bo a multimillionaire - millionaire , and ho has told the story of his rockotliko rise and downfall with a cynical frankness which i ( * naive. The promotion of wind bag ochemes , where by the hard earned money of the great public is beguiled into the pockets oi cunning and unscrupulous promoters that is an old story in every country where speculation is rife. The feature which gives the Hooloy confession its vile smack is the shameless indifference with which men of the highest rank and social status have sold their names for great sums to bo used as lures to tempt the honest investment of money into worthless or greatly overcapitaliz ed enterprises. The British masses , in spite of their democratic tendencies , dearly love a lord , and the bourgeois class , the shopkeeper and his kind , bow down before him as before an idol. It is easily conceivable , then , that such names may have a considerable financial value on the prospectus of a company. Hooley and his kidney have long known it and worked it as astutely as professional card sharpers. Impecunious noblemen have found it out to the great advan tage of their bank accounts. And the public have discovered it , too , with widespread results of misery and disas ter. ter.Of Of course there is no reason why a man with a title should not go into business as the honest trustee of a stock company. But there are few pieces of disreputable scoundrelism more vicious than the tut of one who vends his hon orable name as a means of swindling the public. If the Hooloy statements are one-half true , and the defense against them seems to be somewhat fee ble prevarication , it is time that these titled sharpers should be hold to the strictest account. What makes the ac cusation more plausible is the well known fact that the use of distinguish ed names as figureheads for a consider ation has not been unknown before in London finance. The Hooloy transac tion is only an extreme case. Noblemen should draw the line with selling their name for millionaire wives. Hawaiian Politics. The people of the Hawaiian Islands , white and brown , are already begin ning to feel the political fever hot in their veins. The commissioners appoint ed to formulate the basis on which they will come to the United States in terri torial form are now on their way to Honolulu. It will probably not bo later than October when they will have fin ished their labors , and congress will doubtlessly dispose of the matter by proper legislation early iu the session. The fact that President Dole is not much discussed in political circles as the probable new governor of the terri tory is significant. It is known at Wash ing ton that though on general consider ation of personal fitness and experience he would bo the right selection no choice could bo more distasteful to the majority of the islanders. The cause is not far to seek , and it carries with it the whole Iliad of recent Hawaiian his tory and the seed of what is to como Mr. Dole was the representative of the white man's , or "missionary , " party , FO called , and as such the most influential : . ' . , i _ . ' . . jf.A in causing the late revolution. That party , though the agent of a moat im portant and progressive work , was very small in numbers if largo iu wealth and influence. However the native Hawai ian s may rest content or even rejoice at the latest change of status they do not carry pleasant memories of the chief agents. Of'course the commissioners can only settle on the broadest base of suffrage in determining that question at the out side. It will bo for the territorial legis lature later in Hawaiian evolution to define conditions more accurately. Hero , the indications show , will bo the first great political battle. The white man's party will unquestionably struggle ob stinately to establish ultimate suffrage on a , property qualification sufficient to exclude many of the natives. The brown man's party will insist on a qual ification not more exacting than the ability to read and write at the worst. This promises the first great collision. A second issue already looms up , which may split the whites among themselves. This will bo the problem of the contract employment of Asiatics , of whom there are already 10,000 in the islands , inval uable to the planter and the country in terest , detested by the merchants , mechanics and artisans. It is the Paci fic coast issue with the Chinese even more seriously complicated. Those are two of the questions , though the most ominous at present , which will soon sot the Hawaiian pot of politics boiling over. Discussing the death of Prince Bis marck , the leading Socialist organ of Berlin , Vorwaerts , repudiates the no tion that so called men of genius are ever of any use to the world. It says : "We Social Democrats 110 longer be lieve old wives' tales about great men sent by Jehovah or Providence or the police to guide poor humanity in the way it ought to go. These superhumans are just ordinary men who owe their adaption of the collective labor of nameless millions not to their person ality , but to chauco conditions arising in obedience to fixed laws. " Nothing is truer than that it is the collective la bor of nameless millions that makes great men possible. But great men are the conduits through which these forces are obliged to run , the trumpets through which their dumb , perhaps scarcely self recognized , aspirations blow ringing notes. Bismarck embodied in a colossal form the patriotic longing of millions of Germans for a united fatherland , and his genius realized it. The great poet gives back to the world its vague ideals and craving of beauty in exqui site forms. So on we may run through the whole gamut of examples , finding that the really great man is ho who in terprets to those who are without pow er the things which lie deepest in their own hearts.