V . ; s:mmft7) Kail lira -' - " i 05140 PROTECTION is something that all of us have to seek sooner or later in our lives. Money gives protection when all other things fail; therefore every one should open A SAVINGS ACCOUNT and prepare for the uncertainty of the future. Our bank solicits your account, no matter how small the deposit may be. Start your account with us today and make it grow. REMEMBER you have the protection of the Guar antee Fund of the State of Nebraska. THE HOME SAVINGS BANK G. W. PHILLIPS. Cashier Sherman Township. The past week corn picking was de layed some onacountof snow and cold weather, and rain on Sunday will put a stop to it for a few days. Herman IHembt and mother were visitng at Fred Ahrens, in Colfax county Sunday. Freda Kipple, teacher in distict 46 spent a few days with home folks, having a vacation on account of the election being held in the school house. William Muth as so far recovered as to be up and around. Gus Loseke drove down in is auto Thursday, and took is parents to Ccl u minis, where they intend to live. Mrs. Carl Rosche was a business visitor in Omaha last week,. The stork made a visit to Mr. and Mrs,. Carl Hollman on November 2. and left a twelve pound boy, which is the first hoy in the family. Mother and child are doing fine aid Carl is strutting around prouder than a peacock. Gus Loseke was on the market with eipht loads of hogs last Wedensday. The bell in district 46 has been sil ent the past month all on account of the rope being broken and no steps be ing taken to repair it. Some of the Creston boys, under eighteen years of age have been in the habit of going hunting in Sher man township. Better be careful hoys, or they will nab you. Monroe. Mrs. Hary McClenhan and daugh ter, Alice of Madison, were visiting old time friends, and r elatives in M onroe last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lightner and daughters Ada and Esther of St Ed wards was visitng and at the home of his father. Isaiah Lightner. Mrs. A. C. McDonald is enjoying a visit from her mother and sister from St:mton, Nebraska and also frr-m her brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Otto Zibler of Palaceade Colorado. Mrs. C. W. Hollingshead was a Columbus visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jinkinson en tertained at Five hundred Friday eve ning. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jenkinson, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hollingshead, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. erry and Mr. and. Mr. E. R. Dack. Miss Neta ,Worden spent Wednes day in Columbus. Mrs. C. S. Jenks returned to Mon roe after a visit with friends ct St. Edward. Miss Addie Conley, of Columbus, was a guest at the McWiliams home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mannington have just had a new modern barn com pleted. Gus Allisno, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jenkinson and Miss Eva Patterson autoed to Columbus Saturday. William Sigea was at the county seat on Wednesday. William Talbitzer was in Culubmus the middle of the week. Mrs. Clefton, of Clarks, and N. J, Thomas, of North Loup, sister and brother of Mrs. M. Obrist were in town last week to attend the funera 1 of Mr. Obrist. Miss Maude Hill -va visiting Miss Grace Lubker in Columbus last week, i Mrs. A. C. McDonnald and daugh ter Hazel were in Columbus Monday. -II T-l .1 lit urvme r lemming me six year oiu son of Mr. Flemming died last week. The body was shipped to Missouri to be buried beside his mother. Miss Leona Richards ot Genoa was a guest of her sister. Miss Hazel Mon day night, John Graf candidate for county clerk was calling on Monroe voters Thurs day. Mrs. L. D. Smith returned return ed home after a visit with friedns in Columbus. JOHN GRAF Elected for fifth term as County Clerk. On Monday October 30 Isaiah Ligh tner pleasantly celebrated his sevent ieth birthday. His children and grand children all coming to the old home with their friends. In such a gather ing true happiness and friendship is found. The day was thoroughly en joyed by all present. Patrick Henry Kelley, one of the oldest resident of Monroe, passed away at three o'clock Sunday morning. He had been in poor health for the past two months, but not until Sat- ( urday did his condition become alarm ing. He came to Platte county about 1859, an 1 sered in t'e civil war in a Nebraska regiment. After the War he returned to Monroe and lived on his farm northeast of town, until a few ; years ago, when he moved to Monroe. For a number of years he had lived . with his sister, Mrs. Anna Young, who came here after the death of her hus band. His wife died several years ago, and no children were left by them. He is survived by three brothers, John M. Kelley. of Monroe, Dr. B. B. Kel ley, of Billings. Montna, and Jesse B. Kelley who lives in Coloradao, be sides the sister. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon and interment was made in the Friends cemetery west of town. A peculiar coincident was the fact that his frie nds had placed his name on the prohibition ticket for county treasurer, and that on election day his friends carried him to his last resting place. He was a man who was a credit to the community in which he lived, and held the esteem and respect of all who knew him. C. M. GRUENTHER Unanimous choice for a fourth term as Clerk of the District Court. OTTO HEL'REU Piatte County's Choice for County Treasurer. Dire Distress. It Is Near at Hand to Hundreds of Columbus Readers. for Don't neglect an aching back. Backache is the kidnev's cry help. Neglect hurrying to their aid Means that urinary troubles follow quickly. Lire uisiress, i.rigms ( disease. Louis Gotelueschen. Ninth & Ful ton Sts., Columbus. Nebrraka, says: j Smith was an eay winner in the Col "The use of Doan's Kidnev Pills in urnhus district. The Klection. Everybody seems to be glad that it i: all over, and that we may now have a iv-t of a few nunlhs before again miing into a political campaign. Here in Platte county the result is j it a repetition o: the old, old story the democrats winning everything in ; .Tit, but apparently with reduced n.ajorities. Otto Heller seems to have tie Hnallest majority, and his will rtach between 4.0 and 500. The majorities of the other county ofiicers will probably range between that fig ure and 7."M. In the supervisor distrets. Adam our home has proven them to be a thoroughly'reliable kidney remedy. A member of my family sufTered a great deal from pain in the back and other annoying difficulties caused by weak kidneys. She was often so greatly troubled that walking was difficult. Doctors brought only temporary relief and as soon as their medicine was dis continued, the trouble returned as bad ly as ever. Doan's Kidney Pills were finally taken and they restored her to good health My son, nine years of age, who also had a distressing kidney weakness, took Doan's Kidney Pills with the most satisfactory results." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, NewYork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. The Bell Telephone Is a Social Necessity 1 jT U If -A. H A Bell Telephone is essen tial in the discharge of a woman's social duties. It is an ever-ready servant and instant messenger of commu nication. The long distance lines of the Bell System bridge space and bring friends from every where into close personal rela tionship. You can bring sunshine into your life and into the lives of others by an appreciative use of Bell Telephone Service. The distant friend whom you call up to remind of a birthday, or to give a word of friendly cheer, does not soon forget you. Have vou tried it? Nebraska Telephone Go. C. I. MARTZ, Commercial Mgr. Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere having more votes in each each votit . precinct than the combined vote of both his oppponents. The total vote of Mr. Smith was 822, as against 306 for Bergman and 212 for Mayberger. Mr. Mayberger made his campaign that the country should be represented and hoped to receive the country vote while the city would divide its votes between Smith and Bergman. This plan faied to mater ialize, however aid Smith swept every thing in both city and country. In the Monroe district Supervisor Wilson was sacrfiiced and George C. Anderson will represent that district after January, next Monroe voting place, in Oconee township remembered very kindly the work of Supervisor Wil son in the Monroe bridge matter, and returned 90 votes for him to 14 for Mr. Anderson. On the other hand, Mr. Anderson proved to be very popul ar in his home township of Wood ville, that township reversing the Monroe vote almost exactly. The other township voted in such a way a to leave Anderson a majority of about twenty. Two years ago, Mr. Wilson was elected over William Webster, by a majority of one. There is one thing that appears in the returns all the way through to the credit of all candidates, both republi can and democratic, and mat is the magnificent vote received by them in their respective home voting places among their own neighbors. For instince, in his old home in Lost Creek township Fred Lecron ran about thirty votes ahead of his ticket, while Gideon I Braun reversed a three-to-one demo- cat ic margin in Loup; John Hayes led his ticket by thirty-five in Columbus township, while John Graf's First war! vote vote was almost as much ahead of the average of his running mates.. The votes on county judge and county treasurer were not wholly governed by jolitical territory as were the others, each of the four candidates carried some precincts that under or diniry circumstances would have been counted for the other. Per congress, Dan V. Stephens has been elected over Colonel Elliott, the estimates of his majority varying from 2.5 DO to 1000. In the state, the entire republican ticket seems to have been elected, with the possible ex exception that Judge Dean may have defeated Judge Hamer. These later two appear to be running closely. PROF. FRED S. LECRON who will continue in charge of osr County Schools. PMmpC7$PbPhW HHHHHafe HENRY C. LACHNIT "One good turn deserves another," so he had practically no opposition. it possesses the ability to destrofy or game matter as well as bacteria. To prepare milk of lime add a pint and a half of water to each quart of quick lime to be slacked by weight 60 ba"ts of water to 100 parts of lime. One quart of the resultant dry pow der can be mixed with four quarts of water. Tnis preparation should be usea as fresh as possible to spray the wals. partitions and floors of infected buildings. It should be run through a fine sieve or strainer before using to pi event the clogging of the spray ing nozzle, as it is preferably applied with a spray pump. The excellent disinfectant properties of white wash are quite generally appreciated, and no stable should miss at least one or two thorough white washings a year, as this thorough in expensive process is not only a valu able means of control ing disease germs, but it also adds materially to the cleanly, sianitary appearance of the interior of the barn. For the best results the white wash should be prepared from freshly-slacked lime in the proportion of one pint of lime to four of water. Iowa Homestead. GENOA. 45Xj7"Jr JBb V vP BBBBL. JOHN RATTERMAN For the sixth time he has been elected County Judge. Cedar Chips. Joe Houser expects to finish picking corn this week. Mrs. Ella Haller and children re turned to their home in Belden, last Friday. They were accompanied by Mrs Haller's sister Miss Kate Bran igan. Mr. and Mrs. John Donaghue and son, of Platte Center spent Sunday at the J. J. Barnes home. They were accompanied home by Miss Florence Barnes, who s spending the week ,vith them. J. J. Barnes has been receiving a visit from his mother who lives at Gilson, Illinois, the past week. She returned to her home Monday. Mrs Theodore Spitz was an Omaha visitor Monday Harley Olcott and children were called to Bel I wood Sun day by the serious illness of Grandma Beard. Steps will betaken to have all per sons hunting in this locality on Sun day forcibly reminded that it is in violation of the state law as well as the law of God. The Hallowe'en party at the home of Mist Rose Enid Mortenson, last Fri day night, was most thoroughly enjoy ed by some twenty young people who kept the witches and goblins busy until early morning, and voted Miss Mor tenson" The queen of entertainers'. There will be preaching at Clear Creek next Sunday afternoon at the close of Sunday school. Miss Ursula Wade entertained the Kensington club last Saturday after noon. Raymond Zack is home on a visit with his parents. Roy CofTey is building a new hen house. From The Leader: Sam Peterson who went to Colfax Springs Missouri several weeks ago for his health, retuned the last of the week improved in health. Report comes from Oklahoma to the effect that after passing them up for many jears the storks have finally visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Schaffer and left a baby boy. Governor Aldich was in town Tues day and took dinner at the Stillman. He was on his way to Fuller ton where he spoke in the evening. George Rose and Frank Wake motored up to hear him. The Leader joins the entire com munity in extending sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Battles of the Look ing Glass valley over the death of their daughter who passed away the last of the week. The funeral se vi ces were held Sunday afternoon. If anyone save June Ellis had told the following we would not have be lieved it. He says that Harry Wells brought him in some potatoes last week, one of which furnished potatoes enough for two meals for seven people while the remains were sufficient to feed several dozen chickens. We be lieve it but you can about it. do as you please This office is in receipt of a card from P. E. Slaughter, containing a picture of an aligator which said he was "waiting for something to come his way. " Pete said he would wiite when omething came his way. Whether he was waiting for the aliga tor he did not say and we'll have to wait until we hear from him again, provided the gaitor don't get him. S. T. Battles, living about two miles east of town, was awakened at about four o'clock Monday morning by the ceiing in his kitchen falling down and arose to find his house on fire. He soon discovered that nothing could be done towards saving the house and turned his attention to the furniture and succeed with the help of neighbors in saving the most of it, but the house was eotnpletelv desroyed. There was no stove, pipe or chimney near where the fire started and it is supposed it was another "match and mouse" deal. The building as insured for $1500 and the furniture for .$500, which will not cover the loss by a good deal. We understand he will build another house immediatly. For Rent A modern room; will also furnish board. Mrs. C. B. Brunk, ISth and Q. streets. How To Disinfect A Stable. When an animal dies on the farm of some infectious disease his carcass should be destroyed by burning. In case this precaution is rendered im possible the body should at least be buried at a depth of four or five feet and covered with quicklime. Where a shallow grave is used the diseased remains may be subsequently disinter red by some prowling animal and an entire herd which is on pasture near by may be exosed to the disease. An thrax, especial I j', is often spread by neglect of these precautions, as birds, dogs or other animals prey on the un buried carcass and distribute the germs. Great care must be exercised to prevent the transmission of anv germ-bearing disease to the rest of the herd through the deaths of one of its members. The stable which has housed an animal which has died of a contagious disease should Jbe subjected to rigorous sanitary treatment. All the infected forage and bedding should be raked up and burned, while the walls should be well soaked with water and then thoroughly scraped. In case there i any rotten wood in the floor, feed boxs, or stanchions, it should be removed and burned, borne vigorous gemicide which will stamp out all possibility of further transmission of the disease should then be used. Lime it generally considered one of the most efficient disinfectants, because Mi PLATTE CENTER. Mi! From the Signal : The many friends of Martin Schilz. living on the Myoet fanr., who has been confined to his home several days with an attack of typhoid feve r, will be pleased to learn that his condition is much improved. Mr. A. J. Ilauser and bride arrived home Sunday evening, and are for the present Kiving at the Clother hotel. They will soon commence housekeep ing in D. P. Mahoney's house where they will be at home to friends after December 15th. The later part of the week Mr. Daniels, the gentleman who purchased J. F. Berney's implement busiiness, arrived here from Ainsworth, and the stock was invoiced the first of this week and Mr Daniels is now in pos session. Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Nay came up from Columbus Sunday evening and are stopping with their son Robert. Mr. Nay has been with a U. P. con struction gang but for the past year has been troubled more or less with rheumatism. He has now taken a lay off until spring, and next week he and Mrs. Nay will go to Arkansas where they will spend the winter. BFor several days Water Commis sioner Kipp had noticed that the water pressure in the tank had been escap ing by other than the natural way, and last Friday he discovered a leak in the pipe that goes under Elmcreek. It was a badjplace to fix but by build ing a temporary dam around the spot they got at it and found it to be a small sand hole in the pipe. By Sat urday noon the hole had been securely pluged and the water was again turn ed on. While the plant was shut down advantage was taken an some repairs made on the pump. Kt '. 'Bb ll II I II I . , ('I''' f 15 . Copyright 1309 b? C. E.Ziaimnnan Co. No. 3S PARTICULAR MEN MEN to you who have trouble in getting a fit in Shoes and are particular in your Footwear, we have the famous and well known Stetson Shoe in Gun Metal, Tan Russia, Vici, regular and low-instep shoes, button and lace. Price $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00. TRY US. "The CASH and ONE PRICE Shoe Store REECE SHOE CO HUMPHREY. ft tfi ft From the Democrat: There was a jolly gathering ot rela tives at the home of Sam Gertsch, in Grand Prairie township last Sunday Those present from out of the neigh borhood were Martin andiMary Smith, of Benton, Mr. and Mrs. Amel Klug and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith, of Leigh. To any one who has ever vis ited at the home of Mr,. Martin Rinehart, better known as Iiiney", was taken to the Columbus hospital last Saturday where he will remain for a short time after which he will be taken to the county poor farm for the winter. The reason he was taken to the hospital is the fact that he was suffering with some kind of sores on one of his feet and it was thought best to take him to the hospi tal for treatment before taking him .o the poor farm. "Riney was arou-id Humphrey most of the summer maki g enjoyed 1 is Mrs. A. L. Rush expectt to leave other famil- the last of the week for Albion, where illS home With lllir.T.mt f;irinra ir i. and Mrs. j.,,r ,, ,,- t. twv -,.,,- p .... - n . , .. . . , ...-.-.. m nit IIW.IIIKUI l V Ml (.111 II .itiiron mr i t i n n . w. l t . . . l. . - .. .. ..- U,...raB.. LW .-.. U..IL ,Mm.s aIM, he apmrL.nt, . a fine time was had. I ., ... , ,, stay here wonderfully. Mrs. William Stewart and babv. ! who have been here on a visit to th- ! Gerrman. Fehringer and ies in this neighhohood. for Princeville. Illinois, with her mother. Mr. Stewart who has also been here for some time vis iting and doing some jobs of painting will remain here until his wife re turns, then they will return to their home at Clay Center, this state. Jos. Stevens was taken to the Sol dier's Home at Mil ford last Friday by Attorney W. P. Sternberg. For sev eral months Mr. Stevens has been in a very feeble condition and he became i so bad lately that it was impossible for Mrs. Stevens to take care of him. so it was thought advisable to take him to the soldiers' home. A couple left Sundav'she will visit her parents several tln. for a visit I The Presbyterian Christian Endia vorers who attended the state conve 1 tion. at Lincoln, last week will h 'd a special service at the church Thuis day evening. Some of the new Co i vention songs will be sung by a quar tette. Miss Margaret Nauman will head the program with. "Etliceiicy . the Keynote of the Convention L'land Evans will report a lecture given ly one of the great young m ii in Endeavor work, a report full f epigrams and stories with points. Miss Vivian Jenkinson will .speak about "Some First Things". Walt"- iauman will Uetine C r,. and ilis i of year ago Mr. Stevens received a j Ruby Freeman will five a talk oi. stroke of paralysis since when he has ' Christian Endeavor "on the Mission been unable to do any thing and most Field. , This service will begin at of the time he was unable to care fort T:o0. Come early and get a good himself. seat Travel In Comfort The Union Pacific is ballasted with Sherman gravel, which makes a prac tically dustless roadbed. It has fewer curves and lower grades than any other transcontinental line is laid out in long, easy tangents. You are free from jolts, jars and dust. Union Pacific Standard Road of the West Protected by Electric Block Signals Excellent Dining Cars on all trains For literature and information relative to fares, routes, etc., call on or address E. G. BROWN UNION PACIFIC AGENT Be Your Own Rain Maker Did the recent long, dry spell hit you pretty hard-cutting down your crop yield and your income for the year? In the Big Horn Basin and the Yellowstone Valley farmers have raised splendid crops. Their income this year will be greater than ever and it all comes from an ample water supply. The farmer "controlled the rain" and applied the water as his crops needed it. The Gov- f ernment system of irrigation provides during the growing season two feet of water per acre, the equivalent of twelve heavy rains of two inches each; think what such a water supply would have meant to your community during the summer of 1911. Why not go with me on the next excursion into the Big Horn Basin, and look over that land of sunshine and bounty; new Government units of the finest kind of irrigated land near Ralston now available with perpetual water rights on the easiest of terms. These are the richest gifts the Government has had to bestow upon its people within thirty years. Dr. and Mrs. Mathews, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dack, returned to their home in Clar nida, Iowa, the first of the week. D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. -a wt "i11; .j i 4