4 BUSINESS BUILDING i -1 BY DUNDAS HENDERSON Advertising Manager of the C. E. Zimmerman Co., Chicago OT "TPlll- ferlTn Ciaar w the usual style of advertising therein, w U drawn, hut 'Further, that something 'inus-t com- ..h the rest of j pel the attention sufficiently to hold it iil: it :i until the prospective customer realizes :. (l direct t-in to the mind of prosiective cus t ners. A well drawn picture with a t ich of humanity in it is, therefore, hest means of attracting attention an ordinary retail advertisement. J, The illustration should be well drawn. A badly drawn or silly pic- t-re reflects on the goods and store. It is better to do with out the i lustra - , ti :i altogether than to have a bad one. 1 il the nicture should not only be but it should blend well the advertsement. tttracts ttention, it should the mind to the other por- to rad the rest for the sake of The First Requirements of an Advertisement When you sit down to write an ad vertisement for that space in your local newspaper, the first question you should put to yourself, if you are one of those men who want to see their ad vertisements bring results, is, What is the first requirement of this adver tisement? I wonder how many men amongst the tens of thousands of retail mer chants throughout the Unitd States, who are now doing advertising, could answer this question satisfactorily. Not many. The first requirement of an adver tisement is to attract attention. To catch and hold the attention of a pos sible customer necessitates something in the announcement that is different from the ordinary run of type matter in the paper and also different from that she or he wants of the advertisement what is said in it. JUCltJ Ull- ijt -ii j - .vw-w- mg attention. One is by means oi a cfriL-irnr ltiMHiii in linld tviii ;innthr .cuiuiiif, ..uu.... ... .. .. i ....-- may oe pianneu oy ine use oi pieniy oi white space around and in the ad, and one more means is the use of some freak arrangement of the type matter. Attention may also be got by a com bination of all of these ways. But there is still another way of attract ing attention and that beats them all. It has been found in small towns and especially in dealing with goods that sell mostly to women, that a good illustration is the best means, not only to attract attention but to hold it and create interest in the rest of the ad vertisement. The illustration should have human interest and action should as far as possible, enter into a it by means of a figure of a man or woman performing something or shown as having done something, the result of the "something" having been done being depicted. For a long time it was thought that comic pictures were the best means of attracting attention and many of the readers of these lines are still of the same opinion. While this may be so to a very limited extent it has been found that they do not create that de sire to read the rest of the advertise ment that is necessary to its success. Alsojbecause they are comic they cause laughter, which means that the amuse ment extends to the contemplation of the goods and even to the advertiser himself. When an advertisement is laughed at, it seldom carries convic- i . ,, IF i' it if For The Fence That Lasts is the fence that is rightly built, out of the best materials and by scientific, modern methods. The wise, economising farmer makes his dealer furnish. Peerless WOVEN W I BE Fence Its real economy to buy Peerless Wire Fence, as it is built to stand the wear and tear of many seasons of hard usage. Peerless fence is made in numerous styles and in any height: your dealer can get Peerless in any make-up that you may require. Do not let him substitute something else. You want the best, and the dealer can get it, even ii his profit is a little less than on what he is now handling. PEERLESS WIRE FENCE CO AUSIAN. MICHIGAN If W 1 LT Sale by William J. Voss FRISCHHOLZ BROS. O Shoes, Clothing, Gents' Furnish ing Goods .... RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES FRISCHHOLZ BROTHERS 405 11th Street Columbus, Nebraska i ti n oi the advertsement mai creates i erest and brings conviction. Pie t -esof the "reason why" kind in ad v. rtising are the latest evolution in r ' ail publicity They have been used f r a long time in successful national advertising. A glance at the Satur day Evening Post or any of the good magazines will show this and it will also piove another thing, that comic pictures or caricatures are not usually employed by those big advertisers to exploit their goods. Having settled in your mind that good illustrations are the best and sur est means of attracting attention to what you have to sell througn your newspaper, you will naturally go on a hunt for those pictures. You may find considerable difficulty in getting good illustrations locally and when you do, you will probably find the price to be way above what you can afford to pay. And to use a bad picture will be worse than no advertisement. What are you to do? Here is the cure. The natural evo lution of retail advertising has brought into being one or two high grade con cerns, backed by ample capital, who are syndicating out this kind of illus trations along with complete advertis ing service. "Syndicating" means this: those concerns pay large sums to artists of high standing to draw pic ures that suit your advertising and employ advertising writers of national reputation to get up matter to go with the pictures. Those complete adver tisements are sold in thousands of dif ferent towns for use localy and, be cause of this method of syndicating, can be bought in a series of 52, one for each week in the year, for as low as one dollar per week with copper plate electros of the illustrations. Much of this latest style of advertis ing has been classed as equal to the best publicity that has made success lo1 many of the big department stores and national advertisers. At the top of these columns will be found reduced fa-' similes of those advertisements tak er from a service of that class. This M't of adverising is called Syndictaed A vertising Service. No merchant need be without the 1 1 -a means of successful advertising v .:r he can buy illustrated sevrvice at ) low a pric as this. It is now m King success for thousands of re 1 1 1 -rs throughout the country and is 1 1 very latest in retail advertising. Hemember always Mr. Retailer, t"i it attention getting is classed as iu it b( per cent of all retail adver ti'h'g and when next you write anad ve -liM-ment without using the best ni ans to get that attention, you are Iix s ng about GO percent of the entire va-ue ol your announcement. Full particulars of this kind of suc cess building illustrated syndicated advertising service may be obtained from the editor of this newspaper. Why be without the means of building success for yourself, a means that has already accomplished it for thousands of other merchants in the same posi tion as you are? 3? tf X X X X X X JK X X X X JPgPf81 1912 Electrical System Thirty3 x w ia a a a a TQmiw lirimiifr in mi $ oiuiuiig r uipuug -.- ipiiM rpHE electrical plant in the new Cadillac not only 5 accomplishes what heretofore has been accom- X plished in a less efficient manner by separate systems X ignition and lighting but goes further and includes m in its functions a feature to which motorists have long j looked forward, an automatic starter which obviates X X X X X X X X X X X X X the necessity of cranking by hand. The plant consists of a compact and powerful dynamo operated by the engine of the car. The dynamo charges the storage battery. For starting the engine, the dynamo is tem porarily and automatically transformed into a motor, the current to operate it being furnished by the storage battery. To start the engine, the operator after taking his seat in the car, simply retards the spark lever and pushes forward the clutch pedal. This automatically engages a gear of the electric motor with gear teeth in the fly wheel of the engine, causing the latter to "turn over," thereby producing the same effect as by the old method of cranking. As soon as the engine takes in charges of gas from the carbureter and commences to O run on its own power, the operator releases the pres- K sure on the clutch pedal, the electric motor geardisen- X gages its connection with the fly wheel and the car is J ready to be driven. The electric motor then becomes a 5 dynamo or generator and its energy is devoted to igni- X tion and to charging the storage battery. The storage X battery has a capacity of SO ampere hours and as soon 0 as that capacity is reached, automatically ceases. Prac- cicai tests nave snown cnar. me storage cattery is oi g sufficient capacity to operate the starting device and X "turn over" the engine about twenty minutes, although X it seldom requires more than a second or two. In fact, X the Cadillac engine so frequently starts on the spark X that the use of the electrical starter is not always re- X x x X n.0 This car is now on exhibition at X and being demonstrated bv the X a. : X quired. The storage battery also supplies the current l for lighting. The car is equipped with two Gray & $ Davis electric head lights with adjustable focus, two front side lights, tail light and speedometer light. The X dynamo also supplies the current for ignition. Up to ?5 280 to 300 R. P. M. the ignition current comes from the v storage battery; above that speed the current is direct 5C from the dynamo through the high tension distributer X to the spark plugs. For ignition purposes the dynamo 0 performs not only all of the functions of the most high- O ly developed magnetos, but possesses even greater effi- K ciency, having more flexibility and a greater range of X action. When compelled to drive slowly in crowded $ thoroughfares, over very bad roads or on hills, with the usual magneto, the driver may stall his motor because X the magneto is not being driven fast enough to gener ate current, and it becomes necessary to switch to the battery if he has one. With the Cadillac system, if it becomes necessary to drive so slowly that sufficient X current is not generated the battery automatically cuts X in. When the speed is increased the dynamo again C automatically takes hold. It wholly obviates the neces V sity of the driver's keeping constantly on the alert to X prevent'stalling the motor. In addition to the ignition X before described, the Cadillac is provided with the aux iliary Delco system with dry cell current which has proven so satisfactory in the past. The extra system is separate and distinct, with its own set of spark plugs anu in itsen is inorougniy eincient ior running tne car, i entirely independent of the main system. The entire j electrical plant has been designed with a view to com- J pactness and efficiency. It is designed with the idea of J": simplicity and positiveness. It is designed to obviate X. to the greatest possible degree, the necessity of atten- X tion. Above all, it does what it is designed to do. X i 5i X X X X X DISCHNER AUTO CO. XXXXXIK'XXXXXXX :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;' A Mail Carrier's Load Seems heavier when he has a weak hack and kidney trouhle. Fred Due hren, Mail Carrier at Atchison, Kan sas, says: "I have been bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and had a severe pain across my back. When ever I carried a heavy load of mail, my kidney trouble increased. Some time ago, I started taking Foley Kid ney Pills and since taking them I have gotten entirely rid of all my kidney trouble and am as sound now as ever. " For sale by all druggists. Dr. C. D. Evans. West side Park. f'77' ''"bfo g' (vf-), : ISlpilfwpli : V ? 9 fv-! vyt J SSStek This Pall We Have Added to Our Stock A LINE OP SOLID OAK DRESSERS full size, two small drawers and two large drawers, double serpentine front, full panel ends, nice shaped mirrors of different sizes. Prices are $17.50 to $20 The same Dresser with only the two small top drawers, serpentine front, it $1 6.50 Chiffoniers, Washstar ds and Bedsteads to MaUfn , fe j'ii-it:.an: ssClM U'l If .T -T -JiTZ- Trl Backache, Headache, Nervousness I i and rheumatism both in men and wo-, men, mean kidney trouble. Do not ' allow it to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foley Kidney Pills. They regulate the action of the urinary organs, i Tonic in action, quick in results. ' For sale by all druggists. Henry G-otss Columbus Corn Exposition. Arrangements are now well under way for the second annual exposition of the corn growers association. The association includes the counties of Platte, Butler, Polk and Colfax. The expi sition will be held this year, as last, at the Y. M. C. A. building. The program of addresses is not yet complete, but will be published in due time. The officers of the association are the following well known farmers: Presdent D. G. Kartells. First Vice President U. S. Mace. Second Vice President Win. Price. Third Vice President J. W. Kins man. Fourth Vice President J. .1. Karnes Secretary George Drinnin. Treasurei Emil Mueller. Manager William Newman. Directors C. C. Sheldon and J. C. Turner. Prizes will be awarded under the following schedule, a first and second prize being awarded on all cases, and for some exhibits first, -second and third prizes: Grand sweepstakes, best ten ears of corn any color. Best ear, any color. Best ten ears yellow dent. Rest ten ears white dent. Rest ten ears, any color other than white or yellow. Special prize fur largest ear, any color. Best ear of yellow dent. Best ear of white dent. Best ten ears of rice pop-corn. Best ten ears of pop-corn other than rice. Best two quarts fall wheat. Best two quarts oats. Best two quarts alfalfa seed. j Best plate of five apples. j Boys' corn-judging contest, open to" boys from 14 to IS years old, and al- ; so a judging contest open to boys from 10 to 14 years old. The ladies will also have have re presentation in the prize-winnings, three special prizes having been plan ned for the ladies who shall make the' best design, usinir nothing but corn ' in the ornamentation. How Gold Plats Is Mad. Talking oi silver gilt plate. It Is oftcu spoken of as gold plate. One hears of the gold service at Windsor castle, of the gold plate owned by sov ereigns of Kurope and by other per sons in this country as well as abroad. As a matter of fact, these so called gold services are silver gilt, ami only r a feu pieces of pure gold are owned by the Iluglish crown or any other crown. It may interest our readers to learn how this lire, mercurial or water' gilding- for it fc known bj- all of these three names is done. Pure gold and mercury are mi::ed into a paste. The silver article to be gilded has been chemically cleaned, is rubbed all over with this paste, which has been placed in a silk bag. just as the blue used in washing i put in a bag. When the . piece of plate has lieeii rubbed over it is perfectly white. It is then put hito an oven, and gradually the mer-, eury goes oT in fumes, leaving on the article a deposit of pure gold, which has practically Ijecome one with the piece of silver and will last for centu-, ries. London or. New York Post. i Untimely Death Often Prevented Countless mistakes have been made by medical men - innocent vic tims have paid the penalty for each. On the other hand, countless suc cesses have resulted from expert diagnosis. To know the errors of those who failed to know the methods of those who won increase the chances of successful treatment. For many years, we have been closely connected with leading Spe cialists of every school of practice. We have interchanged ideas, we have been co-workers in all that concerns the art of healing. Besides this mass of experience, we have the combined knowledge of each of our own Specialists. They constitute our "Medical Advisory Board," and deepseated or complicated cases are submitted to them. The result is evident. It means better diagnosis, better treatment and less expense. Advice will be given without cost to all who mail the following coupon. Might Be In a Nice Fix. Two men of Milwaukee were dis cursing the east of a person of their acquaintance whoe obituary, it ai pears. had been printed by mistake in one of that city's newspapers. "Oh, ho!" exelnimcd one of the fler maus. "Ho dey haf briuted der funeral notice of a man who h: not dead al ready! Veil. now. he'd be in a nice fix If he vas one of dose heebie, vot t believes everything dey sees in der bapers." Harper's Matrazine. Sorry He Asked. "Have you any special terms for au-! tomobillstsV asked the man in bear skin and goggIe. , "Waal, yes," responded the old toll- j gate keeper, whose gate had been bro ken down by speeding machines. "Sometimes I call them deadbeats, an' sometimes I call them blamed rascals. Anything else you want to know, mis terV' Chicago News. inWPaB tT AS "SWaf READ CUR SPECIAL OFFER Send three names of people troubled with any ailment on this !irM: schedule and we will mail you a $10 treatment certificate good for . one year. Mark X opposite ail ments concerning vourself for free literature andsiiln beiow. in'-usri TREATMENT .SCHEDULE i ArrcNMCiTrs t s I MM i lUIlh WU.ASL3 V Z HLII lJthN !- t ma nkk, currm i- CAMiLK. TlUOkJ !- I 1ATAAACTS lfc-l rTKRH 11 19 tOSillTAllMS X ! II uNSlMKIItl" 1 is rrArsm i i) Mi" r- 1 UHtU HAHI1S S is :.T-t-niA 5-iu MZrMA. All ktm lV-t - ir.LAPSlf HIS Lit !- I VK ltMJtdl.4 !- HMLfc. VOAK.NL3J If 26 .ALL 9TONH - XI f.LH.r VJV)mMLA J 22 H'Altr lfsEAL J-W 23 HUttO FLIC I S 21 tV1 MkkAlC 2 Xitt MiHH'lLA. MMtTfcl - it 2 LiglH IMhtr V Zt UVH MSfcAHCS l J LSJ IKINS lt !-. tf L)D OVOTON AIAJUA 2w- t Mtl. WEAKNESS J-w 21 i.lttllTT ian- 3- j; tlllt tNL3:i II-n ,jltALH J- fl" PI4TLLA fc- K fANMU MLNSM l-i tit !.- H MvtrUV S . m -4 A11L IttttVHLt W M I MATliU ftT i9 ri ' h I V K I - v .irn - I 3 i tfUHl tiCAA.' 2-M Wxl'Tt " 1-W Parsimony and Economy. "Papa' said a cliiW. "what is the difference hot ween parsimony and erotnunyy I will explain the difference by an example." the father replied. "If I cut down my own expenses that Is economy, hut if I cut down your moth er's then it is parsimony." 219-21-23 West 11th St. OoluLirLToias, IsTelor. His Suggestion. The great road builder had his mfcd on hi work that morning, as the fol lowing dialogue between him and his wife will show: "How do I look, dear?" "I'airly well. lit I should say that your fae needed resurfacing." New York Press. Estray Notice. Strayed to my farm eveii miles! northwest of Columbus, on September 30, one red calf, about six months old. Owner can have same by proving prop erty and paying all charges. JOHN SCHAKFF. The Only Kind. Kiln Hid you get a plain view of Miss I.uglie? Kmma O-rtainly. That was the only kind I could get. -K ohangi. When life reuses to be a promise It Seen Dot cease to be a task. AxnhlL USK PEN 1 Name Ailtiress I):svasc 2 Name Address Diiease 3 Name AitJress ti ;oase . . '. ur Name AN!) INK IF POSSIW.K !'H'f II HIT l-Ii I MINAHV WSfUSCS . lit M O fc!Si. CNLAkCSI 1 U 1'iMb DUtASLa l w .Age German Doctors Permanent Branch Offices German National Bank Building Columbus, -:- Nebraska -" v A ., .