The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 09, 1911, Image 1

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    Colmnutts enbnne3inirtial
Columbus. Nebraska. Thursday. November 9. 1911
Number 32
That Laid the Golden Eg
How much mi-re should y u Insure the Golden Egg
when you nave it?
JJep is:: :n the Bank where your deposits are protected j
dv me
Depositor's Guarantee Fund of me State of Nebraska.
Columbus State Bank
Mrv J.iar. .s-en. f Lnc . ar
- : tr.e .ast of tn- we-k for a '. .- :
tr nr Dare-nts Mr. and Mr. M. i'
Mr anc Mrs. Charles Hedr'.wiv an:
M.s? rowan, of Ashland. sp-r.t ir-.:a.
at tr.- of Mr and Mrs J A.
Miis GelleV'.eVe ReeCe. xm, .? at
tendee schoo. at Kearney, i- Lenl
.nc tne w-ea witn her par-r.ts Mr
and Mr J. A. ReeCe.
Hon. J. E. North has been comined
'... r..s room with a severe coid tn:s
w re. .ate reports from hi- home are
Columbus Triumphs 6 to i. however. wre not costly, for Norfolk
In one of the most hotly contested rarely recovered a fumble, rumb :nc
can.'4 ver waged on a Columbcs aa raissinc passes was iarce y re-
cr:d:ron. tr.e Maroon and White rubbed cibie for Columbus not ca.r. -.c
the of Norfolk in the dust to
tne ture of 6 to 0. The score came in
tne th. rd quarter when Hazel recover
ed a fumble on Norfolk's twenty-yard
."e anc raced over zht: two white
marsc- f r tne oniy touchdown of the
came Th Columbus players .n their
frenzv .:' cjehcht earned Kacei on the
more ground m tne early staces of tne
came. But in the last half, espec.a.
y after the touchdown and Rector
kicked coal they played like demons
and Norfolk's piays went for naucnt.
For Norfolk Emry piay-: a
came and was tneir cn.ef cound cain
er. Parcisn also piay-d a cuod came
tn- ett-ct ne is some
h rtr
Rav HeacocK. entertained a
ant: a."c rr .
f r y ur "-.f
an: v
: : u ii. want '""OAL
rt ?r .;- a'- -." it
u w.! nave
snou.ders arounc tne nelc anc tne ' tuiumuu; uau ;.ihi ana ne i
nom- voters ihowed tneiraeiicnt witn V-UU1'- " -- awiJ any ionc runs.
oice:-ro-:s yi!s and school soncs. -tf whole Columbus team p.ayeu we..
It was one of th ambitions of the mdi vidua.. . run the team work wa
Columbus boys to beat Norfolk this ai'1y .ackinc dunnc th- rir-t twu
year, and althouch the feat was ac- 'garters, i he passes to tne enis
coram isn-d oceans. of a fumble of a a i net: tn-most cround and N" irf-.Ih.
M- R
tne W iv .
r.c r. -
ineNan -Ar. J. T.-t witn M -
Eiie 3rasper Wedensday afternor.
Misses aw: Bertna M -r
spent Sunday w:tn reiat. .-rt at
ay Mrs. Le - enterta.n.r.c
Miss Nola Robiason. -:' Schuyl-' t.T
M'.ss Minnie B-rnrcan has acceote:
a iKjs.uor. m th- Five ad Ten ' r.t
Mrs. ". E. P ock entertained ta-
ri'rina. Brijc- M nday after
noon. Wo)d -e v : d .'-.t fr-'rr
ms orotfaer L rr: tr. :' Fa' rrton.
M-v j ') Bum? ami M.--. F i
"cnonVic are speiwlmc tr.- iay r. r
ward v sitinff fr-.-rs
Mr an-1 Airs. F J a'lrr wi. r--t.-rta.a
tn E.--.ijt F:ve Hun:r-:
io Fnda " e . -r. nc a: uv - ntm -
Mrs T D 7 wra.- : a.t I.aiv
C:t Ltan. tr -: tne ;.z .a.-t
eek for ar. xv. i-ii - t " th -- a
: -e.
Mrs. C H arf:rv- ano M-
'""sariefc Sege.ive entertained. zzz,
at a otir- o"c.ok ;-.. f , owe-: :v
r r-.Uffe.
Mrs. Lou.- r.r-e'je'" r.. n nas
r t. tne gu-st :" - t -s .r th- ,ity
: - severs. Jtys --rr-t-c t. r- .om
r 'malia Mnoa
Mr ar.: V!-- 1 H .a- -.-- :a -
Hockenberger &
M -- r.
;. a
r , K.-t was tn- cu-t
fr'-nos r. Eav; ;C ty vVeor.esday
M s- Marcar-t W...ari w -"-.ter-ta
r tne i seventeen j.ut FrMay
aften.x r..
Mrs. W . .tanr. WeListe-attenoed tne
t jn-ra : tn .ate rl r.
at M r.r' Tje-(iv
P tr
J R. F x -ft Monday for n s none
.-. rran: I- and. after a w-ea.s v -it
at tie nor.- f n sor. i X" F x.
i! F N Ste'eRor. .-
M.- W. 5t.e-r. of F-mw jhi.
M.-ss p wn ar '. -i: -u-viay.
M-1- cnr ier ar.: tt - laucr.t"
f H'i y iv-. C raJo -i-'': -ev--
:. - a-t w--k w tn M- J r-: F k.
M- an.! M- Err. Ha-. M
- -:.--t M nda;. .r. tn - t- tr-
-j t :' V!- -.: Mrs. H A t'h. . .
-.moer or younc peopie rnaay -ven-"
" nono of her -.ster Miss Fay
:- ,-' K-arney. who .-h-r cuest.
Mr s C. C Gray entertained Miss
H-. of FuJerton Tuesday. Miss
Hz? was -nroute to Omana where
n- w:l. attend the State Teacn-rs
ill r.
Mrs. Sam Acnew i-ft Tuesday af
ternoon for San Ca':fom:a.
zo jo.n her husoand. who .efcrfor that Severa. we-KS aco. Mr. and
Mr. Acnw w.. spend the winter n
'"a.'fom.a. Anna Scn..z -p-r.t Sunday in
P.atte Center at tne home of her Martin Scnnz. The many t
fr-ni-of Mr Senile w- '. b-crieved to
'-arn tnat ne :s .11 at ms home with
f zcoid feV-r !
tr ur cial is rournt
the victor. : ',c nl br-ak them up. Wn:.e . r.i
home bovs ' r,:n:i r"ai,?1-- cackle -ma-nes madr- uj
a ot a.i
T. B. Hord Grain Co.
?:- "ES Independent 2"-6
Bell IS?
vi -t tine D.ayer. cennt tor
cannot be taken from the
b-caase of it. It was
ai : the wav tnmuch and
came unt:. tne -oun: o
N )rfo k won the toss and Columbus : X and only won from
a battle royal j :or " io,i:i- althoucn Sohmock-r pun
was anybodvs ' ctur"' : ',ni iti" wher
the nna! , -ain wer" ne-ier..
i A few wek- ac ' maha p.ayei
to V
Dt e- a moid nififi- on
ioor J-r' norei a-r-x
Mrs. Lohr and Mrs J
Lannan -rr.t M ondav in maha.
kicke-oif. All thuch the rirst half Columbus beat th-.m ast Satuniav 6
Norfolk kept the ball in the honv ! M -, This cives Omaha an edce of
rioy territoy. mainly through the use ; oc-y i5ve Pnta. L:ist Friday David
of a quarter back fake, which in three; Cu" faeat: "or5c Zo 5- while CoTam
tries netted 95 yards, tne ball being j bus bz David cy 3 to 0. Omaha
carreidbv Emery and Parish. It was , D,?at or-li !- t,) T"i -'- Col
the z-t o'f this fake that broucht tne embus four pomts advantage ov-r V-r:-v
bali inside of Coiumous" one varc line. . on comparative -core-, am: i taara tne
where the home bovs heid for downs
Shelter's Litiw
The most valuable prep
aration on the market for
Cira Stackers
use, taking out the sore
ness and stiffness of the
nnger joints and wrists,
and healing the abrasions.
25c the Buttle
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The rirst open nicht or Gymnasium N.r.aCr--ur. :Ri -r.Ian.:. -per.
tne we-k.-p.d w'th r-enL- . n th - c:tt
Tu.- Christian Endeavor soci-ty
tr.e Pre-ry ten an cnurch neli :
"e-s meet: nc at the nome of
L. u -e Gottcna.k Tue-hiy
After tn- nusir.ess had n--n transac
ousi-' -
WM ..
Acain Norfolk rushed the ball up to
tne same spot, where the horn- noys
encouraged by the home rooter held
ar. i kept Norfok from scunnc. Th-i-t
quarter ended with Norfolk hav-
:a' iie auvar.ia;e. itnu li iMJtveti :in.e
the h me b ?vs would be rushed ho pe-
v onien r-tcrne: .-arj.rav i --ii'7 orr kne:r reet i. tne visitors
r!-f v.-it sth n.- mot.-i-r at.--1"- much more cround on
...i.: u...H .. i t u.. ... ttj.imm .:u..
same. ix or -ores ! XU",UU1' "' " ieu :..iiu
Columbus and tr.ha -tandon an even -V' v,imo'' ! As this is the first
footmc. La.-: Satunray while Coicra-1 "xhlbttlon of zhe 5Jasn it is hoped
bus was winnmc fron- N-rfoIk Omaha !tha: a '"lH P'an to attend is a cood
L A M -Lapine. f Sor. jyle
Mor. :av w th fr' ends .r. th
iost to Beatrice 12 to '2
came Beatrice cairns tne state oharn
ionsn:p. which, which ne will prjba
o nold unless some ..ther team
away from her The only team
has y-t to piay that
' it
cuarter -na- saunce
n thi- P'-rram is Deinc arranceu. tour
presence at tnese exmbitions snows
your interest. Are you interested?
The full procram will be in the next
lack fak-s. Had Norfolk oeen ac e anos a cnance t c tn:-. acconunc
to show a p ace drop kicker of any ' -e e champion aas.- of reckoning is
IUa:v sne SnOU.U nave SCOreC at least v.ui.iuu,. viuii;ju.- uiavs sea-rice . n.; --n-
i . i. r . i .... rr . . . t . - wv.
oc:a, nur wn- dv jie siurr ..i inn- rrm, : .r "siana -r- -oints n'-ovided -ne could kick m two weess at rjeatr ce. anc snouii!
M:ss Mai.? Duk-
arnl M -s
' B ,yra :
--tur',i :. n-r nora- i --:a art-r a
i'-- ia - - t w tr - at -- " tr.:-
M--. Frar.a Ker-jenor . . rr.r--t.n.njr
M"-- E. R. JarT n f Sne -i-
r. l"fi tnis w . -.. r : tr.e
rr'-t f tne e-k.
M--. W H W.-it-ro-tnarr. anj
daucr.ter- M -c Mauiie Winternotnem
anc Mr? Laoaree are tne
we-k frti- at DtJ fiv.K
M.? Haie. R-.-nar. : M inr-j--nent
Tu-scay -.-n tc "tn M.-?
Mi"'- --r jr -a. r.c W-i;r.e-.ia rror--
"C " ' T.1.'.J a"te""'l tr -tate
T-a.".'-."' A--'- at ..
M- - : Mr- F-ar R--. : .-. nave
- -- -a r'".!T Mr an: Mr J E.
"-. - ' r. .-r - I . ". -. tn.s
a -i M" ar.'i Mrb. R t n- ar-rr.aA-
c j. z ur t tn tt t ". tr. r ar
M --e- J a .a E. . tt ar.: Maa. ne
---: w c tt - Fr- ui- t.
- ".: a fe- iay- tn-.r -.-ter?
M -.- Marr. - E "tt an.: '"Vce a Sten-c-
"' ar- atten-i -c tne L"" v-r-
M- a.-.: i). i .ar-nc- W j--der. re-tu-ei
t. tne'r n- t- -. . ica a.a Thurs
:a af"er a s:.-f .s t w-tn
am: : -n:s .n tn. -.ty Th-y were
acc.n--.jan -c j.- far a Centra C.ty
z Mrs. E. C Vvorien. wrj jj-ii;
?r-v-ra. days m tnat cit w tn Mrs.
FanK Farrand.
Mrs. A. Haicnt. of San T' ": '"al
.fm.a. arr-v-c Friday firi .- .t of
?evera we-si'--? -. tn.s
c ty Sne was accompar.i-t: ry P F. 3eeoe. of ? sewn.
M. en. can. anc M:ss Carry Sim
mons, '-f Counc:. I wa. wnc
r.aa neen ner cuests. After a visit
ner- Mrs. Ha.cnt w... accompany Mr.
3eer- t. r. ? M. en. can r.orr-
-."e ' Sfe"-! tTe W -te"-
Mr. Eacar Howard. Mrs. D. T.
Martyr ar-: M.s Mary Howard cave
a oe ' "ck uncheor. Friday after
n r. at tne norr- f tr.e former. Tfa-rn-o-
wa.- fo..owed by Five Hun
dred. M--. C D Evans the
fav )Ts. The CUeStS if RoUor Were
Mrs Hue- and Mrs. Mathew-.
f ".ar:,,-:a. I wa.
Mr. and Mrs. Wi.liam Nay left
Wednesday mornnc for an extended
vi-:t w:th their daughter. Mrs. 3. 3.
I'-es. at G.iette. .-rkansas. Mr. Nay
a Drier
Mr-. Saran Br niiry i en-it-d tne
ast f tfir- w--k t) b- tn- cu st f
Mr.-. " L. Pak --: Su-. -.
M-- K m-f f. r.w. an.: M--. I..
H. N"-tr w. -ntertain. F- :av af
ter"."., a: a ":" -r- a tn- n -me of
the r 'truer
-h- r.--.ieii -o:i! from zhr- rieid. hnr -he ey win. tney wou.c enne nome witn
nad no such man or her team. :r-'r- :h- ZIZ' o:" 5Iate cnamps. If '
In tne second quraiter Norfolk again -T-r a :ea:r' -a'itr r-a- nar- pr-para- I
m.-h-d the bnl. to Co.ernbiis" rive vard ",r- Mr a big Ci.. Co umbus is uo- ,
The commercial club has planned to
use the came rooms of the association
on the second and fourth Tuesday eve-
montn. iRe plan is to
orcanize oowtmc teams, use the cool
inc. nut come not susn it over.
nc ncnt now. rortnev r-a.ize tnat
'olumbus boys had not opened up any sz beyonu tneir crasp .ies tie title
f tneir piay?. nut were playing the wnicn so many teams strive to get anu
id came instead, on which thev could -"-any times rail to acn.eve. It
and billiard tables and also use 'the
gymnasium. The plan for the gym
nasium work is to organize the club
into teams, and play volley ball, base
bail, nasket aall and other cames of
( . ' . harr: acc--frnar.ieti b. A. C. i
Peter-OR. Ne.- N'eon
Luer- :r - to Platte
.r. n - ""-w ant'..
not gain
S :nlav.
St. . at the same time they
conic: not stop the visitors rusnes
and as the whistle oiew for tne nrst
'naif Norf- Ik had reason to rejoice
ner the plays and tne terr.tory in
vr.'cn thev were nulled ort. fcr she
St. Francis Academy Notes.
"he pupus of the various grades are
Mis? Neta Winter spent ?un:ay
15 takincmuch neeCu fex frtin i? rrj-j, yfe. rrw- -iolkr.- Sse w-f ac--ws.-xai as Columbus had been doing
lutie- a- a or:dge bia-'ksmith on tne
V-.i t. Pacinc. an has b-en at
-!ra- f r -everal w--ks. and will spend
t.:- r-c.s.n-' of n.s vacation .n tne
Last Tuesua;. afternoon r e.gnt yourc
rr.arrieo wijnien met at tne nome :"
Mrs. Pn. E.cni s am! rcan:2eo a K-r-
.nct.'R jo. w rr t -- -r-w-eh.
h- p-r-onr.e f tr- - ur
numbers Mescames R.cnaru n -.c
E 3 Feater. Frans K-r ncrocn
A 'wrt Lutz. Ph. Ecro -. Harrv L.'nr
cor-pa.-': r- M s- i adv-
f S. E:war:. w-. wa.- r.e
-r ?.- :a-
M -near
-"u : -v "
-:-- at
: M.s
"r tn to
ever a team aeserveC tne encourace
ment of its fe..ow students ir a hich
schooi. and tne eo-anerarior :' words pr-pannc an entertainment.
of encouragement from the r--. dents ! "hey w..I c:ve on the eve of Thanks
of a city wno are interested .r tn- av- civinc day. November 29. The pro
fare of it iwn renresentat. e r cram is to be rendered in honor of
ad not fares ca..doc to defend ner ' a"n- -cs. that team . the on- , tnir r-verent! pastor anc ..ear parents.
tnat today represents the Ma.-oon and .A a" aumL-sion wil. be cnargt-: on
Whit- of the Columbus higr -cbc on ntennc n order t 'infry the expen-
rv-ry body bist :or ugnjnc etc.
j No Novemoer 22 wili be the feast
me tn-up tor the ?orto i came'o: it Cecelia, tne patron o: tne music
C0LML3LS. G.ur. P.. E. Kn
man. P.. T. . Tavior (C R. G. . Cadv
was a reve:
tn- cri'i.ron.
a., tnroucn th- half.
In tne second na;f
-a andCiUmcus was tneacressor ana Co-unsous.
na: Norfo:.-c ca.::ng for help. The
.ast na.f was decidedly in the home
rK- favor and when Shorty Kagel
recovered Norfolk's cost.v fumble cun-
nd--c- reicne: -upreme ir. th-
reicne: -upreme :r. th- ranks C. nartman. i. G. Launrman. L. T. .
f -ne Mam..r than White. Hace. L E. Cassm P.. H. B. P.ector.
Column I- nad a s ightjdvantace in L H. B . Cotton, v. 3 . Scnmocker.
h- n::"ri-- .ird Terr?-: :- u.-.! m rh - 3-
i class.
Vene-ar - -"er M Jospha. Mother
provirca.. w arrive n-r- Friday
e. -n.c tr r-. L ncu
an.: -
va.ters. i.eo r-cnon. u
The f ur m-t W-.:ne.-.:ay af-er"'1.
w tr Mrs. E. 3 Feaster
Serceant Jocn of N-w Y -h.
wno .- a trip across tne r -nent
on foot, was :n tne c:ty Monca;
He .- r. w matiinc h - fourth t. u-cro-s
tn- eountry. and nas -ecent
made a trr arounc the wor z uncer
tne ausyices oi a New Yor.-c new
paDer. and eomp.ied m? letters of tra-
Ve. .ntO a DOok. He .eft NeW Y TK
S-ptemoer 25. and :s cm- to r-acn
San Francisco :n TO lays from tnat
time. He ;s accompar.ed by H. 3.
King. trave.:ng :n an automobile, and
who carries the supple- needed by h:m
Serceant Walsh carries a numb-: of
.etters from peaces he nas visited t.
fn-nds jf the writers in other places
wnicn ne exp-cts to visit. If Sc
shomd complete his journey within tne t:m-. r.e is to rec-r.'e a purse
f S2. "..
-e i-nasn . The quarter fake was
N)rf!k"- b:c cound camer. out -r-t.u
: not work :t in the -econd r.a f.
H-r ra-ses cr ve, a nzni-. out ner
N P.rLK. Eoerb-r. P.. E. Eare.
i- . .
: r. n-r mterr-rence was
e. a. ....r. wime wnan jih. Oi ue
nome jov. but ier iine mferor. Cd-
R. T. . Lucas R. G. . Hibn-n. C
Whorter. L. G. . Landers. Srr. tn. L.
T. . dierne. L. E. . Locan. R. H 3
Keener. Ci. Landers. L. H 3 Par
ish. . 3. . Emery. F. 3.
Referee Coigrove. Umnir- -Hana-cker
Fie.d Judce -Craoz.-r H-ad
i wn
Goa. from touchdown R. ctor
-mcu tac.-v e p ays netted Rer cood .inesman -WrstbrooK
ca.ns Kaufman and Kinsman severa.
t.m.e- man:nc nrst down on two piays.
I THE TIME TO H W E Scnmocs-r a a.e: a steadv cam-at
e .a.-ve .i
.r.: .se .
-ad-- at -?as -ac e :--. Call
Were in
Columbus. Neb
Mrs E. H. Chambers. Mr. Lar.e
Wi.liams and Mrs. Homer Ror :nson
spent W-:nesday in Linco'n.
Mrs. Howard Clark anc Miss Fr-ca
Post spent several days this week wth
fri-nds in Omaha, retummc W ine
day -venmc.
Mrs. J 3. Gietzen entertained tne
'e... Co. ton ran the team we., but Lew.e Druice club Monday afternoon.
.n the eariy staces of tne game the A number of out-of-town cuests were
Columbus back neld p.ayed like they present amonc them being Mrs. Mrs.
a trance, or it tney eitner J. T. Harris and Mrs. R. E. Sarrr-.
over tneir own nterf-rence or of Centra. Citv. and Mrs. Si.nv f
fumo.ed tne ca Their m.sp.avs, C ar-cs.
ru.. naeK. ne coinc tnroucn tne .ir.e
fir ten yards -evvra. t.mes ;n tne .ast
na.f. 3ut .t was tr.e passes of th
nome boys tnat proved their b-st and
oiggest cround ga.ners. Little Jaive
G.ur and Shorty Hage! Rector
passing the ba. cameu from rifteen
to tw-enty-riv yards on severa. occa
sions. The -no- str:nc aiso worked
New 7 Room House,
with Furnace Bath,
Electric Lights and
Gas. Full basement
and Cement Walks.
Verv finest Location.
Inquire of
Elliott -Speice-Echols
If you have, do you want to take advantage of the most remarkable offer ever made, and buy a good
practice piano or a good organ for your home, school or lodge. If so, the little paltry sum of $5.00 will do it No more to pay. Just
$5.00. Don't seem possible, does it? $5.00 WILL GET A LOT.
l C" 15 to 2(' cf the worlds best irakes :-f high grade
Aiwv uianos. organs, etc. Prices durins this great sale
Terms: Nothing for 30 days. $1.00 a week will do. On organ.
50c a week will do. The best chance you ever had to own a piano.
"lirp are closing out our agency here, formerly conducted by
" Fontein Bros. But as they are now building their own
pianos, and need every inch of space their building affords. There
fore we are forced to close out our stock by Saturday. November
11. 191L So pisno buyers can make their own prices and terms.
PUpr k every piano sold: Free delivery: free stool:
Irr free scarf: free one years music lessons: free, in case
of death of the head of the house, we cansel your contract the
piano is yours - you owe us nothing: free, if piano is not as repre
sented any time from 1 year to 10 we will refund vour monev.
Schmoller & Mueller
517 West 11th Street