The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 02, 1911, Image 8

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Most Any Laundry
can do up a shirt. In fact some laun
dries do "do up" a shirt in one or two
washings. If you
Entrust Your Laundry to Us
it will bs done up in the proper manner
and receive proper care.
Sherman Township.
The iirst snow of the season fell
Thursday morning but did not stay
Auguc Grotelushen. of Colfax
county, spent Saturday and Sunday at
the H. 'J. Lueschen home.
Ed and Carl Hcllman shipped hogs
to Omaha Thursday.
R. H. Wurdeman brought his cattle
home last Thursday, from the pasture
nearDuncan. --
JJTErnestWenk has purchased a corn
Frank Wurdeman spent a few days
in Columbus last week.
Oscar Lueschen and Louis Hollman
each purchased a hog at Fred Wille's
sale in Columbus Wednesday.
Willie Ifuth has been on the sick
list the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cattan re
turned from Shawano Wisconsin Wed
nesday where they spent a part of
their honeymoon.
Here's hoping that our democatic
friends have thoroughly digested those
letters by this time, and that they
will go to the poles on November 7,
and put an X behind the names of the
republican candidates.
Leigh Route No 1.
Farmers in this vicinity are start
ing to gather their corn crop. It is
yielding an average of about fifteen
bushels to the acre.
A large number of our men and
boys attended a shoot at the Emil
Berger home last Sunday. Ducks,
geese and turkeys were'the prizes.
A dance was given at the Rudolph
Wurdeman home last Saturday evening.
It is reported to have been a social
Edward Holman shipped a car of
hogs to the South Omaha market last
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moeller were
1 -B 3TL7ra iiiV
'HibbbbbbbbL "jiP?l bbm
iiliiSa1i TCJmaaal
l JLV' 1 wl """Sfsssssi
vt.cwi I (J J I 35(40
Come In and See
Our line of new and second-hand furniture and
stoves. Our line includes everything from a potato
masher up to and including the highest grade square piano.
of stoves cook stoves, ranges, heaters for hard or soft
coal or wood. We also have in our
a fine line of kitchen and bedroom furniture, in
cluding tables, dressers, beds and mattresses. In
fact, we have the best and largest assortment in the city
to select from. No matter what you are looking for we
can supply you. We have one of the best and most com
plete assortment of mattresses at right prices
to be found anywhere in this part of the state.
A 1 Statements Backed by an
Absolute Guarantee.
Eleventh Street Columbus, Nebr.
is something that all of us have to
seek sooner or later in our lives.
Money gives protection when all
other things fail; therefore every
one should open
and prepare for the uncertainty of
the future. Our bank solicits your
account, no matter how small the
deposit may be. Start your account
with us today and make it grow.
you.have the protection of the Guar
antee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
G. W. PHILLIPS, Cashier
visit with relatives is Butler and Se
ward counties.
The farmers in this neck-of-the
woods are finishing up their threshing
this week.
There will be a dance at Brani
gan's next Friday night, and rumor
says that there will be some doings
Hallowe'en also.
The Willing Workers are head
quarters for fine quilts. They are at
present making a double Irish chain
for a lady in Chicago.
Miss Wilbur has organized a coral
club at the Clear Creek school house.
The class will meet every Saturday
W. S Eastman enjoyed a visit from
his brother Walter last Saturday and
Miss Lizzie Wuetricb, of Columbus,
returned to her home Tuesday morn
ing after spending a few weeks with
her neice Mrs. Lydia Coffey.
guests at the Otto Schultz home Sun
day. Miss Sophie Brock was on the sick
list last week.
George Seafgen hauled forty head
of young hogs to Columbus last week.
August Wahl visited with his dau
ghter Mrs. Louie Sluntz, at Lincoln
last week.
Alvin Harnapp attended to business
matters at Leigh one day last week.
Harvey Walling is in this part of
the country at his old vancation of
trapping Tor furs this week.
Duncan Doings.
Paul Blaser hauled two loads of
hogs to the Duncan market this week.
Will Glaer has been hauling corn
to Duncan this week.
Quite a few farmers have started
to gather their corn crop.
Mrs. Fred Schupbach, of Monroe,
spent several days this week visiting
her mother, Mrs. Jaccb Gerber.
Ernest Berchtold was in Duncan
Monday. While here he made a trade
turning in his old auto on a deal for a
new machine.
John and Oscar Engel are the latest
victims of the automobile fever in this
part of the country.
Cedar Chips.
Too late for last week.
W. S. Eastman had some sorghum
seed threshed.
There will be preaching next Sun
day afternoon at Clear Creek school
house. Dr. Charles Wayne Ray of
Columbus will be our pastor this year.
Miss Phoebe Sixberry lett last
week for Lamreau, South Dakota,
where her father has charge of a vet
erinary hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bonner re
turned home last Wednesday from a
Carl Hart was a Columbus passen
ger Wednesday.
Rev. Taylor of Norfolk held servi
ces at the Episcopal church Sunday
morning. Mildred and Netha Dack,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Dack and Corienne Hollingshead, dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hollings
head, were baptized. He also'admin
istered Holy communion.
Mrs. L. Northe formerly of Mon
roe was visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Hill jr. last week.
Misses Sarah and Nell Engleman of
Grand Island visited friends in Mon
roe from Wednesday until Friday on
their return from an eastern trp
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jenkinson and
son Edward, Mr. and Mrs. John Dack
and Viola Terry went to St Edward
Sunday in Mr. Jenkinson 's car.
Fred Hill was in Genoa Tuesday.
R. W. Saley of Columbus, was in
town last Friday.
Mrs. William Talbitzer is visiting
in St. Joseph, Missouri.
Misses Nell and Clara Gleasonwere
in Platte Center Saturday.
Professor John Engleman, J. R.
Beael, and Misses Hazel Richards and
Ida Whipple attended the teachers'
association in Platte Center Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Coffey were
visiting in Columbus.
Clarence Gerrard, of Columbus, was
in Monroe Thursday.
Miss Margaret Gleason was in Col
umbus between trains Saturday.
Link Lee is making some improve
ments on his farm north of town.
Mrs. O. B. Preston is visiting her
parents at Columbus.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hoppock and
son Lewis, of Fullerton were guests
at the Leiber home Tuesday.
Alex Engberg, of Albion, was in
Monroe on business Monday.
Mrs. A. M. Work visited relatives
in Columbus last week.
Mrs. D. W. Jenkinson and niece,
Miss Eva Patterson drove to Platte
Center Saturday afternoon to attend
the teachers meeting.
Misses Bessie Ziegler and Myrtle
Watts are attending the Christian En-
f2&r0a?z a&67z&9&
Visit this Basement and your nickels, dimes and quarters
will burn holes through your pockets. No qualities any better
anywhere for small change.
Best post cards sold, 5 for. 5c
Andrew Jergens soaps, all soap,
per cake 5c
2-foot folding rule 5c
Semi-porcelain cup and saucer. .. 5c
Corkscrews. 5c
Sad iron holders 5c
2 and one-half doz. clothes pins.. 5c
Crepe paper any color per roll. . 5c
2 spools darning cotton. 5c
Salt and peppers each 5c
Spool silk 5c
Blue Seal vasaline 5c
Mother's ironing wax 5c
Combs 5c
Cake turners 5c
2 cards pearl buttons 5c
Talcum powder 5c
Toilet paper 5c
6 lead pencils 5c
500 page tablet 5c
Envelopes. 5c
Vegetable brush 5c
Dustpans. 5c
2 mouse, traps 5c
Ladies vests 10c
Towels 10c
Shopping bags 10c
Writing paper 10c
Doilies. 10c
Pillow-cases 10c
Best framed pictures in town for. 10c
Acme trowser and skirt hanger. . 10c
Hand painted tray 10c
Curtain ride. 10c
Wash basin. 10c
Toothbrush 10c
Large fire shovel 10c
Shawl straps 10c
Blue Seal carbolated vasaline ... 10c
Egg shampoo. 10c
Witch Hazel 10c
Peroxide 10c
Large clawhammer. 10c
Night lamp 10c
Star cut tumblers 10c
Large scrub brush-. 10c
Lace curtain samples. 25c
Large decorated salad bowl 25c
Decorated hand painted plates. .25c
See the Great
Misses' Fur
Sets in Brown
gray & white
We will have on exhibition at our store $3,000 worth of high class and popular priced
Furs, including Misses' and' Children's, for three days only.
October 2nd
October 3rd
October 4th
Black Marten Sets $75JI to $15U0
Black Lynx Sets $2SJ8 to $5M
Red Fox Sets $35M to $45.10
Gray Fox Sets $2IM to $35JI
Black Wolf Sets $1Z5I to $25JI
Gray Wolf Sets $1UI to $2151
Jap Mink Sets $25 to $45.00
River Mink Sets $15M to $45.00
Black and Brown Cooney Sets $ 651 to $15.00
Children's Sets $ 2.50 to $15.00
These Furs are just what you want for Christmas gifts. An opportunity to save one
half the price, and remember these Furs will be
On Exhibition for Three Days Only
deavor convention at Lincoln this week
Mrs. Schaade and Mr. and Mrs.
Westcott. relatives of the late C. W.
Ziegler were in Monroe looking after
business affairs last week.
Professor Engleman spent Sunday
at his home in Grand Island.
Milton Obrist, of Monroe passed
away Wednesday morning, at the age
of 78 years. He was born in Lee
county, Illinois. He married Miss
Martha Thomas,3 of Dixon Illinois.
He moved with his family to Nebra
ska in 1875, and settled in Monroe in
1892. He is survived by his wife
and five sons; Charles, Dexter, Wil
liam, Benjamin and Ed, and four dau
ghters; Mrs. Emma Miller, Mrs, Liz
zie McCone, Mrs. Bertha Kelley and
Mrs. Charles Rundall. The funeral
was held at the Methodist church Fri
day afternoon and interment was made
in the Friends' cemetery.
John Teny went to Lincoln Satur
day to attend the University.
There is another automo
bile man in business in Col
umbus since Anton J. Disch
ner is representing the Hup
mobile line for this territory.
Settle Ike Fence Question Right
There's only om satisfactory way to
settle the fence question.
And that way is to get the beat
fence that fence is built to
stand for many seasons.
Pay a reasonable price
and get the worth
of your
If it
Rdoaa it could Botha
BMde say better. It'atas
material. worlrminriti sad
daatifie method of coartructioa
that rakes PwrTna Feaca ao strong
aad durable.
feaeabaold most nonkm bat if
it ia not now oa sale ia your towa your dealer caa
at it for you. lie naturally oref era ta aell what h haa
iBBtoclcbutyouarelookiB to your owa mterett aad see
his. aad ahouid insist oa his aapaly ingr Peerless.
Peerless Hire Fence Co., LM.
For Sale by William J. Voss
"Jim The Penman.'
Unheard of
P mi nil mi ii nil
Do Not Miss
The 'coming appeareance of Florence
Roberts, Thrulo Bergen and Theodore
Roberts at the North Theatre on
Thursday, November 2, in "Jim the
Penman" will create great interest,
as it is unusual at any time to see
three Stars in a single production.
Bliss Roberts beyond question does the !
best work she has ever done. She is
the Mrs,. Ralston of the play, a wo
man who has been tricked by the
fraud of Jim the Penman, to give up
her lover to marry the forger, with
out knowing his infamy, to bear him
two children and to become the mis
tress of his household of luxury, and
the innocent partner of his villianous
ly acquired position in society.
Toward the end of the play, she
learns the truth and faces the husband
who has tricked her, who has brcught
her face to face with misery. Miss
Roberts' acting makes this the most
Doicmant climax of the play. She
makes the scene vibrate with natural
ness and directness, and flings the
thrill of reality across the foetlghts.
Mr. Roberts as Baron Hartford, the
evil genius of Mrs. Ralston's husband,
the man who has taught him how to
be the expert forger he has become.
The Baron is the arch plotter, the
head of a mysterious band of criminals
who achieve their fabulous crimes
through the expertness of Ralston
the "Jim The Penman" of the melo
drama's title. He is the personage
who drives Ralston to make possible
a theft of priceless jewles from his
own son-in-law.
The role of the Baron is composed
with the greatest care It is perfect
to the last detail. Mr. Roberts per
sents such a piece of character work
as will not be seen in many a season.
The Baron becomes possessed of just
the right German accent; his cunning
and his cynicism are insisively con
vincing by consistent gesture, inflec
tion and poise, and his smouldering
wickedness and sinister nature are as
sociated with mastery.
Mr. Thrulow Bergen as "Jim The
Penman" gives a force and dignity
to the stronger scenes with the and
Baron again with his wife, that has
seldom been attained by any of our
leading men of the present era, and
makes the cunning and craftiness of
the forger wonderfully realistic.
Methodist Church Notes.
Subject of morning Sermon" Money
and the Kindgom. ' ' Sunday school at
noon. We want you in our school
and you can find a place to learn and
work. Devotion of meeting of Ep
worth League at 6:30 p. m., at 7:30,
there will be a special sermon, "The
Passion Play of 1910". The pastor
saw the Play twice last year at Ober
ammergan and will speak as an eye
witness. All classes are cordially in
vited. Chaa. W. Ray, pastor.
The Chicago Store
We are offering the greatest values in Ladies and Misses
Coats and Skirts ever heard of in Columbus.
Ladies Skirts, the newest
shades and patterns, sizes
from 22 to 40 waist meas
ure, $10 and $12 values.
Special for this and the
coming week at
$5.00 and $6.00
Ladies Furs in the latest
styles, $30.00 per set value
special at
$15.00 per sat
Ladies White Mesaline silk
waists, regular price $4.50,
special at
Ladies Plush Coats, the
latest styles, $25.00 values,
special for this and the
coming week at
Ladies and Misses Coats,
sailor collars, $15 values at
Baby Bear Skin Coats,
quilted lined, values up to
$8.00, special from
$3.00 to $5.00
in Cotton and Wool
great reduction
at a I
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Theodore Roberts, Thurlow Bergen in scene from
North Theatre, Thursday, Nov. 2