The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 02, 1911, Image 5

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W ;L'-:
Copynjht im. sr C. E. 2.arraa Co.- Vo :a
It must not pinch here and show slack
there. There should be no loose spots
or tight spots, but shoes should nt all over
YOUR SHOES should be so nicely
adapted to your feet that they give the
impression of being at least a size small
er. Those new fall shoes with high toe
and short vamps we have our stock
complete) are as neat looking as any
styles oifered for many seasons past.
W Still Haw Fits, i
HAVING purchased the business and
good will of D. H. Gipe novelty
store 103 West Eleventh Street, we desire
the patronage you have given him and will
use our best efforts to merit same. Give us
a trial when in need of anything in our line.
-103 West Eleventh Street
Terrific Slaughter
of the larsre stock of Pianos ot the Schmol
ler & Mueller branch, formerly conducted
by Fontein Bros, of this city. Every in
strument in stock Grands, Uprights and
Player Pianos, Organs, etc., all go at less
than factory cost. With every piano sold
Free delivery of pianos.
stool and scarf.
' one year's tuning.
" one year's musical education.
" insurance on your piano.
- in case of death of the head of the household we
cancel your contract and you owe us nothing.
" 25 years guarantee.
one year's free trial.
exchange privilege.
certificate- if piano fails to be as represented any
time irom i d l' years, we win reruna in casn
every dollar paid.
As low as $1.00 down and 50 cents a week,
some cases nothing down required.
Special Saturday, Nov. 4
I! a. m -i -wei. rrac vv piaro. to the -rst one after it. tor
S2- A-r kind of terms.
T -har:ty :f we fa,! :.-. do v nave what we advertise.
. We r.ate facers and fake sales
Sale starts Thursday noon. Nov. 2d, at
Eleventh Street. Columbus. Nebraska
B-. Schmoiler Maeller Reoresentauves.
(Continued from editorial page.)
is making a tour of the district. Special trains cost
monev. Who is doing this?
In contrast to this was the magnificent tribute paid
to Mr. Elliott last Tuesday in Burt county, the county of
Mr. Latta. Forty-three automobiles, bearing 175 local
republicans of Burt county made a tour of the county.
Mr. Ellott is not making his campaign by special trains
bearing national dignitaries, of the rank of Clark and
Bryan, but rather by the free good-will of his neighbors.
Wednesday evening, Mr. Elliott and Governor Aldrich
held a monster meeting at Central City, and everybody
was there. Next Saturday he will travel as the guest of
his friends in Boone county, and make a call on the citi
zens in that part of the district.
But Dan Stephens can't get next to the folks on the
i ...... f
! ground floor in that manner; no. sir: he has had the Mc
Killip training, and must have his special trains, his
Bryans and CI arks.
, People have said mean things about Pat McKillip:
but they are not all true: Pat was in Columbus a day or i
two ago. He was not here in conference with the re- '
publican leaders of the county: and it is well known that'
he is not a resident of the district, he is taking a Jively
interest in this campaign. We don't believe he was here .
in the interest of the prohibitionists, and we don't rem
ember hearing of a socialist going bankrupt. No: he is
now paying his debts to Dan Stephens debts far more
important than the clearing oif of the obligations to his
former neighbors at Humphrey and Cedar Rapids, who
have received a dividend of twelve and one half cents on
the dollar.
The Four Cardinal Points
of the Grocery Business
Laxative Tablets, ten
Dr. H. .' Arnold, office oq ground
floor. Meridian horel annex.
Columbus Market.
The 'oJowing poultrv market ir re
ported on Nov. 2. 1911. Prices sub-1
jeet to change.
Hens, per lb 7
Old Roosters 3 i
Spring Chickens, per lb 9 j
Butler, per lb 20-25 ,
ptr:..r:r:.::::::::;::::::::.55J-ob G1 Wednesday.
, Stock and Grain- Market ' For Rent A modern room;
Wheat, per bu aso furnish board. Mrs. C
i White corn, per bu 53 Brunk. ISth and Q. streets.
Yellow and mixed corn 53
'Data, per bu 41' Furnished rooms for light house
Rye 75 keeping; inquire at 404 11th treet.
Eosrs, ter 100 H -J5.40 55.50 price of room. 25 cents per day.
Mrs. W. W. Ernst of Duncan was
guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Dr. EL H. Naumann. dentist.
Dr. Vallit-r Osteopath. Barber Block. (
Dr. L. P. Carstensen. veterinarian.
Dr C. D Evans. West side Park. '
H. Slater, veterinary. Both
Three business changes on Thir
teenth street are announced this week.
The largest is the sale of the Herrick
furniture store to Mr. W. F. Herring.
Mr. Herring has been a resident of
this city for some time and has been
a taveling salesman. Mr. Herrick has
j not conned to us what his plans are
for the future, but Columbus people
i hone that he and his irood wife will
- J remain in Columbus. Another change
was the purchase of the Strother
china and queensware store which was
annouced the first of the week. The
other was the sale of the Columbus
Rubber Works by William Lewejohann
For rent Two or three rooms for ; to George W. Smith, of Richland.
light house-keeping furnished or un- j
furnished Inouire 1410 W 13th St. !
I .-.. . . i r -i r j- -- -i
oiaie cummunuer oi inn Lames oi in
Mrs. Anna DeMars. of Omaha.
Or V
City Scavenger, independent tele
phone. 424.
See Leavv's new line of toilet sets
for presents.
For Rent -two unfurnished rooms.
Inquire at this otlice.
Mr. Mable Swift, public stenogra-
pner . Koom I state Bank Butlumg.
Leavv's Cold and Grip Tablets do the
.vork r mrney refunded. 25 cents.
Louis Lightner left Wednesday
afternoon for a business visit in the
Try Herring's C. O. D. Laundry.
Satni faction Guaranteed North theatre
Money ioam-d on farm and city prop
erty. Chas. L. Dickey -Suite Bank
Hair swiehes and puifs made by
Mrs. R. T. Kerrington. David City.
Fur Sale Choice Barred Rock
cockrels. 75 cents if taken soon. Mrs.
W. C. Wade. Route 5.
For sale Well improved 160-acre
farm. Sandy loam. Cheap. Cha.
L. Diekev. State Bank Bids.
Highest grade of fire and tornado,
life, accident and health insurance.
Chas. L. Dickey. State Bank Bldg.
Use a Perfection Oil Heater to take ,
the chill from your rooms before base
burner weather Cheaper than coal.
For sale by Johannes & Krumland.
Don't forget the Orpheus
dance Wednesday evening,
November 8th.
Do your policies give you proper
protection.' We issue farm policies
' in the strongest company in the world
for the same charge the weaker com
panies make.
About one hundred and fifty guests
Mule footed hogs are immune from were present including Mrs. DeMars
cholera, and when crossed with the , and W- Thomas, both State Commam:
Poland China makes one of the very ers.
best breetis. Mr. A. J. Thomas, in the
First National Bank Buildimr. has a A Hous,ihoId Medicine
few male mule foots for sale. That stops coughs quickly and cures
, colds is Foley's Honev and Tar Corn
Edward Rossiter has accepted the POund. Mrs. Anna " Pelzer. 2526
.uaccahees. has been in tne city tnis
week in the interest of the local lodge. '
Several informal affairs have been
given in her honor. Tuesday after
noon Mrs. DeMars initiated a large
class into the mysteries of the Mac-1
cabeess. In the evening the ladies
celebrated their nineteenth anniversary
in the form of a Hallowe'en party.
The hall was decorated in the iodge
colors, red white and black, and made
gay with many Jack-o'-lanterns. An
interesting program conistinir f lim
bic both vocal and instrumental, and
fancy drill work was much enjoy -d.
f rooaoly the most interesting teature
targe the weaker com- rU , . ... ., . . ,
-. TT , on the program was the -tpuoks dn ..
Becner. Koekenberger , . . . ,. ,
Light rerresnments were served.
RTn 1 1 p i ! I iia
iinr n 1 r iiii i
, local agency for the National Fidelity
j and Casualty Company, and is now
prepared to wait on all the old cus
tomers of the company, and ai?o to
write new business for them.
Miss Wilbur, who was called last
week, to Massena. Iowa, by the seri- '
ous illness of her -ister. returned to
day, leaving her sister much improved.
Miss Wilbur intentis to continue her
work at the creche garten. i
C N. McEI fresh has been in Oma
ha the past week, attending ;
ca.-e in court in the metropolis.
Jefferson St.. South Omaha. Nebraska,
says I can recommend Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound as a sure
cure for coughs and colds. It cured
my daughter of a bad co'd ami my
neighbor. Mrs. Benson, cured herself
and her whole family with Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. Everyone
in our neighborhood speaks highly of
it." For sale by all druggists.
And The Greatest Cast of Players Ever Seen in the
Middle West.
"The Most Remarkable Play in the English Language"
Harpers Magazine
"The Most Beautiful Play of All Ages"
Chicago Daily News
The Servant in the House. " ' which
will be seen at the North Theatre on
Monday. November 5. was called by
Harper's Magazine "The mot re-
Heat y.iur home with a Perfection Oil markable play in the English Ian
Heater. Costs ten cents per day to J '-TJage. " mi the New York Sun -aid
rur For -ale by Johannes j- Krum- ' lt wa "Tt1' sat-t rama of the
,ard. generation. " and the Chicago Daily
News declared it to be "The most
Mothers wishing to take advantage beautiful piay of ail ages'. Messrs.
of tne Trechgarden for one day or j:iskei and MacV-tty. the producers,
more may see W-Ibur at 512 a r ending this wonderfu: plav here
14th St. or telephone 1741. (new No. ;vith what ,s ajlJ ro be tfce Palest
Ir,d t. or Black 95 on Bell c:lft of pavrs evvr Sen- jnto the Mi(i.
Mr-. Ida Thompson -pent several-dle Prominent in e cast is
dav last week at Doniphan, where -he j Hu- B" Koch- an aotor who has tfR"
had been called on account of a ser- Ceareti hiras-If to play-goers by his
ious accident which had befallen her el!ent work of the last few years.
lather, sne reports tnat ne is some
what improvei. but that his advanced '
age will make recover.- rather slow
There will be anew business enter-
i pnse starteil in this city betore the
, rirst of the year if present plans of
i parties from the east materialize.
I We are not at liberty to disclose the
deiinite nature of them at present.
but will saythat the gentleman who
Ha- no "a5 een ''n? over r"e e avs
f tnat he believes Columbus to be tne
j best city in the state, and that it has
I het-n h:-s i?.
A middle aged widower would like
to marry a good, respectable lady be
tween the ages of 40 and do who would
i.r 3 kuuu iiuuoiiU .u van uaui u;.
S25.000 worth of property.
relatives. Address John Kindler.
communicator for partv. Columbus.
vhmit-T oeen n: iesire tor manv vears to so
i arrange his matters that he might
C. L. Dickey returned Wednesday ' move here. He states that on each
evening from Chicago, where he had ' visit here he can see so much im
been called last Thursday on account provement that he becomes more en
of the serious illness of his sister, j thusiastic each time. !t certainy is
Mrs. H. J. Hoover. She had been an ' pleasant to hear expressions of this
invalid for many years, and her death kind from residents of other cities,
wnich occurred Saturday morning, had ; and it makes us feel that if brief vis
long been expected. A peculiarly sad its in the city can have that effect on
coincident was the fact that the mora- one man they must on many more,
ing of her death, her husband was :
stricken with oaralvsis. and there Last Vv ednesaay attemoon. the Ger-
509 WEST 11th STREET
3WBSBBBtZx. - H H HbbHIHJIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbI
is uttie noDe ior his recoverv. The man x-ut-ieran cnurcn in tnis city was
couple have one
sixteen vears old.
child, a daughter, j scene of a double wedding, when
Miss Clara Bartels and Mr. H. A.
! Fiddelke. ami Miss Laura Bartels and
Emi. Komarek met with an accident, Mr. Alfred Muif were united in mar
Wednesday evening that wi!l keep him ' riage. The brides are sisters, daugh
connned to his home for a few days. I ters of Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich Bartels.
at least. He had coupled two cars, j residing six miles north of this cityj
and had gone on top of one of the cars. 1 The ceremony was performed at three
rtVn rVi.i t-on;.. j.nM.1 M !.. -.... 'rtV.lrt..!. U.. Ty ... ZI r.:l . : ..I- . !
..cji mc uam -uincu, aj.u u.e uuuij u liui.a u c. ii. .ueisier. in tne j
ling drew apart, apparently not hav- ' presence oi many friends and relatives
ing caught properly. He had gone ' of the young people. Prof. E. Sehmid
out with his crew for Lincoln on the ing presided at the organ, and at the '
freight, and the accident occurred at approach of the bridal part, played a
'David City. The accident, while wedding march. The bridle party was
quite painful, does not seem to be , preceded by two liower girls. Misses
necessarily very serious, one ankle Lyaia riodenorst and Helen Rummer. I
being badly sprained. He was brought and were attended by Misses Edna
home on the passenger. Rodehorst. Lillie Bartels. Louise Los-
jeke and Keien Bartels. and Messrs.
John Adolph Hauser. of Platte Cen- George Bartels. Walter Bartels. Ed
ter. and Miss Emma Cartenen. of this ward Mneiler an T.nni"- Rrvinrr
city were married last week Miss Clara Bartels wore a white mes-, jZ
day at St Philomena's church. Omaha. Valine, and Miss Laura a mwii of."
All You Cinderellas
I have discovered, in the bunch my
father-in-law, J. H. Galley, handed me,
about 350 pairs of Ladies and Misses
shoes, running in sizes from 2li to 5; 2
that retailed anywhere from $2.50 to
$5.00. I am going to close these out at
75c a pair
While these are not "right-up-to-the-minute"
for style, the QUALITY is
there and they are just the thing to
wear around the house.
Yours in haste,
Mark H. Rathburn
de chine, and carried'.
After the ceremonv fcS
When you into a piace of busi- P'aced a two-chair barber shop in
.... .. o, - !.!--. rn have vour , connection ujui iu u. -
lICr3 KJA iiUkUt 4 i - ,-
sourruundings apear neat anc clean
The Royal Pooi Hall has recently been
renovated and cleaned throughout, and
in addition. Manager C. Shannon has
nenenced artists.
Wanted Roomers. inquire S14
Wst 13th Street.
O ... T U C. . .J
': " " oieusuii jjecturmeu tne cream crepe
ceremony and celebrated the nuptial white roe-
mass. The ceremony was witnessed the guests were taken to the home of
by Jacob Roth and Miss Margaret Le-jthe brides' parents, where a reception
ona Hauer. sister of the groom. The t and dance was given. Mondav after
groom is cashier of the Farmers State ! noon Mr. and Mrs. Fiddelke "left for
bank at Platte Center, and the bride their future home at Riverdale. where '
was unti. a snort time ago book-keep- the groom is in the grocery business. '
Mr. and Mrs. Muif left Tuesday for
er in the onice of the Columbus Auto
, mobile Company. The young couple
1 will make their home at Platte Center.
Monee. Illinois, where Mr. MufF is
located as a stock buver.
P. S. Don't stay away because
your feet are large, as we have some
and WAISTS, besides our large line
509 WEST 11th STREET