The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 02, 1911, Image 4

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    Col ambus Tribune -Journal
Published by
'lie Tribune Printing Company
Coiumuua, Nebraska.
Admitt . n the Postofflce at Columbus, Xebr., as second class mauer
J. MASON. Editor.
IILLARD a BINNET. Business Manager.
CHESTER J. MASON. Circulation Manas
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For Judges of the Supreme Court
Charles B. Letton.
Francis G. Hamer.
William B. Rose.
For Regents of State University
Victor G. Lyford.
Frank L. Haller.
For Railway Commissioner Thomas L. Hall.
For Congress James C. Elliott.
For County Treasurer Daniel Schram.
For Clerk of District Court Christian M. Gruenther.
For County Clerk John S. Hayes.
for County Judge T. DeWitt Robison.
For County Superintendent Gideon Braun.
For County Surveyor F. W. Edwards.
For Supervisor, District 4 George C. Anderson.
It is a matter of common repute that about one half
the human race, including one hundred per cent of the
sisters and daughters of men, like to have the last word
in an argument. The same thing is about equally true
of the brothers and fathers of the entire feminine popula
tion. More frequently than not, however, if she can
think of nothing else to advance, she simply repeats one
word, "because", and that settles it? Not for the
reason that that word carries any conviction to her mas
culine adversary, for indeed it means nothing further
than to make a sensible man realize that the argument
must be considerded at an end; but for her it contains
a world of meaning a meaning that takes in the whole
universe, sun, moon, stars, the glories of heavens and
the hoi-ors of the other place.
Bv.t there is another word, in use among certain
classes if men, more indefinite even than the feminine
"becau-.e". A compound, whose meaning can be made
to serv any purpose from the complete reformation of
the wo .d in a day by a fanatic, to the enforcement of a
point . y a political desperado. That word is "mud
slinger "
If .ve were to define this word, we would say that
it is ": n effort to expose to the public gaze the wrongs
and she 'tcommings of a political adversary, as seen from
the view-point of that adversary." We Jwould add, al
so, a fact that has become patent in politics, as witness
the statements of our friends of certain democrats in
Platte county, that it is never applied, except in cases
of extreme distress. Distress? No; rather of abject
Here we have the picture; realizing theii utter fail
ure to answer the argument of the republicans in this
county campaign, including the absolute proof of wrong
doing in certain offices, they have fallen back on the
meaningless, non-convincing term, "mud-slinging"
the "because"of effemintae politics. Why? Because
knowing that they have no sound argument or defense to
offer for the delinquency of some of their candidates,
who are seeking re-election, they tear their flowing locks
and stamp their pretty feet and wail "because," (spell
ed m-u-d-s-1-i-n-g-e-r.)
The republicans are likened to the boys who dont
know how to swim; no boy ever swam till he learned
how. And a boy whose swimming experience is confined
to a concrete tank, scrubbed every morning, will be up
against it if he should one day be compelled to paddle his
way out of one of God's natural rivers or lakes. Besides,
a goose has no laugh coming on the American hen; she
can't swim, but she is onto her job. A few days ago
County Atorney McElfresh wrote a very pointed letter to
Judge Ratterman. In answer, his Honor signed a com
munication, in which the sole argument may be summed
up in two words., "you're another" his way of saying
"because." He wails that the county attorney bad not
filed his report in the matter of the inheritance tax
earlier, ' but is exultant that he has been successful in
warding off the final result of the investigation until aft
er the election.
One more thing that hurts him ; he had expected to
waddle through this campaign, and receive a re-election
without an effort. He bad become used to it- Now he
is mad, because, as he says himself, "now I have to get
out and spend my money. " Too bad, too bad. Especial
ly after the board last winter jarred him loose from $216
of marriage ceremony fees, which he had not turned in
for two years, "because" of something nobody under
Ask John Hayes' friends why he should receive
your votes for county clerk, and they will say "Because
he is competent and can and will earn his salary. Be
cause he will not ask to be supported for life in his pos
ition. Because he will save the county hundreds of dol
lars annually in office help alone in not putting a son
in for a third man when there is not a reason to warrant
it. Because he is sober and industrious. Because he
insists that he himself and one deputy must do the work
of the office. 'Ask the friends of his opponent the same
question regarding their candidate and the answer will be
something like this: "Because eh oh ah well be
cause." Because why, indeed? Because Platte county owes
it to him, after adopting him as her child many years ago,
and caring for him tenderly ever since? Because when
Platte county taxpayers who have occasion to drop into his
office occasionally, like to be sociable with three men,
and are glad to pay several hundred dollars each year
for that privilege, when two men can be secured to do
the work? Because, why?
Why should the people of Platte county remain in
the rut of not applying new blood into the office of county
superintendent? Why shuold we remain wedded to the
fossilized theory that the only man fit for our superin
tendent must be an imported product, teach a couple of
years in a village school, then be thrust into the office
and kept there by abjectly bending to the will of the
powers that be? Or, how would it be to try a product
of our own county once? No man dare question the quali
fications of Gideon Braun; and no man, woman, imp or
angel ever saw him bow to mortal thing or being.
Do you suppose Otto Heuer can, if pressed for a
good and sufficient reason, follow up his "becauses" in
explaining why he should be elected county treasurer?
A democratic organ, two weeks ago, enumerated a num
ber of virtues of this pet of a system of political mach
inery, but any man xssessing less than all the qualitica
tions enumerated would not be fit for any office. Why
should Platte county continue to support him? When a
man has been in the service of a county for a dozen
years, he should have outgrown his swaddling clothes
and be man enough to try earning his living without pub
lic support. The republicans present as his opponent a
man who has made good in his private business career; a
man who you can go and see in his office without fear of
being offended; a man who will be absolutely safe in
handling public money. Why not apply business methods
to politics as well as to private business? If you, Mr.
Business Man, needed a business manager, just ask your
self the question, in all candor and seriousness, with the
applications of Daniel Schram and Otto Heuer lying be
fore you, which would you select? And why. Will a
thoughtless "because" answer that question, or can you
think of another reason?
And now, with these last words, we close our plea
for the republican county ticket. We have been accused
of mud-slining, and other thnigs, but it is a good thing
to watch the fellow who cries " pick-pocket" in a crowd.
And, if the efforts of the Tribune-Journal, conducted as
they have been, with a view of giving the people the
facts in regard to their public servants, are truly mud
slinging, then we are proud of the appelaton. The peo
ple have their case; they must decide it But, let reason
enter into the decision, and not a row of vague and vast
The "Check Book" Manager.
A most remarkable fact has come to light. It is
nothing more nor less than the statement, properly veri
fied, of the campaign expenses of P. E. McKillip in the
campaign of 1904, which shows, according to a statement
in the state press this week that Mr. McKillip spent al
most $40,000 in his race for a seat in congress in that
year. More than that: the campaign manager for P. E.
McKillip that year was Dan V. Stephens, who is now the
' Ji
ill fflmLfmMm
v7m i ffl. 22(1 3vm
This Fall We Have
Added to Our Stock
full size, two small drawers
and two large drawers,
double serpentine front,
full panel ends, nice shaped
mirrors of different sizes.
Prices are
$17.50 to $20
The same Dresser with only the two small
top drawers, serpentine front, at $1 6.50
Chiffoniers, Washstands and Bedsteads
to Match
219-21-23 West 11th St.
1912 Electrical System
"TPHE electrical plant in the new Cadillac not only
accomplishes what heretofore has been accom
plished in a less efficient manner by separate systems
ignition and lighting but goes further and includes
in its functions a feature to which motorists have long
looked forward, an automatic starter which obviates
the necessity of cranking by hand. The plant consists
of a compact and powerful dynamo operated by the
engine of the car. The dynamo charges the storage
battery. For starting the engine, the dynamo is tem
porarily and automatically transformed into a motor,
the current to operate it being furnished by the storage
battery. To start the engine, the operator after taking
his seat in the car, simply retards the spark lever and
pushes forward the clutch pedal. This automatically
engages a gear of the electric motor with gear teeth in
the fly wheel of the engine, causing the latter to "turn
over," thereby producing the same effect as by the old
method of cranking. As soon as the engine takes in
charges of gas from the carbureter and commences to
run on its own power, the operator releases the pres
sure on the clutch pedal, the electric motor gear disen
gages its connection with the fly wheel and the car is
ready to be driven. The electric motor then becomes a
dynamo or generator and its energy is devoted to igni
tion and to charging the storage battery. The storage
battery has a capacity of 80 ampere hours and as soon
as that capacity is reached, automatically ceases. Prac
tical tests have shown that the storage battery is of
sufficient capacity to operate the starting device and
"turn over" the engine about twenty minutes, although
it seldom requires more than a second or two. In fact,
the Cadillac engine so frequently starts on the spark
that the use of the electrical starter is not always re-
m m m ai
quired. The storage battery also supplies the current
for lighting. The car is equipped with two Gray &.
Davis electric head lights with adjustable focus, two
front side lights, tail light and speedometer light. The
dynamo also supplies the current for ignition. Up to
280 to 300 R. P. M. the ignition current comes from the
storage battery; above that speed the current is direct
from the dynamo through the high tension distributer
to the spark plugs. For ignition purposes the dynamo
performs not only all of the functions of the most high
ly developed magnetos, but possesses even greater effi
ciency, having more flexibility and a greater range of
action. When compelled to drive slowly in crowded
thoroughfares, over very bad roads or on hills, with the
usual magneto, the driver may stall his motor because
the magneto is not being driven fast enough to gener
ate current, and it becomes necessary to switch to the
battery if he has one. With the Cadillac system, if it
becomes necessary to drive so slowly that sufficient
current is not generated the battery automatically cuts
in. When the speed is increased the dynamo again
automatically takes hold. It wholly obviates the neces
sity of the driver's keeping constantly on the alert to
preventfstalling the motor. In addition to the ignition
before described, the Cadillac is provided with the aux
iliary Delco system with dry cell current which has
proven so satisfactory in the past. The extra system is
separate and distinct, with its own set of spark plugs
and in itself is thoroughly efficient for running the car,
entirely independent of the main system. The entire
electrical plant has been designed with a view to com
pactness and efficiency. It is designed with the idea of
simplicity and positiveness. It is designed to obviate
to the greatest possible degree, the necessity of atten
tion. Above all, it does what it is designed to do.
J This car is now on exhibition at FQ UIVJF D A I TTY ff X
X and being demonstrated by the LliiVtilNlliIV AU1U VU X
democratic candidate for congress to succeed the late
James P. Latta.
Mr. Stephens was also the campaign manager for
Judge Graves in his race for congress in 1906, and later
for James P. Latta, in 1908 and again in 1910.
Shortly after the campaign of 1904, Mr. McKillip
went bankrupt. A number of farmers and others are
still mourning the loss of large sums of money which
disappeared with Mr. McKillip. The creditors have, so
far, received twelve and one half cents on the dollar of
the money they allowed their anker-lawyer-stock-raiser-farmer-broker
friend to handle for them.
And Dan V. Stephens handled McKillip's campaign
with $38,054.29.
Congressman Latta told people himself, that after
drawing all of his salary, he would still be short of what
the campaign cost him. A Congressman receives a sal
ary of $7,500 per year. Mr. Latta in serving two
terms would draw $30,000. So the Latta campaigns
cost considerable money.
And Dan V. Stephens handled both the Latta cam
paigns. The following is taken from the Omaha Bee of
Wednesday of this week, and places Mr. Stephens in the
attitude of answering some questions he would rather
not hear. Listen :
Dan V. Stephens, stand up.
You are running for congress in the Third
Nebraska district.
In a letter to voters you say the people
"have a right to know and should know"
about their candidate.
Information has just been made public that
in 1904, when you were sole manager for P, E.
McKillip for congress, the colossal sum of $26,
05-1.29 was checked out of McKillip's bank ac
count to pay his campaign expenses and an ad
ditional $12,000 spent for which no checks were
issued a total of $38,05-1.29.
Dan V. Stephens, you made no public ac
counting of this tremendous slush fund and
nalnablv violated the corrupt practices law.
In 1908 and again in 1910 you managed the
campaign for the late James P. Latta for con
gress and he has told people that after drawing
all his salary he would still be short of what it
cost him to be elected. If so, you must have
spent for him more than $30,000 and repeatedly
violated the corrupt practices act.
A great scandal has been produced in Wis
consin because Senator Stephenson expended
$107,000 to get to be senator, yet at the
rate you used the check book for McKillip a
state-wide campaign in all the six districts of
Nebraska would have called for $156,325.74.
Dan V. Stephens, how did you expect McKil
lip to get his money back in congress?
Dan V. Stephens, you are spending money
like water in your present campaign.
Whose money are you spending?
Is it money left over from the unfortunate
McKillip's check book?
Is it money that can be traced to Latta's
check book?
If you use a check book for your self now as
lavishly as used for McKillip, how do YOU ex
pect to to get the money back in congress?
Dan V. Stephens, tell us about the check
Then there is the following from the Norfolk Daily
News, one of the strongest newspapers in the state, and
by all odds the largest in the district affected by the
matter. Hear this :
Dan V. Stepher.s, democratic nominee for
congress, is posing as the simon pure champion
of democracy, as a friend of the "masses." as
the champion of purity in politics and of 're
form" all along the line, yet as a politician
who seeks votes by the extravagant use of enor
mous sums of money, Stephens' record is
enough to cause the "masses" of "common peo
ple" to sit up and question Mr. Stephens
right to any claims about the fundamental prin
ciples of democracy.
Dan Stephens was chairman and campaign
manager for P. E. McKillip when McKillip
ran for congress against J. J. McCarthy in
1904. McKillip is now a bankrupt and his fi
nancial affairs are being aired in bankruptcy
court. Some astounding facts are brought to
light in this connection
An investigation, for instance, shows that in
his 1904 campaign McKillip gave checks for
campaign purposes amounting to $26,057.29
and spent in addition to the amount represaent
ed by checks the sum of $12, 000, making a total
expenditure in that campaign of $38,057.29.
This enormous use of funds undoubtedly contrib
uted to Mr. McKillip's financial downfall. And
Dan Stephens was McKillip's political manager.
In the campaign of 1904 William Jennings
Bryan, then the "peerless leader" as now,
swept over the third district, as he is sweeping
over it this year, and told the "pee-pul" how
they ought to vote. He threw his arm affection
ately around McKillip's this year and told the
people how long he had known McKillip and
what a model he was. He failed to refer to
the fact that McKillip was spending $38,000
in his democratic effort to get votes.
This year Bryan is again with us. He is
again in affectionate mood toward the candidate.
He is telling his audiences what a genuine
"common people's" democratic democrat Dan
Stephens is. And he is not referring to the
fact that Stephens was poliical manager for
McKillip in the campaign that cost McKillip
As an interesting little sidelight it might be
noted, too, that in the last campaign of the
Hon. James P. Latta, whose positon Stephens
now seeks, Mr. Latta is said to have spent
some where in the neighborhod of $68,000.
Dan Stephens was Latta's political manager in
that campaign as he had been in McKillip's.
Is it any wonder that Edgar Howard, that
fearless Columbus democratic editor, turned
loose his rapid fire guns a year ago in protest
against Stephens' extravagant and indefensible
use of the check book to such astounding extent?
Is it any wonder there is a growing protest
among people all over the Third district, dem
ocrats and republicans alike, against sending
to congress as a representative of this district,
a man who has coducted campaigns on such an
extravagant check book basis?
In addition to the immense fortune Mr. Stephens
has spent for others in congressional campaigns, success
ful and otherwise, another fortune is being spent in his
behalf. Today a great special train, bearing Champ
Clark, speaker of the national house of representatives,
(Continued on next page.)
Under the present law, all mem
bers of election boards in the various
Wards and Townships who were ap
pointed last August must reMrt fr
duty and serve at the general elec
tion next Tuesday. This applies t
all election board officers who served
in the primary last August except
those who have since been nominated
for some township or other office.
C. M. Gruenther.
Clerk of the District Court.
Estray Notice.
Strayed to my farm seven mile
northwest of Columbus, on September
30, one red calf, about six months old.
Owner can have same by proving prop
erty and paying all charges.
For sale - Some very desireable
properties for persons wanting to re
tirebutstill do a little gardening, raise
chickens, keep a cow, etc. Cha
Dickey- -State Bank Building.
I Costs Ic
Per Hour
Look at the little sewing machine
electric motor in our front win
dow. Ask someone in the office
to show how easily it runs the
machine, and how completely the
speed of the machine is under
control of the operator. The cost
of operating such a motor is only
lc per hour. Think of the great
saving of time and labor it avails.
Ask About the Franklin
Mazda Lamp
A durable Tungsten lamp. The
same consumption by a Mazda
required by a 16-candle power
lamp gives three times the light.
Electric Irons. Disc Stoves,
Toasters and Hot Water
Light, Heat and Power I
WMeridian Hotel Building