The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 02, 1911, Image 3

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U rat-llutiud Trill a.
V.. 1 Overland Limited.. 11
N'o. 3... China & Jajian Mail G:
.i 5 Oregon Kxiress.. 2:
n'o. 7...Loa Angeles Limited 2:
No. 9 Fast Mall 11:
No. 11 Denver Special 8
N'o. 13 Colorado Special.. 1:
No. 1 j. .. .Colorado Express. G:
o. 17 Ore. & Wash. Lim.. 3;
Xo. I'j Express 11;
No. 21 North 1'iatte I,ocal.l2:
No. 23 ...Cratid Island Local. 8:
No 5U Local Freight.. 7
Leaves 12:10 p in.
"Leaves from Coal Chute
KiiHt-llouud Trains.
No '' Overland Limited. 5.
:4G a. m
OS p. in
;00 a. m
35 p. m
:30 a. in
:5S a. m
;27 a, in
23 p. in
or. p
:25 a
15 p
3a p
oo a
2G p. ni
32 a. in
No. 4 Atlantic Express,
ss.. 4:
No. C Oregon Express...
No. h...Los Angeles Limited
No. 10... China Ac Japan Mail
No 12 Denver Snecial...
AC p. in
1 C p. in
1.' p. in
30 a. in
28 p. ni
1 6 p. in
f.3 p. m
00 p m
oo p in
12 a. in
No. H Colorado Special.. 10.
No. 1C.... Colorado Express. 2'
No. IS... Ore -Wash. Limited Z.
No. 20 Mall Express ... 3:
No. 22 North I'latte Local 1:
No. 24 Grand Island Local. 7:
Leaves 1:20 p in
No. 77 Freight lv.. 7:
No. 29 Passenger lv.. 7:
Xo 30 Passenger ar. . 1:
No 7S Freight ar.. 6:
20 a. m
25 p. ni
10 p. m
10 p. m
No. 7S Freight lv . 6:00 a. m
No. 31 Passenger lv.. 1:10 p. hi
No 32 Passenger ar.. 11 :55am
N'o feO ar.. G:40 p m
Ticket Agent.
Awslstant Ticket Agent
No 22. Pass (dally ex. Sun) lv..7:25 a in
No 32. Frt. & Ac (d'yexijat.) lv 5:00 p. tn
No 21 Pa8 (dally ex Sun) ar 3:00 p ni
No 31. Frt & Ac (d'vexSun) ar6M5a m
Dr. 1:. F. WieicRaniers.
(Kllce u nil lr T.. n Iillo Murr.u t.
E.special attention given to Eye, Ear.
Nose. Throat and Surgery.
Pliont Hell o:if- : Ke-ule!nv I"n.
Ptioiie ltnl .illif.- :l KfMdeti'i- S.
Dr. Dora WiedeRanders.
E.special attention given to Disease
of Wonii'U and Children.
Olfice and Residence 1006 Murray St.
I'lione Heii I .'" lndi'M'iid-iiI lit
Charles II. Caniftell. M. 1).
i:yi:, i:.ic, noi:uimi tiikoxt
i;i:its Fitted
i;..tu I'miNi.s coH'.Mi'.rs. NEi:.
('oiuiiK'tvial Hank I'xiildiiiu'
rou:uius. - xi:i:i: sk.
Physician and Surgeon
Office New Luschen Building
cou.n:rs. neb.
Bell Ketl 1:1 hid. I'lione VI
Post Office Block
is essential to first class plumbing. AH
the nickel and tile in the world will not
make up for poor sewer connections.
We do good plumbing work from the
ground up.
is just as honest as the plumbing work
which is always in sight. Have you any
trouble with your plumbing? Maybe
the sewer connections are not right.
We can tell.
THERE IS one thing that is more binding on a man than party fealty. That . thing is
personal protection. Your vote for an incompetent official has and will cost you many
dollars. You pay it indirectly, of course, but you do pay it. We invite you to re-read the
past three issues.
Township Tickets.
Below we Rive a complete roster of
candidates for township officers in the
several townships in the county, as
they appear on record in the oflice
of the county clerk, and as they will
appear on the ballots at the election
next Tuesdav.
City of Columbus.
Democrat Justices, Wm. O'Brien
and John Schmocker; constables Ed
Rossiter and William Baker.
Columbus Township.
Republican Treasurer. William
Kipple; clerk, Charles Galley; jus
tice. C. E. Devlin; constable, J. K.
McFaHand; overseer district No. 1.
John Randall.
Democrat Treasurer, B. Mueller;
clerk, S. P. Drinnin; justice, J. O.
Ernst; constable, Fred Bean: over-
seer. No. 1, R. P. Brigham; No. I-S. Rob Roberts; No. 29. C. A.
32. Herman Wendt; No. 33. Louis JP" on: No- 3. w- H. Thomas.
B laser. i locrat Treasurer, Wm Thoma-
Bismark Township. U: c,erk. P-'t?r C. Peterson; justice.
Republican Treasurer. Henry G. Thomas H.Regan; constable, Louis
Lueschen; clerk. Fred B. Cattau; J ones ; overseers, No. 14, Peter Dam
justice, Adolph Krumland; constable, jgardo. 28, Frank Slavinski ; No. 29.
William Wurdemann; overseers. No. j Louis Anderson No. 30. Anton Rosen
2, Louis Wilken; No. 51, Aug. thai.
Wurdemann. St. Bernard Township.
Democrat- Treasurer, John Ahrens; Republican Treasurer. V. Lausen
clerk. Fred B. Cattau; justice, Emil clerk. John Purtzer justice Chas Kop
Held; constable. Otto Heiden; over- M'tz constable. ! J. G. Classen over-
seers. No. 2. Rudolph C. Mueller; No.
51 Aug. Wurdemann.
Sherman Township.
Republican and democrat -Treasurer,
George Michelson; clerk.
Adolph Grotelue.ehen; justice. Rud
olph Wurdemann: overseers. Nos
and 1(5. Adolph Henke; Nos. 44 and
45. Leo Hamling.
Creston Township.
Republican Treasurer S. T. Flem
ing: clerk. George A. Olson; justice
H. O. Studley; constable V. F. Pal-
mateer; Assessor, (to fill vacancy). ,
F. E. Bellknap; overseers, No. 4,
Jos. Kelmer; No. 55, J. R. Jenny.
Democrat Treasurer, R. C. Mor-!
an; clerk. D. I. Clark; justice. H. O.
Studley: constable. Willis Decker;
... . ..I
assessor, (to till vacancv), 1. ii. i
Leach : overseers. No. 4, Gerhard Ka-
- I
pels: No. 55, G. I). Clark.
Shell Creek Township.
Treasurer. H. D. Claussen; clerk.
J. F. Dineen; justice. Henry Reins;
constable. John Dodds; overseers. No.
5. Fred Behlen: No. 24. Gerhard
Scholtz: No. 59. John Donaghue; No.
GO Fred Kluever.
Grand Prairie Township.
Democrat- Treasurer. V. Weiser;
clerk. IL Braun: justice. William
Shelp; constable. Theo. Wemholl"
overeer. No. G. IL Meyer; No. 25,
John Brudney: No. 2G A. Magsamen;
No. 27. A. llellbusch.
Humphrey Township.
Democrat Treasurer, Jacob Krebs;
clerk Emil Zach; justice, Thomas
Werner: constable, Frank Feik; over
seers. No. 7. Sam Pritchard; No. 40,
Sherman Dixon.
Butler Township.
Republican Treasurer, Mike Bla
ser; clerk. Clarence Halliday; justice,
Sam Ernst: constable. Ed. Sauler;
overseers. No. S. Herman Ernst. : No
52. John Engel. jr.
Democrat - Treasurer, Mike For
man; clerk Frank Galus; justice,
Peter Kozlowski; constable. Albert
Kurth: overseers. No. S. Jacob Ros
no; No. 52. Thomas Micek.
Loup Township.
Republican -Treasurer, John Eise
mann; clerk. Jacob Schmid: justice.
John Boss; constable. Jacob Eisen
mann; assessor (to fill vacancy) Hector
Kurth: overseers No. 9 Chas. Schmid;
No. 50 Arnold Gieser.
Democrat Treasurer William Rum
mer: clerk. Sam ImhotT; justice George
Tiaden; constable Joe Lassek; assessor
(to fill vacancy). Albert Hurner;
overseers. No. 9. Will Rummer; No.
50. Fred Boss.
Lost Creek Township.
Republican Treasurer H. C. Schei
del; clerk E. F. Lusienski; justice.
James Burrows; overseers No. 10 Peter
Schiltz; No. 23 John Schumacher:
No. 57 Henry Clayburn; No.f 58
James Foley.
Democrat Treasurer H. C. Schei
del; constable D. H. Carrig; overseers
No. 10 Peter Schiltz; No. 23 C. C.
Doody: No. 57 Henry Clayburn; No.
5S James Foley.
Burrows Township.
Democrat Treasurer Adam Rorus;
clerk Frank Paprocki; justice Anton
T. Jaworski; constable Chas. C.
Mostek; assessor (to fill vacancy)
And. A. Jaworski; overseers Jos. T.
Jaworski. James Thomazin, Mat. Jar
os. Jacob J. Nosal.
Petition overseer. No. 21. John
Granville Township.
Democrat Treasurer. Joseph Lach
nit; clerk, William Sternberg; just
ice, Nick Hemmer, (Cornlea dis-
trict) ; constables. Frank Eckholt,
(Humphrey district), William Hitner,
(Cornlea district) : overseers, Xo. 12.
Joseph Bender; Xo. 41, Nick Van
' V'jm No. 42, John Arlt; No. 43,
William A. Bender.
! Petition -Justice, (Humphrey dis-
; trict), Ernest C. Halm.
Monroe Township.
Republican and democrat Trea
surer. Theodore Frost: clerk. O. F.
Alfreds; justice. J. F. Gleason; con
stable. Axel Lindberg; overseers,
No. 13, Lou Stensiel; No. 34. Wm.
Nansel; No. 35, D. J. Gleason; Xo.
I ;iG. August Peterson.
i Joliet Township.
Republican Treasurer, R. H.
Jones; clerk, M. Christen; justice,
E. L. Jones; constable. W. E. Jones;
overseers. No. 14, P. H. Jensen; No. I
seers. No. 15, Joe Kurtenbach No.
JJ7, Jos. Borer No. 38, John Beier
nuin No .39. Sam Connelly.
Democrat Treasurer, M. J. Ram
eakers clerk. Fred Sueper justice,
Chas. Kopietz constable. J. J. Ducey
overseers. No. 15. Jos. Kurenbach; No.
J 37. John Jasper No. 38. J. W. Rame-
kers jr. : No. 39 Sam Connelly.
Woodville Township
Republican -Treasurer, C E Peter
son; clerk. George Thomazin; justice.
John Currier; constable, David Johnson
overseers. io lb. August bmolinski :
No 22, John Woxberg; No 48. Ben
Obrist: No 49, Ed Nelson.
Democrat -Treasurer, Emil Palme:
clerk, rrank Kiernan: justice, Herman
Lutzke; overseers, No. 1G, August
o ir i.r. v oo ii.: r v..
oiiiuhusm, .o. ai. nium i earMin, .o,
48 William Zimmeman; No.
49. El
Walker Township.
Republican- Treasurer. Albert An
derson; clerk, F. B. Nelson: justice, A.
E. Olson; constable. Marinus Nelson:
overseers. No. 17, Oscar Olson; No. 31
Alfred Seivers: No. 53, Axel Seivers:
No. 54, C. G. Jacobson.
Democratic -Treasurer, Albert Ol
son: clerk. Joseph Borg; justice, A.
E. Olson: constable, Chas. Larson:
overseers. No. 17. Ale:; Rood: No.
31. Alfred Seivers; No. 53, John
Swanson; No. 54. Carl Herman.
Oconee Township.
Republican and democrat - Treasur-
er. H. Hill- elerk John nihhnn- iiiii-.
C. W. Hollingshead: constable, Chas.
Watts: assessor, (to fill vacancy).
Chas. Kelley; overseers. No. 18. F.
L. VanAllen; No. 47, J. G. Cochran
No. 56. Chas. Miller.
Backache, Headache, Nervousness
and rheumatism both in men and wo
men, mean kidney trouble. Do not
allow it to progress beyond the reach
of medicine but stop it promptly with
Foley Ridney Pills. They regulate
the action of the urinary organs.
Tonic in action, quick in results.
For sale by all druggists.
HIGHEST and the Price LOWER Than
any Quoted by a City Concern
paying the high rents a city demands.
Prescott Music Company
J. E. ABOTT, Manager
are now arriving. Please give
us your winter orders
Carl Kramer
Successor to Speice Coal Co.
The Servant In The House
During the run of "The Servant in
the house" in Chicago, the Chicago
Record-Herald published an editorial
under the caption. "Things Worth
While", in which the writre made the
following reference to Charles Rann
Renedy's famous play: "We car.not
close these remarks on 'Things Worth
While without reference to that play
which is supremely worth while. "The
Servant in the House', now in its
final fortnight at Power's Theatre.
An extract from an old clergyman of
the Presbvterian church (whose name
we are not permitted to disclose) will
indicate how much Mr. Renedy's dra
ma means to people.
"I have been a minister in the Pres
byterian church for more than 49
years, and have gone to the theatre
hut few times in my life 1 confess I
have been greatly disgusted with the
stage as represented in the newspapers
I read the Record-Herald's review of
the play. The Servant in the House,
and thought they were quite extrava
gant 1 read the book and my daugh
ter persuaded me to go to the play I
did not suppose that a man of my age
could go through such a powerful emo
tional experience."
When a student of theology in
Union Seminary, New York, I had
tickets to the Philharmonic concerts.
I had never heard much great n.usic,
and when I hear Parepa Rosa sing the
! great solos in 'The Mesiah I was
I affected for days and was completely
carried out of myself. About the
same time I heard Henry Ward
I Bh in his fflorious prime preach,
and had a somewhat similar experience.
I do not recall anything like these
experiences until I heard 'The Servant
in the House'. The powerful picture
of the Drain-Man haunts me still. I
could not but endorse his sending the
old bishop to "hell. If the stage can
present such plays it will become
worthy of the name" school for mor
als." I fear, however, this play is
a very rare exception. Pardon me
for simply pouring out myself in a
few minutes under the influence of
this wonderful performance."
"The Servant in the House" will
117E HAVE twenty-one
different makes of
pianos f romwhich toselect
They are every one stand
ard and not a stencil in
the bunch. We know that
the quality is the very
be the offering at the North Theatre
on Monday Novenmber 6, and will be
presented by a capable company of
payers. The name part being played
by Hugo B. Koch. Theorginal New
York production will be used.
Season Opens Tomorrow.
Much interest is expressed over the
opening of the bowling league season
tomorrow (Friday) night, when Ted
Novel's Tramps bowl the initial game
with Nichol's Scouts. The alleys
have been put in the very best of con
dition and the members of all the lo
cal teams show up well in their prac
tice games. In the game with Metz
Brothers, of Omaha, last week no
player averaged less than five hundred
pins, which for this time in the
season, is speaking well for the
local rollers. The schedule for the
local games, as pubished in this issue,
shows an interesting line-up for games
which will extend through-out the
entire winter. The twenty-five play
ers who will participate have been so
divided on the five teams that each
team is thought to have about the
same strength, which promises excit
ing games throughout the season and
keen interest in the outcome even
down to the final games. As an in
ducement to the players. Manager
Whitcomb will put up a substantial
sum as prize money, which, with that
put up by the individual teams, will
make a tidy little sum to be divided
among the members of the team which
shall prove to have'been the strongest
at the end of the season.
The line-up for tomorrow night's
game will be as follows:
F. Novel
F,. Hurtzler
E. Branigan
A. Drake
M. Binney
The schedule
is as follows, all
ble headers:
J. Nichols
F. Sawyer
T. Burrows
W. Boettcher
of the winter games
teams playing dou-
November 3,
November 10,
November 17.
November 24
December 1,
December 8,
December 15.
December 22,
December 29.
Tramps vs Scouts
Colts vs Scouts
Colts vs Giants
Giants vs Kids
Tramps vs Kids
Colts vs Tramps
Scouts vs Giants
Kids vs Colts
Giants vs Tramps
January 5.
January 12,
January 19.
Jnauary 26,
February 2,
February 9,
February 16,
February 23,
Kids vs Scouts
Tramps vs Giants
Scouts vs Kids
Cots vs Tramps
Giants vs Scouts
Colts vs Kids
Tramps vs Kids
Scouts vs Tramps
March 1,
March 8,
Scouts vs Colts
Colts vs Giants
March 15, Giants vs Kids.
A Mail Carrier's Load
Seems heavier when he has a weak
back and kidney trouble. Fred Due
hren, Mail Carrier at Atchison, Kan
sas, says: "I have been bothered with
kidney and bladder trouble and had
a severe pain across my back. When
ever I carried a heavy load of mail,
my kidney trouble increased. Some
time ago, I started taking Foley Kid
ney Pills and since taking them I have
gotten entirely rid of all my kidney
trouble and am as sound now as ever. ' '
For sale by all druggists.
For Sale Ten Acres of
land, good buildings, shade1
trees and orchard. Will ac-'
cept part cash and rest on
time, if sold soon. Inqure of
Mrs. Shaffer, Meridian Hotel. '
Tried in Columbus, It Has Stood the
Test. I
(The hardest test is the test of time. !
and Doan's Kidney Pills have stood it
well in Colubmus. Kidney sufferers !
can hardly ask for stronger proof than
the following: j
Mrs. P. A. Weberg, 1522 Hayes j
St., Columbus, Nebraska, says: "For
two years I was subject to sharp, cut- '
ting pains in the small of my back and
the misery was about all I could pos
sibly endure. There was a dull, d ragging-down
feeling in my loins, ex
tending into my limbs and my head
ached so seveerly that I thought it
would break. When the trouble was
at its height, I could get no rest day
or night, The kidney secretions were
in bad shape and this convinced me
that I was in need of a Kidney medi
cine. About six months ago I was
fortunate enough to hear of Doan's
Kidney Pills and procured a box at
Pollock & Co. s Drug Store, 1 began
their use. No medicine ever gave me
such prompt relief. The pain in my
back disappeared almost immediately
and the other annoying symptoms of
'my trouble were removed." (State
ment given in July. 1907.)
On May 7. 1910. Mrs. Weberg was
interviewed and she said: "I am as
emphatic in my praise of Doan's Kid
ney Pills today as when 1 recommend
ed them nearly three years ago. Dur
ing the past year I have had no need
of a kidney medicine whatever and I
now consider myself completely
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mi lburn Co., Buffalo,
The First National Bank
Columbus. Nebraska
Assets, $600,000.00
Offers its customers every safe-guard known to modern banking
for the security and safety of their funds. Pays liberal rates of
interest on dejwsits. Loans money when they need it at ruling
rates Safety deposit boxes rented for storage of valuable pajwrs.
4 per cent
interest paid on time deposits for one year. Steamship tickets
sold to all ports in the world. Drafts sold on all the principal
cities of the world.
Our Satisfied Patrons are Our Best Advertisement
The Oldest and Iir't National Hank in Platte County
405 llth Street
dPtf"c " t- ' '- -
'bbbbbbbbbbbV Bb)bBBvBBBBBBBBBBw
HbbbbLbBI " 'HB
BV&-BBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsF'V, BsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBaBr
lffBBBF-fBBMf''ij.. , - .BBBBr JBBHr 'J-J
-BBBj'-BBB:'-', BBBBr CSBBK -v.
9tbbVbbVvv , ,K BB '
BvBvSSW.BBBl''''.. -t BBSsV BBsBsv
bbbbbViIbH ypiJi V , bHi '
bbbbVbH- --mh -S .
JjbbW ".'-bm fit .;; J&-Mz?i$?'B'''Zl
BBEBMmBBtipf'SBEBBV -vr--l? .;tBBW-Mr?kMfc
Scene From "The Servant in the House"
North Theatre, Mon., Nov. 6
Seat Sale Starts Saturday, November 4th
NewYork, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's -and
take no other.
Ill the County Court of Platte eounl. Xo
)r:il;:i In the m.itterof the estate n( Nikolo lfo
tjeli. deceased. Notiee or lln:i Nottletuent
and .it'eouut
To the oreditor heirs. Iegaiee and others
interested in the eMale of Nikolo K.i-tu-h. de
eeaseil. Take notice that Henry Cav. jr.. has
tiled in the County Court a report of his doings
:is administrator of the estate of Nikoto Kas
lieh. deceased, and it is ordered that thesame
stand for heariui; on the llthdavof Novem
ber. KM I. iH'fore the court at the hour of Id
o clock a. ni.. at uhich time any person Inter
ested ma apiear and except to ami contest
the same.
This notice is ordered fiven in the Columbus.
Tribune-Journal three consecutive eek prior
to the llth dav of Xo ember. 1111
Witness mv hand and the seal of the County
Court at Columbus this ith dav of October.
County Jude.
Sioes, Clothing,
Gents9 Furnish
ing Goods ....
Columbus, Nebraska