The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 26, 1911, Image 7

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VWnt-nuaud Trains.
1 Overland Limited. II
3.. China & Japan Mail 6 .S3 p. m
5 ... Grejryn Express. . 2.u0 a. m
7 . Luh Angeles Limited 2.35 p. ni
3 . ... Fadt Xlaii . II CO a. ra
II .... Di;nvr p-cia. . . 3 iiS a. m
. 13 t'olorauo specia'. . 1.37 a. jn
.10.. Colorado Express 6:22 p. m
17 Ore. i '.Vastx. Lain.. 3:uSp. zn
13 Express ... . 11.35 a. m
21. ...North P.atte Locai.l2:15 p. m
32. ...Grand Lsiand Loca. S.3'Jp. m
59 '-Local Freight.. 7.00 a. a.
Leaves 13:10 p ra.
"Leaver Irim oai Chute
Kant-Hound Trninn.
3 . . jvriand Limited 5 3C p. m
4. . .Atlantic Express.. 4.22 a. oi
C . .ureg-fjn Express. . 2:4 p. m
8.. Loa An?c!ea Limited 6 10 p. m
10 ..China a: Japan Mail 2 12 p. ai
i2 .. Denver special... 5 30 a. m
i4 . . Colorado .pecia. Id 3S p. ai
16.... Coiorailo Express.. 2:16 p. ai
:S . ijrf -WuiS L.m:ied u 52 p. m
20 ... Mail Exp r-ss ... 3 00 p. m
22. . .."North Platte Local. 1 00 p. m
24... Grand Isiaad Local. 7 12a.m
Leaves 1.20 p. ai.
77 Freight ...Iv.
22 Passenger Iv
20 Passenger .ar.
T8 Freight ar
S" I
7 20 a m
7.25 p.zn
1.10 p. m
8.10 p. m
5.0 a. m
Passenger Iv. . 1 10 p. m
Passenger . ar. . 11.55 a. ai
ar 6 40 p. ai
Ticket Agent.
A. P- irKSEN.
Asaista-it Ticket Agent.
--Z. 5ui v . zii a. ii
I'.'isat. v 5 'to a m
-x 'i- ar 3-i'J p. m
I" - - - .-i .j.ri 45 a. m
br. E. F. Wicjokandcrs.
:i..-e .;.i i P .-. ' ..i-i .
Fsp.'cial attention iriNen to Eye. Ear.
N'omi. Throat ami Suniery.
fume U i! . ".-e ..' j itl-j- Ji'
'i.iiie 'i.: r- : ( .- cr-:i. J2.
lr. Hi Hicfcpanjcrs.
LipecKil ar'eiirtun irtvon ro Deaes
of Women and Children.
Clfice and Roidence I0G6 Murray St.
!V.ti.- .
..:.-. .i..!'
Ckirlcs Ii Urn-tcli. 31. U.
I.A I-!. t.i:. 4)!-: n: TH!til
;j:t- ri;t.i
A ttornev atLaw
Physioan ap Surgeon
Office New Luschen Building
'(.,"; , - "; ,
" : ''i i' U: IJ .: ' tit- '.J.
rricsK r-i.v
'-T F'-!.X ZL TK
.i- M:.,.a. , .; as lumDiRU-. Al
:i- iics s : -! ". :ne .v .r't: vvil riot
TiaKe ap '" r -jour e' er nncions.
V- io o: n.amninir -orK fr-m the
ground ap
.s ,ust as n)iit-st as tije piumbuir work
vvtucfa w always in aiirL Kae yu: any
trouoJe with your piumointr" Maybt
r.:ie -i-ar -i:"e -'ion.- ar- "t T-'trh
are nnv arnvinsr. Please give
as vour winter orders
Carl Kramer
5uctesar - Deice Coal Co.
. 3t - la:
. i- - . Ac
. ia.
PrtntdlBjfn of tie M ri of Ssver-
... , . . ,,
.ii mil. as Nebraska. October 3. 131L
The Board of supervisors of Platte
Unt- Nebraska, met in adjourned
-sMoti at 2 ocio.k p. m. Hon. Louis
St-nivar-: . hairuian and Joiin raf cleri
UoU .-a.!-! and following members
pr --nt
up.-rvi.- i "luth.-r iasenbrock.
-. i.a- .-r - ii ur-. mitn. W l-on ami
' ia . rtna -si warz.
T'... 'lunot-'v of the previous session
f i- tMtnru of supervisors were now
ad ami approved.
T';.- tiiition of Wm. S.-huia and oth--r;
for t .ie location of a pulilu road 4
:-t in width .immenrtn:? ai the north--u.-t
irn.r of t nt- northwest quarter of
-H-ii.oi In town la. ransc 1 east and
"inrun thence ast on. naif miie on
-.- T.m .ti-. was pr-sntei anil r-ad
.in.i .in :nniin refrrei t. :ae .tiinmit-i-
oi r' an.i lindire.
T':e )iionstran-. f Jopta Kurten
'iar;: i-it -o'lers ati.nsi the opening of
i ;.iiiuif rad between ---tions SJ and
'' t ,n J' ran- 3 a"t :n sL Br
narl .wi.::ip. wa prentei and read n notion referred t -ie ooinniit-
-in ' la.ts and 'indues
T ie f .ilou-in was pre-".nrd
T .e Bonrd of Supervisors.
.Jti -men I r p'tfuilv report that
m . 1:1- ."ii. tsiere was nii in my
if . e ' p-T:tion of .-am ".inneiv and
t i-r fr tiie toi-atjon ami vacation
f '.f filliiirins putiin- roads. "ain
nT :njr at ia;.n No ;.". of the Mason
wi.i and nnnm '.ien-e ji.ui.i on the
-.- or. lie '.-t w--ri -t!.in. J'N ami Jt
vi j' ra'icr- : ".v-t. alx.ut Z'J
- . -i:i:u ' Mi ri a -wiui 'ientertv dire-
' ( 'in '! ' ie .IJT I "itle ' "1
..f jw ' d -aii i.-.-tjiii js
i . J". r'..l t .it rite mii i.-asl
1. ! Jl.d .IVV -i f W 1-4. fielli-.-h
i .oic !- -.oi' 'i line -.t "ii- n.rt.'i
.a : f "" ' -- !" aii wi..m Js : t !-....-...-...
in wit i -tuiii ilason ronii he
. i -m i -oad ! in ft ,n wnit'i
-. a' '! f il!oivmr ai - 1-
i i :i: n-n:r at a 'iint about 3'
..-- - . ! N.i. :' of the Ma.
... .. i inmnir 'in-n. - ;n a "(
!,. ...iii ; i .e 'i.r"i tpftroui'li
....,'.. iv Me -liMJl r,lr irk.icfn .1-
'.Viik-"- ' " ijt en.i -i i..
' n w 'ilth.
x -. at "ie f niiin':ns .IfMTiliwi
r t 1.- " t at.-.i. " '!
V a' ;art t t'i.- las.o road '"'.n-i-.i
t-ir i'w-n --tation . ' ". t
-a.'i 1 1 1 id !! p-OIlT W'lere SJlKi
ia-"l " t.I r-'HSeH t:ie --..iit.'j lin of
,,. 1 j ..f -w '-4 ,f -.-';. n J itrn
J" ra".. ; west
A.-., t.i -;.a' par ..f r .ao No -?.'
;s . ' w n No. " " of t.i
'ilj-in ,! and trie nortsi appr u n of
. i.: " .ri.l-re iv-r Slie" -r -k. know"
i .- Walker 'truis-e '
- i ommeii. ins at !i-'.iwsj
r-... ,i -.,- ,n jv .! 1" ranse :
v -t i o l'linns .ien-e -a.-T on 'tie
-. t ..;i ie : ' i- oint wier. "ie R.di-
-r..n nterseet- vie n.r i 'in. -it
-.i .1 -w i .-ii J own 2 ranse ; west
i i .- ". '. I apponTej M. J
I :.i-uaek -"- a .itnmisioner ' view and
:. r mn :ie expedience of i.M-ann-i
: a" 'is sa.71 '.ne. of '.ai.
i, ". :.; sajd .-immissioner
: ...i i..r - ..mmend.ns v
j. i j: ,e pmve .,. :;). r. 'n.tineev
' ii -a used a n..tu-.- to ve -iilu,siie.i
:..n.isa- P'lt i . ! e. ?i..n
. - , ,r a.!i:j :' -a is-ed
. .. :i ...ns .r ir:i: :i-roi
i ie i .-.i a 'ie .nint." -ierk"s otf!ce
.(, i .. "..r i....n S in.ii'er "' '"l!
V . a -n .r i:i:ua- 'lor ..n e-ti.ns
' .i
- 'e.-n riled and I 'lrewitJi
ap.-r- 'n i-.nne....n tdere
. it onsi.iera:on
i:rtiw f i ' suomn i.
,- -ii' iRaF ..iir- -"lerk.
-a Tie was r-.terri r. i.
." - -ads j-.d ir'.is'-s
.. .t was nr-sei'-d
i- i .1 Th-rvsiir.
. m i --s;---'f ,!-- r-ror fiat
. .e wa.- i e.i .n th-H'.-
, -rk i- et:tion
'-".i-it and ,iT'n-r for te
: i i iinic r id f- t in
m. :-s e i..r iw-st ,'nr-
" i-at riar'-r of . t:on
i iv
iiiiii '"
-i:-S" : w-st a'i
e ha f -e. :.n
a;poi'i i W..I:a:n
ew and
i -.
..i.: - 10 in J Ii" '. !'-1
,.,. -".-.. nime-idms th
- irav-'-r .1" - k pet:-
. i-
1 a t-.tice e -ublish-
..ntlsa Post, a 1 ob ections
aims f ir damases ,aused
oca:. n ' lereof '.. be tiled in
;". - -;erk'- itf:ce .n r before
...if-'iiier ' . '."''. ami also
i - ie serv-d a notice m each
v ,-- r i,-. 'lpier of - ie .and 'vms m
,,. -,r- ,,,,s.-i 'i.saiva- r anuitins
.---.. c ia ie -n.tnner provided iiv law
1 a ic-i-t .-. '''". -he ,-laims of M
: "ark an.i Pa:--, k R.mIiI - were tiled.
in is-i.-t J." '". was riletl the claim
Ma.-;v Ha- -. and on .-vas. Z: 1911
e . aim -f lout cPh.'"ip.
, i.- -;..;,terji:ir '. ' '. 1 I appinte.l
Wj:-.hi ii. T'loinazin. Aa.l"w Pter-
ie-i i id P-'-r M. jen.-en. appraisers to
j.-, -ie :a:nases s-jKtametl hv he
... at:.n 'f a:ti pr-moae.1 road.
n h i .nee . '." ' " .e appraiser
i i I'-'r re-M-r- and -ii'iitiit her
A.i.i a . napers n connection ::ierv;th
.r " r consideration
Resp.-T:"-i;"" submitte.i.
JtiKN ilPaF ."oun-v t-vrk.
i notion '.ie same -van r.-fer-ed
I'n.i'ee n r ii anil bndses
r e --p..r f ie appraiser apptont--d
!. -ne .lama es sastameti bv the
. i- .'i .f "ie Zuut'iin rmd in Loup 1
v-: n tnd ie .-.leeson road in c,.- '
. .-i-nn were m motion referreii i
,e .mm.t-ee m and bndse- '
- .- r L F .-T..tT.ha.k submitted)
. - ir- -v and tie,.! n-.te- of tie Gnver
- .i.i
Bur-ows - iwnsnip and of the I
H. r :- e,tl .,n - township line be- )
-Tee-i Slier-nan and Bismnrk town-'
. 1
-:. p- aid on motion same wre ap-prove-i
iv ae htiard.
...1 'n'.ls on aie with The c.erk were
i motion referr-! . appropriate com-
11 it tees
Moved bv Superv-or Scnaecher that
- ie hoard of supervisor now adjourn
ii:.". ' . i clock a. m. Tumorro-w Motion
arrieti. '.
.'M-jmhus. Nebraska. October ! 1911.1
T -.e board of supen-isors pursuant to '
i : inra-'fit met at 9 'cluck a. ai. Hon. (
Lei.- Scnwarz. chairman, aad John ,
It.', erk. '
?. ..: a. led aad fonow-.ns members
Supervisors Clother Dasenbrock.
St laecier Smith- Wilson and Chair
man Si-n wars. Ab.-ent anti excused.
.iTeri-.s.r ?t hure.
The hid f J B. Curtis i Son die!
w-.ta t. ountv j-jdse Rattermaa for
improvement n iae sarauai ro.u.
south of Coiumbus. between the south
end of the Loup rtver bndse aad :;
north end of the Piatte nver bna?e
was now opened by him aad read by
."ountv Clerk Graf, and on motion re-
ferretl o the committee on roads arid
The communication of W B. Hera.
superintendent of the Nebraska State
; hospital at Intrieside Nebraska, re-
itiesting- the board of supervisors to
iuraish certain articles of clothinc to
i , . , , ,
I Anna Erickson and Henrv Reifrer. in-
-,ates of -,.,,. hospital from Piatt -
! ,.., .... nn..nt -n. ren.1 in. I ..n
j T,t,n f uprvlsor Schat-cii-r tiio r
j iu-st tva.-" -Tr-ant-d and tbe piircba.--in:r
ast-ni directed to purchase the neces-
ar" cmtnintr tor aio inmates ar.u mr-
ward tiie ame to the uperintendeiit or
said hospital.
The foilowtn:? was prenteil.
John Graf. 'unty Clerk. Columbus.
Dear Sir- I ant in receipt of a peti
tion from Piatt- county lor a state aid
bridxe across the Loup rivr near
Monroe briiie to iut 534.0io. tv
thousand fe-t lon with sixteen f :ot
roaiiway Your petition has been riled
and will b- taken up in the order in
which it omes. It will he neee-sary
for this .ifflc- to make an inspection
and report -tn the proposed ite. and
recomnienil ne kind of hrid:r- tj be
adopted, and then prepare plans aid
-ipeciriYa'ions for The same.
Yours truly.
D. D. PP-ICE. State Enine-r
Mov-d by Super:sor smith that tut
lerk of this board be directed to write
to Engineer Prii-e ani unre bin 'o
take the nefesarv -tep for th- con
struction of the bridge in the n-ar f ;
ture .Motion carried.
The hoard of supervisor now a.t
journeti for commute, work r-ctinve-i-:n"r
at - o .-!.ck .n the afternoon with
all iieinn-rs present.
The f 01 In wins' was presented:
T i'i" Board of ip.-rvior
"eiitleinen Besr to report that nor
suant 'notion passd ly Tins 'mar-l
I iave .1,-ke.i over tii- proliate re -
rds of tiie unfv judse. .ml rini mat
ni proce-.linss were had to ..die, ta.
nheritance t.ix provided ! statute ill
t sreat niinilier !" e-tate.-. subject to
tii'h a. an.i from mv invi-tiKitiiin
noil!.! estimate Tiie amount of Jiicii tax
-e-nainins -incilleeted to he about $4.
uio. These estates bavins been closed.
it will entail .oii.sulerable trouiile and
ost To collecT The s;mie anil Am of tile
un!.n That ' reason of lap.e of time
ind "em.ival of heirs it will tie impos
sible to coil-i t a sreat portion 1'i-reof.
I r tin'1
that one estate 'ias been -l.i.-..-i
iurirs Tiie rear 13!! subject to tins
av TiiT.i.Mit .in:- -t ps bavins' b-eii
aken r.r tie coile. tmii t.-i.-renf Tb
siat ute niak.-s it i'ie .lot.- of the countv
nidse To I. ike t ;ie ueee-varv st.-p T'
lave t 'us at ascer'aitted and colle-te.i
n a. i estates w'neii appear subject to
-tit !i tav in order to ai-oid additional
ot and 'o insure the collection of
olCl Tax lereilfter I WOllid reetllll-
nend tiiat tins hoard instruct the ,-01111-:v
-'idse not to .-io-e anv pendins or
futur estate without bavins rtrst -.i-V,-.j
jh-.i tax. if anv titer, be .tiie
ReSpectfu!!v submitted.
' N. M.-ELFRESK. Countv AtTornev.
The foPowtnir resolution was intro
i'je'i Uv- Supervisor Sch'ire-
Whereas it appears hat the inheri
tance tax nas lot been directed in a
-Trent number of -states ,-lo-ed and set
led now ther.-fore he it resolved
That til- countv judse he instructed
. .oPect such tax from a!! estates
iiti .-t taereto before the same are
-!o-ej or set'led and that he eountv
!erk ''e insTI-Ttfted to -r.v .1 .-opv of
This re-i,uTmn n the .'ount-.- judse
1 in rrot.on of Suterv.sor S.-hur tam'
was ad on ted.
Mo-e. -iv Supervisor Schaecher that
'he ounT" attornev lie .iirected to ej
it pr.M-eedins's ;n all such estates
where t'je inheritance tax has not hn
"oUecTed. Motion carried.
The foP.owins bilL were on motion
i!!iwx iir the board and the ,-lerk di
r."rii 1 ssue warrants' m navment f
same on 'he i'1-.t count-.- senern! '-ind 1
r B. T!es;rir. commissioner of
W M "oriei us
t '
9 .Ml
4 7
f msaniT--i
K. Fansman. witness. injan-
.t of Mar-.- Jonnson
F U" E.-kholt. witntes. insan-
t - of Man- Jobnsnn
losepb p.emier witness msan-
-t- if Mar- Johnson
Adam K it-:s. wines, msnnitv
f Katie Starts Star'z. witness msnnitv
f Katie Sturtz
J. mn Masionka. wiTne--d. msan-
: " f Kai.e Star-z
Hammond .ii S-epuens Co.. sup
plies for .-ountv
"enno Manufacturing Co.. -np-
plii for iMUtitr
i '.
1 ".
i -,
r. fin
21 HI
. .. 4 i
."irt o;
"ft On
is? e,r,
'"maha P nnni o.. suppl
Sunt!: Premier Tvpewnter ""o..
supplies for -ountv . .
State loumal '.. statute- for
Teiesram Companv pulil pro-
.eedin-ss anti supplies
Nebraska Biene. pubL proceed-
G. W Davis, janitor. alarj- Sept.
" lrth to Oct. lith
Henry C. Lachnit, sheriff, salarv
for Sept. and Oct.
Mark Burke, dep. hrr saiarv
fr October ...
tienrv f Lachnit. sneriiT. ja.lor
?! Oil '
.i t
j Kenrv Lacnnit. sheriJT. board-
ms prisoner-
i Eenrch C Lachnit. sjier.iT. cash
-6 jo
John Graf countv clerk, cash
'ii !
- i-
1 ',,.
. -
I Louis Held, county treasurer.
ash advanced
" K la. lev md.-e. for count""
P'a:te ".i Intl. Tel. ro.. service
f r September
German National Bank, offie-
"-nt for county judse ...
"ar'. Fromel. cleanms- resuiator
1 ".
:n 7".
0 .l.i
40 ?4
S ftii
'nannes i Krumland. silo etc.
,,r 'nunty farm
L'Ui;i nroeder. ;r. buildins
slJo ar .'ounty farm
- F Gottschalk. surv-vintr for
Lmdsav ".... Fire D-p. hal r-nt
for pnmar?.- -iection
j O. L '"raford. cieamns- school
I house nntnarv election
Watson R. Thomasia. appraiser
on Roddy road
Peter M. Jensen, appraiser on
Roddy road
Andrw Peterson. appraiser
on Roddy, road
lohn Moffett. appraiser on Glee
son road
2 t.i
a -$
Eli Ki-r-r:ns. appraiser on Gle--
"on "a-i
Joh:l c"l- appraiser on Glee-
2.7" t
: . 70
-. g0
4 . 00
road . . . .
Zoucha road
Max Borowtak.
Zoucha road
J. G. Kuaimer.
Zoucha road
appraiser on
J. P . swearins
I .T .j r I . .3....
r.j. r .iaucu.
2 On
1 Sam Imhof. postias
I The foilowtns- bills w-re on motion
allowed by the board aad the clerk dl-
, "ected to issue warrants la payment of
' same on the 191 county poor fund:
! Joha Erast. supc salary for
Sept- and Oct. siso .on
; Ernest Berchtold. labor at coun-
j vj farm ;.oo
I Chaa. Dineen. labor at cotin-
f ty farm
Ernst Schacher. labor at county
' J.ihn AloliJman. labor at county
, fnn
: 00
lo . fin
T Ort
1 ';
John Randeil. labor at County
"arl Rohd. use of com binder a:
county farm
J. E. Kaafmann. lumlir for
oounty farm
F L. Baker, serving horse at
cntinxy farm 15
K. F. Gretner. miiw. for poor. . 1 5
Peter FCoziowski. mds.'. for poor 1 "
loiiannes ot Krumland. mdse. for
poor 1- 3i
.lolm F. Settje. care for poor... 21. oo
Adam Smith. sup., cash ad
vanced ?
Mov-d by Supervi.-or Clother that the
(-board of supervisor"- now adjourn un
til a o'clock a. m. tomorrow Motion
Columlius. Nebraska. October 11. l:ll.
The Imii -.1 of snpervi-on pursuant to
adjournment met at '. o'clock a. m. Hon
Lmi is Schwars. chairman, anil John
Graf, cierk.
Roll called and f-diowtn'r members
Supervisors clother Dasenbrock.
Sehaeeher. Schure. Smith. Wilson and
"iiairman Schwarz.
The followins' bills were on motion
! allow-d by the hoard and the ci-rk di
rected to issue warrants in pavment
thereof on the county road and bruise
Adam Smith. Mip a. oiiiu Co-
luiuiios township $ 75 on
John Mastli. account Columbus
townsiiiii "
j Joi1 R.ultlilU accoun Colutuhu
.lolm Curtis, account Columbus
Austin Priim. account Columbus
J. E. Kaufman, account city of
Louts Scsiwarz. account city of
Mail Collars, account city of Co
lumbus "barley Wllcvnski. account citv
if Columbus
Geiirse Woods, account city of
Eari Benson, account city of Co
lumbus "lm Siuyr. account city of
t 'olumhu.s
H. W Wav Ai- ount city of Co-lUinbii.-
lake Trtnipe. ao-oont .-lty of C
lumtu K. P Hansen, account c:tv of "o-
I'lIUllllS - -
A. C. Butler account citv of Co
lumbus ...
Eti Power-, account city of Co
lumbus Max Borawtak. account city of
Frank Kobus. .1 ceo unt ntv of
7.". 4
!?". M
1 :: :.
44 .".4
u no
t 7"i
1 I !
! ."jo
::.". 7
rjii 17
1 1 '
Fred Ca.-sadv
lake Trtnipe.
.iiniunt city of
account- citv of
lohn St irek. account citv of Co
lumbus Gottlieb Klaus, account city f
Edward Sheldon, account citv of
c.iiumbus -
lame' "-rativ account citv of Co
umbus Victor Gilkowski. anmiat city
of ("oiumbus
r. B. Clark, account .it" of Co
lumbus N. McLenne an-ount citv of Co
lumbus ."it
loon Dwa
Mert Fl.-h
account iif of "-
1 1 on
J." i!7
i :
;! in
id !
acrount -irv of "-
acttittnt citv of .-
. account citv of "o-
:. account city ofC.i-
'umbus .
Wm. .ms
Mi minis
J. B. Abbott.
. T J.ihn.-.'H
T'ua Ajinlev
tceount citv of
. K. McGtvw account city of
u La-ke. accnint citv of C-
M. Miller at nun: --lty of Co
lumbus Aus-ist Ntt'.i.-.niiinn. at-eount city
of Columbus
"lias Klaus, account -ntv of Co
lumbus Luveriie Eiavis at--oiint -itv of
I'liirnnbit Ktihin.-ki. aceount city
f "olumbu.-
Ed J. Thomas, account city of
Jos. F'.vnn. account city of Co
lumbus Hent McGaff-y. account citv of
Ernest N. Grtibb. account city of
Louis Schutt. account citv of
M. McCabe. account city of Co
lumbus. J E. Kaufmann. account city of
4 "
: ;-
IS l-
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1 Nve Schneider Fowler ".. ac-
count Sherman twp
ve Schneider Fowler Co.. ac
count Creston twp. . ....
i John Barrett, account "Creston
i twp.
I ""has Jasuiecz. account Lost
i Creek twp
' John Kosul. account Lo-t Creek
i peter Sehilz. account Lost "re-k
i Edmund Kisslns. account Lost
! Creek twp
I Chrt-st Martins, account Lost
; Creek twp
' John 3arrett account Humphrey
twp. . . . .
Standard Bruise Co.. account
Barrows twp
T F Stroud & Co.. account
Grand Prairie twp
Henry Eilers. account Lost Creek
i li - Z1 1 " i kvr T rt . Amr
' Edwards- & Bradford Lbr. Co..
accouat Burrows twp
N. J. Hemmer. account Granville
1ZZ 33
..-. . 0"
Jo On
10 on
2'2 oo
13 73
Joseph W Bruckner, account
Graav-.Ile twp
Jos. "Tasr.iT. accouat Granville
H. Teraus. accouat Granville
! zvrv
1 Joha Schaefer. accouat Graa-
ville twp
; Ed. J. Bender, account Granville
. -v')
: W. A. Bender, account Granville
: z'XZi
The following reso.uuon was
dhc-ed by Supervisor Clother:
Whereas the apportionment made to
the roads in Shell Creek aad Lo.-t Creek
! townships for the widening, de-penintr
and straishteniaj? of the Carrie and
Jewell ditca amounts to the sum of
I IL7-5.73. there be It
j Resolved by the board of supervisors
that for the purpose of paying- said ap-
! portionment to the Carrig- and Jewell
j drainage ditch fund the clerk of the
board be directed to issue warrants
the county road and bridge funds
' Carrig- & Jewell drainase ditch
j fund, account Shell Creek
twp .. . .. S102 94
Cams- i Jewell drainase ditcti
fund, account Lo-t Creek twp 4! SI
Be it further resolved that t.n- c-uin-ty
treasurer be directed to place
abnve omtiunts to. the creilit of the earns-
J: Jewell drainasre ditch fund. - a
motion of Supervisor Schure same va
The f.illowins; report was submitted
We your special committee appointed to
view and examine the contrail work ,
lone and to be paid for bv an appro- ,
prtation of out of the inheri
tance tax fund on roads leadinir out of
the viilace of Creston. would report
that we examined this work and found
that t!ie work has been done in a sood
workmanlike manner and to the satis
faction of the committee, therefore we
recommend that the board accept the
work done by Contractor John Barrett
and in payment of same the clerk of
this board be directed to issue a war
rant in the sum of J4".''ft in favor of
John Barrett on the inheritance tax
On motion of Supervisor Clother
same was adopted.
Tile foilowin-s report was submitted.
Your committee on roads and bridses
to whom was referred the report of tile
appraisers appointed to assess the
iamast's -ustained bv the location !
the "Zi ha Road" in Loup township.
omni!ieiiie at the southeast corner of
-ectjon ..'J. town. I. ranse .; w i. ami
rminins thence north on -ecttoii line
two .nib . -aid road to be i fed in
width, would report that upon due m
vetisation we tind that a., the provis
ions of the law for the location of pub
lic lushwavs have b.n compiled with,
therefore recommend thai the estab
lishment of said road be declared duly
made and the report of the appraisers
approved, that in accordance therewith
lamases he awarded to the claimants
and the clerk be directed to issue war
rants in pavment thereof on the "!
county seiieral fund as follows:
John Zoucha - '"
jrren W. Pool- 311
James O. Furby - '"
T'loma.- c-sarnick . ""
C. W Lamnnt Sii mi
Mat Morv- ::" on
Kent .: Burke o " It"
We furt 'ier re. omiiieiid that said road
be entered upon tiie road plat of the
Mtnty as a public hishwav and a com
petent survevor be directed to survev
said road and tile his survey and rield
notes with The clerk of tins board.
On motion of Supervisor Smit'i sa r.e
was adopted.
The foil.iwins report was ttbmi"-d
We your committee on roads
bridses t.i whom was referred at :e
scsm of the hoard of supervisors ..
October 'J. lull, the petition of Sam
"onnellv ami others and aw papers .r
connection therewith for the location
and vacation of certain roads in sec
tions Jn and ".. town. 2. ranse 3 west
heir leave to report that we and "ha
Sam ConneUv Anton Dohmen and Pet--r
Back. nav- waivetl all claims f -r
lamase- and slven free nsiit if-wav
iver their resp.tjve lands for the o
cation of -aid roads and upon invest i
sation we rind that the commissioner
appointed has reported in favor of -it-proposed
locations and vacations we
further tind that the provisions of -n.-aw
for the location and vacation of
public roads .lav- been complied w.i
therefore we recommend that in a
ordance with the recommendation -r
fie commissioner the locations and vi
ations of roads described in ie
petition to be declared dulv made and
established also that the countv cierk
e directed t cause a competent --i"
tn survev said ltcate.l roads and
tile lis survev and rield notes wit'i - .e
cierk of this board, he to enter --ame
op t'ie roai plat of The coun"'
On notion of Supervisor S-iur same
was adopted.
The petition of Wn. Schuln ami '-er--
for tiie location of a public mad 4"
fe.-t in width, commencins- at the nor -east
corner of the northwest duartt-r .f
section 1 town. 19. ranse i east and
ninnins thence east on the section .ne
one-half mile, was reported back as -lows:
We vour committee on roads no
bridses would recommend that
prayer of the petitioners be srav-d
and the clerk directed o procee.t i
cordins to law.
On motion of Supervisor Schure --a t .
was adopted.
The followins resolution was :n""
lucetl bv Supervisor ehaeeher-
Whereas on June 13. 1911. there was
riled in tile office of the countv erk
the petition of D. S. Hayes and of u-rs
for the location of a road, comment ins
at station No. I! on the Walker roai'
and its intersection with the west :re
of section 3. town. l'.. ranse 3 w-t
and runnimr tiience north on t.i.n
line and terminatins- at the nor least
corner of section 33. town. ." ranse
west, and whereas at the session of .
board of supervisors of J.ily !J. 1C"
The pra-er of the petitioners was sran
etl bv the board and the cierk dire.--
to pmce-d accordins to law and
Whereas at the session of tiie b.iar t
of supervisors of Ottober 9. !!!. - .e
was presented the petition of Josep,.
Kurtenback and others remonstratins
and prote.-tins asamst the opemns if
the road, for the reason that the aiai
is no benerit to St. Bernard towns :..p
that st would r'juire the buildins r
two bridges of at 'east n feet in lens ;
and that it would be an unne-e--sa.
burden on tae taxpayers of said wi
ship. there be it
Resolved bv tiie board of supervrs
that the action of the board sraatins
the pravr of tue petitioners be re
scinded and said petition be dented and
said road be not established and the
cierk be directed not to proceed any ,
further in the matter
On motion of Supervisor Clother
same was adopted. !
Action upon tae reports of the ap
praisers appointed to assess the datn
azes sustained bx the location of the
Eeckwttli road and Glet-sen road in
Oconee township aad the Roddy road
in Joliet township was on recommenda
tion of the committee on roads and
bridses deferred.
The claim of Joe Albracht for Si .
for daaiase to his bussy occassoned by
an allesed obstruction of the public
highway during the winter eaon last
past, was upon written opinion of :ne
ounty attorney denied by the board.
The following resolution was intro
duce.! by Supervisor Schaecher-
Whereas the prairie wolves or .-ay-otes
are getting very numerous in
Platte county, and whereas citizens of
the county are complaining of the de
struction of pigs and chickens and
other domestic animals by said wolves, j
Ahsolutefy Par
The only Baking Powder made
therefore be it
Re.-oived by the board of superv--.ors
of Platte county in order to reduce
this pest m the county, a bounty if SI
u -antfti fur vry oM
. 4.. ... .
wolve scalp
.Illll . 1 I k I'HIII ! iir UCU r" T- IIT1- Tl'l
... ...... ..
oun won
cansht and killed in Platte count v
the scalp presented to tiie county clerk,
such money to be paid out of tiie sen-
eral find of the county The tune for
srantins this bounty shall commence
a period of one year.
On motion of Supervisor Smith same
was adopted.
The followins bills were on motion
allowed tv the board and the clerk di-
rected to issue warrants in payment of
-ame on the 'j 10 county seiieral fund
Platte Co. Ind. Tel. Co.. service
for October , IT, jr.
Kretl S l.ecron. co. -upt.. salarv
for October 13S 'J7,
F"red . Lecrou. co. supt . cash
advanced 3.43
f' M. Gruenther. C. D. C. salary
l.-t and 2nd uunrter 2to on
Piatte Center Sisnai. pub. pro-
ceedinss. etc. 41) Ji
Itihn Branisan. auto for super
visors 1. ib)
Louis Scii wars. -up., services as
supervisor 1 ."
Henry Schaeeher. sup., services
as supervisor SI .""
L E. Clother sup., services as
supervisor ?:'. 70
L'unie! Wilson, -up services as
supervi.-or :"4
Adam Smith, sup., services as
supervisor 11 . To
F"ri Pa.-eiihrock. stip.. services
as -up.-rvi.-or 21 . to
I. F St-hnre. .-up., services as
supervisor ' -
iloved by Supervisor Smith that the
hoard of -upervisors now adjourn until
ict oher Iv I't'.l. at 2 o'.-lock p. m.
Motion arried.
The Home of
The Top Notch in Groceries we
Strive to Attain. As we Succeed our Patrons
Gain! When it comes to selling things to eat,
In Quality and Price, We'll not be Beat!
E. N.
Eleventh Street Grocer. Columbus, Nebraska
Tv.-''.'&.r4.r.'.:L ' rTvr- -.
C" "'-"'
the whtle west under one rof
omethlnff rloini? all the irn.
I a a show that will .nterest you.
Biff Alacalnerr Esbibit. -vitn -verybinif
In action. Traction Plo-etnjf demonstra
tions. tine sntertainmn:s. muiic and special
tie. Moving pictures and Illustrated
lectures. -
Displays rr-itn -very state in the -vest,
mowm Im-rarion. Dry Farnlnr. Fruit
Growintr. A'faifa Raismir and ad iinda of
Farm Wor'c
405 Ilth Street
, A Medicine that gives Confidence
Is Foley's Honoy and Tar Compund.
' Mrs. T. J. Adams. 522 No. Kansas
t Ave.. Columbus. Kansas, writes: For
T .
a number or vears
. .,.,,., or e,,. ,,. .,t,;i,"Vun Y,-,,
J WA144V4A. CIA km v
and I bet-n -Object to COUghs and colds.
used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
and found that it cured their coughs
co,(is r keeD lt in hoU3e j
I . ., r, . ,, , .
U1C Lillie. UC1U3C Ull aUU9LH.UL.C3.
For sale by all Druggists.
For Sale Ten Acres of
land, good buildings, shade
trees and orchard. Will ac
cept part cash and rest on
tune, if sold soon. Inqure of
Mrs. Shaffer, Meridian Hotel.
A Delightful Reason.
Boatman - Peter an me'U not be
able to take ye out tishin tonight.
nu'uoi. bur Peter's nephew will b
afther tnkin" ye av ye like. Lady
Well. I hope Peter's nephew ia cleaner
than Peter is. Boatman He Is.
ma'am; he's younger. Loudon Punch-
Take Your Common Coids Seriously
Common colds, severe and frequent,
lay the foundation of chronic diseasd
conditions of the nose and throat, and
may develop into bronchitis, pneumo
nia and consumption. For all coughs
and colds in children and in grown per
sons, take Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound promptly. For sale by all
Quality Groceries
t. odfc t-S.
L " 'Lf-'''' '
pa 'wn jm
vSnoes, Clothing,
Gents9 Furnish
Columbus, Nebraska