The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 26, 1911, Image 5

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Two Letters.
Continued from editorial page.
vif.cial for the performance of a duty
By the way, did it ever occur to you
that Lincoln once said." I must stand
with anybody that stands rijrht. stand
Columbus. Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
In view of your personal reference
a neglected duty you have resorted to a
willful misrepreseLtation of the facts.
You further state that there is no
such amount of uncollected inherit-
to me in your communication to the J ance tax due the county. You knew of
Comity Board regarding my report to , the action of the Board asking me to
the Tir,:ni ri-inr.r-njnrr r-nn- A,;!,,, ' . i j :s
t, ui t,.v;i u. :.. :i i .......0 j. ""5 cueat over vour recurus aau ii vuu
"-' "" """ "c is iiitiij. ami dtl t- n
- t li win it
with him when he ire
ir-C ttie mnentance tax I deem i h.n- Irnnom all nlnmr rhe amonnt cue
goes wronsr ? ' ,,?-. ... i .r , . , . . .
A-r4 r ,i-i.i f-r-n -t- u ... j, ,... w ltjv mat uiose inter-'and uncollected whvnaven t you Deiore
L n!:!! L e ;. .Pb. Board on your
" :, .luiuumuwimvousawt l repeat- o-!vn initiative without waiting ror me
- i -
M applied r the county attorney for-
counsel and
neard of the term ethics'
Yours trulv,
County Attorney."
with respect
to act? Have you been unable during
this time to check over your own re
Columbus. Nebr
John Ratterman.
Oct. 2.J. 1911
to the collection of this tax. but each ' cords'.' Since vou knew of the action
time was turned away without advice
or suggestion. '
I brand that statement as being ab
solutely false. You know it to be false
nd ;n an effort to dislodge the odium of
New Country Opening!
Railroad Gap dosing
1 M rjtrLL 1SJJ f
of the Board why did you on June
10th. 1911, close and settle an estate
subject to a tax of from $400 to
.5500 without taking any steps to col
lect it? If you remember correctly
when you were asked by me why you
failed to collect the tax in this estate,
your answer was. ' I didn't think of
it'. If you deny this to be your ans
wer, will you not tell the people what
was your answer?
You further say that "some of the
estates from which inheritance tax is
electable are still in process of set
tlement". My report to the board is
based upon the estates closed and set
tied. Why mislead the public upon
the iimsy pretext or make-shift that
the tax mentioned in my report is due
fr';m unsettled estates?
The Kansas City
Mexico and Orient RaiKvai
is now closing its op oi
1 65 miles across the ramou!
Lower Peccs Valley ic
Western Texas. This ricfc
undeveloped empire is M
beaj opeaed to settlers anc
chance to buy fertile lane' u T a-fact-that- ;"rcm " 1S02
.J , r i to the nrst aav or Januarv. 1911. you
at opening prices Derore uie
railroads get there. Such an
opening comes only once
in a lifetime.
You further say you have collected
in the past few years almost 32.000.
Why not make a clean breast of it by
also stating the amount you failed to
coiiect durinir those same vears? Is
FRUIT has "ca mazy i; at
Naticoal Ezpcsncct tad aolable
lor 3s uavcr see :
ALFALFA cuu 7 tst aa ace
pc ansia sad suites $75 a 5125
la acre profit.
Far Ocaarci a Pa V.y pay 5I.CJ0 as xrs. Gnpa 5500. Over to ai2ica CaSbnu Crta.
V .3 Z ?u Tie txc u taai te wd V2ey. A!. oae aiiHca dcUn i
nied Acre a mat ad aifalla lac Sy eipeneacci faraen. fnat grcwas and ir.ucn.
X iter a bijj reserror aad caaak l -xusaads cf ces 55 320 calav aaoa acw.
Let me tell you hovr to get a Free Trip
tc thi ferde epre a ie Lower ?ecc Vsiley cf w'ejt Texas. 1
1 -
resas. 1 can lhcwycttcneol the best sppcraaatio
xs aad investors. Caaeaj ay cfice todaTaad i
I l rt ? .
-jS cney aacc? 3ca cnertc acyvr3e to Scceseesers aad anestors. Caae -jj v e i- -4 4
cu ftave net ae to do -Jus. phcae, e. or wae ae acd 1 wj j the valuable afcraaaca to ycu witt a ruiL
Or he United States and Mexico Trust Co., Fiscal Agents far
The Kansas Mexico & Orient Ry Kansas Ciry, Mo.
I 1912
Cadillac 1912 Arrived
See the new self starting Cadillac. Auto
matic electric starting device, all electric lights,
two complete ignition systems, more power, larg
er wheels and tires, large brake drums. This car
is now being demonstrated at the
Phone for Demonstration
Office: Sell 180, Ind. 421. Columbus, Nebr.
tfra wrararawww
1 r-t-rt . .
iaM fF Li aLLLoBLvLv i VaB i
aLv 9K af jaaLvaaaH i ""SSt1" I
! had but collected about SI. 200 of this
amount and that so far this year the
baiance of the 32.000 has been col
! eeted with the assistance of the coun
j ty attorney and that additional cost
! was made in one case for the reason
that you had practical ly closed the es
tate without makintr any eifort to col
let the tax?
You further say. "the inheritance
tax law is new and subject to many
dmerent and conflicting interpreta
tions". This law has been on the
statutes for the past ten years. Do
ou conswer a law new. wnicn nas
been in force and erf ect for ten years.'
You further say. There is one estate
where the interests of the heirs was
very conflicting and the settlemeut
of the estate troublesome". Did
vou not si;rn the nnal decree in
j that estate giving the names of the
I heirs and decreeing the amount of pro
perty each should receive, and for the
ourpose of collecting this tax. was
1 lot that decree as plain as the nose on
' .-our face.' Don't vou fullv under
stand that judgement over vour sism-
1 irare? Why did you close that large
' -'state without collecting the tax. es
pecially after your attention was call
. ed to it by some of the attorneys in ,
' the case'.'
Y -u state that by proper procedure
i tne tax can be collected. The stat- ,
, ate r-juires you to proceed to collect
ih. tax before the estate is closed.
Tan't you realize that by closing
these states and after removal of
Heirs and t-ansfer of land to innocent
' -oi: :haser. that the collection of this
. tai :- going to be extremely costly
md nazardous and that it will be prac-
i nca.iy impossible to collect a great
portion thereof?
You say my report is grossly un
fa, r to you. How can this be when
' V5U knew the Board had requested an
nsnection and report to be made? As
you no doubt know. I riled my report
mmediately upon completion of my
investigaton. Did you expect me to
withhold my report, and if so, why
and for what period of time? You
iave a complete knowledge of your
,.vn records and if you consider my
report unfair why did you not rile a
report of your own instead of request
ng further investigation?
In conclusion will state that during
my campaign last fall I pledget! the
rax payers of this county, of elected,
to conduct my ornce in the interests of
tne people and not in the interest of
any county orncial. and when I See
your oiSce losing thousands of dollars to
those whom you are supposed to repre
sent I shal not hesitate to bring the
facts before the Dubiic and this I will
What 5c, 10c and 25 Cts.
The Five & Ten Cent Store
2 Spools Clarks Thread 5c
Husking Mittens 5c per pr
Talcum Powder 5c
12 Shoe Laces 3C
Post Card Specials 6 for 5c
Lace worth 5 to 10c, 2 yards
for 5c
Embroidery 5c per yd
Curling Irons 2 for 5c
Good 10c Tack hammer 5c
Coat Hangers 2 for 5c
Flower Pots 5c
Jardaineres 5c
XJOllS vv
t IS irlclLGS ..- .--- wC
Sauce Dishes 2 for 5 and 5c
Mouse Traps 2 for 5c
Screws 24 for 5c
Bolts o for 5c
Potato Mashers 2 f or 5c
Hair Pins 5 papers for 5c
Jelly Classes 3 for 5c
Vaseline 2 bottles for 5c
Combs . . . : 5c
Corset Laces 2 for 5c
Hat Pins 5c
Soap 2 bars for 5c
2 papers Safety Pins 5c
Scratch Tablets 5 for 5c
Pencils 5 for 5c and 2 for 5c
160 page Composition book 5c
500 page tablet 5c
Toilet Paper 5c
Shoe Polish 5c
Tooth Brushes 5c
Brass Picture Hooks 6 for 5c
Coal Hods worth 25c
Special for Saturday
Childrens Hose all sizes 10c
Ladies Hose 10c
Mens Hose 10c
Paroxide, large size 10c
Linen Collars 10c
Curling Irons 10c
Perfume 10c
100 FOR 100
Box Paper worth 15c to 20c, . . 10c
Stove Polish 10c
Flower Pots 10c
Toys, all kinds 10c
Dolls 10c
Japenese Cup and Saucer 10c
Decorated Cup and Saucers... 10c
Dinner Plates 5 and 10c
Pictures, all kinds 10c
Decorated Lamp Chimneys 18c
Mens fancy Hose worth 20c at. 10c
Mens Silk Ties worth 25c at... 10c
Children3 Kid shoes, per pr 20c
Brass Curtain rods, each 11c
Beads all kinds 10c
Books cloth bound 10c
Pictures all kinds 10c
Jardanires worth 50c at 25c
Brooms 25c
Hosiery 25c
Mens Neckties 25c
Boys Knickerbockers per pr 2Sc
Fancy decorated Salad bowls 2at 25c
Childrens fancy hoods 25c
Perfume 25c
Window Shades, each 25c
Decorated Vases 25c
Sleeping Dolls 25c
Outing flannel Petticoats 2Sc
Jewelry all kinds 25c
Hand Bags 25c
Barrettes 25c
Taffeta ribbon, 6 in. wide, yd. . . 25c
Flat Irons, each 25c
Large Mirrors 25c
Pictures 25c
do whether requested by the Board or
Yours trui.
County Attocrney.
For rent Two or three rooms for
iiirht house-keeping furnished or un
furnished Inuuire 1410 W 13th St.
C. 0. D. Laundry j
in the North Theatre Bldg
Full line of
Candy and Cigars
in connection
Monroe. , Eates. Tom Gleason and Harry Mans-
Mr. and Mrs. J.. E. Erskine spent' celd went to Dallas. South Dakota.
Sunday in Monroe at the McWilliam ' ,ast w& to agister for lands.
kme- j Mrs. George Swisher returned to
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jenkinson and j her home in Spalding Friday after
son Edward. Mrs. W. J. Jenkinson a visit with Monroe friends.
and daughters Lillian and Louise and j
Mrs. D. W. Jenkinson autoed to Col- ( r c. D. Evans. West aide Park,
umfaus Saturdav.
After exposure and when you feel a
sold coming on. take Foley's Honey
and tar Compound promptly. It checks
and relieves. Use no substiutes.
The genuine in a yellow package al
ways. For sale by all druggists.
Dr W. H. Slater, veterinary. Both
Possibly We Haven't a Perfect Shop
But We Have Perfect Clothes
There needn't be the slightest thought given to the
quality of a suit or overcoat that you purchase from
us. Every garment we sell is perfect. Perfect in style, in quality, in tailoring.
The fabrics you'll find here were selected with great care as were also the
models. You would have to be extremely hard to please if you could not choose
from our stock, but even though you're very fussy, we want you to come and let
us show you that showing goods is not the slightest trouble.
Ransack the whole shop if you want to. Try on every coat we have in your
size. Don't purchase unless you are thoroughly satisfied. That's the way we
do business. Time and time again we have been convinced it is the only way.
When a man spends his money he has a perfect right to obtain just what he
wants. We are with you at every turn of the road. Try us and see. Possibly
you are not familiar with our "BRANDEGEE, KINCAID & CO. CLOTHES n
They are typical of our manner of doing business. Why not call and see diem?
John Gibbon. C. W. Talbitzer.
Smith. John Kelly, Hugh Hill and C.
W. Hollingshead of Monroe were
pall bearers at the funeral of Charles
Zegler in Columbus Tuesday.
Mr A. C. Loucks was a Futlerton
visitor last week. I
Ed. Dack drove to Humphrey Sun
day, in his auto.
Misses Dora Mc Williams and Maude
Hill were Genoa visitors Thursday af-
ternoon. !
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Cochran October IS but the little j
one only lived until Saturdav. '
Rev. Larkins preached on trial at,
the Presbyterian church Sunday.
A large crowd attended the Metho-I
dist services Sunday night. Mr. and
Mrs. Erskine. of Columbus favored
the congregation with some splendid
music and Rev. Phillips preached a
good sermon.
Henry Keliey has recovered from a
bad attack of pneumonia.
John Randall, of Columbus was
a business visitor in Monroe last week.
Mrs. W. W. Manninghton was a
Columbus visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett McWilliams
were over Sunday visitors is Monroe.
Loa Hill was a business visitor in '
Columbus Saturday.
Mrs. Marion McNealy was shopping
in Columbus Saturday.
John Erickson returned home after .
a business trip up the line.
Wille Sutton and Ray Toline were
at the county seat Wednesday. t
Ernest Ewert, of Columbus, was j
visiting his brother Carl in Monroe
last week. j
Vestal Moore, of Columbus, was in '
town on business this week. ;
Miss Tessie Noonan is visiting in ;
Columbus this week.
Untimely Death Often Prevented
Countless mistakes have been made by medical men innocent vic
tims have paid the penalty for each. On the other hand, countless suc
cesses have resulted from expert diagnosis. To know the errors of those
who failed to know the metnoiisof those who won increase the chances
of successful treatment.
For many years, we have been closely connected with leading Spe
cialists of every school of practice. We have interchanged ideas, we
have been co-workers in all that concerns the art of healing. Besides
this mass of experience, we have the combined knowledge of each of our
own Specialists. They constitute our "Medical Advisory Board," and
deepseated or complicated cases are submitted to them. The result is
evident. It means better diagnosis, better treatment and less expense.
Advice will be given without cost to all who mail the following coupon.
Mrs. Symington who has been the ,
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Rodney '
Hill, for a short time returned to her
home in Spencer, Iowa Tuesday.
Mrs. H. O. Studley. of Creston.
visited friends in Monroe Monday.
The first frost of the season fell
here Thursday night.
Mesdames Fred Hill and Harry
Durham were shopping in Genoa Wed-
Mesdames Gerrard and Weeks were
in Columbus Wednesday. I
Ray Toline and Ben McDonald were i
Columbus visitors Tuesday.
Jacob Smyers and daughter Miss
Emma were in Columbus last Saturday.
Mrs. L. D. Smith returned from !
Omaha Saturday after a visit with her
Dennis Gleason, Carl Hart, Dr.
pVpjBpSpjejHpPHpaKgpPnj - s m
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U Nx HCVBHCB ooo natm i
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mmmmmMSMmf mz.3 HkjI cui. irons -
PHVW9PW ImKSPi&SMwsmM a oust- "int. -
USOMmSKIm' mmSKiicSSm a mr nritiiM -
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HWVSJHHC 5jXfl Mmm a ucaraiiBiUA. turn -u
tjmmmm a urea otauMR i-
a lUTociMaa
no. nsmA- -
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a prtOL sai Be
XT "5T cior
it rvrrr xr.c nunrsum.
a HHtnuTTm. aour
smui inn i ii
a Locsaoroa Tlly
Send three names of people -
troubled with any ailment on this
schedule and we will mail you a
S10 treatment certificate good for
one vear. Mark X oonosite ail-
ments concerning yourself for -rj,
free literature and sign below. 2 on i
" r Toacca haJtt
1 Name
2 Name
3 Name
Yow Name.
German Doctor
Permanent Branch Offices
German National Bank Building
Columbus, -:- Nebraska