A Dr. L. P. Carstensen, veterinarian. Wanted Roomers, inquire 814 West 13th Street, Mrs. N. D. Wilson entertained Mrs Taylor, of David City, Sunday. Miss Beatrice Williams is spending the week in Schuyler with friends. Judge I. L. Albert made a business trip to Lincoln the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Merz will ttend the Germanfest in Lincoln Thursday. Six Shetland ponies for sale. Call at F. H. Rusche's. Mrs Myra Gilespie, of St. Edward, spent the first of the week with Mrs. J. E. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bienz are the proud parents of a baby girl, which arrived Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland left this morning for Wood River for a few days' visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Linnaberry and children, of Omaha, are spending the week with friends in the city. Mrs. Carl Rohde expects to go to Lincoln tomorrow to visit her son Carl, who is attending the university. Heat your home with a Perfection Oi) Heater. Costs ten cents per day to ! HERRING'S j I C. 0. D. Laundry j in the North Theatre BIdg NOW OPEN : Satisfaction : : Guaranteed : New Goods Sals Now Goods Sale Continues Until Saturday, October 28 : Full line of Z in connection ! "HELP US GROW" Z Dr. E. H. Naumann, dentist. Dr. C. D. Evans. West aide Park. Or. Vallier. Osteopath, Barber Block. Miss Mathilda Lutz spent Sunday at home. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinary. Both phones. Rev. H. Meissler is spending the day at Lincoln. Dr. H. 7 Arnold, office on ground floor. Meridian hotel annex. The Noah's Ark club will meet with Miss Hedwig Jaeggi this afternoon. Wanted roomers and boarders. Inquire 315 West Nineteenth street. Mrs. G. B. Speice left Monday for Omaha where she will visit friends. Mrs. Mable Swift, public stenogra pher.. Room 1 State Bank Building. Mrs. Wm. Rosso and Mrs. Carl Will are visiting friends in Spaulding this week. Hair swiches and puffs made by Mrs. R. T. Herrington, David City, Nebraska. Miss Lillie Ernst, of Duncan is spending the week at the home of Jacob Glur. Mrs. Milton Bowers and children returned Thursday from a visit of two weeks with relatives in Omaha. Mrs. Frank Kaufman and Mrs. Phil Echols spent Thursday and Fri day with friends in Omaha. For sale Well improved 160-acre farm. Sandy loam. Cheap. Chas. L. Dickey, State Bank BIdg. Mrs. E. O. Rector, of Grand Is land, arrived today for a visit with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Lewis. Columbus Public Library 13th St. between North and Olive Streets. Hours 2 to 5:30 p. m. and 7 to 8:30 p. n.. Andrew Gostos returned Thursday after a three weeks' vacation trip, which took him to Minneapolis, Oma ha and several points in Iowa. run. For sale by Johannes & Krum- land. Mrs. Howard Fickes, of Oshkosh, arrived Thursday for an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pueschel. Mrs. John Janing and Mrs. Frank Kersenbrock are spending the week wtih their sister, Mrs. William Jack son, at Creston. Miss Frances Merz will leave the first of the week for Fremont, where she will enter the normal school for work this winter. Mrs. W. R. Neumarker entertained a number of friends Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Homer Saunders, of Edgemont, South Dakota. Use a Perfection Oil Heater to take the chill from your rooms before base burner weather. Cheaper than coal. For sale by Johannes & Krumland. Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Evans enter tained a number of friends last Satur day evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George McHenry, of Dennison, Iowa. Do your policies give you proper protection? We issue farm policies in the strongest company in the world for the same charge the weaker com panies make. Becher, Hockenberger and Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Friend McCray, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCray sr. , for the past week, will return to their home in Reno. Nevada, Thursday. For Sale Ten Acres of land, good buildings, shade trees and orchard. Will ac cept part cash and rest on time, if sold soon. Inqure of Mrs. Shaffer, Meridian Hotel GREAT SALE OF NEW, SEASONABLE Outing flannel 7Jc 500 yards of silk for waists and dresses 42JC Children's fleece lined underwear, gray Fancy messaline checks and stripes at 49c and white, all sizes, each 25c , . , , , , n Mmk 1.11 , .- . cft Jo-inch black tafteta 89C Children s Munsing union suits OUC n , ,. , i Beautiful plaid dress goods 15C Boys and Misses hose lUC Large size cotton batting 75c ulinS flannel owns 5C Cotton challie for quilts 5C . Potters embroidery silk, per skein 2c Ladies bleached union suits 59c Royal society embroidery floss, 2 skeins 5C BARGAIN BASEMENT II D WHEN YOU BUY FENCE . it's a mighty good idea to consider quality before price. There's a lot of cheap fence on the market, but you must re member when you buy fencing at a cheap price you get just what you pay for poorly made, unserviceable fence nothing more. PEERLESS FENCE will outlast fence made from cheap, soft wire, twice over, and the famous Peerless circular tie makes Peerless, the strongest fence known. Make your dealer furnish you Peerless. He can get it for you. Peerless Wire Fence Co Ltd, !& 10x4 cotton blankets in gray, white Chair seats, wood and fiber, all sizes at 10c anc tan c Andrew Jergens soap, per bar 10c 1 1x4 cotton blankets in gray and tan98c q. i r m 6 J oteel trying pans, any size lUC 1 1 x4 gray wool blankets $4.50 , c & J Clothes pins, 2 dozen SC 500 lace curtain samples 25c . - M c Rainbow silk Boss, 3 spools 10c Large 500-page wnhng tablet 5c o j if l m Pencil box with lock 3C Ked seal face chamois 1UC Toothbrush IOC 9x12 Axminster rugs $22.50 Witch hazel 10c 36" 72 Axminster rugs $3.50 Hydrox peroxid 10c 83" 1 0-6 Axminster rugs $18.50 Hose supporters, all sizes 10c Ladies dress hats $1.98 All bristle nail brushes 10c Ladies street hats $2.98 Biggest Bargain of the Season, Ladies Suits at $9.98 IWw mww - . - ,pJ1 For Rent A modern room; also furnish board. Mrs. C. Brunk, 18th and Q. streets. wiiilSALEY STILL B. For Sale by William J. Voss o O O Q Q Q ficpTuthU9WrT C. E. ZmntraiB Co.Xo.19 WORK SHOES W7HETHER you work up in the air or on " the ground you want your shoes fitted perfectly. Because the work is rough and the worker is strong is no reason why the question of fit is not just as important as in the case of a dress shoe they should fit as snugly, as a big shoe is just as much an evil as one not big enough. Our motto is to fit just right. Try us once and we will make a customer of you. REEGE SHOE CO. For rent Two or three rooms for light house-keeping furnished or un furnished Inquire 1410 W 13th St. Girl Wanted For General hi use work. Good wages naid. M. Bruer- ger Inquire at the Columbus State Bank. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal j church will give a Halowe'en party at the Orpheus hall Tuesday, October 31, watch for particulars next week. Mothers wishing to take advantage oi tiie ireciigaruen lor one day or more may see Miss Wilber at 512 14th St. or telephone 1741, (new No. Ind ), or Black 95 on Bell For sale -Some very desireable properties for persons wanting to re tire butstill do a little gardening, raise chickens, keep a cow, etc. Chas. Dickey State Bank Building. HOG SALE -October 251 will sel 35 head of big type Poland China males on above date at Columbus. They are strictly the big type with bone and feeding qualities. Fred Wille. Do your policies give you proper protection? We issue farm policies in the strongest company in the world for the same charge the weaker com panies make. Becher, Hockenberger and Chambers. Mule footed hogs are immune from cholera, and when crossed with the Poland China makes one of the very best breeds. Mr. A. J. Thomas, in the First National Bank Building, has a few male mule foots for sale. Henry Gass, as administrator of the estate of Nichols Rastich, a laborer who was klled by a Union Pacific train some months ago filed suit against the company in district court this week. The company confessed judgement for $250, which was accepted, and the IN BUSINESS. The rejwrt has gone forth that be cause 1 have removed from the opera house music store, that I have gone out of business in Columbus. 1 am still on deck, and will, within n few days oen a store in another location. R. W. Saley. Carload of Wisconsin cab bage for kraut or winter use, $1.35 per hundred. Car on track. Inquire E. N. Waide, both phones 26. We will have left for sale at the late S. C. Gray resi dence one four piece bed room set, one combination bookcase, a sofa and chairs. All good as new. Methodist Church Notes. Dont forget our morning service he gins at 11 o'clock. The theme will be, "Taking up Life's Duties." Sunday schoool at noon. Epworth : Jects ure for a" classes, regardless of League at 6:30 p. m. This will bel cretj or politics, ami will lie helpfull mission rally day. The pastor will "" instructive, present a series of special sermons Chas. W. Kay, Pastor. for evening services, the subjects an as follows: October 22, at 7:.'i0 p. in., "Why Evil was Allowed to en. terthe World"; October 29, "Cloaks Used to Cover Sins; November . "Lessons from the Famous Passion Play of 1910"; November 12, "Mon ey and the Kindgom". Those suii- 1 Possibly We Haven't a Perfect Shop But We Have Perfect Clothes There needn't be the slightest thought given to the quality of a suit or overcoat that you purchase from us. Every garment we sell is perfect. Perfect in style, in quality, in tailoring. The fabrics you'll find here were selected with great care as were also the models. You would have to be extremely hard to please if you could not choose from our stock, but even though you're very fussy, we want you to come and let us show you that showing goods is not the slightest trouble. Ransack the whole shop if you want to. Try on every coat we have in your size. Don't purchase unless you are thoroughly satisfied. That's the way we do business. Time and time again wc have been convinced it is the only way. When a man spends his money he has a perfect right to obtain just what he wants. We are with you at every turn of the road. Try us and see. Possibly you are not familiar with our "BRANDEGEE, KINCAID & CO. CLOTHES " They are typical of our manner of doing business. Why not call and see them? 23 ADlik GREISEN BROS. I i m case was dismissed. J TT'T,-'1 1JJ?st"-;ixj. " 1 "S" ..iJ-