The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 18, 1911, Image 6

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Columbus TribnneJonnal
Home and Foreign Intelligence Con
densed Into Two and Four
Line Paragraphs.
The Clay Center lyceuni committee
of Clay Center, Xeb., asked Senator
LaFolIetto to deliver a lecture at Clay
Center some time during the winter.
The senator -wrote to the committee
that be was not making lecture en
gagements of any kind, and that it
will be impossiblo for him to accept
the invitation.
The national association of railway
commissioners, in annual convention
here, refused to go on record as fav
oring legislation abolishing the ex
press companies of the country by
compelling the railways to take over
the express business. A resolution
offered by George Rice, state railway
commissioner of South Dakota, was
referred to the coIttee on express
rates and service.
In honor of Uh; fiftieth anniversary
Df the entrance of James, Cardinal
Gibbons, into the priesthood and the
twenty-fifth of his elevation to the
cardinalate there was laid here the
cornerstone of Gibbons memorial
hall to be a part of the Catholic uni
versity of America. Cardinal Gibbons
was the center of the celebration with
archbishops from all over the country
participating. The gorgeousness of the
scene Tmtrasted with the simplicity
of the ceremonies.
A discrepancy of over 53.2SS.271 be
tween the material on hand and that
r-illcd for by the books of the Wash
ington navy yard was shown by the
Inventory of that yard just completed,
according to an announcement by
Secretary of the Navy Meyer. This
is the first inventory of record made
at this yard in the last twenty-five
years. The discrepancy is attributed
to loose bookkeeping methods, which
Secretary Meyer set out some time
ago to-correct. The Washington yard
was the last to have the new account
ing system established.
Violence marked the arrival
strikebreakers at New Orleans.
John Arbuckle says the tariff
raw sugar is a wiced kind of tax.
Our trade movement is large
ipite war abroad and strikes at home.
Urging the cause of arbitration,
i-rcsident Taft declared war to be a
The town of Oritz. Sonora, was de
stroyed by the recent tidal wave and
seventeen lives were lost.
It is now or never for Chinese re
form declare members of the oriental
race in San Francisco.
Express companies of the country
Rre unlikely to be gobbled by the rail
reads. The trial of James 13. McXamara,
first of the defendants in the dyna
mite cases, was begun at Los An
geles. Buffalo, X. Y., was chosen as next
j-.ear's meeting place of the league of
American municipalities.
In his estimates Postmaster General
Hitchcock provides $50,000 for mail
carrying by aeroplane.
According to witnesses for Senator
Stephenson, beer and whisky are a
necessary adjunct of campaigns.
The Krupp company of Germany
failed in its suit against the Midvale
Steel company charging infringement.
The annual report of the Chicago
& Northwestern railway shows little
work done in the west during the past
The German embassy is urging for
bearance on the part of the Turkish
government in the matter of the ex
pulsion of Italians.
Six coal miners received broken
legs and two others were probably fat
ally injured when the cage in a mine
at Xokomis, 111., fell eighty feet.
The Wholesale Druggists associa
tion in convention at Xew York pas
sed a resolution recommending legis
lation to regulate interstate com
merce in habit-forming drugs.
The duke and duchess of Coon
nought, who are to preside over Ri
diau hall at Ottawa as representatives
of King George for the next few
years, arrived at Quebec.
The Indian reservation system was
eriticieed and demands were made
for the immediate regeneration or
abolition by the first annual congress
of the American Indian in Colum
ns, O.
The Italian authorities at Tripoli
Issued a proclamation suppressing
slavery. Tripoli was the only remain
ing port on the coast of Africa where
slavery still prevailed, notwithstand
ing tne efforts of Great Britain and
France to prevent the traffic.
At Mason City, la., Mrs. Aletha
Rush was indicted by the Franklin
county grand jury on a charge of
murdering her husband.
The report of the statistician of a
Texas railroad says that the money
paid out for persona injury claims is
about as much as the earnings on the
capital invested.
An important reorganization of the
Catholic church in England has been
decided upon and a papal bnli shortly
will be issued dividing England into
three ecclesiastical provinces with
archepiscopal sees at Birmingham and
An Abraham Lincoln memorial mon
ument was unveiled at Council muffs
in the presence of distinguished visit
ors from abroad.
Pror. L. L. Ducfce. Kansas fish and
frame warden, announced that he vili
begin the construction of the largest
fish hatchery in the world at Pratt.
Turkey realixei she has a hopeless
task iu fighting.
The finances of the country made
a good showing in September.
In a speech at Bellingham, Wash.,
President Taft predicted the opening
of the Panama canal in July, 1913.
Late returns show that woman suf
frage has triumphed In California.
Senator LaFollette is to begin a tour
of western states early in November.
Railroads of the country are con
sidering taking over express business.
Seattle crowds were unusually cor
dial in their greetings to President
Dr. Hyde says a Kansas City offi
cial offered to bribe a juryman at his
first trial.
Early returns indicated that the
woman suffrage amendment had been
defeated in California.
The funeral of General Manderson
took place at Omaha in the presence
of many mourners.
Counsel for Senator Stephenson
contended his large expenditures was
no proof the money was used cor
ruptly. Attorney General Bancroft of Wis
consin says the primary system Is
the source of Senator Stephenson's
Seventy proprietors or steel and
iron foundries met at New York and
discussed business matters behind
closed doors.
Thomas Knlluin, lawyer and editor,
shot and killed Henry Whitaker, a
brother attorney, on the main street
of Pilot Mountain, N. C.
Postal savings banks will be estab
lished in Nebraska on November 8 at
Alma. Arapahoe. Callaway. Crofton,
Harvard. Howell, Litchfield, Madison,
Shickley and Wisner.
The aim of the Chinese revolution
ists is to make the empire a republic.
There was a mutiny of between
3,000 and 6,000 Chinese troops at
The German and French govern
ments have decided to keep the na
ture of the Moroccan agreement sec
ret until the second part also is com
pleted and signed.
At Juneau. Alaska, Gifford Pinchot
and Senator Miles Poindexter ad
dressed a big public meeting, giving
their views on the development of
It is reported that the Japanese am
bassador to Germany, Viscount Chin
da, will be transferred In February
to Washington to succeed Viscount
Uchida, who has returned to Toklo.
Brigadier General A. H. Hoyt, U. S.
A., and Miss Cora M. Harbald. daugh
ter of Mrs. Mary Marbold of Harns-
burg, Pa., were married at Philadel
phia. Jorn D. Rockefeller, through his at
torneys, appealed to the state tax
commission to lower the assessed
valuation of his home property in
East Cleveland.
When en route to their home at
London. Ohio, Harry Armstrong and
his wife were instantly killed at West
Jefferson when their automobile was
struck and wrecked by a Pennsylva
nia train.
Preliminary official reports to datt
indicate that the 1911 Europeean
wheat crop will go on record as c
fairly close third in magnitude to the
banner ones of the two preceding
Henry Broadhurst. for many years
a liberal labor member of the Britisll
parliament and formerly secretary ol
the paliamentary committee of the
trades union congress, died, aged
seventy-one years.
Captain John Bradie. giving exhibi
tions at the South Georgia fair at Tir
ton. was killed when he fell from his
balloon and plunged 700 feet to the
The resignation of Captain Frank A.
Cook, recently court-martialled at San
Francisco for conduct unbecoming an
officer has been accepted by the presi
dent. The Ohio Federation of Labor has
gone on record as favoring woman
suffrage, a minimum wage scale for
women and a law providing a penalty
for parents who testify wrongly as to
the age of children workers;
According to all reports the harvest
of 1911 in Denmark will surpass all
records since 18CS. Not in forty-three
years has weather, labor and other
conditions proven so auspicious to the
The public is warned by the secret
service against a new counterfeit tec
dollar bill. It is on the Crocker Na
tional bank of San Francisco, is of the
series of 1902-190S, bears check lettei
"F" and the names of Charles V
Treat and W. T. Vernon as the secre
tary of the treasury of the United
States and registrar of the treasury,
Announcement was made by the
United States Steel corporation that
the unfilled orders on it3 books on
September 30 totalled 3,011,317 tons.
The Germans of the United States
as represented by the German-Amer
ican national alliance now in conven
tion in Washington, signified their
wish that Germany enter into negotia
tions with the United States for a
general arbitration treaty similar to
those with Great Britain and France,
now pending ratification by the United
States senate.
Cornelius N. Bliss died at New
York following a long illness.
Senator Cummins says the presi
dent's Iowa trip did him no good.
The Turkish ambassador at Wash
ington puts all the blame for war on
Italy. f
Hon. W. J. Bryan is now making a
number of political speeches in Ne
braska. John Henry Smith, a member of
the first presidency of the Mormon
church, died in Salt Lake, aged 65.
President Taft promised Idaho sett
lers assistance in their troubles.
Lieutenant governor of Ohio will
visit Nebraska in two weeks in inter
ests of Harmon for president.
A Kansas man who fainted during
his marriage ceremony ..recovered to
find his bride had disappeared.
John F. Thayer, who married a
daughter of President Arosemena.
died in Panama. He was a native or
Phirp Verril! Mighels. author and
playwright, died at Winnemucca,
Nev., as the result of an accidental
j gussict wcund.
Conductor of Freight Fails to Obey
Orders About Passenger and
Trains Meet Head On.
Omaha. Seven passengers wera
killed and thirty-one injured in a
head on collision between the north
bound passenger 105 and extra south
bound freight on the Missouri Pacific
railroad one half mile north of the
Fort Crook, city station at 8:49
o'clock Sunday morning. The cause
of the wreck was failure upon the
part of L. P. Gross, conductor on the
freight to check the register at South
Omaha for orders regarding the pas-,
Physicians and nurses were rushed
from South Omaha, and Omaha to the
scene of the wreck, where Dr. John
A. Coliver of Los Angeles, a pass
enger, and the medical corps under
Major F. A. Dale and Lieutenant
Howard' Clark had already begun the
work of rendering first aid. The seri
ously injured were transferred to the
hospital, where the nurses and doc
tors worked like trojans for hours to
relieve the sufferings of the unfor
tunate victims of the wreck.
A squad of infantry, under Captains
Doray and Butler, aided in the work
of removing the bodies of the dead
from the wreck to the post morgue,
where they are held awaiting instruc
tions from relatives.
The wreck occurred about 8:40
o'clock on the curve at the north end
of the government reservation at Fort
Crook and half a mile north of the
Missouri Pacific station.
Passenger train 105 out of Kansas
City, in charge of Conductor F. R.
Travers, was running one hour ana
a quarter late. Conductor L. P. Gross
of the freight passed South Omaha at
S:30. He had signed off. but evident
ly did not check the train register as
to the whereabouts of 105.
At the point of the collision the
track makes a sharp tirve, shutting
off the view of the Fort Crook station.
It was at this point that Engineer E.
C. Crawford of the freight train
caught sight of No. 105, which was
coming at a high rate of speed.
The impact of the living passenger
aganst the slow moving freight dc
railed both engines and telescoped the
niuil cars onto the passenger coach in
which about forty people were riding.
Shrieks and groans mingled with
tN? hiss of steam and the crackling
tmbers of the cars instantly broke the
stillness of the morning and brought
the passengers in the Pullman rush
ing to the front of the train.
F. W. Petring, Nebraska City,
O. W. Keeier, passenger brakeman,
Atchison, Kas.
Mrs. Fred W. Rot t man. Nebraska
Marcia Rottman, C-year-old daugh
ter of Mrs. Rottman.
A. W. Sprague. electrician, St. Jo
seph, Mo.
Miss Frances Lillian Kanka. an
actress whose home is thought to be
in Washington. Booked to play in
Partially identified colored woman
of about 40 years of age. believed to
be Mrs. Louclla Tipton.
Seriously Injured.
Fred W. Rottman, banker. Nebras
ka City, scalp wound; right leg
crushed, back hurt.
Emma Harvey, colored, Kansa?
City; both legs broken, band cut.
W. G. Richards, Mynard, Neb.;
right leg broken, internal injuries.
John Scott, passenger engineer, la
cerated face and head, internal In
juries. John R. Walsh Released.
Kansas City, Mo. John R. Walsh,
the former Chicago banker, is now
free. After spending one year, eight
months and twenty-eight days in the
federal prison at Leavenworth. Kan.,
for misapplying the funds of tbe
Chicago National .bank, he was
paroled Saturday.
Dissolution of Tobacco Trust.
New York. Official announcement
has been made from the headquar
ters of the American Tobacco com
pany that its plan for dissolution and
reorganization under the decree of
the supreme court will be submitted
Monday morning to the United States
circuit court for approval.
Pctato Crop Good.
West Point, Neb. The local potato
crop for which grave fears were en
tertained earlier in the season has
made good to the extent or about
sixty pox cent.
Old Soldier Drops Dead.
Hot Springs, S. D. After ecng
r. hearty dinner and smoking his pipe
Capt. C. H. Stinfield dropped dead
while talking to his comrades. As
captain of company H, Fourth Minne
sota infantry, he served in many im
portant engagements.
Loula Long Withdraws.
Kansas City, Mo. Miss Loula
Long, widely known horse fancier,
withdrew all her entries from the
American Royal Horse show now In
progress here.
Suffer from Trichncsis.
Ida Grove, Ia. A physician whe
has been treating the Misses Doehlan
of this county made the discovery
that they are both afflicted with the
disease of trichnosis, resulting from
the recent eating of undercooked
Dropped Dead on Street.
Denver. Frank Wickersaam. gen
eral manager of the Denver and
South Platte Railroad company,
dropped dead on the street in Den
ver last week.
Thy Are as Good for tho Soul
Holmes Says, as Water for
One mmst be educated, no doubt, to
understand the more complex and dif
ficult kinds of musical composition. Go
to tke concerts where you know- that
the music is good, and that you ought
to like It whether you do or not. Take
m music bath once or twice a week for
a tr seasons, and you will find that It
Is to the soul what the water bath Is
to the body. I wouldn't trouble myself
about the affectations of people who
go to this or that series of concerts
chiefly because it Is fashionable. Some
of these people whom we think so
silly will perhaps find, sooner or later,
that they have a dormant faculty
which is at last waking up, and that
they who came because others came,
and began by staring at the audience.
are listening with a newly ound de
light Everyone of us has a harp un
der the bodice or waistcoat, and if It
can only once get properly strung and
tuned it will respond to all outside
harmonies. Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Rhode Island First to Have Navy.
Rhode Island was the first state to
create a navy of its own, and captured
the first prize, a British frigate, ' off
Newport. Seeing its success, the con
tinental congress chose Rhode Island
to execute plans for a colonial navy,
and Esck Hopkins, the first commander-in-chief,
and three-fourths of all
the officers were from this state. In
the later war of 1S12 it was another
Rhode Islander, Commodore Perry,
who fought the Immortal battle on
Lake Erie when ho "met the enemy
and they are ours!" National Maga
zine. For Cramps.
A piece of old-fashioned candlewick
worn around the leg In the garter
place, next to the skin, will prevent, or
cure, cramp in the calf of the leg or in
the foot. I have proved this by per
sonal experience; I believe this would
prove effectual in preventing swim
mers' cramp; those liable to cramp
while in the water would be wise to
try it Cottonbatting. wrapped round
the body from the arm-pits downward,
saved the life of a man suffering agony
from painters' cramp; it gave almost
Instant relief. National Magazine.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Tlpam iha
SIgnatureof QZa40p2&Zfa
In Use For Over 30 Tears.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
He Might Be Offended.
"See that dog, Kathi? It has taken
the first prize at ten shows and is
valued at a thousand marks."
"I wonder if I dare offer him a bit
of sausage?" Fllengende Blaetter.
"Whenever you have a pain think of
Ramlms Wizard Oil. For Headache.
Toothache. Earache. Stomach ache, and
nianv other painful ailments there is noth
ing better.
In London 900.000 persons are living
more than two in a room and 26.000
persons are liring six or more in a
single room.
Bead 2c tramp for Urn samples of mj- tcit choic
est Gold Xmbosscd Birthday, Flower and Motti
Postcard: beaniifnl colors and loveliest designs.
Art Post Card Clnb.T3i Jackson SL. Tupska. Kansas
Giving other people the best of It
Is a good investment. And besides
it may not cost you anything.
xT)r. Pierce's Pellets, email, supar-coatcd.
easy to take as candy, regulate and invigor
ate stomach, liver and bowels. Do not gripe.
Some men never succeed in putting
their best foot forward because they
are unable to decide which one It Is.
J8rs. Wfos!nwa Soothing Sjrup for Cfalldres
teething, r-oftens the punis. reOncex Inflamma
tion, silaja pain, cures rriad colic, 2 a bottle.
About the only proof a woman needs
that she Is in love with a man is to
feel perfectly sure that sbe Isn't.
Made Sife by LytEa E Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Graniteville. Vt "I vas nasslna!
through the Change of Lifeandsuffered
from nervousness
and other annoying
symptoms, and I
E can truly isay that
L.yuia su. nocnams
Vegetable Com
pound has proved
S worth mountains of
gold to me, as it
restored my health
and strength. I
never forget to tell
my friends what
Lvdia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound has done for me
uunng iius trying penuu. vuuipicu
restoration to health means so much
to me that for the sake of other suffer
ing women I am willing to make my
trouble public so you may publish
tliis letter." Mns. Chas. Babclat,
E.F.D., Graniteville, Vt.
2fo other medicine for woman's ills
has received such wide-spread and -unqualified
endorsement. Ao other med
icine we know of has such a record
of cures as has Lyclia E. Finkham's
Vegetable Compound.
For more than 30 years it has been
curing woman's ills such as inflamma
tion, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irreg
ularities, periodic pains and nervous
prostration, and it is unequalled for
carrying women safely through tho
period ox cnange oi me,
Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Iffass.,
InTites all sick women to -write
her for advice. Her advice is free,
aad always helpful
the name
to remember
i you need a remedy
r tOUtiBS ono wvii
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5kw WH
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fipiilt .? g
jjjgw .liR
a m --. MB T
M m BM enw l OS an bm
Ma. ewwWudl
He) Mochasricil Contrivance or Motor Veklde Has Yet
Discovered to Replace This Magnificent Animal
Most Valuable Asset tae Farmer Has
Who Breeds Him Properly.
sH- . mB ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv'
BY . -. mufamuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufv
ViVMwMwMwMmsv MssseJ
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bbb) A'ACjHVBYBYBYBYBYBYHYBYBYk ..bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW. ?Bbbbbbbbbbbbbb&.
" bsbbbbbbbbbbnbvbvbvbvbvbvbvba'bvbvbvl
BBBBBBl BBBBBBl & ?.'.'.
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sWBWA wawfi -.AaWflawawawMawaawjwwjvgHaw .
BHBgfldJtjuVgWV WsbsMbbbVhSbbbbsSbbbbbbbbbbbbb
bbKMbbbbbbbbbbbC2?. y ttnj$$BKEKiE,BwlB
One of Clydesdale Geldings That Bring
Never In the history of this country,
or any other, for that matter, has the
heavy draught horse been in such de
mand or so valuable as be Is today.
Indeed, he is the most valuable asset
the fanner has who breeds him right.
No mechanical contrivance or motor
vehicle has been discovered that will
fill the place of this magnificent, ani
mate creature of flesh and blood, or
will any contrivance of any kind be
perfected for many a long day, that
will accomplish what he can. and do
the work as well and so thoroughly,
as well as. as cheaply as he can.
Motor trucks have failed not only
to cope with the heavy loads Imposed
upon the brewers dray for instance,
and the hauling of cumberous and
heavy machinery, but have been un
able to handle them in tbe narrow
ana congested thoroughfares of the
great cities, where, backing and twist
ing and turning is absolutely neces
sary. Besides tbe great service and
imperative use of these mighty ani
mals In tbe large towns and cities of
tbe country where their demand and
value Is increasing day by day. they
are a power that cannot possibly be
done without In the agriculture dis
tricts where the farm produce re
quires great hauling power; and In
those sections of the country which
American Grown Rods are ol
Good Qvaltly Wlien Proper
Care Is Takea ia
Taelr Cain
Willow growing gives an .uncom
monly high margin of profit. A large
demand for willow is now supplied by
import, and as American grown rods
are of good quality when proper care
Is taken of their culture, there Is no
reason why tbe further development
Df the industry should not be possible.
. .1 - -
.vi Sj.Tuii IU.
Machine for Budding Willows.
if more American farmers can be con
vinced of its practicability.
Of late years willow furniture bas
sprung into fashion, and today no
minor industry is more prosperous
than that devoted to Its supply. The
wages are good and tbe manufacturers
demand a steady supply of superior
This Is now almost entirely received
from France at a price which will give
the entire trade to tbe American if be
can equal the quality.
Every Farmer Should Have Num
ber of Horses Growinx and
Coming on for Use
and Sale.
In spite of the electric car. tne auto
mobile and other motive power,
horses have increased in price com
mensurate with other farm animals. J
Lvciy faimer should have a number
or ycucg horses growing and coming
on for home use and for sale.
A colt can be grown as easily and
cheaply as a calf, and at the same
time -the mare which mothers It will
work. The writer has a team or
cucg mares ol nearly the same size
nn'i ap.e. During the past season one
of them has raised a colt cow worth
at least ?75 while the other mare
working by her side has raised none.
Tne marc with the (Alt bas done ex
actly the same work as the mare
which lias no con ano cow at ice j
High Prices for Ste-Korse Team.
have as yet not yielded to the plow,
they are a pre requisite that cannot
be done without.
The farmer who purchases one or
more of the biggest, best, and most
suitable individuals of the western
grade mares, and breeds them to one
or other of the great Imported stal-;
lions of the Clydesdale, Shire. Suffolk.
Percheron or Belgian breeds, will, in
three years from the time of foaling
have a youngster that is worth from
1300 to $400, os If more mares have
been bred, pairs that are worth from
9600 to $S00. and which he would have
no difficulty, whatever, in selling.
Being able to work his marcs up to(
within a short time of their foaling,
he Is making good and certain money
at both ends, for the young stock cost
him comparatively little to keep, and
if he basbeen careful in his selections'
and wise in his breeding, there is no
telling what he might not produce in
valuable heavy draught horses. Look
for instance at the geldings that go to
make the great six-horse teams of the
country, the corses that constitute the
teams of the great packers. These
animals fetch great prices. The heav
ier, the stronger, the better boned, and
more active they are, tbe better they
are for such work, and tbe more
money will they fetch in the market.
Experience has proved that no
stock is equal to a willow when dur-.
able baskets are demanded. Tbe
high-class basket has made a place;
for itself in tbe market even underl
present circumstances, and the entire
decline In the trade bas been In the
low priced basket, which competes
with the foreign willow product or the
American made wooden basket!
To put a low priced basket on tbe
market with raw willow at Its present
price the wages must be cut lower
than the normal standard In America.
For this reason the trade is almost
entirely In the hands of Immigrant
basket makers, who know no other
trade and who are seldom or never
reinforced by native workmen.
Tbe remedy lies In a reduction In
the cost of the raw material. The
cheaper tbe willow (when good In
quality) tbe better the wages which
can be paid to produce a .low priced
basket, and a low priced basket of
good quality will find an almost un-
limited market Oh this point the en-,
tire trade agrees.
Great care should be taken in the
selection of the willow bed. Rich,
permanently moist sandy loam gives,
best returns, though ordinary moist,
sandy land often yields profitable
crops of willow.
Plow 10 or 12 Inches deep In the
fall, prior to planting the following
spring. This turns tbe top layer of
the soil so deep that weed seeds can
not spring up.
Keturns aepena very inrgeiy upon
tbe method of culture, but more upon
the variety of willow planted, because
the shoots of even tbe best varieties
and in the most suitable soil grow
brittle after the stools become old.
close o: the summer's work she is
in as good condition as her mate,
with both on the same feed and care.
A colt, o! course, is some bother
acd consumes some feed. The same
is true in growing any domestic
arimal. But with a little patience
in the hauciing of the mare and foal,
a mare doing general farm work
.-r.ould raise two colts every three
years ?nd do about as well as with, I
noce. The colt will represent at leasi
H:t yer ccn rpolit on the money and
labor invested in it.
In Tact, so little extra care and feed
are required that the young animal
can be grown without noticing tho
feed it consumes.
Care of Stock.
Xo matter how good the stock may
be. If they have not the proper care
they will be no better than mongrels.
Poultry on tbe farm, as a rule, re
ceives indifferent treatment.
All Favor Alfalfa.
Everything on the farm will eat al
falfa, and like it and thrive upon iu-
Veils the OrfffnaJ ef the Pussies In
Her Stacy The
Vlai !!
v iwwmotw
Miss Susan GkMseD. tke author, has
a aoc which fact la of. more impor
tasce than aright at first appear. For
Boaesuaa beast, that Inspired tke cre
latroduced two frellcsosse puppies
aaaes Pourauei and N'est-ce-pas- And
there are no two saore real characters
is tke whole book than Why and Ain't
It. te use their nanes la English form.
U was Miss. Glaspell's own dog. a
Boheariaa beast, that inspired the cr-e
attoa of The Vlsioa!ngsjtwIn puppy
clowns. The real dog also has a
Preach name. Voila. When its owner'
bought It. over In Paris, she wanted at
first to name it Raspail. both In mem
ory of the boulevard on which she
lived and as avsympathetic cognomen
for a sensitive souled Parisian dog.
But her family objected. They could
not see their way clear to shouting.
"Coae Raspail! Raspail! Raspail!" So
Miss Glaspell compromised on Voila.
Voila has vagaries. It is a wan
derer. It is a coolie, and a coolie. It
evidently thinks, ought to be afield.
Whenever it feels that way. away
Voila goes. Fortunately It wears a
collar with Miss Glaspell's name and
address. She has come to think noth
ing of such a phone message as this:
"Hello! Is dis Miss Glaspell! Veil.
dls Is der bartender bei Hans Bum
melransen's saloon. No. no. valt! I
didn't got der wrong phone number. I
choost vant to say I got here your tog.
Vill you come for him?"
Then the author of The VIsioning
has to drop chapter plans and seek
out Heir Bummelransen's place with
sorrow and a dollar.. But were it not
so there might never have been a
N'est-ce-pas and a PourquoL
The Plain Facts.
"Did you see the prisoner strike this
man in the melee?"
"No, 1 seen him swat him on the
Peculiar Industry.
An Important industry and one pe
culiar to Spain Is the manufacture of
Jute and hemp sandals.
Lewis Single Binder cigar U never
doped only tobacco in its natural state.
Many a man's deficiency in dollars
is due to his deficiency in sense.
We strongly urge you
to try
Stomach Bitters
first of all. It will give
the greatest satisfaction.
A trial will convince yon.
Tit Farm's Sn's
firtat Opperhiity
miniuor tne oia laraa to Drcoaio
yooriBireniancer JMtnnBow to
prepare ror your future
prosperity ana inucpcn-
BEuce. a Brrai oppor
tODitr mwaltK Ton In
or Alberta, where you
can sect! re a KreIlom-
s trad or bey land at rea
isoBablepnces. Ntw'stitTiM
t 4 Tear from now.
ten land will be high
er. TbenroSu aecurrd
tbe abaadaat crane nf
Mt. Mltta and Hirlnr.
-. ;i - ..:i-7;n-
canslnv a steady adranre in
orie. Government returns nhaw
that the number o aettlers
in f eaters vanaaa from
the V. 8. wan 6 per cent
larger la 110 taaa tbe
Many Tax
Mut farmer him nM
lor invir iaou w& ox WC
SX. ...J m TV
Brorceon or one crop.
Free Iloaacateadt of 160
arrea and pre-emption of
iwi atri-ee at VJ.uvtn aero.
Fine climate, good erhools,
excellent railway facllitlea,
low f relent ratee; weed, wa
ter andTlaaaber easily ob
tained. Kor pamaalet "Last Best Wert.
particulars on to cuitablo location
and low aettlcra rate, apply to
iupl of Immigration. Ottawa,
Can., or to Canadian Gov't Agent.
rica.e write to the agent n-aret yea
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That's Why You're Tired Oat ef Sort
Hare No Appetite.
will put you right .
in a few days.
They do.
their duty.-
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache
Genuine must bear Signature
Nebraska Directory
( ALt Aft ivitli seven yearn success of
O tflaUUL it. It bas ben built bv its repu
COLLEGE. 746-743 W. Broadway. Counci! 6lu3s, ia.
Larcest stock, lowest prices. Kemiatrlona 112;
Smith Premiers Si Chicago P. Underwood t.
L. C Smith Sto. Monarch t'JJ. llamcond !3, ox tli
Full Unarantr Sond fcr Catalog A.
B. r. SWAXaON CO- 1318 i'arnaic Sc, OoiiSo, Kch.
lost Fire Protection on tht Firm
GettnensTA.vmcotsriCKEX'rcu.TlSw.A. Tbe most
KieriurioasanlnniTersalextiBBuisber. Willover
coate the tcoit Intense tire. Kememher all larva
Area started small. In addition it leaves bo stains,
la a thousand times more effective than water.
ltaat frcexe. evaporate or tfecueipcse. scsA o&e
wollarforafcaraple extinguisher prepaid, today, if
sot as represented will refund bmmct. A few ex
tlacalskers distributed about aoaso aa4 bam wilt
uctsfts axvnx co rint tmwii tut, iuia, aa
bt a&vewT eH
ammmmmmV7 fll ILL
aWenWamWer BlfCK
flMaavt pills.
mr Amtf- 'i
. A,