?55bi,,W'-.; f.r -r r - . i "I. . Columbus Tribune -Journal Published by The Tribune Printing Company Columbus, Nebraska. Admitted at the Postofflce at Columbus, Nebr., as second class matter ALBERT J. ICASOri Editor. irrT.T.ATm g. BINNKT, Business Manager. CHESTER J. MASON, Circulation Manager. Hatlee to Sabaertten. Subscription Price One dollar and a half a year seventy-five cents for six months. Renewals The date opposite yonr name on your paper, or wrap per, shows the date to which you have paid. When payment is made the date will be chanced accordingly. Discontinuances Responsible subscribers will continue to re ceive The Tribune-Journal until the publisher is notified to discon tinue, when all arrearages must be paid. Kef using paper at postofflce Is not notice to .the publisher. Chance in Address When ordering change In address be sure to give the old as well as the new address. est, fair, upright judge, especially one whom his friends insist is "first in point of knowledge of the law", hold ing onto these fees for two whole years, until jarred loose from them by a county board of his own political faith, is rather a peculiarity? When the county judge made his report of fees col lected for 1909, he reported "manage licenses. 175, $350. " When he made his report for 1910, he reported "marriage record fees, $390. ' ' Why did he report the re ceipts for marriage licenses, and not those for ceremonies? One is as much demanded by the law as the other, and the fact that it had been customary for the judges to pocket the fees prior to the law of 1907 was no excuse when the law had been in effect for' nearly four years particularly for a judge "first in point of knowledge of the law." A Page From The Record. If you had a hired man, working on a salary, and his dutes were to collect certian fees, you guaranteeing him his salary and he to refund his excess collections over that amount you would expect him to make the pro per returns of his collections. We ask you to go with us into the records of the proceedings of the board of supervisors of last January, just after the new board had organized for the year, and see what may be found. The record reads that on January 11, 1911, the following took place: "Moved by Supervisor Schure that the county attorney be directed to submit to this board a written opinion relative to the fees retained for marriage ceremonies by the county judge. " The following day, January 12, the county attorney presetnted his opinion, in which he called attention of the board to Sections 9444 and 9476, of the Annotated Statutes of 1909. defining in detail the fees of the county judge. Among the fees is the item, "per marriage ceremony, three dollars," which section, passed in 1907, is the first which makes specific allowance for any fee whatever for the county judge for this purpose. The opinion concludes: "There being a statute on and after July 5, 1907, expressly allowing county judges a fee of three dollars for performing marriage cere monies, it becomes obligatory upon these offi cials on and after July 5, 1907, to report the county commissioners according to law the re ceipt of this class of fees the same as the re ceipt of other fees allowed by law and include these fees in ascertaining their annual compen sation and the excess due the county." Supervisor Schure moved that this opinion be made a part of the record, which was done. Supervisor Clother then moved that the chair ap- jx)int a special committee to check up the -fees of the county judge. The chair appointed Supervisors Clother, Smith, Schure and Wilson. This special committee reported the next day, Jan- uaryl3, 1911, as follows: ' ' We your special committee appointed to make settlement with County Judge Ratterman in the matter of marriage ceremonies fees for the years 1908, 1909 and 1910, beg leave to report that we checked up said fees earned for said years and herewith submit th following report : "We find that for the year 1908 there were performed thirty marriage ceremonies at three dollars each, making a total of ninety dollars; but on the final settlement for said year, said fees earned in the county judge's office did not exceed the limit allowed by law, the ninety dollars above referred to being added to the same and for said year 1908 there was no sur plus fees to return in said matter. "For the year 1909 there were performed thirty-seven marriage ceremonies at three dol lars each, making a total of $111, and for the year 1910 there were forty-five marriage cere monies at three dollars each making a total of $135. "This being a total for the years 1909 and 1910 of $246, for which amount county trea surer's receipt is attached." Now doesn't it seem to you, honestly, that an hon- Democratic Despair. The democrats are so desperate in their fear of the election of a few republicans to county office that they are resorting to all sorts of ridiculous stories, confining themselves principally the candidates for county treasur er. They dare not attempt to atone for the carelessness of Judge Ratterman, for the record is there, too plain to be disputed, and the cause was so apparent that even the democratic county board felt that something must be done. One of these stories is to the effect that in cas of the election of Daniel Schram, that Frank Schram is to be his deputy. There is absolutely nothing to the story. In fact Frank Schram now has a position that he could not think of sacrificing for the salary paid by this office. We have this on the authority of Mr. Schram himself, who assures us that the denial cannot be made to strong. Another feature that shows the utter despair of Mr. Heuer and his assocaties the plea they are making that he is a poor man, while Mr. Schram is well-to-do in the matter of this world's goods. Never a poorer argument could be made. The mere fact that Mr. Schram has made a success of his business career ought to appeal to every man as an evidence that the county business would be equally well cared for. We do not believe that the people will take kir.dly to the argument that the world or any portion thereof owes a living to any man. Here in the United States we have no such thing as a life job in public service, except in Federal judicial nositions. and even that seems to be doomed. Don't get into the notion that because a man appeals to you for your vote on the strength of having lived off of you for a dozen years that you still owe him a living. Try a man who has made good in his own work once, and see how it goes. 1 TO THE RESCUE t la j uFUl m T f t VBpBBSSBH2al6lBwBBVl!aBTttBa .VX""It.-"vv""" afraSaeawar KJEfllf iiiW sataaaBEvf ssasn'VA L Qlv 111 1 A vote for Gideon Braun for county superintendent is a vote for a young man who knows Platte county conditions thoroughly, and whose every interest is in Platte county. Having lived here practically all his life, and always wide-awake, he is in touch with con ditions, and having devoted his experience largely to the rural schools with which he will have mostly to deal, he will be in position to do more for the rural schools and teachers than one whose experienice has not been such. Mr. Voter, you will make no mistake in casting your ballot for John Hayes for county clerk. He does not appeal f r your vote on the ground of having been your beneficiary through years of public support, but rather because of having the necessary qualifications for the position, and because he will earn his salary by sav ing a part of what is now paid for clerk hire. There has been some complaint made about the pra ctice of one or two automobile drivers who occasionally drive their machines down the street with but one lamp burning. A serious collision was narrowly averted one night last week on account of carelessnes in this matter. It is much easier to light two lamps than it would be to repair the damages that might result from a single light. The Tribune Printing Company Carries in Stock a Complete Line of MORTGAGE NOTES City Leases, Farm Leases, Subpoe nas, Articles of Agreement, Chattel Mortgages, Bills of Sale, Warranty Deeds, Real Estate Mortgages, Ap plications for Loans, and in fact Lil Mb of Every tail These are carried in stock. Remem ber, you don't have to go to the both er of having them printed to order -if you go to the Tribune shop. They are already for you at any time. 'vy''s'-'y-''''r':'-':":":' Copyright. 1811. Some of the parents of the boys of the city have asked us to call attention to the practice of selling cigar etts to boys, which prevails to some extent here as else where. Any boy is liable to arrest for smoking cigar ettes, and may be released on furnishing the information as to where he received them, whether bought or given to him. This act applies not only to manufactured cigar ettes, papers as well. The school board will also be asked to take hold of the matter and assist in stamping out the evil. I Hon. C. W. Poole, of Tecumseh, editor of the Journal-Tribunal, of that city, speaker of the Nebraska house of representatives in 1909, and who was defeated for secretary of state last year by less than a hundred major ity, was in the city Monday. Mr. Poole is a candidate for the democratic nomination for governor for next spring's primaries, and is very popular in his home district. About a year ago W. D. Oldham came to Columbus to tell what a renagade Mr. Bryan was to oppose the election of the democratic candidate for governor. To morrow evening, Mr. Bryan will be here to tell what a magnficent man Mr. Oldham is, and why he should be placed on the supreme bench. How forgiving! Or is it? Some taxpayers always read the official proceedings of the county board; some occasionally do; some, never. We hope not one will fail to read the record of the meet ing last week when it shall be published. We are not generally superstitious, but it seems strange that so many people should find themselves in the coil's of the law within three or four days before or af ter Friday, the 13th. ON THE REPUBLICAN SIR From Headquarters Republlsaa Statu Centra Committee, Omaha. C. C. JOHN'S, Xuagtr Publicity Bara If republicans are to be successful In too presidential campaign next year they must elect the full state ticket this year. It seoras to be the Intention of the democrats to try to elect their Btate ticket this fall by cnslo:.vorlng to create discord in the republican ranks rather than by presenting the merits of their candidates. The Nebraska law Insuring Inspec tion and uniform tests In dairy prod ucts a republican measure benefits both country ana city folks. It is another example of what has been dono by the republican party. When prominent democrats Ie nounce their party nominee as hav ing been a pass distributer and cor poration tool, does it not appeal to you that it is rather a wise policy to vote for the republican candidate for that particular office? No Delay. No Special Orders No Special Cost for Printing The republican partp has been the party to accomplish things in Ne braska for the real benefit of the peo ple. For instance the two-cent pas senger rate law, the anti-railroad pass law, the direct primary law, legisla tion reducing express rates and many other good laws that have re sulted directly to tho benefit of Ne braska. Vote with the party that has done so much for the Btate. Republicans believe in a fair, im partial judiciary of the highest order, and they had that in mind when they chose their party nominees from tho candidates at the primary. They were not named by a convention eon posed of a few men, but by the TOtea of a majority of all the republicans la the state. The republican party has Bare money for Nebraska tax payers. Look at the legislative appropriations, as taken from the reports of the state auditor. The total amount of appro priations made ay the 1907 legislature (republican), was $4,367,257.31. Two years later the democratic legislature Increased that nearly a inilKon dollars and appropriated .15,203.754.19. Th last legislature (democratic) went still higher and the appropriations reached a total of $6,184,563.71. This increase of nearly two million dollars under democratic management ia four years certainly has not reduced your taxes. The republican party stands for economy and efficiency. Its rec ord bears out tho statement What assurance does Mr. Bryant wish to give the republicans who aej ia asking to support tho democratic? ticket this fall? Does he wish us toi believe that ths democrats will re-' turn the favor and support the repub-: lican nominee at the next election?! Or is his motive a purely selfish oaej of asking these republicans to desert their party ranks to assist the deaso-! crats this fall? Does Mr. Bryan feel that it is only with the aid of repub lican votes that his party can be vic torious this yeart The final analysis1 of Mr. Bryan's speeches is simply, this: He wants republicans to vote with the democrats this fall, so that the democratic ticket may be elected and the republican party disrupted be yond the hope of making a suceesatal fight la ths presidential rssspeiga,! In reference ts the recent speeches of Mr. Bryan, the Beatrice Express re marks: "Mr. Bryan, who was nstru mental In the swallowing of the popu list party by ths democrats. Is appar ently anxious ts repeat tho perform ance, using tho progressive republic ans as victims this time. Ia his Beat rice speech he was very insistent that tho progressive republicans vote tho democratic ticket this year as a re buke to the stand-pat element of tna republican party. He had it figured out that such action on the progressives part would greatly strengthen their cause next year, though he didn't ex actly explain his process of reasoning in arriving at the conclusion. Hs urged progressiva republicans to de sert their ticket and help the demo crats elect such men as Harman. can didate for railway commissioner, though it is pretty generally under stood that Harman is the candidate or the railroads and that they are backing his caadldacy, a condition ab horrent to all Nebraska progressive If Mr. Bryan Is working for progros without regard to party, as he claims. he is taking a mighty queer position when he makes such proposals to the progressive republicans. He would have them sacrifice the progressives on the republican ticket in Nebraska this year, simply as a means of re venge on tne sianu-pauers waita would be a poor method of convincing the country that they are fighting for principle alone." Men who bars seen tested and have made good are on the republican tickets this year aad they are eati tied to tho hearty support of every republican voter. At the republican state convention) the amendment to the state plat formthat the republicans of Ne braska get together and stay together was unanimously adopted; and since that time the rank and file have been doing that very thing, notwith standing report from tho domoeratlo camp to the contrary. Lost a gold g Id hat-pin, Persian setting, between Lutheran church and Ninth street on September 17. Find er please leave at this office and re ceive reward. Tradition of Mother thisten. Of all Brlrk prophets Mother Ship toa Is beyond doubt the most cele brated. She was, In fact, all that a prophet and witch should be. in strange contrast to the serious and scientific nostradamns. The day she wa born the sky becanae dark and gloomy and. according; to her biogra pher, "belcht oat nothing for an hour bat flames, thundering after a most bldeous manner." Her personal ap pearance, described by her admiring biographer In 1GG2. te.scarcely flatter ing: "Her physiognomy was so mis shapen that It is altogether Impossible to express fully In words or for the most Ingenious to line her In colore. though many persons of eminent quali fications in that line have often at tempted it. but without suecess." Metropolltan Magaxine. Up and Downs. Not every statesman takes his dis missal with the humor of the Due d'Epcrnon. who. fell into disgrace with Henry of Navarre. Descending one day the great staircase of the Louvre, he met Richelieu ascending It. and on the cardinal asking indifferently If there was anything new taking place DEpernon replied. "Nothing, except that, as you see. I am going dowu and you are going upr Mr. Blouudelle Burton tells the story in "The Fate of Henry of Navarre." Advancad Fast. "Mike, didn't you have some trouble when you landed at New York?" "Drvil a bit. sor." "You hadn't any password admitting you to the country, had you?" "No. sor, but before 1 had Iwen in the country tin days I had the grip." Chicago Tribune. Net Always Desirable. "Shall we advertise for a man with experience?" "Well. I don't know. The last man bad so much experience that we couldn't teach him anything." Pitts burg Post. Warranted Not to Fail. Doctor Your wife needs outdoor ex ercise more than anything else. Hus band But she won't go out. What am I to do? Doctor Give her plenty of money to shop with. Knew All About It. "Do any perquisites come in your way at the office?" "Not much they dou't We have a husky janitor who throws them kind of folks out." Baltimore American. Cuffs and the Laundress. Why are laundry women the most forgiving of their sex? Because the more cuffa you give them the more they will do for you. Meet me at the Owl dance October 20. The Demons. "Critics are line chaps," said an Eng lish actor, "but I must confess that when they condemn your play you feel annoyed. " 4I wonder why we call the people n thn inn nf thfi llOUSe COdS?' Un UC- tress asked an unsuccessful playwright once. " We do that the unsuccessful play tvright answered, 'so as to distinguish them from the people in the bottom of the house who write the criticisms. " Come In and See Our line of new and second-hand furniture and stoves. Our line includes everything from a potato masher up to and including the highest grade square piano. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of stoves cook stoves, ranges, heaters for hard or soft coal or wood. We also have in our FURNITURE DEPARTMENT ! a fine line of kitchen and bedroom furniture, in cluding tables, dressers, beds and mattresses. In fact, we have the best and largest assortment in the city to select from. No matter what you are looking for we can supply you. we nave one 01 tne best ana most com plete assortment of mattresses at right prices to be found anywhere in this part of the state. All Statements Backed by an Absolute Guarantee. E. H. REED Eleventh Street Columbus, Nebr. It Depends. An actor and a retired army man were discussing the perils of their re spective callings. "How would you like to stand with shells bursting all round you?" the general demanded. "Well," replied the actor, "it depends on the age of the egg." Poor Venice. Friend And were you ever In Ven ice? Mr. Ricbnuick Yes. Slowest town I was ever in. The sewers were busted all the time we were there! Puck. A Warm Welcome. Saplelgh Arc you positive that Miss Cutter Is not In? The Maid Yes, sir. I'd lose my Job If I wasn't Boston Transcript Wanted A girl for gen eral housework. LGerrard, 420 Wert 16th St 168 DAYS "ON TIME" A strong factor in the making of a commonwealth is reliable mail service. It will interest Western people to know something about the regularity of Bur lington trains between Chicago and the west. CHICAGO-OMAHA FAST MAIL No. 7: The original fast mail train west of Chicago. .The last date in 1911 this train reached the Missouri River late was March 16th (six minutes late). Since that date, to and including Aug ust 31st (the latest date given for comparison) a period comprising one hundred and sixty-eight consecutive days, this train has arrived "on time" and has been operated 82,992 miles more than three times the distance around the world. CHICAGO-OMAHA FAST MAIL No. 15: An exclusive mail and express train, scheduled at forty-five miles per hour, arrived at Missouri River thirty-one days in August "on time." This train has arrived "on time" every day from May 15th to August 31st inclusive a period of one hundred and nine consecutive days. CHICACO-NEBRASKA LIMITED No. 5: Arrived at Missouri River "on time" during August, twenty-eight days out of thirty-one; total number of minutes late twenty-five, average loss eight-tenths of a minute per day. CHICAGO-OMAHA-DENVER EXPRESS No. 3: Arrived at the Missouri River "on time" during August twenty-nine days out of thirty-one; total number of minutes late twenty-five, average loss eight-tenths of a minute per day. Such precision in operating fast trains is possible only with ample power, perfect mechanism, a perfect roadbed and a highly developed organization. L. W. WAKELY, General Passeicer Agent, I, NeW. y 4 i next rear. v- . j s -3V-5Wgw: