"-?, i. ofc- "5 UjjjKflf''jafc''" -T&:: v- . S-' 5 ' 1 1 1 Relieves IBs I Instantly Sloan's liniment is a jnreat I I remedy for backache. It penetrates and relieves the pain instantly no rob bing necessary just lay it on lignriy. Here's Prccf. "I kid y hack hurt in the Boer War ad .a .n r rrcsca two vears aco I wii iar by a srrc:t or sj tin sacepiirir. I Tied all jtcs cf depe Tvithonl suc ca. T-o r ao I kiw your 2s: tnent in a irz kot: ind et a tie s? tr-- - The is app uiauon caused mrtant r-Uei, and sow exec fur a iittle suil :es, I as U3os: neil. ' FL-ETwIiliH. NORM.AX, Whuacr..aVif. SLOANS the best remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, s .r throat and srra-ns. mjs Kt?.i of Erock'v::. N.. si""5 ""-loan's Liiisnt .s:he isz for '.iiz2zz. m. I hrf jicc x tat T.es ci t and :t is g-i Scld hy a?. Dealers. Pries, 25c, 3Cc,and SI. CO. CS-nSORY. AS IT WERE. ..'c: hah The Owl What do you think of llr. Hcbin's new home? The Sparrow It looks very nice, but Tve only taken a bird's-eye view cf it. The Universal Franchise. ' A smail number of men sympathiz ers took rart in the suffragist parade 3n Nevs- York :y. among them several members f h faculty of Teachers' ollefc. One of hese professors had the honor cf leading rhe male contin gent and of carrying a banner. "Did you notice." he asked a friend . afterward. "What the inscription was on that banner they gave me to carry?" "Xo." replied his friend, "you car ried it as if you were afraid same one would decipher it." "It read." chuckled the professor. " 'The men vote why not we ." " Sue- ' cess Ma:raz:n. Aerial Sccut Work. As an esampie of what German military airmen are already able to do. the performance cf Lieutenant Mack enthun recently Is cited. In a space ci 35 minutes Lieutenant r.Iackenthun. who was acting for the Red force, rose and flew along the enemy's front and was back on the ground at his head quarters ready to report. To obtain the same results would have taken a strong force of cavalry four hours. Where It Belonged. "Where :ire you going?" "To fetch some water, sorr." "What, in those disreputable trous ers:" "No. rcrr. in this 'ere paiL" Lon don Opinicn. Glad to Get Kid cf Her. "Did she get her divorce?" "Oh. yes, but she was terribly dis appointed in a way. Yon know he didn't contest :t" FHOM TEXAS Scuta Cctfee Facts From the Lone Star State. From a beautiful farm down in Tex as, where gushing springs unite to form babbling brcoks that wind their sparkling way through fiowery meads, comes a ncie of gratitude for delivery Ircm the cocee habit. "When my baby bey came to me five years ago, I began to drink Postuin. having a feeling that it would be better for him and me than the old kind of drug-iaden coffee. I was not disappointed in It, for it enabled me. a small, delicate woman, to nurse a bouncing, heaithy baby 14 months. "I have since continued the use ci Fostum :ar I have grown fond or it, and have discovered to my jcy that it has entirely relieved me of a bilious habit wh.ch used to prostrate me two or three times a year, causing much discomfort to my family and suffering to myseL. "ily Lrother-in-law was cured ct brcnic constipation by leaving of! coifee and using Pcstnm. He has be come evan more fond cf it than he v,as ot the eld coffee. "In tact, the enure family, from the , latest arrival ' a J-year-cId who always calls for his Toue' first thing in the morning), up to the head of the house, i think there is no drink so gooa or so ' wholesome as Postum."' Name given cj Fcstum Co.. 3attle Creek, Mich. Read the little beak. "The Road to WelTriHe, in pkgs. "There's a reason" f Ever rcsd the above letters .4. aen i cne ajipcan from time to time. Tkejl arc fimic. true, asd foil ot hnmaa ' Interest. iRe LIMIMEMT Q 3J vCCESBBm -IcfileiS 3 waa el-',' NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. News Nctaa of Interest from Varioua Sections. Tie Italians of Lincoln celebrated Columbus day, October 12th. Deposits the first day in the postal bank at Lincoln amounted to $208. Roy iiaines of Jefferson county bas a broKen shoulder received while leav ing a train as it was in motion. ' iir John Golf, a prominent tarmer zzd oartlo feeder of Osmond, passed away last week, death being caused by scute indigestion. Ortford has recently reorganized its entertainment course, ccnsist.ng ot i live numhers to be held the comic ,- I I winter. Citizens of Gandy are interesting themselves in setting a railroad and will present the matter to President vrohTi- nf r'ni T t.,tt! Pnpitit ranroaa. The convention of the state wo- ( man's club federation came to a close f at Holdrege with a musicale and elec tion of officers. Mrs. Gist of Falls City, being chosen president. Tne sum of 5S4.t20 will L1 ciitria- , jrcd this mcath to the heirs oi forty-' esjait runibrs of three leading :'ra- -eraal bme-fi'-iary societies in Nebras- ka. as insurance money ' A state reward of 32'"... has ben of- ( fered by the governor for the arrest of the murderer of G-rorge Jarrell of ' 5yran;se. Jarrell was found dead in hi? hut September 2ti. The i ub.:c schools of Fremont ob- served "Ann-Tobacco Day. Copies j of th a state law. torbmdmg tee aale 0: tobacco to minors and making possesion cf it by a boy under eight- j -en punishable by a tine, were dis- Tibuted. j An intoxicated Tarmer of Saunders . rcunty lost his life in the haymow He ! climbed into the mow and falling aad f" foremost down a long, narrow open- ' .as between tne nales of hay and the ' wail of the barn, suffocat-ed .a that ' position. State Superintendent .7. Crabtree has wr:ten a letter to boards of edu- f cation throughout the state in which ' he ha.- .ndicated that they would do well to aend at least one c their ' teachers to the state meeting at Oma ha at th expanse of the district. Governor Aldrich. Land Commis sioner Cowles and State Trasurr George held a conference with rela-, tion to the injunction suit which has been started against them by Charles Van Ness, an insure of tne S:diars' home of Grand Island. The purpose of the suit is to prevent the state of ficials and Commandant Haz from discharging the complainant from the state institution. The United States civil service com mission announces an eramlnation to be held on December 27 and 2S. in various cities of the United States for teacher, industrial teaher and as sistant in the Pailippine service From the eligible list tnus secured teachers will be selected d.iri:ig the coming sprimr for serv.ee m the Phil ippine islands betiinnimr with the opening of schools next school year. me late com crop is turmncr out much better than was expected, ac cording to Sidney Smith, head of the agricultural department of Union col lege. On the college farm of a hun dred acres, thirty acres were planted to corn. The ear'y crop did not do w!l and : being cut up for s.lo but that which was planted late is turn ing out well. Fifteen acres of .. will ; yield tif-y- bushels to the acre. ' The farmers severally m tais part , of the state. ays a Lexington dis-, patch, are elated over the conditions prevailing. Numerous rains have fall en in July. August and September, and between three and tour inoses hae fallen so far in October. About the flr-t of July, when the heat wave struck the country, many farmers were wondering where they would and encuah food :cr their stock the .inter. Since then millet. ' ccminz cane fodder, etc.. was planted and the crops are enormous. At Elk City Mr. and .Mrs. O. A. Wolcott celebrated their golden wed ding. The program was opened with ' the presentation :o Mr and Mrs. Wol- i cott of two splendid gold watches, the gift of their neighbors and friends in . recognition of their worthy life so long spent among them. Rev. K. W. G. Killer of Kennard made the pre- ' sentation speech. Then followed numerous sreeches bv Tccal and out-of-town sneakers. A bountiful din ner was theu served. A spider bite :s causing W. T. Winsor. a Burlington conductor of Wymore considerable trouble. The in sect bit him en the left wnrt. Later the wound beiran to swell, and became very painful. A doctor was called in. and he found it necessary to cpen the swelling. A large quantity of poison ous matter was removed from tne ' wound, and precautions taken to pr-r-, vent the spread of the poison. No further serious results are looked for. Burney Lambo, an Omaha saloon keeper, is back to the soiL He sold his saloon and will soon own conduct an SU'-acre farm in Utah. Crovemor Aldrich will speak at Grand Island. December 14. before the state association of county commis sioners, supervisors and clerks. His subject will be "Some Kignts of Our State Which Shouic Be Preserved." A trip to Texas, during which sh spent tne money with which she was suppesec to pay her txpenses at Union college, teatured the disappear-' ance of Miss Blanche Hall of Delta. Coie . whose failure ;o appear at the j coilece in Lincoln has ca..sd her ' mother considerable agony and vari- cus police cmcials a large amount of uior. Mary. --year-old daughter of Will- mm Atains. was kuieu instant !y :ast i week when an autcmobue turned turtle east of Kimball. The family of eight ' was cut en a pleasure tnp and the wneeis struct me s:ue oi a rut in tne : road, throwing the car over. The girl's head was crushed. Javorable wearier and soil condi tions in Pawnee County have resulted in a much larger acreage of winter grain being sown than usual, and the wcrk of plowing and seeding ;-eII along. Many fields of winter wheat are up, and. Tha stand and color cf the grain are both excellent. NOTES MEUXWBROCK Sheep arc scavengers. Don't crowd your cnlckeus. Wheat responds readily to good cul ture. Do not be in too much of a harry to wean the pigs. The separator should be thoroughly washed after it is used. Sheep require less pasture than any other animal en the farm. More horses are spoiled by drivers than any other way. poor lhe cream should be delivered not less than three times a week. It is cuite customary to feed a horse doing reasonably hard work, one You should have a cooker in order , to get the best results with fall pigs. - - :-? i I Give the dairy cows plenty of salt Government whitewash wiil pre and let them consume all the water erve the woo-i of old buildings more they need. cheaply than aini. The hen Is admitted to be one cf ; Accordine to r-- r-Tive reports the greatest financial factors in tne the Onion Set -re.. .3. irach shorter country today. j this year than la" :cs Stack carrots are a valuable root crop and will yield ten to fifteen tons on rich, loamy soil. Chansres in the richness of milk can- i act alter the proportion of skim milk to cream delivered. I The world's herd of swine numbers 100.000.000. two-fifths of which belong ; to the United States. Bran is a good ration for the horse, but must not be fed tco frequently, or ,. it will cause indigestion. The check-rein is a check, not so much on the head of the horse, as upen its general efficiency. Where skimming is done by means ul a cuiiu.iuju aeparaior tee ncaness , of the cream may also vary. : r ;.! r . J Corn may be fed to advantage in ' the bundle when spread on a clean. I dry feeding yard or in racks. ' A fertile, clean and fine surface soli ; ana tne strawaerry make a strong combination as a mortgage lifter. Pigs and sheep In the orchard will, j by eating up fallen fruit, reduce tne spread of insect and fungus diseases, j m Corn should be grown in rotation with other crops to control insect ' peats and scil diseases peculiar to the crop. ) the eeg The greatest handicap to trade is the general store. with its custom cf bartering merchandise for j eggs. , After the grain is cut and stacked. ' sIleeP e turned on the stubble to eat the weeds which otherwise would go tc seed. The length cf time required to blanch celery sufficiently for market ing will depend largely upon tne va-' riety being grown. ; The dairy farmer must cring his product above suspicion and any other course has in it neither profit, dignity nor geed citizenship. Do not attempt to pull onions from the soil with an iron tooth rake which will so injure the bulbs that they win heccme soft and decay. l One of the greatest needs in improv-1 Ing the condition of eggs on the farm is to provide not only sufiicient num-! her of nests, but clean ones as well, j The sugar cane and the allied plants ' exclusively In any stage of develop- ment are not desirable "ood for ncrses. , nor for any of the domestic animals. Many farmers are giving their cows a geed grain ration, but a few min- utes brushing every day wcnld be better than the last two grain that is fed. pounds of The bane of most poultry yards to-' day, and this applies not only to those 1 on the farms but also to many ex-' elusive poultry plants, ia makeshift j equipment. The cott In the pasture should have t its feet cared fcr as clcsely as the ' matured animal in order that he may grow to maturity with feet la ; healthy condition The best breeding calls for ani mais capaoie cf reprouacmg ail cf j those qualities cf an ever improving j nature waicn go to make perfect in ' tne type we are aiming at. Small pigs take to green feed about as eariy in uie as to any feed and such green stuff as clover, alfalfa, pea vines or good pasture are the vrv hfrr i side dishes that a pig can be given. A composition made of carbolic j ac:a. nan ounce; glycerine, eight ounces, is recommended as' being good for treating wounds mace on horses 'jt cattle by barbed wire fences. Loofc-cut for roup. Give tile caws salt. Mules are easily, raised. Take cara of your surplus garden crops. A small fat sheep will pay better than a large poor one. pound hay and one pound grain per day per hundred weight. L.egumes should be included In every well planned rotation. Sometimes the best, live stock the bunch are none too good. in When two years old the mule I suuuiu ue uaeu ii- Usui nu.a. Remember that a blow in the eye is very liable to blind the hcrse. Ccrn fodder, either shredded or whole, is a splendid feed for horses. The corn shredder Is quite as valu able as the corn binder for the stock men. Storinz cauliflowers Is not feasible, for growers at least, except in cold weather. Second-crop alfalfa Is fine for the pigs, but if pastured too closely it will soon run oul The time of watering celery, with any kind cf a sprinkling device, is an 1 mpcrtant matter. New rnm jhfiiTli" ho fe carefully. It is apt a5 retl Ia larjrn quantities, ro SCQU- lhe 0-is The foal will .oon loam tc drink .. .. . 1'IB . ..! .. V i....... .. . .... ! tenda n. inaers at first. " "' :m lanure i used judiciously U w:i: e:Tect a P-aapnt EGnt : the -vifclfi of wheat- lmprove- Onions should bf stored in a dry. co?1 b,jil'Ji.nS "5re & air il1 ci" i culate freely amongst them. ! If the foreign demand is as are.it j this year for app'es as last the bet- ' ter grades will hriag as much. Cu'ti ror: at so much per shock Is nearly a ;i:2s of tne past, since the advent of the corn birder. 1 j to If a hor? has bien acrusto ie: ann.-tira- Hore eating, then it is well . to iet .ue cstoia bo continued, The rnsr of harvesting an acre of corn will vac with the locality and amount of help that must be hired. The farmer who so manages that he has something to sell the year around "s never a complaining fa er. I ! Wat?h the hired man a bit and see '"is 1 is not continually jerking tee hor?PS and making their mouths sore. For making plum puddings, duck egs ar more economical than thost of other fowls, being both larger and richer CleaniinesH should be the metre of every feeder. Sheep, above all other animals, detest filth and unsanitary yards. If there isn't a gcod bull in your neignborhocd. why not unite with a rfew good neighbors for the purchase of one? Sheep quarters should be dry. clean and well kept. Also supplied wltn straw and litter and changed fre quently. Do you know cf anything en the farm that will run into money taster than hogs when around j or 7 cents per pound? Save the timothy fields for a seed crcp nest year and increase them In size and number while present prices are maintained. If your ewe aborts, take her at once from the lambing shed, bum lit- ter. bedding, etc. and thoroughly dis- i infect the premises. It 13 important that :hg ewes be ! got in gcod thrifty condition before ' breeding time, for on this condition Iareely depends the successful prcduc- i tion of the coming crop of lambs. In order to judge whether an ar.i mai is profitable or not. it is ner s- sary to know the amount of miik sliv gives and contains. the percentage of fat The best stock is the stock that is never permitted to stop growing. Feed the calves so that their detelop ment will be natural from birth to maturity. A capon is a castrated male bird. After being caponiaed the bird be comes more quiet, is mora readily fat tened, and the plumage becomes heavy and glossy. Whenever any farm animal shows a disrenitien to eat wood, earth and oth- er unnatural things, a change m feed is nerersary. In mest cases tco much com is being fed- l When to pick the peaches is an ta per ant question. Ycu must not wait until the fruit is soft and ycu must not pick the peaches until they are nearly ripe or well colored. Cream is one of the most perish able articles cf food, and most be kept under favorable conditions if gilt-edge batter that will command the highest premium in the market is to he made frost it. O ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? There ara two -ways to tell if yra fcave -weak kidneys. The first Is through pains in the hack. The sec Rd by eTnmining the kidney secre tions. If you sus pect your kidneys, begin using Dean's Kidney Pills at once. E. R. Wilson. Emmettsbur?. Io wa, says: I was completely laid up with kidney com plaint and inflam matory rheuma tism. 3Iy limbs and feet were terri bly swollen and so inflamed I could cot walk for days. After doctors had failed to help me. I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. Three boxes cured me bo completely that I have not had the slightest trouble since." "When Your 5acic Is Lame. Re member the Xame BOAN'S." 3Cc a box at all stores. Fcster-llilbum Co.. Buffalo. X. Y. IN THE LIVE BOX. f jOJ i-) t, vAiine Kock Say. Jcnnme, i ccn't rrant to play in your yard. PIMPLES ON FACE 3 YEARS T was troubled with acne for three long years. -" r . ace was the only part 1 affected, but it caused great disfigure . ment. also suffering and less of sleep. 1 At first there appeared red. hard i pimples which later contained white j matter. I suffered a great deal caused . by the itching. I was in a sta;e of perplexity when walking the streets ' or anywhere before the public. T uspd pills and ether remedies but they failed completely. I thought of giving up when nothing would help. but something told me to try the Cuti cura Soap and Ointment. I sent for a Cuticura Booklet which I read care- 1 fully. Then I bought some Cuticura Scap and Ointment and by following the directions I was relieved in a few days. I v.zcd Cuticura Soap for wash- ing my face, ami applied the Cuticura Ointment morning and evening. This treatment brought marvelous results ' so I continued with it for a few weeks ! and was cured completely. I can truthfully say that the Cuticura Rem edies are nGt only all. but more than : they claim to be." Signed t G. Bau mei. 1015 W. 20th Place, Chicago. HI.. ilay 23. ID 11. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold by drug gists and dealers everywhere, a sam ple of each, w'rh C2-page book, will be mailed free en application to "Cuticura," Dept, 2S K, Ecstcn. Ts Fsrni en Capper Lands. A party of Houghton capitalists have under consideration the establishment at a point on the Copper Range rail road south cf Hcughton of a 600-acre experimental farm. The lands have al ready been secured, but are at pres ent heavily timbered. Steps will be taken during the cotn insr winter to cut the timber, and early next spring the stumps will be removed and the land made ready for cultivation. It Is hardly prcbable that crops will be planted before 1913. but the enterprise when established will prove one cf the biggest from an agri cultural standpoint in the copper coun try. Michigan Manufacturer. Some Shakespeare Statistics. A Shakespearian enthusiast with a turn for statistics has discovered that the plays contain 106.007 lines and SI4.7S0 words. "Hamlet" is the long est play, with ".DC0 lines, and the Comedy of Errors" the shortest, with 1,777 lines. Altogether the plays contain 1J17 characters, of which 157 are females. The longest part is that of Hamlet. The part with the longest word in it is that of Costard in "Love's Labor Lest." who tells Moth that he is "not so long hj the head as hoscri- t acabilitudinitatibus." Ds!usinary. Every man hug3 the delusion that sooner or later he will invent some thing that will make him rich. A man doesn't have to know mucz to know how little he knows. Lrwis Sinsle Binder 5c cisar equals in qnality most Iftr c'cir?. Money makes the airship go aac come down for more sasoline. BHrii.'i'" J-aJl. m -t ( ?lSf jJbT : 3S j No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach A strong eun ia strong all over. No man can bs strong who is ufibriag inn weak stomach with its eoasequest tadisticn, or from some other disease of the stomach and its associated or&iss, which im pairs digestzoa sad nutrition. Fcr whea the itotnack is weak cr diseased there is s loss of ths nutritioa contained in food, which is the source cf nil physical strength. When a man "doesn't fal just right," when he doesn't sleea well, has an uncsmfartsfala frr'iug in the stomach after eating, is languid, aervous, irritable and dsspoasd cat, he is losing the nutrition needed- to sake strength. Sac a aam sboeld use Dr. Pierce's Celdem MetBemM Discovery. It cores diseases st tme stmmaem and otmer craos t diGestloa-amd nutritiam. It enriemes Vie atd, iariicrates the liver, strcaStaeam tae aldaeys, aemriakem the aerrcs, and sa GIVES 3EZLTM 3XD 3TMSXGTM TO THE WHOLE BODY. Yon can't afford to accept a secret nettram as a twtlrnf fcr tw son alcohcH.- medicine cf known ccMFOsmoM, act even taough die irgsnf dealer wacr thereby make a little Jiiggsr profit, lagrediexts priated oa wrapper. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES CaJerraojegDodgbragtterafld ster cslcrsthznagrcdierdye. Ose IQe garlrsgr calorsaH fibera. TTjerdreJacnld'TsterTaetTertfcaianyctberdTe. Toacaa aye aarsarmegtwBaoctnppmg apart. Write for tree bookie: How to Dye. Bleach aad Mix Colors. MONMC CBJLC CONM1HY, Qwfecy.ItL. ! The Antler's Bait. A, well-kaown angler at Peterbor ough having obtained, a wasps nest containing a large number of grubs, placed the nest in the kitchen oven to kill the grubs so that he could use them for bait. The next morning he went to get the grubs, but on opening the oven door a swarm of wasps flew out. The oren was not hot enough to kill th grubs, but waa suflciently warm to hatch them. London Daily UaiL When Vhm World Waa Mad. Wben Lottie returned from her first visit to Sunday school she was askad what she had learned. "God made the world in six days. I and was arrested an the seventh, day." t was her version of the lesson impart- , I ed. Lippincotf a. Onc Resemblance. They tell me that aviator you en gaged was a bird." "We thought so after he displayed hisbllL" There are now three thousand nec- r pie In the new Swastika gold mining j camp, thirty-one miles north of the , Cobalt silver arex M1I1I0NS f ii SYRUPsrHCS USIIK ELLXmSENNA rca COLDS act headaches, txzksstsjh aio spui STOttAOi CAS AXS rSatiSrTATJZi. CONSTIPATION AM atuousSJ.wnH most sats? Acrorr 1 CALlFORNiAFiSSYRUPi !N THE CIRCLE ON EVERY PACKAGE OFTHE' THE WQifCEaFU. POFUtA-aTT CF THE CSWBC STBUT CF FICS AMD OXGK OF SCIA HAS UD UNSOSUKLOUS XANVFACaKEIS TO OFrOt DST7ATI0NS. M fl TO MAKE A LAKES PROFIT AT THE EXFEME OF KB CUSTCMESS. W A DEALEK ASKS WHICH SZETOU wSH. OK WHAT B1AKE TOO WISH. WHEM YOU ASK FOB SYKUF OF FICS AaD OBUM OF SEXNA, HE 8 FKPA CtC TO DCCHVEYOU TELL KW THAT YOU WSM THE CENUINC StAmiFACTUnD BY THE CAUFOR3KA PC SYTIUP CO ALL tTLUWE ORfCCBTS KNOW THAT TKUE a BLT ONE CZMJINE A0 THAT IT B tUHV FACTL'WD BY THE OUJFOJLNU F!C SYKUF CO ONLY NOTE THE NAME puNTZDS7iuiafTAcacas.rcA2TvxaoTTCM.Ai4D mi THE OJlCLE.riEAK THE TCP CF EVERY PACKAGED THE CEMJINE ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE SY DHUCXUSTS RECULAR PRICE SS PER SYRUP OF FICS AM EUXtR OF SENKA S ESPECIALLY ASAFTED TO TIE !ftEDS OF LADIES AMD CKOOREM. AS IT IS MILS AND PLEASANT GENTLE AND tH-LCTrVE. AM? ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBiECTIONAEL INOUXMENTS. XT IS EQUALLY RENEFS3AL FOR WOMEN AND FOR MQL YOUNG AND OLD FOR SALE BY ALL LEADBBS DRfJCOSTB. ALWAYS BUY THE CEKUM. California Fig Syrup Cq n Scientifically constructed to give most light for va& oil they bum. Easy to light, clean and rewick. In numerous finishes and styles, each the best of its kind. Ask your dealer to shinr to his line of Bare Lamps aad I tntrraa, or write far illustrated boctim direct to any CC7 of the Standard Oil Company Iacorporat) BKMHKKKCM1 Or toon, i Hmi mn nnennnrisHSB iPOffil BIEINCAL CO. ima The Only Keeley Institute in Nebraska vmanaf RCU, W. L. DCUOLAS 2.50, 3.Q0, 3.50 & S4.S0 SHOES Men aad Wastes wear W.IDocae because taey are tne best aTsoes prostaeai la this country for the price. lzlzt trpca ha big thorn. Take co otfcer razke. THE STANDARD OF QUALTTY FOR OVER SO YHARS MI mmmmmmm B i he assurance that coes w,ih an estafa bshed repulaiica 3 your isrurar.es jt buyig W. L, Doualas ahces. If i ccuhi take ycu into nr: . 7" raclcnes at Brodscn. Macs, and &sv.- you how carefujly VJDouglas shoes are made, you would then underttand why they ore war ranted to hcid tnea shape; St s;er ant! wearlOTger-hanaaycAernakefcrmeprice """""' nmme aad price nunped on ttns 19 .. ..... .t .. .. . juw bwui. uwia .. i. trouc:o! slinks . . Til'Z: lSfft.JrL ??. ,,26 ?i? SHOES UlpotlvHynwr OOCGLAi 1 iterk St Srockti..."--; prp:uii. sab BBSssECHBBsr Terrible Suffering Alt Over Baby's Body. When my baby was four mcBtiw oM his face brckc cut with etema and as sixteea maths cf age h Sue. heads an4 arma were in a drcacfal state. Tka eczema apreeii all over hid body. We Wt to put a mask or cloth over his face ami I &LJE. SJLJS. "-""lZfJS? I he wa entirely cured. Today Hi w t healthy- bey." Mrs. Inez Lewie, Boriatf, Iwj";, I Hood 9 SarsipariHa ceres blood disaroes - nj builds up the system. Get it todav is asml Uamid form p j chocolated tablet called Sarsataba. gBsSBBSssssBSsissssssssssss LIVE STOCK AM UCELLAKEOCS Electrotypes TSt CagAT VA21ETT FOUo SAI 0T TKS LOWEST PRICES BY WESTU NZWSFAPCa IION S03X 'W. Adams St Qdco FAMIUES a I CZMT. OF ALCOHOC 11M3 imsaaw ALL LEAOMC BOTTLE. matuu: ncrcsE FPAOUCE Laspsand i-amenis COLT DISTEMPER mmOr. Ttetfeka nty nrniinrr hm't i inn t "trrrt friai 1 1 ii that out SVUmn LIQUID DttiiaU'BK CUE. Giro an or ta fenl. -Hrt an tks blood aJ axvmm mean a ,Q3bortlacif f rttocpinq 3toaadaabotUa:KaikJ lniumemarguwamaaarafmBmjn.BTtmBmxpimBjmi or ' MBinujK.iiuiAb La uoin brw w .juaiucn MHBHk uor : W jllilin Lcnl OMkrtl sC0NMbM-B.&A, Without a Rival for DRUNKENNESS and DRUG USING. Address or Call on THE KEELEY INSTITUTE C02NKR asttl AND CASS STREETS ! V 0f $ EaSBS atJ&cT VBRBBK mm s mzs tm?"1 T I V r acsre.? -y 'I' U f Sbrkrkrkrbbrk. BSSm BRvaBsssaElf ' bkC. Bh ' SbS -'m-m -van ia 05EPAIRo( bit BOYS MnK w.t. TWO P.UItfaf ardinsrr boi.Ii Fmt Qatar Emit Useu Exdiutvetu. Trapping Time Is Soom Here SoGet Posted We Furnish FreeCcwkct QuonmoKi oh RAW FURS A POSTAL CABO -i meat BRINGS A LIST NO CCMMISSICM CHAHSE3 as WE ARE DIRECT SHYERS TiiEMaoaEWisrRAacy Loses aSkippes LC3TZ SH0S.115II5 elm sttStLouis FGAALL EYE PAINS PATENT IFPUCITiOrl $15 VrT: OSWIC a, SWEfT.Saliciturs.D4.-a3Iaiaefl,Ia. W. N. U, OMAHA, NC. 42-19:i. mBte 1 mwm jpPvSKB-fKVKBKam, rncc -j3Rm9SSBBSSSSSHsW sSbHEmBrBrIP' 9MtBUKaaria7taVjSaaaaaaaam