The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 18, 1911, Image 1

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    'i? i'
Colttmbus Sribttne-Iottrartl
Volume 42
Columbus, Nebraska, Wednesday, October 18, 1911
Number 29
Guaranteed Under the Pure
Food and Drugs Act.
You have a comfortable feeling when eating anything protected by
this lable. You know that it is pure and wholesome.
You will haw the same comfortable feeling with regard to your
money if it is deposited where "Protected by the De
positors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska."
Mrs. I-aae BrocK lsentertainung the
S. S. iut thi afternoon.
Mr. D-vlin will entertian the Af
t. moon Five Hundred club Friday af
ternoon. Try Herring'- C O. D. Laundry.
Satisfaction Guaranteeil North theatre
Misfe .Margurite Seipp will entertain
the South Side sewing club Thursday
Maurice Fontein. of Miles City.
Montana i- spending the week in this
city visiting friend-.
Mrs. A. Andersn. of Omaha, arri
ved Sunday for a brief visit with her
mother. Mrs. M. K. Turner.
John Ratterman. jr., of Omaha,
was visiting at the home of hi- father
Judge Itattennan. last week.
Rev. S. D. Harknes- attended a
meeting of the Nebraska synod of the
1'resbyterian church at North I'latte.
last Week.
Mrs. Dora Collin, of New York,
who has been vi-iting at the heme of
her brother. Judge Thomas left this
morning for her home.
Mrs. Ferdinand Seefeld. of Route
3. who has been m St. Mary's hospi
tal four the past few weeks, is report
ed to be recovering nicely.
In compliment of Mrs. Coifin. of
New York. Mrs. Xanders gave a sev
en o'clock dinner to the members o."
the Llew-le club Tuesday evvnng.
Dr. C. D. Evans left last Friday
for Washington. D. C. where he is
attending a meeting of the supreme
council of the 33rd of Scottish Rite
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mathews are
visiting relatives in Omaha th's week.
Mrs. Mathevv- went down Saturday
and Mr. Mathews followed Mondavi
Lee Swartsely. of Kearney spent
Sunday with hi- aunt Mrs. Louie Zin
necker. Lee is now assistant cashier
of the Commercial National bank at
Mr. and Mr-. J. Apsrar spent -ever-
al days last week visiting with old
friends and neighbors in Woodville
township, where they lived for so
many years.
Charles Pool, of Tekumseh. for
mer speaker of the House of repre
sentatives and candidate for secretary
of State last fall was a caller at this
office Mondav.
A number of Columbus musicians
are planting to go to Lincoln Friday - Carstensen in the veterinary intirm
to hear the Welsh male choir, of i
Mountain Ash. Wales who are tour
ing the I'nited States. Max A. Peterson and Miss Selma
' Anderson of Genoa, were married bv
Mrs. C. S. Keoyer, who has been ,Ju(,e Ratterman last Wendesdav.
quite ill at her home. ,s now rented ' Tht. voung coup,e have one to BuUe
to be recovering and it is hoped that Monanta. where they will make their
within a lew days she will again be ' nome
enjoying her usual good health. j
i Mrs. Fred Haws, of Minden spent
Mrs. O. L. Baker is expected home . ,ast Week with heJ. s;ster
the last of the week from an extended . Mn? E Q Ma,one Mrg Haws ,eft
visit with relatives at bt. Joseph. Mondav for Omaha where she will vis
Micsour. anda.soher sons. Oscar, at Jt reatives reurnin? to this citv Fri.
Nebraska I'm and ill at Omaha. day for a brjef visk before going tQ
"""""" her home.
80 Acres
of land within
2 miles of Col
umbus is offer
ed at a bottom
price for a
quick sale
Inquire of
State Bank
Mrs. C. N. McElfresh returned
Monday from a weeks visit with
friends at Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Scott are
spending the day in Omaha combining
business and pleasure.
" Mr. and Mr-. F. Herring and child
ren returned Monday from a short stay
with relatives at Gibbon.
Mrs. C. C. Worden. of Ogallala.
arrived Tuesday for a brief visit with
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Worden.
Master Carl Glur was an over Sun
day guest at the home of his sister.
Mrs. W. W. Ernst at Duncan.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Malone will
entertain the Alpha Five Hundred
club Friday evening at their home.
Dr. and Mrs. Sullivan and Mr. and
Mrs. Souards, of St. Edward, spent
Friday at the home of G. E. Willard.
George Scott arrived Monday from
Kansas City for a brief visit with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Mr-. C. J. Scott will leave Frday
for Harvard, here she will be the
guest of her mother. Mrs. I. Burdick
several days.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess, who
have been the guests at the home of
C- S. Raney for the past week, re
turned to their home in Herbon Tues
day. Miss Emma Neumrker, acempanied
bv her mother. Mrs. R. Neumarker
left Monday for Grand Island where j
they will vist with friends for several
Mrs. Fred Baker, of Council Bluffs,
arrived today for a two weeks visit
with Miss Ethel Baker. Mrs. Baker
wlil be remembered here as Miss
Nannie Frazell.
E. M. Vaught and William Hickey
of Genoa, were in the city Monday on
their way to Lincoln and York, where
they went to attend the state conven
tion of Odd fellows.
Phil Gleason and O. L. Crawftrd.
of Monroe arrived in the city Saturday
on their way home from a trp to New
Mexico, were they had gone last week
with a view of purchasing land.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Raney will
leave Friday morning for Galesburg.
Illinois, for a brief visit with rela
tives and also renew old acquaintan
ces. Galesburg being their old home.
Dr. F. W. McCary. of Denver, is
a new professional man to locate in
Columbus, havinc arrived this week to
nartnershin with Dr.
Mrs. Mary E. Smith went to Omaha
last Thursday, being called there to
the beside of her son, who is a patient
in one of the hospitals there. Late
reports from her to the effect that the
operation was successful, and that he
is recovering nicely.
Charles Washa and Joseph Yanek. of
St Paul, arrived Sunday evening for
a short visit at the A. B. McQuown
home. They were on their way home
from South Dakota, where they had
registered for homesteads. Mr.
Washa is a brother of Mrs. McQuown.
! The quarterly conference the later
day saints, of the northern Nebraska
district will be held at Saints'.'chap
el. corner Tenth and North streets,
next Saturday and Sunday. Among
those present will be J. M. Baker, of
Omaha, and J. W. Wright, mission
ary in charge of the district. Preach
ing services will be held at 11 a. m,
and 8 p. in. each day. A cordial in
' vitation is extended to the public to
attend each and all of these meetings.
Miss Nina Cresap, of Richland spent
the week end with Miss Gwendoline
Mrs. Adolph Ernst, of Schuyler, ar
rived today for a visit with friends
and relatives.
E. K. Chambers left the first of the
week for Oklahoma, where he went on
a business errand.
Mr. and Mrs. George McHenry
spent several days this week in Lin
coln visiting friends.
A meeting of the board of directors
of the Leesburg Mining Co., was held
in his city last evening.
Mrs. Harkness' division of the
Presbyerian Ladies' aid is giving a
lunch at the manse this afternoon.
Miss Myrtle Beebe who has been a
guest of Miss Grace Lubker, returned
to her home in Cedar Bluffs Friday.
Rev. Thomas Evans, of Arcadia,
will occupy the Congregational pulpit
Sunday, both morning and evening.
Sunday school at 9 :45. Christian En
deavor at 6:30.
Chris Bienz came home the last of
the week from Lincoln, where he has
been taking medical treatment for the
past three months. He is reported
to be considerably improved.
Mrs. Homer Sanders, who has been
visiting her mother. Mrs. Julia Ras
mussen for the past month, will leave
Saturday for York for a brief visit
before returning to her home in Edge
mont. South Dakota.
Thursday evening Mesdames Tho
mas Stires. Benham. North. Post and
Xanders. entertained the members of
their club, at a even o'clok dinner,
at the rectory, in honor of Mrs. Thom
as' guest. Mrs. Coffin. of New
York. Bridge was played during the
Mesdames P. -A. Peterson, A. R.
Miller, W. H. VanAlstine. Fred
Davis, and H. J. Horstman will enter
tain at a five o'clock tea Thursday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Peter
son. Friday the same ladies will give
a one o'clock luncheon followed by a
Mrs. Mary Mauk, a deaconess from
the Methodoist training school for
deaconesses at Kansas City, occupied
the pulpit at the local Methodist church
Sunday evening. She is a forcible
speaker, and presented the claims of
the institution she represents in an
impressive manner.
C. S. Kenoyer and Mrs. W. J. De
Land left yesterdav for Lincoln where
they are attending the state conven
tions of the Odd fellows and the Rebe
kahs. Today the representatves of
both orders go to York to attend the
opening of the Odd fellows home,
which has just been completed in that
Mrs. John Stauffer ami son-in-law.
Otto Kohler. have been guests of
friends in the city for several days.
Mrs. Stauffer and Rose and John and
Mr. and Mrs. Kohler. have been
spending the summer in Switzerland,
and were enroute to their home in
Ellenburg, Washington. Mr. Kohler
left Friday and Mrs. Stauffer will
leave tomorrow for the west.
Duane Abarr celebrated his fifth
birthday last Friday afternon, and in
honor of the event, entertained about
fifteen of his young friends. One
feature of the entertainment was a
Teddy-bear game, the prizes being
won by little Misses Esther Zinnecker
and Angelina Schaaf. Supper was
served at five o'clock, after which the
happy children dispersed, leaving the
gallant little host many pleasing me
mentoes of the occasion.
A Group of Columbus members of
the Knights of Columbus were in
Omaha last Thursday to attend a
meeting of that order. The meeting
had a double purpose. One was to
apporpriately celebrate Columbus Day.
which is now a legal holiday a in Ne
braska, to commemmorate the dis
covery of America by Columbus, and
the other was to intiate a number of
new members into the fourth degree
of the order. The candidates for this
degree from Columbus were Drs. M.
T. McMahon and F. H. Morrow, and
W. Herrod and S. J. Ryan. Other
members from here who attended were
Mark Burke. Frank Gerharz, William
O'Brien and Judge Ratterman.
The following item, taken from a
recent number of the Lincoln Daily
Star concerns a man who was a resi
dent of this county for several years.
first as publisher of the Humphrey
Democrat, and later, as a real estate
dealer in partnership with P. E. Mc
Killip. "With over $40,000 liabili
ies and but S2.000 as assets, Charles
H. Swallow, a well known business
man of Lincoln, Friday filed a peti
tion of voluntary bankruptcy in the
federal court. He claims S500 ex
emption. Mr. Swallow was connected
with the Eureka Manufacturing com
pany and also the Lincoln Sash and
Door) company of this city for some
time. The exact amount of his debts
amount to $40,093.23, and he pre
sents as his holdings only $2,393.75."
, , ?
and along with it you will want COAL
for your comfort. See us about it
and you will have
after your coal is bought. Coal of all
kinds for range, furnace or heater.
T. B. Hord Grain Co.
PHONES: Independent 206
Bell 183
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The Gymnasium classes are now in
full swing. The business men's class
started with nine men in attendance
and others saying they would be there
next lime. Many new members are
coming into all the classes and inter
est is good.
Next Tuesday evening is the date
set for the monthly meeting and ban
quet of the business men's club for
this month. An address by George
F. Gilmore. president of the Omaha
association and one of her foremost
business men. will be one of the fea
tures of the meeting.
St. Francis Academy Notes.
Charles Jonas, of Fremont, called
at the academy Saturday to visit his
sister Clara.
Rev. Father Sigsmund left Tuesday
noon for Duncan to officiate at a wed
ding ceremony in Rev Father Cyril's
place, who is conducing a forty-hours
devotion in one of the neighborings
C. W. Schafer. of Petersburg, call
ed at the academy Sunday to visit his
daughter Dorothy.
Venerable Sister M. Josepha.
Mother Provincial of the Sisters con
ducting the academy and the hospital,
will make her annual visit here next
Tuesday afternoon the intermediate
grade held a rehear-al in the Gregor
ian chant music. It is the wish of
the Pope and the bishop that this music
be taught in all parocihial schools.
Falling a victim of a paraletic
stroke while attending the ceremony of
unveiling monuments to the memory
of six of his late brethren in the
Wodmen of the World., was the fate
which befell Edwin Hake last Sun
day afternoon. He was stricken while
on the march to the cemetery and al
most within a stone's throw of his own
home, and was taken home by his
brethren, who assisted in caring for
him until his death, which came at
four o'clock Tuesday morning. Mr.
Hake was born in Grosenkenten.
Oldenberg. . Germany. March 20.
1S56, and came to America in 1S74.
settling in this county. Eight years
ago he moved to Columbus with his
family. He was married March 15,
1SS9, and is survived by his wife and
one daughter. Dora, aged twelve years.
During his life in Columbus he has
been employed as a section hand on
the Union Pacific. For several months
his health had been failing, but no
alarm was felt for his conditon. Sun
day, just before starting to attend the
exercises, he had eaten a very hearty
dinner, but complained that he was
not feeling well as he should. In
addition to his wife and daughter, he
leaves three brothers. Henry. Herman
and Willis Hake, all of this county.
The funeral will be held Saturday aft
ernoon, at 1 :30 from the home, with
services at the German Reform church
at two o'cock. He was a member of
the Woodmen of the World, and also of
the Sons of Herman.
Hockenberger &
Charles Mitchell left Sunday for
Cedar Rapids, Iowa for a short busi
ness trip.
C. W. Smith, of Dodge City, Kan
sas spent Monday, with Mr. and Mrs.
A. R. Miller.
Miss Howard left today for Omaha,
where she goes to attend the State
Library convention.
E. M. LaGrange and Mrs. Griffins,
of Fullerton, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wood Smith.
Miss Eva Cook, of Schuyler and
Mr, Leepers, of CozaJ. spent Sunday
at the home of II. B. Reed.
Highest grade of fire and tornado,
life, accident and health insurance.
Chas. L. Dickey, State Bank Bldg.
Miss Alvina Luers left Friday for
Chicago. Where she will enter the
Chicago University for work the com
ing year.
Miss Florence Kramer returned
home Sunday after a brief visit with
her sister. Mrs. M. J. Kelley at
An important item was missed last
week, that of the arrival of a baby
girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Iossi.
Mrs. Peter Zumbrum entertained
the Guetli Society Wednesday after
noon. As it was Mrs. Zumbrum's
birthday the ladies presented her with
several fine pieces of linen.
Mrs. John Fox was called to Shel
by last week by the serious illness of
her mother. Mrs. Hartell. Mrs. Fox
returned Thursday leaving her mother
somewhat improved but still very
On account of the absence of sever
al members of the board of control of
the fire department from the city on
Thursday evening, the regular meet
ing of the board will be held on Fri
day evening of this week.
Mrs. George Thomas entertained
the members of the Lew Le club Mon
day at a one o'clock luncheon. The
guests were Mrs. Irvin Speice. Miss
Selser Mrs. Coffin, of New York City
and Mrs. Holdrege, of Omaha.
The Lew Le bridge club held a busi
ness meeting last Friday evening with
Mrs. Herrick. The officers elected
for the ensuing year are: Mrs. George
Thomas, president; Mr-. A. M. Post,
vice-president: Mrs. II. II. Stires.
secretary. Two vacancies were also
filled at this time. The new members
are Mrs. Edgar Howard and Mrs.
Homer Robinson. The members of
the club look forward to a delightful
social season.
Last Sunday the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Kaufman was the scene
of a family reunion, when Mr. Kauf
man's mother and his four brothers
and sisters were entertained at a
twelve o'clock dinner. Covers were
laid for Mrs. Ray Starks and daugh
ter, of Berlin. Wisconsin. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Kaufman and son. of
North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Kaufman and daughter Snd Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Bradley, of Hampton. Mr.
and Mrs. Craig Turner and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Kaufman, of this city.
At a business and social meeting of
the Epworth League last Wednesday
evening. it was voted to accept the
offer of J. E. Erskine of the use of
ten acres of land until such time as
they shall be able to pay for a pipe
oigan from the products of the land.
The president was empowered to ap
point a committee of five, to be
known as the pipe organ farm com
mittee, to handle the business of the
undertaking. The land is now in
wheat, and the committee proposes to
sow alfalfa next fall. This assures
to the young people a steady income,
which would in a few years pay for
an organ. In addition to this enter
prise, however, the young people pro
pose to supplement to this income by
lectures, socials and suppers, for this
they appeal to the public for a liberal
patronage for the laudable purpose un
dertaken. Judge O'Brien has had all kinds of
company in his court the past week,
no fewer than ten men having been on
the carpet. C. E. Dasher and J.
Maures each paid a fine of a dollar
on Thursday, and the same day Frank
Howard was sent to jail for being
drunk: on Friday, the 13, (note the
day and date). John Burke paid a fine
of ten dollars and Jack Kelley one dol
lars, while John Rechter broke into
jail; Charles Madura paid a fine of two
dollars yesterday for fighting, and
Joe McCoy a like amount for disturb
ing the peace. In justice court George
Mostek and Rollc Laughlin were haled
into court by their wives for acting
up. George was allowed thirty days
in the county jail to think the matter
over, and to live half that time on
bread and water, which perhaps may
remind him to appreciate home cok
ing. Laughlin paid a fine of one dol
lar, and signed up a peace bond.
Joseph Woods has also sworn out a
complaint against Zeke Mostek and
John Augustne, charging them with
stealing two Belgian hares and a
box, valued at three dollars.
Mrs. Labook expects to attend the
land show at Omaha the last of the
Michael Myers has accepted a posi
tion in the Pollock drug store, and
commenced work the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kaufman and
two daughters, who have been guests
at the Frank Kaufman home, left Sun
day evening for their home in Hamp
ton. Mrs. R. Cummings has moved to the
George Scott property, just west of
the Methodist church, on Fourteenth
street. She will take a limited num
ber of roomers and boarders. The
place is close in and should be popular
with business men.
Mrs. Ray Stark and daughter, who
have been visiting her sister. Mrs.
Craig Turner for the past two week,
returned to her home in Berlin, Wis
consin. Sunday. She was accompani
ed home by her mother, Mrs. Kauf
man, who will spend the winter with
Mrs. Sarah Williams, of Omaha.,
spent several days last week at the
home of her son, E. E. Williams.
Friday she celebrated her eightieth
birthday, and in honor of the event
Mr. and Mrs Williams gave a twelve
o'cloock dinner to a number of friends
and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Harbour, of
LosAngeles arrivea last evening to be
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Worden. They have been tour
ing the eastern states this summer,
and are now enroute to their home in
California. Mrs. Harbour and Mrs.
Worden are sisters.
Work on the excavation for the
new Galley store on Thirteenth sreet
is benig pushed forward as rapidly as
possible, having been interrupted for
a few days on account of the rains.
The new building will be a double
front, and will, when completed be
one of the best business houses in the
Rev. and Mrs. William Hackmann
and baby son. of Cameron Missouri,
arrived Tuesday for a visit with his
parents. Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Hack
mann. Mr. Hackmann is pastor of
the German M. E. church at Cameron,
ana will occupy his father's pulpit
next Sunday, conducting the service
in German in the morning and in Eng
lish in the evening.
The Tribune-Journal wishes to cor
rect a mistake occuring in the Ford
advertisement for Max Gottberg in
last week's issue. Through an over
sight we quoted the price of the Mo
del touring car as $740, Model T
roadster $640 and the town car $950.
all F. O. B. Detroit. These prices
are correct but the advertisement
should have read F. O. B. Columbus
instead of Detroit. This reduces the
price $50 on each car, from what was
represented in the advertisement.
The Woodmen of the World formally
unveiled monuments over the graves
of six of their deceased members last
Sunday. The ceremony had been
scheduled to take place two weeks
previously, but owing to inclement
weather it was twice postponed. A
sad feature of the exercises was that
Edwin Hake, one of the members,
was strcken with a fatal attack of
paralysis while the members were
marching to the cemetery. The prin
cipal address of the day was made by
Edgar Howard, who with C. J. Gar
low as Consul Commmander, had charge
of the exercises. The services at the
cemetery were held at the grave of
the late Adolph Jaeggi. A good
sized crowd attended the services,
which were beautiful and impressive.
From the present outlook it would
seem that Columbus is going to have
a bow'ing league for the coming sea
son that will far surpass anything of
the kind even before attempted in this
or any of the neighboring cities.
Five teams have been picked, the
schedule forjiocal games arranged, and
every day one can see the members of
the different teams practicing up in
order to be in trim when the season
opens on November 3. Beside the lo
cal games, arrangements are being
made for several matches with picked
teams from Omaha. Fremont and other
cities. The players representing this
city will be picked from the highest
rollers in the five local teams. In
addition to painting and entirely re
decorating the alleys. Manager Whit
comb has made several material im
provements in the condition of the
equipment. The alleys have all been
scraped down, polished and revarnish
ed. New pins and balls have been
purchased and nothing left undone to
make the alleys the very finest in the
state. The teams comprising the
league follow: Novell's Tramps: F.
Novell, Fred Huitzler, Ed Branigan,
A. Drake, M. S. Binney; Palmer's
Colots : R. S. Palmer, G. J. Hagel,
E. Bergman. T. Kaufmann. Ed. Graf;
Nichols Bird Dogs: Jap Nichols, Fred
Sawyer, T. Burrows, W. Boettcher,
Eaton; Kavanaugh's Giants: Ed
Kavanaugh, Jos. Gutzmer, Christy
Gass, E. Williams, I. Scott; Porter's
Kids: Cliff Galley, Jap Whaley.
Henry Porter, C. Hagel, R. Hall.
A reliable remedy that
anyone can use easy
to take quick in action
and handy to carry
Nothing will affect the
lungs so quickly as a
heavy cold if you
value your lungs you
owe it to yourself to use
No quinine no buzzing
in the head and no
nausea the fever of
colds and the cold itself
are quickly banished
25 Cents the Box of 35 Tablets
Mrs. H. C. Bode and daughter. Miss
Bertha, who have been guests of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Heinemann for several
weeks, left this morning for their
home in Keokuk. Iowa.
Daniel Schram and Mrs. J. P.
Becker returned yesterday from Mor
rison, Illinis, where they had been
visiting relatives. Mr Schram re
ports that that part of Illinois will
have tremendons crop of corn this
year, declaring that many fields will
produce eighty bushels to the acre.
Following an illness of several mon
ths, Charles Wesley Zeigler died last
Saturday at his home in the west part
of the city. He was born in Unity,
Ohio, September 15, 1849. He is
survived by two brothers, Chauncy
Zeigler, of Unity, Ohio, and John
Zeigler, of Ada, Ohio and three sis
ters, Mrs. J. W. Schaad, of New
Middleton. Ohio, Mrs. C. Westcott,
of Rivreton, New Jersey, and Mrs.
Elizabeth Zane. of Stockton Califor
nia. The funeral was held this after
noon, Rev. Samuel Harkness cond
ucting the services.
The Teachers league held its initial
meeting Friday evening at the Y. M.
C. A., when they were entertained
by Messrs. S. L. Whitney. O. B.
Anderson and R. M. Campbell in honor
of the new teachers of the city. The
building was thrown open to them,
some taking advantage of the bowling
alley and billiard tables and others of
the flinch table in the play room.
After a pleasant hour with games
Professor Campbell called a business
meeting at which time officers for the
ensuing year were elected. Professor
Campbell was elected president. Miss
Kate Luchsinger secretary and Miss
Elsie Brugger treasurer. After the
business meeting Mr. Earl Munson
favored the guests with a solo and
Mr. Anderson gave an exhibition of
lighted club swinging. Light re
freshments were served by the hosts.
THIS attractive design
has been specially
prepared to meet the
insistent demands for a
flatware pattern to be used
with theGorham Plymouth
Line of Dinner and Tea
Waze, which has proved
so popular.
The rich effect of the
square edge, the simplicity
of outline and refinement
of decoration have been so
successfully combined
that the result is a pattern
which not only harmonizes
perfectly with the
Plymouth Line of Dinner
Ware, but is appropriate
for use with any other
Colonial or Old English
bright finish war.
A radical departure
has been made in the
bowls of the fancy pieces
which, while in ac
cord with the gene
ra 1 spirit of the
design, affords a
most attractive
novelty in con
struction aad ap
pearance. In addition to
the spoons and
forks a complete
assortment of
faacy pieces is in
cluded. Made in Sterling Silver only, and stamped with
the Trade Mark: lion, Anchor and letter 6
tK." 2SE' I
IE Ail
H& - -
Which insrequalir and purity of design
-Sold by
Ed. J. Niewohner