The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 11, 1911, Image 3

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    s -r 1V
TYonm be de-kW V
J lighted with the re- jaHj
m suits of Calumet Caking H
m Powder. No disappoints H
m no flat, heavy, soggy biscuits, H
H cake, or pastry.
M Just the lightest, daintiest, most H
a uniformly raised acd most deli- m
a cious food you ever ate. V
a RasarMdhlchastrvwaraWorWa B
ifcw Chicago isor. W
"Ha! ha! ha! And 1 wus just regret
tin that I'd spent a whole cent fer
that banana!"
Not in Circulation There.
An error of a new clerk in the mail
ing department of an eastern publish
er was responsible, the other day, for
the mailing of a prospectus to a world
famous statesman, who had been dead
for some years. The letter was re
turned a few days later with the fol
lowing indorsement: "In Heaven. .
1H11. Gentlemen: As your publica
tions are not permitted to circulate
here. 1 believe it would be useless for
me to subscribe for them. Yours re
spectfully." and here followed the
name of the famous statesman.
A Superior Person.
F H. Elliott, the secretary of the
American Automobile association,
was talking about a somewhat super
cilious and conceited millionaire.
"He's a very superior person," Mr.
Elliott said, smiling. "He's the sort
of person who would be sure to go
to a horse show in a motor car and to
an automobile show in a monoplane."
After a long. hot. and dusty joruney
it? I asure you a good time?"
The Best Thing in the World to Go to
Bed and Sleep On.
"My wife and I find that 4 teaspoon
fuls of Grape-Nuts and a cup of hot
milk, or some cream, with it. makes
the finest night-cap in the world." says
an Alleghany. Pa., man.
"We go to sleep as soon as we strike '
the bed, and slumber like babies till '
ri:inf- linift in rho mnrnintr I
"It is about 3 years now since we be
gan to use Grape-Xuts food, and we
always have it for breakfast and be
fore retiring and sometimes for lunch.
I was so sick from what the doctors
called acute indigestion and brain fag
before I began to use Grape-Xuts that I
could neither eat, sleep nor work with
any comfort.
"I was afflicted at the same time
with the most intense pains, accompan
ied by a racking headache and back
ache, every time I tried to eat any
thing. Notwithstanding an unusual
pressure from my professional duties.
I was compelled for a time to give up j
my work altogether.
"Then I put myself on a diet of
Grape-Xuts and cream alone, with an
occasional cup of Postum as a runner-' Je, "en a " " loo i
up. and sometimes a little dry toast I j heln b"iId un ,he des and bone
assure you that in less than a week 1 ls, , ' as faL
felt like a new man; 1 had gained six . In feS mash, give as much va
pounds in weight, could sleep well I ",ety, as PsslbIe- vs usinB morn
and think well ' mcal and bran- toSether with some
"The good work went on. and I was j ft,d of cook?d vegetable.
socn ready to return to business, anc j
have been hard at it, and enjoying it
ever since.
"Command me at any time any one ,
enquires as to the merits of Grape-
Nuts. You will find me always ready
to testify." Name given by Postum
Co.. Battle Creek, Mich.
Read the little book, "The Road to
Wellviile," in pkgs. "There's a reason."
rmr rvaa w- naamv mw-mmw-mri a. bbot i
. uj !. .... itfAt m.
one appear from time te tlaae. They ,
re gei"lae, tre, mad foil ef kmaua I
They Now Rival Plymouth Rocks and
Wyandottes They Are Hardy
and Good Winter Layers.
There are two varieties of this
breed. Single Comb and Rose Comb.
As compared with the Plymouth Rocks
and "TVyandottes they are longer In ap
pearance and not so massive. They
were originated by the farmers of the
state of Rhode Island and are very
popular In that state. They have also
Rhode Island Red.
grown In popularity in this country to
such an extent that they now rival the
Plymouth Rocks and the Wyandottes.
They are hardy, good winter layers
wd fair summer layers. In color they
ire a rich, bright red. with black tails
ind more or less black In the wings.
During warm weather they are more
jiven to incubating than the two
ireeds mentioned above. The stand
ird weights of this breed are: Cock
birds, 8U pounds; cockerels, 7J,i
pounds; hens. CHt pounds, and pullets
i pounds.
Can Be Used as Shelter for Fowl
While Hatching and for Little
Chicks Afterward.
Among other things, a concern in
Iowa is making concrete hens' nests
one of which is here shown in active
operation, says the Popular Mechanics.
Concrete Nest for Hen.
The hen shown hatched 15 chicks In
I the nest, and then used it as a place
of shelter for herself and family at
night and on stormy days.
Sterile Eggs.
A common cause of sterile eggs is
that the hens or the male bird, or both,
nro in too fat a condition. At the be
ginning of the breeding season the
stock birds are often fat. and in such a
condition they are unlikely to make
satisfacton breeders. Fat hens not
only produce a large percentage of in
fertile eggs, but they are less prolific
than are those of a lean, hard condi
tion. Fat male birds, too. are generally
lethargic and lazy, with the result that
the' do not perform their work in a
satisfactory manner.
Secrets of Success.
Pure water is as important In the
hen park as in the home. Scald the
drinking fountains daily, and keep
ihem clean and sweet Change the wa
ter three or four times daily, and keep
:he fountain in the shade in hot weath
2dr. Feed regularly. This is the se
cret of success with any stock. Feed
enough to satisfy them, remembering
'hat a healthy chick has a voracious
ippetite. But never allow any sur
plus to accumulate. If they do not
pick the food up clean, cut the next
ration a little shorter.
Fowls have no sense of smell. They
nave nostrils, but no noses.
An ointment of vaseline and sulphur
s a good one for scaly legs.
Do not forget that grits and oyster
shell are as essential to fowls on lim
ited range as food itself.
An eternal fight against lice and
oiites Is the only thing that means
victory for the poultryman.
A broiler should have a good, plump
oreast. broad back, clean yellow legs
and yellow skin, and small comb.
Sour foodshould never be allowed
io remain in the feeding pans from
one meal to auother. Sour feed is dan
gerous. In raising little chicks they should
i - : i-... -j 1,
. . " : -.. ..v,.
he nock and feed them separately.
In this way they will not be deprived
of their share of the food.
When the hen shows a pale head
and is sluggish, indigestion Is at fault.
Unless too far gone, a change to a
grass run will be beneficial.
Methods In all business matters is
one of the secrets of success. Every
poultry breeder should follow a metb-
lw -3
X in the feeding and care Of his
High-Sounding Name Made Old Man
Think There Was Something
Mysterious in the Wind.
After a long, hot and dusty journey
by train the New York commercial
traveler arrived in Richmond, brushed
enough dust off bis face to make sure
'.hat the right man was getting off,
and hailed one of the little sea-going
hacks common in the Old Dominion
city. It was driven by an aged negro.
"Drive me to a haberdashery," said
the traveling man surveyed his soiled
raiment with disfavor. "Yessuh." said
the negro. "Giddup." The old horse'
started off at a little stiff-legged jog
trot. The driver seemed to be think
ing deeply. By and by he pulled the
horse to a stop, and leaned backward
to his fare. "Scuse me, suh," said he.
"but wey do you all want to go?"
"Drive me to a haberdashery." said
the traveling man. "Oh, yessuh," said
the negro. "To be sure. "Giddup."
The hack rattled on for a little way,
and then the negro stopped, got off
the box and poked his head in over
the little door. "Mebbe Ah didn't get
dat name jus right," said he. "Would
you all mine repeatin' it, suh?" The
traveling man &iid for the third time
that he wanted to go to a haberdash
ery. The old driver shook his gray
wool and looked grieved. "Ahm an
ole man," said he. "Youah kin trus
me. Wheah is it you really want to
This One Is on Hugh.
"When I came into the Union sta
tion the other morning, after traveling
all night." said Hugh Reilly. at the
Commercial club, "I went into the
barber shop. 'When you spend the
night on a sleeping car,' I said to the
barber, 'it doesn't improve yotir per
sonal appearance, does it?
''Well, said he, as he looked me
over, "I don't know how you looked
when you started, but perhaps you're
right.' "Washington Herald.
A Paraphrase.
"You take close notice of the places
to which people are invited."
"Yes." replied Mrs. Cumrox: "in
our circle invitations are the sincerest
As dawn precedes the sun, so
should acquaintance precede love.
Du Dose.
Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens tin: cums reduces Inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle.
A peck c? trouble looks like a bush
el to the man who Is up against it.
Lewis Single Bindrr jrivre the wnolcer &
rich, mellow-instinc 5c chrar.
He is a wise man who laughs at
die antediluvian jokes of his tailor.
Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
round, "wis. "I am dad to an.
nounce that I have been cured of dys
pepsia ana lemaie
troubles by your
medicine. I had
been troubled with
both -for fourteen
years and consulted
different doctors,
but failed to get any
relief. After using
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com.
pound and Blood
"rw ritr.r?f
mix a ncu wuuiuiu
can't find words to express my thanks
or the good your medicine has done
me. You may publish this if you wish."
Mrs. TIkrmax Surra, Pound, Wis.
The success of Lydia E. PiaihanVs
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
tion. For thirty Tears Lffdia E. Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least give this medicine a trial.
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, and ithj should
it not cure you?
If yon want special advice write, Lynn,Mas.,forit.
It is free and always helpful.
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Curt
fan. Purely vegeta
ble act surely
nut gently on
the uver.
Stop after
dinner dis
tresscure indigestion,'
improve the complexion, brighten the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
uZ::-l ThiHipsfi's Eyt Water
Nebraska Directory
Inwst fctock. lowrj prices, fb-minstons Jli
jmlth Premiers UK CMcap tS. tTndomowl JXv
i-UMaHhMi.Mor.-irchM). llarcnyir.d 115. KoxKi
l-ull Ouamntpf. Sond fur Catalog A.
B. K. SWASSJX CC UUFarnantSU Omaha. Seo
lest Fire Preiectiwi tn the Farm
GettbetTAVTAorsncEi.rmerisia. Tbemosi
contorious and universal oxiincuU-her. WtiloTrr
romo the most intense tire. tteBembcr al' largo
t5re started small. In addition it leaves, no stains,
is a thousand zitnes more effective tosn nater
ixin't freeze, evaporate or decuaipcac. nond cue
dollarforasampla extinscishur prepaid, tKj.-iv. if
not as represented will refend BictK-r. a fvw ex.
lincuisbers disiribcled aboni bouse and barn will
protect ruDrpropeKT thoroughly. L1VK AGENTS
t&UTSKs SUM.T CO.. ital latbaal But, Iterate, Mw
r-BsPT bTbb :;:-
bWl&Br'lllhfr.' If
.dB HITTir
fcfc J ) BBLt SjfiWiwV
Hollow Legs Cnnvey Grain From Res
ervoir into Cups on Floor1 Has
Four Compartments.
Poultryraen will be interested In th!
invention of an illinois man. A quad
rangular box or pyramidal shape, with
the small end below divided into four
compartments. Four hollow logs, one
running from each compartment, sup
port it, and the lower ends of the legs
are stationed in circular cups. The
reservoir can be filled with the same
kind of feed, or a different kind can
be kept in each compartment. By
means of a cut-off just above each leg
the feed can be kept in the box, or can
be allowed to flow down into one or
tl) of the cups. This apparatus can be
Poultry reeder.
kept In the chicken yard, and the cups
Oiled whenever needful. The trouble
of measuring out a can of feed each
time is obviated, although where there
are many chickens it would be well
to have several of .these devices, or the
smaller or weaker fowl will not be
able to light their way up to the cups,
whereas when the feed is scattered on
the ground they have a better chance
Largely in Demand In Fall, but Choice
Birds Bring Good Prices All
the Year Round.
llty V. K. PURDUE.)
Dressed gcee are largely in demand
In the cities during the fall months, j
but choice birds will bring good prices j
the entire year. Do not offer old
stock, however, as they are not desired
Htr tha nnrrhnQorG nnrl an mnra ctilfr. ?
able to their owners as breeders.
There is no advantage In selling oft
the old stock of geese, as they live
many years, and the older birds are
generally best for breeding purposes,
and the young ones bring better prices
in the iuarket.
Do not proceed to fatten the geese
suddenly, but confine gradually. Allow
several in a small yard, which should
be kept clean and somewhat darkened.
Corn meal and milk, with some beef
scraps, wheat and brewers' grains fat
ten well.
A mash composed of fourparts corn
meal, one part wheat bran, one part
middlings and one part beef scraps is
a very good ration. Wet this Just
enough to have it in a dry. crumbly
state, and feed all they will eat up
clean three times a day.
Do not give them green food while
fattening. They should be kept away
from bathing water during this period,
but a plenty of water for drinking pur
poses should be kept In their pen. Al
so keep a good supply of grit before
them. Fast for twenty-four hours be
fore killing.
Goslings may be put up to fatten
when from S to 10 weeks old. After
they are twelve weeks old they will
begin to shed and will fatten readily
then until the end of the season. Pre
vious to being confined they should
have a good range where grass Is plen
tiful, and It will then require but a few
days to get them ready for killing.
Cull Out Now.
If you have not already done so, it is
time now to carefully cull your adult
breeding stock. Females which ym.
intend to keep over another wintei
should be given open-air quarters
with a good sized, well-shaded, green
irass range. Do not allow any male
birds to run with them. They need a
rest. Choose only the best year-old,
and in some cases two-year-old stock
:hat is in good order, sound, healthy
ind vigorous. Male birds which you in
tend to keep over, you should give
small colony coops and run on grass
land. Do not hold over any males un
less you are sure that you wish tc
breed them another season. All adult
stock which is culled out and which
rou do not intend to keep should be
sold according to quality either as
breeding stock or as market poultry,
making sure to disiiose of them before
the birds begin to molL Be sure the
adult birds in summer quarters are not
too heavily fed.
Poultry Neglected.
There is many a farm where the
poultry is considered an unimportant
offsnoot of the business, but which, il
cultivated "right up to the handle" as
It should be. would produce more
money than all the crops raised.
Much Work About Plant.
Do not harbor the mistaken notion
that there ls not much work to be
3one about a poultry plant ' To be
sure the work Is light, comparatively
but you will find it to be about the
busiest job you ever undertook.
Wheat Oats and Barley Uni
versally Good Throughout
Manitoba. Saskatchewan
and Alberta.
The reports that come to hand from
the wheat fields of the western Cana
dian provinces show remarkably good
yields In all parts. Yields are record
ed of wheat going 35 and 40 bushels
in many places, and oats from 60 to
100 bushels per acre. Barley and flax
arc splendid. The thousands of Amer
icans throughout the United States
who have friends in Manitoba, Sas
katchewan or Alberta will be pleased
to learn of the great success that
has followed their efforts. Many of
these have not confined themselves to
the growing of grain, but have also
gone into the cattle industry. On the
luxurious grasses that are sc abun
dant there, in almost all districts,
make this Industry safe and profitable.
The land sales reported by the rail
way companies and by the different
land companies show the great in
crease that will likely take place
during the next year in farming oper
ations. What has been said time and
time again may now be well repeated,
that there is no place on the Ameri
can continent where the same oppor
tunities are afforded the man looking
for a home, for the young man start
ing out in life, the man with a grow
ing up family, who desires wider
scope for his ambition. The Cana
dian government agents located at
different points in the states will be
glad to advise the reader of the condi
tions, and relate to him instances of
the great success that has followed
farming in Western Canada.
Circumstantial Evidence.
A Scotchman and his wife were vis
iting in a wild, beautiful part of the
country. While driving one day with
their host, the two men sitting to
gether in the front seat while the lady
sat behind, they crossed a high bridge
which spanned a roaring torrent. An
unusually loud splash caught the gen
tleman's attention for a moment, but
nothing was said. After several miles
the gentleman turned to address a
remark to bis wife, but her seat was
"Aye, he remarked to his host,
"that will be yon splash we heard."
An Exacting Situation.
"Doctor," said the nervous man. "is
there any way of teaching a person
to talk in his sleep?'
"I never heard of any." replied the
physician. "How could such an ac
complishment be of benefit?"
"It's either that or insomnia for me.
My wife is one of the best suffragette
speakers before the public. She al
ways rehearses her orations at home.
and I've got to say 'hear! hear!' or
'that's the stuff!' at least ouce every
ten minutes." Washington Star.
His Blasted Life.
"You refused me Un years ago."
"1 remember." said the heiress.
"You said it would wreck your life."
"It did. 1 have had to work for a
living ever since."
Knicker In the suburbs you
five miles from a lemon.
Bocker And from a peach.
Send 2c stamp for Ave fample iI my verr cboie
nt Gold BnboSMC Blrtlidaj. Flower and Motto
Post Cards: braottful color and loTrllen drslput.
Art tut Card Clnk.731 Jackson St. Topcka, lUtua.
You can't tell how much money a
man is making from the clothes he
wears. You must get a look at bis
Coir's Carholisalve quickly relieves and
cures burning, itching and torturing skin
diseases. It instantly stops the pain of
burns. Cures without scars. 25c and Uc
by druggists. For free sample write to
J. W. Cole & Co.. Black River Falis. Wis.
The talent of success is nothing
more than doing what you can do
well, and doing well whatever you do.
without a thought of fame. Longfel
low. Whv is it that w manr peoDle mnVr
with Lame Bade? Ilamlin Wizard Oil
will cure it and for Ache. Sprain.
Bruise. Cut. Burns, etc., there is noth
ing better.
Men have more temptations than
women because they know where to
look for them.
A woman's idea of a man's responsi
bility depends on how he is dressed.
The satisfying quality in Lewis Sinple
Binders found in no other 5c cigar.
If you are unable to keep your trou
bles to yourself they will expend.
Decide Now
to get bottle of
and assist your stom
ach, liver and bowels
back to their normal
00 YOU
Others have proven
this why not YOU,
today. All Druggists.
The Parson Rastus. ef do Lord on
Jedgment day should say to yo, "What
yo' done do wif all dose chickens yo'
stole?" What would yo say?
Rastus Parson. I might say dat mah
wife done cooked em. but yo' know
a man ain't compelled to testify agin
his wife.
Of Peculiar Interest to Women.
Mrs. Mary I. Remington, Elgleberry
St., Gilroy, Cal., says: "I suffered so
severely from pain and soreness
over the kidneys that
it was a task for me
to turn in bed. My
kidneys acted very
frequently, but the
secretions were re
tarded and passages
scalded. I was weak
and run down. After
taking other reme
dies without benefit, I began using
Doan's Kidney Pills and was com
pletely cured. I was going through
the critical period of a woman's life
at the time and after using Doan's
Kidney Pills there was a miraculous
change for the better in my health."
"When Tour Back is Lame, Remem
ber the 'Name DOAN'S."
For sale by druggists and general
storekeepers everywhere. Price 50c.
Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. T.
A man never gets too old to remem
ber some of the things that never oc
curred when he was a boy.
A Reader Cures His
Constipation Try It Free
Simple Way for Any Family to Retain the Good Health of All Its Members.
The editors of "Health Hints" and
"Questions and Answers" have one ques
tion that is put to them more often than
any other, and which, strangely enough,
they find the most difficult to answer.
That Is "How can I cure my constipa
tion?" Dr. Caldwell, an eminent specialist in
diseases of the stomach, liver and bowels
has looked the whole field over, has prac
tised the specialty for forty years anil is
convinced that th ingredients contained
in what is called Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, has the best claim to attention
from constipated people.
Its success In the cure of stubborn con
stipation has done much to displace the
boltoootWKcrmafrniatbabody. Cei
Poultry. frnniat!llnirllvstockr
ndUaSaoKldaey rvatedr. Mcaa.4
da MindT.
uamm - pciaiguiawaa?ca.
7U.U00 additional acres now open for entry under the Gary Act, at Valier,
Montana. Works are 90 per rent, completed and are constructed under th
supervision of the Carey Land Board. 40.000 acres Irrigated in 1911. Rich
soil, no drouth, sure crops, abundant water, delightful climate. 60 bnhhels
wheat and 100 of oats per acre. Terms, 940JBO per acre, 6.50 cask at time of
fllinfr. balance In 14 yearly payments. We ante no one to tile oa these land
without making a careful, personal inspection. If you are interested write
for further information to CLINTON, IIURTT CO., VALIER, MONTANA.
2.50, '3.00, 3.50&M.OO SHOES
I Weam wear WXJogla
they are the beat ahees p
rfertbepnee. lasitt
Take mm ether nuke.
The assurance that goes with an
Eshed reputatioQisyourassurancem btryag
W. L. Douglas shoes.
If I coukl take you into my large factories
at Brockton, Mass and show you how
carduuy WaDouglas shoes are made, you
would then understand why they are war
ranted to hold their shape, fit better and
wear longer than any other makefortheprice
RlllTIflll Th reaalne haw W. I Douglas
umi nun UB, Md price uainpe," on bottom
if yon cannot obtain "W. L. Doudas shoes In
your town, write for etUlw. S!oes rent
from factory to wearer, all rkore? prepaid.
wuiia, its Bpara St., lirocuoa.
Gives a touch of freshness to
summer dresses, waists, and the
like not imparted in any other
Ask for "Defiance99 Next
Time The Best Hot or
Cold Water Starch.
" . - s.
War tka trmlnMnt of Ctiraalo ulcer. J
DIcn,gcrora!oM UleratVaricaaeIle.Ijt
dotoat rier.Mcrcartel triera,Whlt Hwll
bvr.MUk eld anm.Vrry
rareeaafal. Tar aiaU OO ceata. J.l'.AIXKR
Rt fSllUlBRC RTOTftlL.
Harar Jklla to Xaatere Gay
mmir e sewaroi w.
aiaeMaaM Mir Hi
8e.-atl.coM Ir i laj
faea K.CeleaMB.WaMo.
iBCtoa.D.U. Buoknfrc. Hlfb.
UxnMCUTSUTavrr State yoordlsMwound cna
tflUnnsaad recti reHprcialtrrataaeBtatwoInielyf ire,
omUceprapaJd. toMfcl ! aw, l.ActW,Cl.
W. N. U.. OMAHA, NO. 41-1911.
l use of salts, waters, strong cathartics
unit such things. Syrup Fepsin. by train
ing the stomach and bowel muscles to
again do their work naturally, and with
its tonic ingredients strengthening the
nerves, brings about a lasting cure.
Among Us strongest supporters are Mr.
John Oravelinc of 98 Milwaukee Ave..
Detroit. Mich.. Mr. J. A. Vernon of Okla
homa City and thousands of others. It
can be obtained of any druggist at fifty
cents and one dollar a bottle, or if you
want to try It first a free sample bottle
can be obtained by writing the doctor.
For the free sample address Dr. W. B.
r-aldweil. 301 Caldwell building. Monti
cello. 11L
Flak Eye. Eptxoetlo
Sklptarf Fever
Sk Catarrhal Fever
my vsw civevm m ounce I
W MasqumcM no Vf
uiiaia.a-iveaoBtaeioaffMiacfaaaiMBiooaaaauuuMa: msptrnxmrn
CSrnDliMnptr la Doga ad8bpaadCtiolrl
'kreascdr. Can L- OrlDO imomi human belnn
toe mad 1 bottle: TS aad If m. down, tilt thtNoat,
. MmwtoTOtirdraetlat.wbuwincMltforou. Frca Booklet "Olatcspar
&(c33&fl.& 60SIEI. HI., U. S. A.
ONE FAIR off my BOYS 1K,TtMm
waAxt mh ukn win positiveiyoutwt
inw stajlhs ox oruiaary eoys'i
k aSx
msEW". amwK
mJl! .:-.. SKg
wm . Wff
' Wirt' IS . X M.' II
mESvtt j58l6sC l A
,aaE&l"ViVV&yH35v J L
ammVLfA I k?S3iC y 1 k
Full weight 16 -ounce
package for 10 cents.
If your grocer docs not
keep it have him get
it for you.
Defiance Starch Co.